Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ A Darker Light ❯ Darkness Rising ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own anything written in here except the idea. No characters, nothing. Sorry. Except Arian, Schuldig's Hikari.
Luce Scura
by Yami Bakura
Omi woke up the next morning feeling pretty good about himself, and life in general.
~Good morning.~
The neighborhood around him awoke to screaming.
Bakura flashed out, looking like he had fifty four years ago, like Yami Ryou. He tossed his hair, and glowed faintly, before changing into what Omi looked like, while possessed.
"Shut up!" he hissed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Omi finally stopped, and took a deep breath. "You're…Bakura?" Said Yami rolled his eyes.
"Nope, I'm the Pharaoh of Egypt."
"That's ME, thank you very much." A voice from the doorway stated. Both yami and hikari turned to it, Omi with a smile, Bakura with a scowl.
"Ken kun!"
"Hello, pharaoh."
"You've been negligent, tomb robber." Ken - was it him? - strode into the room, and spared a smile for Omi. "Are you alright, little one? We were awakened by your screaming. What has the Tomb Raider done now?"
"You're not Ken!" Omi sounded surprised, and a little upset.
"No. I'm Pharaoh Atemu, less formally known as simply 'Yami'." It was Ken's body, but now that he looked, Omi noticed the difference. His hair was spikier, and his eyes had turned red. There was something… delicate about the former jock, too, that wasn't noticeable until further inspection.
"Ah… Nice to meet you."
Bakura made a disgusted noise. "There's nothing nice about meeting him. He's a stuffy old goat."
Yami bristled, and Omi had to stifle his giggles. "Stuffy old GOAT?!" he nearly screeched. "You're no spring chicken yourself, you know! Anyway, I came in here to make sure Omi was still alive. Although how he could spend the night with you is beyond me."
"Omi's fine, ain't ya chibi?" Bakura ruffled Omi's hair, liking the feel of it.
"I'm alright…" Omi agreed, pulling away slightly. Bakura still made him nervous.
~I make you nervous? Whatever for?~ Omi jumped, and Bakura found himself laughing.
Ken/Yami shook his head, and walked out. "Omi, you're opening today, don't forget." Omi looked at the clock, and sprang out of bed.
He felt them stirring… It was time. The forces of nature were combining, the stars were aligning, and all was right for his return. He opened his eyes, and blinked against the bright sunlight.
"Good morning, World…"
Much time had passed since his last awakening, and he was weak. He could FEEL it. It sickened him, but he could do nothing, unless he could find a host, someone willing, and innocent, who he could feed off of until he regained his strength. He reached out with his mind, searching, seeking.
There, was the one he would use. The perfect 'battery', just waiting for him to swoop down and attack. Now he would wait just a little bit longer, use just a little more patience, and his 6000 year old plans would finally come to fruition.
Bakura yawned. He hated sitting around, but it was a choice between his soul room in Omi's mind, or that damnable ring. Neither option sounded too spiffy, but as his soul room was the 'lesser of two evils' he chose to wait there while Omi worked.
It was fascinating to see what kind of improvements had been made over the last fifty years, especially now that he could remember enough to appreciate it. After his last awakening he'd had no memories whatsoever until they traveled to Egypt. This time around, he was, thankfully, in full control of all his faculties. Not that it did him any good. He was still bored out of his mind with nothing to do.
~Ommmiiii… Aren't you finished YET? I'm BORED!~
Amusement, then frustration. //Not yet, Bakura. I've still got an hour or so. Shut up. You've been whining about this every five minutes to the second. //
~I have NOT. I'm just impatient for you to get out of here so we can go do something interesting. I wanna see what Marik's up to.~
//Behaving a lot better than you, I'm sure.// Omi grouched. Bakura was like a little kid, unable to sit still and be quiet.
~I heard that!~
//It's true. Now shut up I need to concentrate.//
Nagi surprised everyone by walking into the shop, just a few moments before closing time. Omi stared at him for a moment, and determined that it WAS Nagi, and not Marik controlling him.
"Nagi?" They all looked at him, amazed.
Nagi, for his part, shrugged. "Marik was bored, and insisted I take him to Bakura. It's not as though I had any choice in the matter."
Inside Omi's mind, Bakura was rolling with laughter.
The bell rang again, signifying that someone had just walked in. Omi looked up, smile ready, and prepared to call out a greeting, but his breath stuck in his throat at the sight in front of him. A boy, not much older than himself, slender and tall… He had straight black hair, and piercing grey eyes, and was so … attractive fell so short of what he was, in truth, that all Omi could do was stare, open mouthed. Marik took over Nagi, and stepped between Omi and the Vision. Omi blinked.
~Oooommmiiii? What was that? You never did that when you saw ME…~ Bakura added his own comments to the fray.
Ken was shaking him; Omi couldn't take the noise, and darted out the door.
"NO!" He shouted, dashing off. Bakura appeared outside the flower shop, looking lost.
"Koi?" Marik asked.
"He threw off the ring." Bakura said, then looked inside back at the stranger who'd caused such a strange reaction in Omi. Marik glanced back too, and frowned. The oblivious stranger was buying a few flowers from Ken, a soft smile on his face. He left, silently, and turned in the direction Omi had gone. Marik picked up the ring, and brought it inside, Bakura following closely.
Ken turned into Yami, and he frowned. "Where is Omi? And why are you still here?"
Bakura threw off his agitation, and smirked. "All the better to annoy you, dearest pharaoh."
Yami growled, Bakura having gotten the better of him this time. Marik joined in, and together they proceeded to drive the Pharaoh to distraction.
Omi ran until his lungs screamed for oxygen, and his legs refused to move another inch. He paused to catch his breath, and ended up plopping down on the pavement.
Not a few minutes later, a shadow stopped over him, and a pleasing voice asked him if he was okay.
He glanced up, and was dazzled into silence by the brilliant smile, from the very same person who'd stunned him in the shop.
"Uhh… What?" He said, intelligently.
He laughed, a melodious, musical sound. "I asked if you were okay. You're from the flower shop, right? I've wanted to go in there forever, but you're always surrounded by girls. My names Kalen."
"I'm Omi. And I'm fine, thank you… my friends were just getting on my nerves."
"It happens. You're off shift now, right? Want to go get something to eat? Maybe see a movie, too… That is, if you want to, of course. House of Wax looks like an awesome movie~"
"You want to see that, too? I've wanted to see it since I first saw a preview for it, but I can't get anyone to go with me!"
"I love horror movies! Want to go with me? I have the same problem!"
"I'd love to!"
"Great! I'll pay for both of us." //Because you'll be paying me back so many more ways that you know… Omi…Tsukiyono.//
Well, chapter four. ^ - ^ maybe I'll update again tomorrow. Tonight I'm too tired. I have figured out that I will update about once a week. Maybe more if I have off, because I work during the week, and have the weekends to myself. Since I have so much more free time on the weekends, it makes sense for me to update then. I can think clearer when I have more time with which to do so. I have the next several chapter laid out in my head, so its not like I am stuck with writers block or anything. You can pretty much rely on me updating regularly, at least until the ideas run out. I don't think they will, though. This fic is MUCH too good for that to happen. Not to mention, I live with YamiKitsune, who can help me. She is drawing fanart after fanart, and let me tell you, They. Are. GORGEOUS. I am waiting for her to scan them so they can be posted, so you can all see them. I found a picture of Kalen, and it can be found here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y183/twilightobsession/a0b5ee33.jpg
Th anks~
Yami Bakura
Luce Scura
by Yami Bakura
Omi woke up the next morning feeling pretty good about himself, and life in general.
~Good morning.~
The neighborhood around him awoke to screaming.
Bakura flashed out, looking like he had fifty four years ago, like Yami Ryou. He tossed his hair, and glowed faintly, before changing into what Omi looked like, while possessed.
"Shut up!" he hissed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Omi finally stopped, and took a deep breath. "You're…Bakura?" Said Yami rolled his eyes.
"Nope, I'm the Pharaoh of Egypt."
"That's ME, thank you very much." A voice from the doorway stated. Both yami and hikari turned to it, Omi with a smile, Bakura with a scowl.
"Ken kun!"
"Hello, pharaoh."
"You've been negligent, tomb robber." Ken - was it him? - strode into the room, and spared a smile for Omi. "Are you alright, little one? We were awakened by your screaming. What has the Tomb Raider done now?"
"You're not Ken!" Omi sounded surprised, and a little upset.
"No. I'm Pharaoh Atemu, less formally known as simply 'Yami'." It was Ken's body, but now that he looked, Omi noticed the difference. His hair was spikier, and his eyes had turned red. There was something… delicate about the former jock, too, that wasn't noticeable until further inspection.
"Ah… Nice to meet you."
Bakura made a disgusted noise. "There's nothing nice about meeting him. He's a stuffy old goat."
Yami bristled, and Omi had to stifle his giggles. "Stuffy old GOAT?!" he nearly screeched. "You're no spring chicken yourself, you know! Anyway, I came in here to make sure Omi was still alive. Although how he could spend the night with you is beyond me."
"Omi's fine, ain't ya chibi?" Bakura ruffled Omi's hair, liking the feel of it.
"I'm alright…" Omi agreed, pulling away slightly. Bakura still made him nervous.
~I make you nervous? Whatever for?~ Omi jumped, and Bakura found himself laughing.
Ken/Yami shook his head, and walked out. "Omi, you're opening today, don't forget." Omi looked at the clock, and sprang out of bed.
He felt them stirring… It was time. The forces of nature were combining, the stars were aligning, and all was right for his return. He opened his eyes, and blinked against the bright sunlight.
"Good morning, World…"
Much time had passed since his last awakening, and he was weak. He could FEEL it. It sickened him, but he could do nothing, unless he could find a host, someone willing, and innocent, who he could feed off of until he regained his strength. He reached out with his mind, searching, seeking.
There, was the one he would use. The perfect 'battery', just waiting for him to swoop down and attack. Now he would wait just a little bit longer, use just a little more patience, and his 6000 year old plans would finally come to fruition.
Bakura yawned. He hated sitting around, but it was a choice between his soul room in Omi's mind, or that damnable ring. Neither option sounded too spiffy, but as his soul room was the 'lesser of two evils' he chose to wait there while Omi worked.
It was fascinating to see what kind of improvements had been made over the last fifty years, especially now that he could remember enough to appreciate it. After his last awakening he'd had no memories whatsoever until they traveled to Egypt. This time around, he was, thankfully, in full control of all his faculties. Not that it did him any good. He was still bored out of his mind with nothing to do.
~Ommmiiii… Aren't you finished YET? I'm BORED!~
Amusement, then frustration. //Not yet, Bakura. I've still got an hour or so. Shut up. You've been whining about this every five minutes to the second. //
~I have NOT. I'm just impatient for you to get out of here so we can go do something interesting. I wanna see what Marik's up to.~
//Behaving a lot better than you, I'm sure.// Omi grouched. Bakura was like a little kid, unable to sit still and be quiet.
~I heard that!~
//It's true. Now shut up I need to concentrate.//
Nagi surprised everyone by walking into the shop, just a few moments before closing time. Omi stared at him for a moment, and determined that it WAS Nagi, and not Marik controlling him.
"Nagi?" They all looked at him, amazed.
Nagi, for his part, shrugged. "Marik was bored, and insisted I take him to Bakura. It's not as though I had any choice in the matter."
Inside Omi's mind, Bakura was rolling with laughter.
The bell rang again, signifying that someone had just walked in. Omi looked up, smile ready, and prepared to call out a greeting, but his breath stuck in his throat at the sight in front of him. A boy, not much older than himself, slender and tall… He had straight black hair, and piercing grey eyes, and was so … attractive fell so short of what he was, in truth, that all Omi could do was stare, open mouthed. Marik took over Nagi, and stepped between Omi and the Vision. Omi blinked.
~Oooommmiiii? What was that? You never did that when you saw ME…~ Bakura added his own comments to the fray.
Ken was shaking him; Omi couldn't take the noise, and darted out the door.
"NO!" He shouted, dashing off. Bakura appeared outside the flower shop, looking lost.
"Koi?" Marik asked.
"He threw off the ring." Bakura said, then looked inside back at the stranger who'd caused such a strange reaction in Omi. Marik glanced back too, and frowned. The oblivious stranger was buying a few flowers from Ken, a soft smile on his face. He left, silently, and turned in the direction Omi had gone. Marik picked up the ring, and brought it inside, Bakura following closely.
Ken turned into Yami, and he frowned. "Where is Omi? And why are you still here?"
Bakura threw off his agitation, and smirked. "All the better to annoy you, dearest pharaoh."
Yami growled, Bakura having gotten the better of him this time. Marik joined in, and together they proceeded to drive the Pharaoh to distraction.
Omi ran until his lungs screamed for oxygen, and his legs refused to move another inch. He paused to catch his breath, and ended up plopping down on the pavement.
Not a few minutes later, a shadow stopped over him, and a pleasing voice asked him if he was okay.
He glanced up, and was dazzled into silence by the brilliant smile, from the very same person who'd stunned him in the shop.
"Uhh… What?" He said, intelligently.
He laughed, a melodious, musical sound. "I asked if you were okay. You're from the flower shop, right? I've wanted to go in there forever, but you're always surrounded by girls. My names Kalen."
"I'm Omi. And I'm fine, thank you… my friends were just getting on my nerves."
"It happens. You're off shift now, right? Want to go get something to eat? Maybe see a movie, too… That is, if you want to, of course. House of Wax looks like an awesome movie~"
"You want to see that, too? I've wanted to see it since I first saw a preview for it, but I can't get anyone to go with me!"
"I love horror movies! Want to go with me? I have the same problem!"
"I'd love to!"
"Great! I'll pay for both of us." //Because you'll be paying me back so many more ways that you know… Omi…Tsukiyono.//
Well, chapter four. ^ - ^ maybe I'll update again tomorrow. Tonight I'm too tired. I have figured out that I will update about once a week. Maybe more if I have off, because I work during the week, and have the weekends to myself. Since I have so much more free time on the weekends, it makes sense for me to update then. I can think clearer when I have more time with which to do so. I have the next several chapter laid out in my head, so its not like I am stuck with writers block or anything. You can pretty much rely on me updating regularly, at least until the ideas run out. I don't think they will, though. This fic is MUCH too good for that to happen. Not to mention, I live with YamiKitsune, who can help me. She is drawing fanart after fanart, and let me tell you, They. Are. GORGEOUS. I am waiting for her to scan them so they can be posted, so you can all see them. I found a picture of Kalen, and it can be found here: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y183/twilightobsession/a0b5ee33.jpg
Th anks~
Yami Bakura