Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Weiss/Yugioh ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz, or Yugioh. But if I did…to many weird things would happen ^_^

/Hikari to Yami/

//Yami to Hikari//

Weiss Kreuz/ Yugioh

By Yami Kitsune and Kakarots-Frying-Pan

Ken looked out the shop window for what seemed like the fiftieth time in the past half hour. He looked at the clock and sighed. "Where he is...Omi should have been back by now..."

"Calm down Kenken. The chibi can take care of himself." Yohji said as he leaned back in the chair.

"Don't call me that! And I know he can take care of himself...but I'm worried. Didn't you hear him talking to him self in his room, and in the bathroom this morning?" Ken asked. Aya looked up from the cup he had been sipping his green tea from, "He has been out for quite a bit, it's very unlike him." He was concerned, after all Omi was the youngest. And though he had seen quite a bit in his 17 yrs, he was still a bit naïve though the red-head was concerned, he made sure to wipe any expression from his face

"See! Even Aya agrees with me!" Ken said pointing at the red-head. Yohji snorted.

"He's only agreeing with you because it means NOT agreeing with me."

"He never agrees with you, because you are always wrong Yohji." Ken said. Yohji pretended to pout. "I'm hurt Kenken."

"Knock it off Yohji, and leave the pouting to Omi." Ken said and continued to sweep the shop. He looked up to look up when the bell over the door rang and Omi came running in.

"Omi are you o….kay…" Ken didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before the blond boy ran out of the shop as fast as he could. The door to his room slammed shut and locked. Yohji blinked and then looked at Ken who was glaring at him.

"STILL think nothing is wrong?" Ken asked glaring. Yohji held up his hands backing away a little. He should know better then to get between Ken when he is in mother hen mode. Ken shoved the broom into Yohji's hands before going upstairs to Omi's room to see if the boy was all right.


Omi was pacing back and forth in his room. The cat charm was on his bed where Omi had thrown it as soon as he came in.

"I'm not insane…there is not a boy living in that thing, he dose not look like me, and he is not five thousand years old…." Omi said to himself as he continued pacing. He didn't realize the charm started glowing and then Chiko was sitting on his bed watching the other blond boy pace back and forth.

"I am not insane…I'm not. It's all just a dream, that's it! It's just a dream. I'm asleep at my computer right now, I just need to wake up…" Omi said hitting himself in the face. Chiko started laughing.

"Do you beat yourself up often?" He asked making Omi scream and jump. He turned quickly and saw his dark look-a-like sitting on his bed laughing.

"How did you get in here!?" Omi asked with wide eyes. Chiko grinned at him and stood up. He picked up the cat charm swinging it back and forth.

"I live in here, so where ever it is I can go there. And since you had it, it was easy to find you." He said stepping closer to Omi. Omi backed up until he was pressed against the door.

"So, do you STILL think this is a dream?" Chiko asked. Omi shook his head not wanting to anger the other boy, but in his mind, he was still thinking it was a dream. Chiko's eyes darkened and he raised his hand slapping Omi hard across the face sending him flying to the floor. Omi cried out in surprise and pain. He looked up at Chiko with wide eyes as a hand came up to hold his cheek.

"If it was a dream, would that have hurt?" Chiko asked.

"…why…?" Omi asked not sure why he had gotten hit. Chiko hit him again.

"That one was to prove to you it wasn't a dream. And this one." He punched him in the stomach. "Is for lying to me. And this…" He grabbed Omi's arm and pulled a knife out of his back pocket opening it up he pressed the blade against Omi's arm. "Is for asking questions when you didn't have permission to speak." Chiko said pulling the knife across Omi's arm. Omi tried to pull away franticly, he screamed when the knife cut through his skin. Chiko let him go and Omi moved away again quickly holding his arm to his chest.

There was a knock at his door and Omi looked at it. And then back at Chiko who glared at Omi again before going over and opening the door.

"What do you want?" Chiko growled. Ken blinked at Chiko wondering what had brought that on.

"…I was just worried about you Omi. You came running up here so fast." Ken said.

"I'm fine." Chiko snapped at him. "Now go away.' He went to close the door but Ken stopped him.

"Are you sure you're okay Omi? You're…not acting like yourself you know." Ken said worry written all over his face. He glanced down and saw the knife in Chiko's hand that had blood on it. "Omi are you hurt?" He asked and reached for the knife. Chiko was quicker and pulled the knife away before Ken could grab it, and he cut the brown-haired boy's hand making Ken hiss and pull away quickly.

"Leave me alone damnit!" Chiko snapped and slammed the door shut in Ken's face. Omi was sitting in the corner crying as he watched Chiko.

"Ken-kun was worried about me….you could have been nicer to him…" Omi said softly. Omi shrank back more when Chiko turned his glare on him.

"I think I should teach you a lesson as to who the boss is around here." Chiko said advancing on Omi.

"No! Leave me alone!"

"Don't yell at me boy!"


Ken stood outside the door listening to Omi fight with himself inside the room. This was definitely not good. Ken went downstairs to tell the others. He turned and went back down stairs.

Downstairs Yohji had finished up Ken's job sweeping the shop while Aya fixed some of the flowers before the school girl rush came in.

"Guys, there is something wrong with Omi." Ken said as he came down. The other two looked at him and Yohji blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there is something seriously wrong with him. I just saw him and he had a knife, and it had fresh blood on it" Ken said, this made Aya frown. "And, before I came down here he was fighting with himself in his room.

"…what do you mean fighting with himself?" Yohji asked looking confused.

"He was acting as if there was another person in the room with him." Ken said. The other two looked at him like HE was crazy. "It's true! Go up there and listen if you don't believe me." He said glaring. Aya and Yohji looked at each other before they made their way up the stairs.

"Leave me alone Chiko-sama please!" Omi cried from in his room.

"I told you not to talk back to me!" Chiko's voice was heard and then Omi cried out again. When Aya and Yohji heard this the looked at each other before Yohji kicked in the door. Ken came up behind them and the three of them went into the room. Omi was laying on the floor, bruises and cuts covered him, and there was a black eye forming. Yohji looked around the room while Aya checked the closet. Omi stared at them with wide eyes.

"…..omi...." ken said softly kneeling down next to his friend. Omi looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Ken-kun….." Omi wasn't able to finish what he was going to say before his features changed, his eyes got darker and his hair spiked. He glared at Ken and stood up quickly.

"Don't you know how to fucking knock any more!?" He snapped. The three in the room stared at him. Yohji's mouth dropped open.

"Alright…that's it, it's the end of the world. The chibi just swore…" Chiko glared at Yohji.

"No shit Sherlock! Did you figure that out all by your self? Or did one of your sluts help you?" Chiko growled. Yohji glared right back at him.

"You watch your mouth Omi." He snapped. That was one thing Yohji wouldn't take from any one, was them calling any girl a slut.

"Omi what is wrong with you?" Ken asked.

"what is wrong with ME?!" Chiko asked turning his glare back to Ken. He smirked a little as he heard Omi yelling at him to stop from his soul room.

/No! Chiko-sama please stop!/ Omi cried banging on the door of his soul room trying to get out. But Chiko ignored him, but kept the link open so Omi could hear every thing he said. He was going through all of Omi's memories and for some reason it just made him madder.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. Not any more!" Chiko snapped at Ken. Ken and the others looked at him confused. Aya looked confused, and a little pissed. "You really don't get it. Do you?" Chiko asked.

"Omi this isn't like you. Come on just calm down, we'll call the hospital or something and have them take a look at you." Chiko punched Ken in the face making him fall back on the floor.

"Omi!" Aya snapped. Chiko slowly turned and glared at Aya. Aya's eyes widened a little bit, Aya had never seen Omi look so mad before. His eyes were cold and emotionless, the way Aya had been before his sister had woken up.

"You guys used me. I do all the research for our missions; I take your shifts after missions when you are sick, or tired, or just don't want to work. I don't have any time for my self." Chiko said voicing the thoughts that Omi had run through his head more then once, but never said. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I wanted to be a normal kid, just once? All of you, ALL THREE OF YOU! Have had the chance to have a normal childhood! But not me! I was kidnapped when I was FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD!" Chiko yelled at them his hair getting more spiky. "I bet none of you even knows what happened to me! Every story dose not have a happy ending, my uncle did not get there in time! Yes, that's right. Sweet little Omi, little innocent Omi has not been innocent since he was five years old!" Chiko said breathing heavily from all his yelling. He was surprised that Omi's feelings were also flowing into every thing he was saying.

/No! Stop it! Chiko-sama please! I don't want them to know this! Stop please!/ Omi cried from his soul room, Chiko could feel his hikari's tears but ignored it. He smirked at the shocked look on all their faces.

"Did you also know I made my first kill when I was eleven?" Chiko went on. Ken sat up staring at his best friend with wide eyes. "That's right, I was a killer when I was eleven. I learned a LOT of things while training with my teachers at Kritiker." Chiko said grinning making sure they knew exactly what he was talking about.

"That is still no excuse to act like this Omi." Yohji said. Chiko was about to snap at him when Omi was finally able to brake out of his soul room and take over his body again. He fell to his knees crying. The others looked even more confused.

"Go away…please go away…" Omi cried softly.

"Come on Omi, we'll get you some help." Ken said moving closer to his friend. Omi looked up at him with tear-filled eyes before he got to his feet and quickly ran from the room.

"Omi wait!" Ken called and stood to go after him.

"Let the kid have some time alone." Yohji said. Ken glared at him.

"No, not after what I just saw. He needs help." Ken said and ran after Omi.


Yugi and Yami were walking through the park. Yugi smiled at all the cherry blossoms. And Yami smiled at Yugi. His Hikari was so much like a child at times. It used to worry Yami that Yugi was so small, but Yugi could take care of himself. Ever since Yugi and Seto had become somewhat of friends, the CEO had taught the young teen how to fight and defend himself. Just incase Yami couldn't always be there for him.

"Wow Yami! Look at the cherry blossoms! They are so pretty!" Yugi said giggling. Yami smiled and sighed.

"Yes, they are very beautiful…" Yami trailed off when he saw a boy running through the park. Yugi looked at Yami and frowned looking over where he saw his yami looking. He frowned more when he saw a blond boy running and collapse under a tree as he cried.

"…I wonder what's wrong…?" Yugi asked and started towards him. Yami put a hand on Yugi's shoulder stopping him.

"Don't…I since shadow powers coming from that boy…" Yami said his eyes narrowing. Yugi frowned and looked at the boy.

"But Yami…" Yugi frowned even more. "He doesn't look dangerous. And you're with me. What could happen?" Yugi asked.

"I just want you to be careful." Yami said. Slowly he and Yugi went over to the crying boy. But before they got close enough something the boy was holding in his hand started glowing and then a second boy was sitting next to the first. A yami. Yami's eyes widened and then narrowed dangerously.

"…Yami…" Yugi looked confused as he watched the other yami and hikari.


Chiko frowned as he looked down at Omi. He honestly didn't think telling the other three would cause the boy so much pain. He shook his head, so what it wasn't his problem. Omi should have told them sooner, then this wouldn't have happened. But Chiko couldn't help but feel a small amount of guilt. Because of him, Omi was refusing to even go near that flower shop again. And even if he did, he did a pretty good job at making Omi look like a schizo.

Chiko sighed and put his hand on Omi's head. Omi looked up at him quickly not expecting to see him there. He wanted to glare at him, be mad at him, but Omi couldn't seem to bring himself to. It felt like being mad at himself. Witch he was, mad at himself forever bringing that stupid cat charm home.

Chiko sighed as he felt and heard his hikari's thoughts. He was about to reach out and comfort his hikari when he sensed a strong shadow magic. He turned his head quickly and his eyes went wide when he saw the one and only Pharaoh coming towards him.

Chiko stood up quickly and growled, he formed a shadow ball in his hand and glared at Yami. Yami stopped and stood in front of Yugi.

"Who are you?" Yami asked keeping his eye on where the shadow ball was going to go. Chiko's eye twitched and he growled low in his throat.

"Are you saying you don't remember me pharaoh?" Chiko asked. Omi was watching his yami, and the two new comers with wide eyes. This was all so new to him, and he had no idea what was going on. Yami glanced at Omi before his attention was quickly brought back to Chiko when the other yami threw the shadow ball. Yami blocked it easily.

"You are not that strong." Yami pointed out a little surprised. He would have thought this new person would have been much stronger.

"Well excuse me Pharaoh; I have been locked away for over five thousand years. I have not had more then a day to recover my powers." Chiko said. Omi stood up slowly behind his yami watching him.

"Who are you?" Yami asked again. Yugi peeked out from behind Yami to watch.

"I WAS once a great thief. I was trained by the best." Chiko said still glaring. "I was trained by the tomb robber Bakura!" Chiko said. Yami blinked at him and then couldn't help but start laughing. Chiko growled at him again.

"What the hell is so funny!!!!" He snapped.

"If Bakura was such a great thief, then how come he was caught by me and trapped as well?" Yami asked smirking at him. Yugi sighed and shook his head. It was a five thousand year old argument of who was better, Yami or Bakura.

"Anou…." Omi said softly. Chiko turned his glare on Omi making the boy shrink back a little, tears still in his eyes.

"What?" Chiko snapped. Omi opened his mouth to say something, but wasn't able to get it out before his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell forward. Chiko's eyes widened and he caught Omi before he could hit the ground. He set him down slowly and turned him over. Yami and Yugi blinked before running over to see what had happened. Chiko shook him a little.

"Wake up." He ordered and shook him again. Omi just lay limply in his yami's arms. Yami knelt on the other side of him and looked him over.

"He just passed out." He said.

"Thank you Pharaoh, but I didn't ask for your help." Chiko snapped. Yami ignored him and looked Omi over frowning at the bruises and cuts that were all over his arms. He lifted Omi's shirt and glared at the bandages that were wrapped around his chest.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Yami asked and glared up at Chiko.

"Hey! Don't pin this on me! I didn't give the brat that one!"

"We should get him someplace where he can rest." Yugi suggested.

"Mind your own business!" Chiko said and stood picking Omi up with him. Yami glared up at him.

"He needs proper treatment." Yami said.

"I do NOT need your help!" Chiko said and turned to leave.

"What if I said Bakura could help?" Yami asked making Chiko stop in his tracks. He turned back to Yami. "Bakura is here, Marik is as well." He said.

"You lie." Chiko said. "They were killed, by YOUR guards!" He growled.

"Not killed. Trapped, like you were." Yami said and stood.

"That's right, Bakura and Marik are back at the hotel room right now." Yugi said. Chiko looked at him and then at Yami. And finally down at Omi, Chiko looked closely at Omi and frowned, the boy looked kind of pale. Cursing mentally Chiko found himself following Yami and Yugi back to the hotel.


Seto was sitting in the chair reading a book, Bakura and Ryou had gone to take a shower after Marik had dumped some chocolate in their hair, the two Egyptians had then retreated to their room with the chocolate souse. Seto didn't even WANT to know what they were going to do with that. He glanced up to where Joey and Mokuba were playing duel monsters.

"I play shield and sword witch switches your attack and defense!" Mokuba said. Joey blinked at the cards on the table before he grabbed his hair and made a frustrated noise.

"This is so unfair! I can come in second place in dullest kingdom, but now I'm being beaten by a mini Kaiba!" Joey groaned. Mokuba laughed at him.

"Seto is the one who taught me." He smiled. "It just means you need more practice." Mokuba said and then looked back at Seto. "Big brother! Why don't you teach Joey a couple tips on how to duel!" Mokuba suggested. Seto's eye twitched as he looked at his brother and then Joey.

"If the mutt can't figure out what he did wrong on his own, then he shouldn't even be playing the game." He said and went back to reading his book.

"Is that a challenge!?" Joey asked jumping to his feet.

"I wouldn't waist my time dueling you if you were the last duelist on earth." Seto said ignoring the growl that Joey gave him. Seto glanced at Joey for a second before turning his full attention back on his book.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Joey said. Mokuba shook his head and sighed putting his cards down. Things weren't going the way he had hoped they would go. He looked up when he heard the door open. Yami and Yugi came in.

"Hi guys!" Mokuba smiled and then blinked when Chiko came in behind them. "…Who's that?" He asked as he stood up. Joey stopped glaring at Seto and looked up at the new comer, he blinked when he saw Omi still unconscious in Chiko's arms.

"Why are they?" Joey asked.

"We found them in the park." Yami said. Chiko looked around the penthouse glaring at every thing and every one.

"Where can I put him?" He asked.

"Follow me~" Yugi said and bounced down the hall. Chiko followed him. As Chiko was led down the hall with Omi, the bathroom door opened. Ryou giggled as he came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe, Bakura right behind him. Chiko froze when he saw Bakura. Bakura looked up and frowned seeing Chiko.

"What the hell are doing here?" Bakura glared.

"I could ask you the same thing." Chiko shot back. Ryou stood there looking back and forth between Bakura and Chiko looking confused.

"I asked you first." Bakura said. Chiko opened his mouth and then closed it, he did this about five times. "You know, you look like a fish when you do that." Bakura said and grinned. Chiko glared and turned and went into the room that Yugi had led him to and put Omi down on the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and watched his hikari sleep as he silently wondered what they were going to do now. They definitely couldn't go back to the flower shop, and he didn't know how long he would be able to stay here with out going crazy.


Okay…that took WAY to long to update!!!!!!!! *hits head* but oh well! Here is the update. And it's a LONG chapter!