Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ |Midieval Lust and Love| ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Yu-gi-oh!, I only have 1 graphic novel; it is ACIDFLOWER who bought the stock.

This is a (Yami/Yugi, Marik/Malik, Jou/Seto, Bakuru/Ryou)


YUGI: 15

YAMI: 16

THE REST (you do the math!)

==|Medieval Lust and Love|==

Staring out the window, his amethyst clouded in thought, his face blank, young Prince Yugi, of the barbarian kingdom, watched the carnival to celebrate his fifteenth birthday. He hated this holiday; it was just another day closer to the marriage of the nearby princess. He never meet the girl, but he knew he wouldn't like her, his eyes didn't go for girls, but more for other men, for he had been known to take interest in staring at the soldiers rears during eating times, and political arguments.

His aide walked over to him, showing him the outfit he was to wear to the party today. Yugi just looked at it, turning his head out the window once again.

"I wish not to wear it, Ryou," Yugi whispered, "I wish not to go, as well."

The young white haired aide nodded, moving aside for Yugi's advisor to yell at him. The aid's blonde hair was tied back today, Yugi noted, listening. The blonde haired adviser was no older than him; none of his workers were older than him. He repeated once more to the adviser, Malik, which he refused to go.

"In my own world, there will be no birthday's, no arranged marriages, Malik." Yugi whispered, staring out the window as carriages began to ride to the limestone castle.

"Milord. I insist you get dressed, do not make me get somebody of higher rank to make it an order." Malik stood up; pushing a piece of his bangs away, his eyes showing he was nothing more than serious.

"Very well," Yugi replied, "You may tell my grandfather why you cannot do your own job, while on the unemployment line." He straightened his vest, standing up.

Malik smiled, nodding that the young prince was doing as he was told. "Servant." He looked over at Ryou. "Fetch some bath water."

Ryou nodded, running out the door to his chores. Yugi remained silent, his eyes still focused on the outsides as he was shed from his clothes.


A thief jumped from the ramp of their small ship, his daggers to his waist, a grin on his face. He turned Ruby eyes to the master of the mission, Bakuru, pulling horses off the small vessel.

"Yami." Bakuru addressed, raising his heavy blade. "You shall lead the attack. Leave no survivors while Marik aids in grabbing as many treasures as possible."

Marik swung his ax in the air, laughing. "Oh trust me, nobody will survive seeing me!" He broke out laughing, leaving Seto time to mutter,

"Yep, take one look at your face, and drop dead." That made the whole crew laughing, Marik with his head leaning down his chest.

"At least I got looks." Marik muttered back, pushing his spiky blonde hair back, giving a sly pose.

Yami sighed, there the go again, now this mission was going to be `see I killed him with my ax.' `Yeah, so what?' and `wanna be the next to die?' Yami had to admit though, these were his only family that remained, and he loved them, even though they weren't his true family.

"There it is!" Bakuru pointed to the castle as we rode the horses toward the castle. Yami pulled out his dagger, getting ready to slit the nearest guards throat. Marik made it there first, in a loud scream the guards were dead.

Marik licked the blood, like he always did. Putting the ax back against the horse. A smile lurked his face. "Where to Seto?"

Seto looked around, his eyes eyeing everything he could see. He pointed left, motioning for them to come. They just needed to kill the king, and whoever got in his way. They also had to find that heir, wherever he was.

"SPLIT UP!" Bakuru yelled, getting off his horse and letting it run. The others did the same, running into the castle, killing along the way.


The captain of the security ran into Yugi's room, pushing his blonde bangs out of his face. He took Yugi's arm, pulling the small boy to his feet.

"Milord." He stated, getting on his knee, Yugi stared back, his orbs blank.

"What is it Jou?" He addressed the captain, hearing a scream from outside his room. Jou stood up, pushing the young prince behind him, Ryou took Yugi's hand leading him into the bathroom, Malik following.

Yami and Seto broke into the room, their weapons out, Seto's eyes widened as he only saw the captain, pulling out his sword.

"Oh great, I really thought the prince would be in here, and what do I find? A fucking cute puppy!"

Jou readied his weapon, his honey eyes looked once at the shut door where the prince had hid. He stared once more at the intruders. "Identify yourselves!?" He yelled, looking at the prince look-alike and the cute brunette.

Yami nodded to Seto, running past the blonde, opening the bathroom. "Look what we have here!" He laughed, walking into the room.

Jou's head snapped back, but before he could react, the brunette had pushed him into a wall, staring at him into the wall.

"It is such a shame, something so cute, and I must destroy it." He licked Jou's face, making the captain begin to struggle, his eyes widening as Yami exited the bathroom, pulling the fighting tri haired prince with him.

"Hey, Seto, does taking treasure mean we have to leave such good looking hostages behind?" Yami asked, pulling Yugi up. Ryou and Malik walked out of the room after them, afraid to attack in fear they would hurt Yugi.

Seto turned and faced the other thief with a smile. "I don't think Bakuru worried it we took them, he always did say we needed something better to do then burn trees down."

Yugi began to fight at Yami's grip, his face furious, or the best the innocent boy could pull of. "I demand that you release me at once!" He yelled at Yami, his fingers fighting to pull the older boy off him.

Bakuru ran into the room, stopping when he saw Ryou, a grin on his lips. "Guys, we need to get out of here, we got all the goods."

"Man, do we gotta kill these guys?" Yami asked, picking Yugi's hand up, Ryou flinched, as did Jou.

Turning Bakuru flared a rare smile. "Sure, we need some entertainment. Why kill the heir so quickly when we can easily bring him to a slow and painful death."

Marik ran in, dusting his pants up. "Damn that cook gave a fight." He grumbled, holding up a bag of goodies. His eyes folded upon the prince, and the other three. "I know you, but who are you?" He pointed at the other boys.

Yugi bit Yami wrist, his voice came back in a scream to be released. Yami grinned, touching Yugi's face. "Ah, how I love them, bossy and innocent, do worry little one, I'll have you screaming my name before tomorrow."

The prince hissed, spiting in Yami's face. Bakuru turned, pulling Ryou with him, Marik pulling Malik.

"Oh!" Marik exclaimed, "So, we finally get our play things?" He asked Bakuru, who only nodded. Seto hit Jou over the head, picking the captain up and bringing the `pup' wit him.


The boys from the castle fought and screamed as they were brought over to the horses and carried to the boat. Marik began to complain about getting a headache, Bakuru screaming at Ryou that if he didn't shut up, he could say good-bye to his head.

The boys quieted as they were forced to board the ship, it was small and private. Jou stood in front of Yugi, keeping the small boy far away from the thieves as possible.

"Release da prince!" He yelled, making Seto chuckle.

"Normally I don't go to street rats, but I do adore my puppies." He smiled, pulling Jou towards him; he backhanded him in the face.

"We are not a bunch of sex toys for your use unless us at once." Jou repeated, not moving front of Yugi.

"That is enough, Jou." Yugi commanded, silencing Jou in his tracks. "Why do you kidnap my men and I? Is there something you want?"

Bakuru smiled, pulling Ryou near him. "I want this little one, tell me, why do we look so much alike? Why do any of us look alike?" He pointed toward the group. Ryou did not speak; he looked down at the floor, closing his eyes. "Can you talk? Or just plain Stupid?" Bakuru snarled, grabbing Ryou's face.

Ryou didn't fight back as Bakuru pulled him in a kiss. He snarled, he knew now this wasn't going to be any fun, nothing was fun if the person wasn't screaming.

Malik growled, looking at the thieves. "Fools, he is a good man, he shall no talk to the likes of you."

Yugi turned from the group staring over the water, away from his home. "I thank you, even if what you did is wrong, I thank you, kind sirs, for taking me far from my home. Is there anyway I can repay you, any price?"

Yami pulled the small boy into the kiss, watching the amethyst eyes widening in uncertainty. A fist slammed into his face, Jou panting as he pulled Yugi away from Yami's grip.

"Did ya not hear me? He ain't a sex slave!" Jou yelled, but Seto began to pull him away from the mess, and into a room. Yugi looks around, it seems both Ryou and Malik have been pulled away, but when?

"Sir, what is your name, might I have the permission to ask?" Yugi looked over to Yami.

"Name's Yami, you can come to my room." He pulled Yugi's arm.

"Mr. Yami, I wish not to be of burden. But, leave me to watch, to sulk of what you did to my family and friend. Yes, I might have wanted to be removed from my home, but I did not want somebody hurt in the process." The small boy explained. Yami nodded, leaning against the back wall, not taking his eyes off the prince.

"It's Yami, just Yami."

"Yami." The boy repeats, his eyes staring over the waters. Yami wanted to converse to the boy, but was unsure of what to say.

"Why," He finally said. "did you want to leave your home?"

The prince turned to him, a frown marked over his beautiful features. "I refused to marry that girl, our wedding is in two days, and I fear of it."


"Because, I do not know who she is. What is she like? It doesn't help, I am not interested in girls. I never have." Yugi explained, removing his jacket, tossing it in the water, his white tunic remained.

"I see." Yami muttered. Watching Yugi touch his lips, `I guess that wasn't how the boy saw freedom, in the arms of the guy who killed his grandpa'. "I remain to what I said. I was going to kill you, but if you want to live, you'll do as I say."

Yugi looked over at Yami. "All right, sir." He didn't smile; he remained blank, his eyes turning back to the sea.


So what do you think, if you guys don't want this to continue please tell me. Lemon in later chp's.