Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ |Midieval Lust and Love| ❯ Chapter VI ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Yu-gi-oh! I have another joke, I think, lets see. "The dollar tree is the place for me!" Stated by Amber, my best friend, while we searching for batteries on a field trip to the mall. Who is the world would by a four pack of batteries for SEVEN dollars, when you can go to the dollar tree and buy the same amount for TWO dollars!

This is a (Yami/Yugi, Marik/Malik, Jou/Seto, Bakuru/Ryou)


YUGI: 15

YAMI: 16

THE REST (you do the math!)

Hai, y'all get ta find out who Yugi's fiancée is… *ducks from the food flying her way*

==|Too short for me|==

Yugi moaned, waking up, stretching. The pain in his lower regions was gone, and the tiredness of the night before had worn away, only coming back when he stared out the back to where Yami and the others were on the verge of falling asleep, and each time they prepared to fall, a whip slapped them in their backs. Yugi's eyes widen, pulling himself out of Jou's grip, where he jumped out of the carriage.

"What are you doing?" Yugi commanded, stopping the guard about to beat Seto up for tripping.

"Making this thief Acknowledge he was wrong, milord," The guard explained, kicking Yami when he stopped to fight back. Seto stopped as well, along with the others, fighting against the strong movement of the carriages.

"We never even raped the prince," Said Bakuru, snarling as a whip slashed the sores on his back.

Yugi eyed him to shut up; he was not making any of this any better. "By my order you will stop hurting these men, they have done no wrong, you are." His eyes fell cold. The guard nodded, standing at attention as he took his prince's hand and guided him towards the carriage.

"I wish to walk with the fallen," Yugi stated, falling back to Yami. The guard nodded, walking behind the group, far enough not to hear the conversation, yet close enough to protect the prince if worse came their way.

"Yami, guys, I apologize for the problems that have been set against you this night. If there is anyway to fix it, I shall. If not, I will use all my power not to have you people killed, and the charges dropped. Please, take this as the only thing I can do for you."

Bakuru looked up. "Ya, you can do me a favor! Before the trial, I demand to have the night with Ryou. Now, I don't mean a few hours. I mean all night!"

"Don't take this as a sure, it will be done, merely as I will try. Anything else you wish for."

"Malik." Marik raised his hand, walking along the dirt path. "I want him like Bakuru here wants Ryou, not for a few minutes all night, to hear his pleasure cries."

"Consider that as well, if up to me, I would grant it confirmed now." Yugi nodded at the thieves. Yami turned his head, his face red. "Seto, I do not know why you and Jou are fighting, but the minute I can order anything, you two are going to sit on a couch, and have a long talk. I will be the go-between [1]." Yugi looked up, walking with them.

"And Yami…" He finally said when the Hiroshima castle came into view. Yami turned his head to face the princes still face.

"Hai?" Yami questioned.

With a small bearing of his teeth, Yugi took Yami's face in his hands and kissed him, full mouth. In seconds they let go, Yami continued walking, his crimson eyes wide.

"I want my hero to save me, please." He looked up; his eyes gave a glint that made Yami's knees weak as the carriage stopped at the gates of the kingdom.

"I love you, Aibou," Yami whispered, he wasn't expecting Yugi to say anything back, the boys amethyst lowered, turning stony as he was pulled to get in the carriage once more. Yami let his eyes drop to the floor.

"You never told us." Bakuru cut in. "How tight was he, I know you fucked last night, how tight was the little brat?"

"How did you get him to pull his pants down for you, is what I want to know." Marik laughed, making a face and joking about if he pulled the boy down, he knew where rape came from.

"That is for me to know, and you Asses to never find out, `cause if you lay one hand on him, I'll cut `it' off."[2] Yami growled, picking up his pace as they were forced to follow the carriage down hill.

Seto turned his head, ignoring the whole conversation.


"My boy! I thought you were dead, but when a slave said he saw you and your guards being kidnapped by the thieves, I found it my pride to save you. You're still going to marry my granddaughter, right." The king of Hiroshima spoke; it was not even a question, so Yugi did not respond.

The king was a jolly man; his stomach was round, a large nose, and two red checks. His eyes were full of mist, showing he had not sleep in some time. His voice was loud, and demanding, and gave Yugi the sense to be polite.

"Hai, milord." Yugi spoke up, still upon his knee as his guards.

"Come, I shall show you to your room." The king held up his hand, leading the prince through the castle.

"Milord, I wish not to sound of a burden, but the thieves…" Yugi tried to find a way to put out `don't kill them, they have done nothing.'

"Yes, you have no need to worry, they shall be heard like any other rapist."

Yugi shook his head. "Milord, I wish to know if my guards can see them tonight, along with myself." The king turned back towards him with a grieved look. "Upon their rude behavior, they did take care of us. It would only be polite to thank them for that much."

"Fine, but, one of my guards shall stay down there as well."

"Please, milord." Yugi bowed his eyes on the ground. "We wish to be alone."

"I guess I owe you for wanting my daughter, and I only want you to feel at home here. So yes, as the heir to my throne, and your own. You may go down anytime you please, or when your guards are down there. However, your men shall be accompanied by one of mine." He explained. Yugi nodded, thanking him as they continued the tour.


Ryou placed the food brought up by a servant on the table in front of Yugi. The small boy stared, distant, out the window.

"M'lord." Jou touched his shoulder, waking the boy out of the trance. "It is supper time." He pushed the food near the prince.

"I am not hungry, Jou." Yugi held up a restraining hand. Malik sat across from him, growling.

"You are NOT going in this stage again!" He yelled. Yugi did not respond. He just faced the garden from the window. Eyes widening when he caught view of, what he guessed, was the princess.

He brunette hair was to her shoulders. Blue, sparking; eyes gave purity to her face. She looked no older than Yugi; her lips were paint a faint rosy hue, her face purely white. Her textured body was hide by a short outfit, consisting of a long skirt and shoulder length tunic. Her voice as she spoke came as sweet as an angel did.

Following her was a blonde-haired woman, her face bony, and long hair. She gave a heartless glint as she followed the girl, definitely the princess. "M'lady, where do we go today?"

"It seems the prince of Domino was found, so my days of freedom have been cut short. I say we go to a bar, see how many cute boys we can snag." She turned to face the other.

"Are you not pleased by your marriage?" The blonde haired woman asked.

"The guy's probably short anyway. I mean, I've seen him already, really nerdish, he is only up to my shoulder, got whacked out hair, and probably couldn't please me, Mai." The princess shot back, pushing though a loose bar on the gate.

"But, Lady Anzu, it is not right for you to see your future husband. Sure, I believe you about us women having our own rights, but shouldn't you keep to culture?" The woman called Mai asked.

"He probably isn't a virgin anyways, I mean, who would want to keep themselves when there are good looking people you could brag about being your first." She laughed, her voice drifting in the distance.

Yugi sat back, his eyes widening. `She is the one I am to marry? Her looks only take away from her true side. He had worked so hard to leave himself pure for HER.' Yugi stood up, leaving the room, his guards following him down to the basement, where he dismissed the guard. Upon the guard's departure, Yugi took the keys from him, walking down to the basement.

Jou looked around as rats crawled around his feet. Looking up, the first person he saw was Seto, in his own cell, trying to start a fire. Marik was on the other side, threatening to piss the damn thing out if it started. Yami was a cell down, tossing hay at the two and yelling for them to shut up, and Bakuru was asleep on his own hayloft.

"Well, look there, Yami, they didn't forget us!" Marik smiled, pulling Malik toward him as Yugi unlocked the cell door, saying nothing. "Gee, prince, how'd ya get a hold of those?"

"He spent to much time with you thieves, he stole them." Jou growled. Sitting back against the wall, both him and Seto ignored contact with one another. Yugi unlocked Bakuru's cell, pushing Ryou in there, whispering something in his ear that made the boy jump.

Yugi unlocked Seto's then, pushing Jou in the small chamber, locking it again. "Look at one another." He ordered. Jou just faced a wall. "On the carriage you said you'll obey every order, Jou, turn and face him." Jou nodded, looking it Seto's blue eyes. "Tell him your problem, Seto."

Seto jerked, looking at the captain. "I am sick of him, he doesn't want to live, he doesn't want to love, so why should I have him."


"Did I say you could speak, captain?" Yugi intervened. Jou sat up, shutting his mouth. "Now, you guys are going to look at one another, because this is stupid. If you think he is only trying to take care of me, I can solve this with a word." Seto looked at Yugi, then Jou. "Captain."

Jou turned around. "Yes, M'lord?"

"You are hereby withdrawn from my command."

"But-" Jou stepped forward.

"Does that please you, Seto?" He asked, looking into surprised blue eyes.

Seto looked at the ground. "I thought it would, but…"

Jou turned around, his eyes growing low. "You're being selfish. I liked my job; it was what I am good at, taking care of him. I wasn't so sure of you getting in my life. Look, I love you and all, but if you couldn't accept what made me happy, why should we be together. I now have NO job!" He yelled.

Seto sat back. "I'm sorry for what I did. I am sorry for even thinking you were cute!"

Yugi sat back, his arms crossing. "There is the heart of the matter. Should you have toke us away from the castle, should you have kept us alive? Jou, what Seto is trying to say is he is not a bit sorry for taking you, for taking your virginity. The moment was great, you were great, he just feels that you were giving to much attention to me, as I feel the same way about that matter."

Sitting back, Seto's eyes widen. "Yes, I do feel that way."

Jou looked on the floor. "I was only doing my job, to protect you."

"Yes I am aware of that, you were doing such a good job, but you need a life of your own, not mine." Yugi explained.

Seto nodded. "I wanted to spend eternity with you, but it wouldn't been fun if you spent ever few hours checking on the tri haired twerp." Seto snarled, Yugi took no insult to it.

"I am sorry." Jou whispered. "Give me another chance love." He whispered, walking to Seto and kissed him. Seto gave back to kiss, pushing Jou into the ground.

Yugi watched for a second, then got up and walked over to Yami and let himself in. "Yami, we need to talk as well."

"What is it my love?" Yami asked, pulling Yugi on his lap. "What happen that you came down here in such a huff?"

"I meet my fiancée." Yugi lowered his head, taking Yami's lips. "You love me, don't you? I wasn't a fool to give you my purity, was I?"

"No, I was shocked that you were so scared to show your body, I mean you are so beautiful." Yami kissed his neck.

Yugi smiled. "My saver, my protector. Take me away from these tainted walls, away from the pain, away from it all," he whispered, hugging Yami even tighter. This soul, in Yugi's eyes, was once a thief, a fool. He was now, he path to sanity, and back to happiness.


[1] = Somebody who is called with wedding arrangements, and argument disputes, Yugi is just saying, since the two speak completely different languages he'll play as the interpreter.

[2] = A small idea ACIDFLOWER gave me. You remember, when I was telling you that narrative story, and you said told me about your ex. FUNNY!

Araki: not that long of a chapter, of course. I just have far to much on my mind. My little brothers, both twins, are sick, and have been for the last four days. My best friend was in a car accident Friday night, but still had the initiative to come on the school field trip and keep me company. Then, my best friend Li, who had to go to a deaf school this August, I might never see again `cause her family is moving!


yugilovesyami: Thanks for reading, I know, I've been slow, and rereading some stuff of yours. Keep up the fantastic work.

IYYashi: Only one of you are being nice… Join together, and respect one another is all I can say. Thanks for reviewing

Alostblackcat: thanks for explaining that word to me.

DarkQueen and Yaky: Ten seconds, hehe, could be my brothers and that be 2 seconds, or my ARAGEDKILLER and his bro Gay-bear (we just call him that), and be 45 minutes. Never meant to kill the other…Really

CabinMate: ACID says she got what you were saying; it just didn't come out right. That is all I am saying, thanks for reading (me going crazy…)

ACIDFLOWER: I know you are there somewhere, and I don't think Sammy would like it if you hide from her, I somehow tell her where you are…