Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ ~The Mortal Hunt~ ❯ Sleepy Time in Domino ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Licence_to_Dream 
Can't sleep...Can't sleep. Shutup over there. Why won't Bakura shut up! Sheesh he insists on having sex with his guest EVERY night!!! I haven't slept for days...ARGH!!! I hear voices,things falling down...my life is leaving me.I need NEED to get out. Yes Ryou you must get out.Too many voices...
I grab Cocoa and get my suitcase.I have it packed for emergencies. I climb down the fire escape and run... It's hard you know with a cat and a suitcase. But where to go? I can't go practically anywhere. The only person awake by now would be Anzu, but who said I was desparate?Not me. Nooo... Maybe Snowy would be awake,I mean the vampire harvest magig lasts for a week and it's only Friday since it's way past midnight now. But where could she be? Hmm... I put her down to see where she would go. She quickly runs one way and I follow. Oh shit I slipped on a puddle.ARGHH!! I start sliding for a few seconds. At least Cocoa stopped. Right by that guy on a bench...Oh great it's Bakurasa-BAM!! Ouch...that hurt...a lot. Very hurtness yes.I look at Bakurasan."How lucky can I get?" I half smile as he stares at me like I'm some freak.He snarls and starts cursing.I figured I stared at him in a crazy way since all it looked like was that he was cursing.My eyes started to droop down...and down...I felt deaf...I think I rammed my head into the bench. I can't think...Oh gosh...
Bakurasan's room, Ryou's POV
I open my eyes slowly. Where in hell am I? there's nobody here.There's a mumbling sound.I saw Snowy there. She was yelling at Bakurasan.I heard cursing.My eyes drooped down.I fell asleep forr a few minutes.I opened my eyes again.Snowy was right in my face and I think she told him I was awake. Bakurasan looked at me.He was reading something.I said something.I was thirsty.My mouth felt numb so I couldn't tell.Somehow they understood what I said and pointed to a nightstand.I looked down. I was in a bed. Still,where am I?? I took a sip of water and Bakurasan and Snowy sat on the bed.
"I think we should take him back Baku."
"No,Sno.I'm not going to let him back there with that whore you told me about."
I stared at them blankly.Snowy turned to me.
"Did Bakura bring a whore home?"
I nodded.
"Gee that was some weird girl.Her hair was high."
"Snowy that must've taked a lot of hair spray!"Bakurasan laughed.
I half smiled."That was a guy."
"Oh...I knew that...I think..."Snowy stuttered then burst out laughing.
Bakurasan was holding a book in his hands.My book.It was 'Vampires and other immortals important people and dates' I grabbed my book from him and he stared at me.
"I was reading that!" Baku yelled.
Snowy covered his mouth."Quiet mental. Do you want Bri to know that we have a mortal in our room?!"
"You guys share a room?"I asked.Once they nodded I looked through the book."Vampires roomates go with a boy and girl.They must grow up together and must mate when-"Bakurasan slammed the book shut.He said I shouldn't read that part.I heard Snowy giggling.
"That rule isn't made anymore. Since head she-devil Bri became boss she altered the rules.Now she picks who goes with who.And somebody here was one of the lucky ones picked by her."
I saw Bakurasan turn red.With that and pale face it looks weird."Anyway we have to keep you here until mid-morning or else Bri could see us."
"Which could be a problem with your looks kid.She'd notice you anywhere."
"Probably since I look like you."I mumbled.
"Well,let's get some sleep.Bakurasan can sleep on the floor since you have his bed."
"Where do you sleep?"I asked.
"I'm a cat.I sleep on rugs."Sno answered.She kissed my cheek."G'night tiger." she curled up on a rug.
"Good night."I turned off the light and went to sleep once more.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Horror | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 06.09.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 222 | Status: Completed

Can't sleep...Can't sleep. Shutup over there. Why won't Bakura shut up! Sheesh he insists on having sex with his guest EVERY night!!! I haven't slept for days...ARGH!!! I hear voices,things falling down...my life is leaving me.I need NEED to get out. Yes Ryou you must get out.Too many voices...
I grab Cocoa and get my suitcase.I have it packed for emergencies. I climb down the fire escape and run... It's hard you know with a cat and a suitcase. But where to go? I can't go practically anywhere. The only person awake by now would be Anzu, but who said I was desparate?Not me. Nooo... Maybe Snowy would be awake,I mean the vampire harvest magig lasts for a week and it's only Friday since it's way past midnight now. But where could she be? Hmm... I put her down to see where she would go. She quickly runs one way and I follow. Oh shit I slipped on a puddle.ARGHH!! I start sliding for a few seconds. At least Cocoa stopped. Right by that guy on a bench...Oh great it's Bakurasa-BAM!! Ouch...that hurt...a lot. Very hurtness yes.I look at Bakurasan."How lucky can I get?" I half smile as he stares at me like I'm some freak.He snarls and starts cursing.I figured I stared at him in a crazy way since all it looked like was that he was cursing.My eyes started to droop down...and down...I felt deaf...I think I rammed my head into the bench. I can't think...Oh gosh...
Bakurasan's room, Ryou's POV
I open my eyes slowly. Where in hell am I? there's nobody here.There's a mumbling sound.I saw Snowy there. She was yelling at Bakurasan.I heard cursing.My eyes drooped down.I fell asleep forr a few minutes.I opened my eyes again.Snowy was right in my face and I think she told him I was awake. Bakurasan looked at me.He was reading something.I said something.I was thirsty.My mouth felt numb so I couldn't tell.Somehow they understood what I said and pointed to a nightstand.I looked down. I was in a bed. Still,where am I?? I took a sip of water and Bakurasan and Snowy sat on the bed.
"I think we should take him back Baku."
"No,Sno.I'm not going to let him back there with that whore you told me about."
I stared at them blankly.Snowy turned to me.
"Did Bakura bring a whore home?"
I nodded.
"Gee that was some weird girl.Her hair was high."
"Snowy that must've taked a lot of hair spray!"Bakurasan laughed.
I half smiled."That was a guy."
"Oh...I knew that...I think..."Snowy stuttered then burst out laughing.
Bakurasan was holding a book in his hands.My book.It was 'Vampires and other immortals important people and dates' I grabbed my book from him and he stared at me.
"I was reading that!" Baku yelled.
Snowy covered his mouth."Quiet mental. Do you want Bri to know that we have a mortal in our room?!"
"You guys share a room?"I asked.Once they nodded I looked through the book."Vampires roomates go with a boy and girl.They must grow up together and must mate when-"Bakurasan slammed the book shut.He said I shouldn't read that part.I heard Snowy giggling.
"That rule isn't made anymore. Since head she-devil Bri became boss she altered the rules.Now she picks who goes with who.And somebody here was one of the lucky ones picked by her."
I saw Bakurasan turn red.With that and pale face it looks weird."Anyway we have to keep you here until mid-morning or else Bri could see us."
"Which could be a problem with your looks kid.She'd notice you anywhere."
"Probably since I look like you."I mumbled.
"Well,let's get some sleep.Bakurasan can sleep on the floor since you have his bed."
"Where do you sleep?"I asked.
"I'm a cat.I sleep on rugs."Sno answered.She kissed my cheek."G'night tiger." she curled up on a rug.
"Good night."I turned off the light and went to sleep once more.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Horror | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 06.09.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 222 | Status: Completed