Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ 100 Ways to Tell if You're Obsessed With Yu-Gi-Oh ❯ 100 Ways to Tell if You're Obsessed With Yu-Gi-Oh ( Chapter 1 )
Hine: I apologize for my parody of Mambo #5 because it's crap. My muse is on vacation.
Yami Kyle: If none of you out there got it yet, the Noa plushie is her muse. I am simply her Yami.
Hine: *nods* He doesn't help me write, he just kind of ignores me T_T
Yami Kyle: Yeah, basically.
Hine: Ok, so yes, as the title states, I wrote 100 ways on how to tell if you're obsessed with YGO. Now then, go ahead!
1: You own a Duel Monsters deck
2: You've died your hair red, yellow, and black
3: You wonder why Seto doesn't just shoot Pegasus
4: You know what Jou's middle name is
5: You actually knew that Jou had a middle name
6: You're aware that in the first season, Seto's hair was green
7: You buy a an item of jewelry, spray paint it gold, and draw on the Eye of Horus hoping to gain a yami
8: You've died your hair white because you think that you'll look like Ryou
9: Everywhere you go you see tall brunettes in trench coats
10: You wonder just how Yuugi gets his hair to stick up like that
11: You wish you could get your hair to stick up like that
12: When you duel someone, you close your eyes and chant "Heart of the cards, help me"
13: You want Honda to teach you how to do that hair thing because Yuugi wont
14: You've been everywhere looking for a game shop with the word "KAME" on the front
15: You wonder just what the Black Magician looks like under all those robes
16: You're favorite card is some kind of dragon
17: You think the REBD would look sexy if it had a human form
18: You buy a blonde Labrador Retriever and name it Jounouchi
19: You've been to Egypt
20: You can tell the difference between Yami and Yuugi
21: The first time Anzu made a friendship speech, you wanted to bash her head in with a wrench
22: You think Otogi is sexy
23: You buy purple tinted contacts so you can look like Yuugi
24: You've written a 10 or more chapter fanfic
25: You know what Yuugi looks like in his pajamas
26: You know the birthdays of at least two characters
27: You celebrate the birthdays of at least two characters
28: You're upset that America changed Pegasus' name even though it was an English name in the first place
29: You wonder what Keith Howard looks like under the sunglasses
30: You dream about Yu-Gi-Oh
31: When people ask you who you want to marry, you show them a picture of Mokuba
32: When they ask why, you roll your eyes and state: Well, all the others are gay and with each other, duh
33: You want to bash Shizuka's head in sometimes
34: You think Dartz is cool
35: You actually know who Dartz is
36: You where a leather neck collar
37: You know what Anzu's name means
38: You are part of a Yu-Gi-Oh RPG
39: Despite all odds, you think Seto and Jounouchi make a cute couple
40: You sometimes confused Yu-Gi-Oh with reality
41: You try to convince your boyfriend to change his name to either Bakura, Yami, or Seto
42: You own at least five leather outfits
43: Every time you watch the episode where Seto's soul is taken, you scream at Pegasus to give it back even though you know he won't
44: You wonder why no one else can tell the difference between Yami and Yuugi
45: Your favorite character is Malik because his hair is cool
46: SSJ Son Goku reminds you of Marik
47: You wonder just what how big the Kaiba Mansion really is
48: You noticed that when Seto was shot at in the American version, he deflected it with his brief case, even though America edited out the actual gun
49: You actually understood what was said in #48
50: You wrote 50 ways to find out if you're obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh
51: You think Seto looks cool with green hair
52: You knew that in the first season, Seto had green hair
53: You knew that Duelist Kingdom wasn't the first season
54: You're favorite game is Duel Monsters
55: You've beaten the creator of Duel Monsters
56: You're friends with a millionaire's younger brother
57: You've memorized the theme song in Japanese
58: You're thinking about buying the Music to Duel By CD
59: You actually bought the Music to Duel By CD
60: You listen to the Music to Duel By CD
61: You wear blue pajamas with yellow moons on them
62: Your best friend is twice your height
63: You accept invitations from strange men
64: You buy a trench coat hoping it will flare out like Seto's, even when you aren't moving
65: You've gouged out your left eye and replaced it with a golden one
66: Your eyes take up half the space on your face
67: You're greatest adversary is a rich, sexy brunette
68: You have the spirit if a 3000-year old Egyptian guy living inside you
69: You're grandfather is a pervert who hits on your friends
70: You can name the four main characters of the Doom series
71: You sometimes wonder if Varon is related to Taichi and Daisuke from Digimon
72: You are not disturbed that in the first season, not only did Seto have green hair, but Shizuka had purple hair
73: You actually knew that in the first season, Shizuka had purple hair
74: You didn't forgive Mokuba for being such a butt muncher in the first series
75: You prefer Shizuka with purple hair because you think she looks cuter that way
76: You call Miho "Ribbon" because it's what every one else calls her
77: You noticed how from the first season to the second season, Shadi slimmed down
78: You think it's because he stopped eating so many curries (an Indian food)
79: You think Ryou looked cuter back in the first season when he had blue tinted hair and green eyes
80: You've noticed how non of the characters seem to have nipples
81: You decide that you should marry Shizuka instead of Honda or Otogi! That way, you'll be related to Jou and Seto, and Honda and Otogi can go be with each other
82: You've parodied songs and made them related to Yu-Gi-Oh
83: You collect the action figures
84: You think Seto is silly :p
85: You think that Amelda and Leon look like siblings
86: You cried when you heard that Amelda's little brother was killed by Kaiba Corp. technology
87: You by a trench coat and stick pipe cleaners in the back of it hoping it will make it stick out like Seto's
88: You have a screen name/e-mail that has something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh
89: You're considering naming you're first born son Yuugi
90: You draw the Eye of Horus on you head
91: You enter the Duelist Kingdom tournament at Dream Wizards and then are confused about where the boat will be located
92: You own an entire season of Yu-Gi-Oh on DVD
93: You're on at least three mailing lists
94: You've actually taken the time to read a 20 or more chapter fanfic
95: Your friends now know the tune to "It's time to duel" because you sing it so often
96: You noticed that the current number, 96, backwards is 69 and how since then come up with many suggestive thoughts concerning two or more of the characters with each other and possibly yourself
97: You read and sang along to my parody of Mambo #5
98: You collect doujinshii even though you can't read it
99: You've answered 98 questions thus far
100: You wrote 100 ways to know if you're obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh
1 - 20: You watch it occasionally
21 - 40: You read a bit of the manga
41 - 60: You read the fanfics and play the card game
61 - 80: You watch the Japanese versions, play the card game, read fics, and probably write your own, but you don't yet idolize the characters as gods yet, but don't worry, give it time.
100: Strap on a sennin item and call yourself otaku! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY INSANE!
100+: Well, you're clearly not Kaiba material……….. but that's ok, we love ya anyway.
Hine: So leave a review, tell us how you did, praise us, idolize us, what ever floats your boat is fine ^_^
Yami Kyle: By the way, my Hikari got this idea from www.ultrasupersaiyan.com and the 150 ways to tell if you're obsessed with DBZ that was on that site.
Hine: *sighs* It's true, but oh well! REVIEW ONEGAI!