Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ 14 Days Without Isis (beta) ❯ The Bank Robbers Revenge ( Chapter 10 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh but I will have my own story someday muahahahaha!
It was Wednesday after noon, and most people at the police station were eating lunch or taking breaks. Every one except detective Gene Colin who was trying to find someone who was willing to go undercover and catch a homicidal drug dealer.
"Hay Gene any luck with finding that special someone for the mission." Asked one of his co-workers.
"Nope, and I asked everyone in the police station."
"Even the doughnut boy?"
"Even the doughnut boy." Gene sighed.
"Well you better find someone because if you don't you'll have to go."
"I know and I really don't what to go. The chance of getting killed is too high."
"But who's crazy enough to confront a person like that by themselves?"
"Wait what about those guys from the bank robbery, they weren't even armed and they went it there without a seconds thought." Gene said.
"And exactly do plain on getting a hold of them?"
"I'll just go to the same house that the boy who was half naked ran to." Gene said grabbing his jacket.
Back at the Ishtar residence Malik and Bakura were playing video games while Rishid was on the phone with Yen.
"Rishid you do know that Isis is will freak if found out that you're really hiking up the phone bill." Malik said.
"If she didn't want to the phone bill to go up she shouldn't have set up that blind date."
Everything fell back into silence but was quickly broken when they heard someone pounding on the door.
"Man who is that and why aren't they using the door bell." Bakura said as he paused the game and answered the door.
"Good afternoon, is your name Bakura by any chance?" Gene asked
"Nope it's Hale, Bakura lives on 4578 Ra Street."
"Oh sorry to bother you."
Bakura sighed and walked back over to the couch but as soon as he sat down there was another knock at the door.
"Now what do ya want?"
"Ra Street doesn't even exist now where is Bakura!" Gene yelled.
"Right in front of you genius."
"Well then Bakura I'm Detective Gene and I need you and your friends to do me a favor, but first mat I come in?"
"Let me think…no."
"Bakura what's taking you so long?" Malik called.
"Detective Gene won't leave me alone." Bakura said.
"All I want to do is come." Gene said.
"What are you some sort of freak? I mean who walks up to random houses and asks to come in?" Malik said.
"No I'm a detective and I need you all to do a job for me."
"How much dose it pay?" asked Bakura.
"Oh um, a lot."
"Man you're a lying somebody aren't ya." Malik said.
"No I'm telling the truth look I even have a badge and ID now please let me in." Gene begged.
"Ok Bakura let him." Malik said.
Bakura gave him a quick glair then moved out of his way so he could come in.
"Now what's all this about a high paying job?" Malik asked.
"You see we've been having a problem finding someone willing and with the experience to catch a wanted criminal. That's where you all come in. I was very impressed when I heard how you stopped that bank robbery, and your hand was broken which make it even more amazing."
"Ah so you like our work." Bakura said.
"Well it wasn't the most professional why to handle it, but it worked and that's what's important."
"So what are we talking about?" Rishid said finally getting off the phone with Yen and sitting next to Gene with a big grin on his face.
"Rishid we're kind of in the middle of a conversation so you're just going to have to wait for the summary. Now Gene about this criminal?" Malik said.
"Sorry but it's an undercover mission and only people who are apart of it can be informed."
"Cool with me I'm in." Bakura said.
"Wait what criminal?" Rishid asked.
"I'm in to." Malik said completely ignoring him.
"Great, now I'm going to need you all to come down to the station so we can change your appearances and explain the situation."
"Hey why do you have to change the why we look?" Rishid asked completely clueless of what was going on.
"Because you guys were on the news so we can't take the chance if her recognizing you. Now let's go." Gene said.
When they got to the police station they were taken to a back room for the mission briefing.
"We're looking for a woman named Jo Zhang she's new to the business but has really been making a name for herself the few months. She's usually hired to pretend she's a drug dealer then assonates the target that tries to buy from her. After watching her for two months we have found out she meets with her clients at club named D Rhythm."
"Wait do you mean that club by the chicken palace?" Malik asked.
"Yes why?"
"It's not called D Rhythm that's the name of the DJ."
"Ok so I don't know what the name of the club is there was no sign, but we know that's where she's operating."
"Alright so what do we do when we get there?" Bakura asked.
"Well we already had an undercover officer hire her so all we need is you all to go see her and we'll do the rest."
"Hold on a second, you're telling us to go there so we can get killed?"
"No we'll send backup before that happens."
"You know the more I learn about this mission the more I don't want to do it." Rishid said.
"Well to bad because your friends have already agreed now lets go before you guys are late for your appoints."
"What appointments?" Malik said.
"Your appointments at the beauty parlor." Gene said.
"You have obviously lost your mind if you think I'm setting foot in beauty parlor."
"Ok no problem, but you get shot it's your fault." Gene said smiling.
Bakura gave him a good glair as he put on his coat and grumbled a few death threats.
It took them about twenty minutes for Bakura to drive there after all there was a detective with them, but when they did they were all very reluctant to go in because there wasn't a man within a two mile radiance of the place.
"Good afternoon gentlemen do like totally have an appointment?" asked the extremely hyper clerk.
"Yeah we're the only guys on the list." Bakura said.
"Hey that's right you guys are the only men on the list that is totally cool." She said smiling.
"And you're totally annoying?" Malik asked.
"My family tells my that all the time. Now you three can go sit over there while your wait for your totally cool hair dressers." She said.
"I don't what a totally cool hair dresser." Rishid pouted as he sat down.
"Well you guys enjoy yourselves I'm heading back to the police station to make sure everything's set for to night." Gene said.
"Oh and I hope you don't mind if I take your car Malik." He said as he walked out the door before Malik could object.
"Wait, Bakura I thought you had my keys?" Malik asked.
"So did I, the little snake must have taken them when I wasn't paying attention." Bakura said checking his pockets.
While they were still at the parlor Gene was at the station plotting and planning.
"Ok is everyone filled in on the plan?" Gene asked.
"No, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be in the club or in the warehouse."
"It doesn't mater just as long as you're in the head office during go time." Gene said.
"Hey boss the clubs been rented out and the owner said that everything's set."
"Alright everyone gather round I'm going to go over the plan. Once the chickens leave the hole they'll shimmy down the street in front of the low engine everyone will head down the high engine and wait for further instructions from the root beer got it?"
"Sir have you been drinking again?"
"No you idiot I'm speaking in code just in case someone's listening in on us." Gene whispered.
"Well if we're speaking in code we really don't have to whisper now do we."
"Whatever, I have to go pick up the chickens just makes sure you guys get everything right." Gene said as he walked out the door.
He quickly drove back to the beauty parlor, but couldn't find Malik, Bakura, or Rishid anywhere.
"Excuse me miss did happen to see three men come here?" Gene asked.
"Yeah there sitting right over there." She said pointing right behind him.
Gene raised an eyebrow then slowly tuned around to see three "women" giving him death glairs
"Guys what did they do to you?" Gene asked.
Malik just stood up showing Gene that he was wearing a silver mini skirt and a gold blouse.
"Look if I had known that they were going to dress you guys up like girls I wouldn't have brought you here."
Bakura, who was wearing a very short lime green dress and yellow pumps tried to jump up and hit him but lost his balance falling flat on his face.
"You know I bet we wouldn't look have as bad if the girl who picked out our outfits wasn't color blind, and the least she could have done was give me a wig or something." Rishid said trying to forget the fact that was wearing a brown tank top, and an orange see-thought skirt.
"Oh come on guys you don't look that bad." Gene lied.
"Yeah and Anzu really doesn't talk that much." Bakura said sarcastically.
"Look the faster we do this mission the faster we can get out these..whatever they call em'." Malik said.
"Ok ladies lets go." Gene said.
"Man you just want to get hurt don't you." Bakura said trying not to fall again.
After Malik and Bakura beat up a few guys for whistling when they came out of the parlor they drove to the club.
"Alright you guys remember, try not to draw attention to yourselves." Gene said.
"Too late." Rishid mumbled.
They all reluctantly got out of the car and walked toward the club.
"Hey, aren't you coming?" Malik asked.
"Nope, she's seen me before so if I went I'd give you away." Gene said with a smile then drove off.
"Ok is it me or does that guy seem really shady?" Bakura asked.
"What do you mean he's a police detective what's so shady about him?" Rishid said fixing his top.
"I'm mean how he's the only person in this mission we've seen, usually when police do stuff like this they have meeting with everyone who's apart of it."
"Bakura's right this whole mission's shady." Malik said pulling out his cell phone and calling a certain somebody.
"Well there's no turning back now we're next in line." Rishid said.
When it was there turn in line they were surprised to see that the bouncer let them in the club no questions asked.
"Ok so now what do we do?" Bakura asked.
"Gene said that we should we set at a table until we see Jo." Malik said sitting down.
They sat there for about fifteen minutes when a man who had been checking out Malik walked over to them.
"Hey there cutie."
"Hey there ugly." Malik said.
"So how's about you and I go cut the rug?" he asked.
"I wouldn't "cut the rug" with you if you were a dancing thousand dollar bill." Malik said.
"No problem sweetie I like it when a woman plays hard to get." He said with a smile.
"Ok obviously you can't tell when someone's telling you off so I'll put it like this, you have one second to get out of my face before I knock across the club." Malik said warningly.
The man opened his mouth to say something but before he could it was slammed shut when Malik gave him a fierce uppercut that sent him flying. Oddly enough no one seemed to care and keep on do what they were doing.
"Man it's like we're in the Twilight Zone." Rishid said.
They sat there for another hour and when they were just about to leave when a very sketchy looking lady walked up to them.
"Can I interest you gals in anything?" she asked.
"Depends on how much it is." Malik said trying not to blow his cover.
"Well let's head out to my truck and see what we can do."
They all left the club and headed to her truck but as soon as they got there they were jumped by four more people then they were tied up, thrown into the truck and their kidnappers drove down the street.
"I think this is where the homicidal part comes in." Rishid whispered.
Bakura sat look out the back window when he noticed an all black car flowing them. He turned to say something to Malik who started to shack his head furiously, so he just ignored it.
The truck finally reached its destination which was a large a banned warehouse. As soon as they were in the middle of the warehouse a grope of ad least thirty men dropped from the ceiling like something out of a James Bond movie.
"Well look like cat finally caught the mouse." Gene said walking into the warehouse.
"Perfect timing Gene now come over here and untie us." Malik said.
"As much as I'd like to do that I find killing a person a lot easier when they can't move." Gene said.
"Don't play with me Gene, I'm not a very humorous person. Now get your over ass here and untie us." Bakura said calmly.
"Nether am I, but I'm still not going to untie you." He said.
Gene then made a gesture with his hand and a few of his men picked them up and push them into the nearest wall. The large group of thugs then formed a line in front of them preventing any escape.
"I know this may seem like a stupid question but, what's going on?" Rishid asked.
"Remember those bank robbers you guys took down, well the leader of them was our boss now that he's gone all of use are now unemployed." He said.
"Come on guys being unemployed isn't really that bad, I mean look at us we're unemployed but you don't see us going around killing people." Malik said trying to reason.
"Your right, unemployment isn't worth killing over, too bad we can't let you get away because you might tell the police."
He was about to reach for his gun when everyone a really loud honking sound that was got closer by the second, and eventually they saw the black car that was following then crash thought the side of the warehouse and plow through the line of thugs missing only the hand full that had enough commonsense to jump out of the way.
"Run for it!" Bakura yelled as a few of then began to get up.
Malik grabbed a gun from one thugs then headed for the stairs that led to the second level trying to avoid getting shot or hit by the car.
Rishid who wasn't in the mood to run anywhere recognized the driver of the car and jumped on the back of it then claimed through the sun ruff. While Rishid was enjoying the soft jazz music that played in the car Malik was and whoever was chasing him had run into an office room, but unfortunately for them they both had run out of bullets and were now throwing random office appliances at each other, you know pens, pencils, rulers, and the occasional paper weight. Malik quickly got tired off the game and through a pencil sharpener at Gene's head, then through a chair out the large window leaving a big enough hole for him to jump out of. Malik waited for the car to come back into the warehouse and when it drove his way he jumped out of the window, but the car was going to fast and drove right from under him.
"Oh ssshhhhiiiiiiittttttt!" Malik yelled as he came closer and closer to the floor.
Rishid heard him and told the driver to reverse, and as soon as he stopped Malik landed on the hood of the car. Rishid jumped out of the car dragged Malik off the hood and put him it the back set.
Bakura had already stolen the gun from the man who was chasing him but wasn't quite sure how it use it.
"Come on you stupid thing fire!" Bakura yelled as he shook it.
Giving up he through the gun who knows where and started to run like there's know tomorrow, but he failed to see the small puddles of gas the car left and as soon as his feet touched it he slid across the floor very quickly. After he'd slid back onto dry ground the large amount of friction caused the heels of his pumps to snap off sending him into a wall. Bakura was picking himself off the floor when he heard loud sirens.
"Crap the police are here!" Bakura said scrambling to his feet and ran to the black car.
Malik flung open the back door so he could get in then buckled his seat belt, safety first. The car drove out of the warehouse and headed for there home, that's when Bakura noticed the driver of the car.
"Kaiba?! What are you doing here?"
"Malik called and asked me to follow you guys around." He said.
"And you did it because..?"
"He said I would get to see you guys wearing dress, and frankly I'm quite satisfied." He said with a smile.
When they got home the first thing they did was turn on the TV and of course it was all over the news, but what interested them the most was when the policeman that had questioned the thugs said.
"Whoever rounded up those criminals have to be some grade "A" weirdoes."
Come on guys this story has been visited 158 times so far and not a single review! Could SOMEONE just throw me bone and tell me what they think of this story!