Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Different Kind of You ❯ Love Me ( Chapter 25 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Going back to the apartment with Yugi was one of the harder decisions to make on Yami's part. He didn't want to bring his young love just in case Nile was there and still in as bad of a mood as in the parking lot. Yugi insisted he go though and even promised to run to all heavens if Nile was there and still angry.
Upon arriving at the apartment, however, both boys were entirely surprised. The place was deserted of not only Nile, but Corrine and Emerald as well. The only clue that gave way to them being there was a sheet of paper on the table, a note written on it.
Cautiously, as though it would burst up in flames any moment, Yami approached the table and picked up the letter, reading it with a crease between his brow. Yugi, reading over his shoulder, placed his hands on Yami's arms to help him balance on his toes, being careful not to bring the older off balance.
Thank you so much for all your help and allowing myself and Emerald to stay here.
I'm happy to say that I managed to convince Nile not to wait for Yami or yourself to return. He was rather upset when he returned, after all. I can't promise for him to stay away though.
Yugi allowed a small smile to cross his lips and closed his eyes, leaning comfortably against Yami and wrapping his arms around his waist loosely. “I'd say today has been a very long and trying day.”
Yami made a noise of agreement and dropped the paper back on the table to put his own hands over Yugi's.
“I'll bet you're really tired too.”
Again, another noise.
“Why don't you go to bed? I'll call your work and try getting you out of trouble.”
After another noise of agreement from Yami, the older pulled away from Yugi to stumble down the hall tiredly, heading for the bedroom. Yugi watched him go before turned to the phone and dialing the number for the restaurant.
The boss he was talking to was nothing short of aggravating for Yugi. The man couldn't seem to understand how family problems could prevent Yami from calling into work or showing up on time. He was just about to hang up on the guy when the boss finally caved in and said he'd ignore the incident.
Yugi was a second short of slamming the phone back on the cradle when the dial tone clicked, but remember Yami trying to sleep and, instead, carefully placed the receiver down where it belonged. “Sheesh, how infuriating,” he grumbled. “How can Yami stand that jerk?”
Soft kisses placed along his neck and a chuckling caused goose-bumps to rise up on his arms and a shiver to run down his back.
“I don't like your boss,” whined Yugi playfully, leaning back against the warm body and reaching his arms up to wrap awkwardly around the other's neck and to tangle his fingers in the soft hair.
“Neither does anyone else,” Yami chuckled. “Come to bed now, love. You look exhausted.” He pulled Yugi closer to him, resting his chin on the shorter teen's shoulder, his hands gripping Yugi's arms lightly.
Yugi didn't say anything, but, instead, took Yami's hand and dragged him with him to the bedroom.
“Are you trying to say something,” the older teased.
“I just can't sleep right without you,” Yugi admitted, “As you obviously witnessed back at the - ”
Yugi was suddenly cut off when Yami pulled him back and placed his lips hungrily over Yugi's, his arms holding the younger tightly against him.
“All the morning gall I could think about was what you were doing and what you would think when you couldn't find a note from me,” Yami smirked against his boy's lips, only pulled away from the kiss enough to allow speech.
“Well, I freaked myself out worrying about only to scare myself worse when I tried sleeping back at…back there.”
Yami chuckled, pressing another kiss to Yugi's lips. “Still can't say it, can you,” he teased.
Yugi pulled away, staring at the floor with his arms wrapped around himself. He turned away from Yami. “That man,” he whispered, too afraid to speak any louder, “he said such horrible things to me. Every since I woke up earlier I can't get his barbaric voice out of my head. It echoes around, repeating itself, and I feel disgusting just thinking about it.”
“He keeps saying how I was a whore and how I'll always be one. That I'd never be good enough for anyone to love and I would never have my happy ending that I was dreaming of.” Yugi turned around, tears blurring his vision as he looked up at Yami sadly. He reached his hand towards him desperately, choking, “You love me, Yami?”
Yami stepped forward, his mouth open with disbelief at how much grief and anguish was spilling from Yugi's voice. He took Yugi's outstretched hand in both of his, bringing the hand to his lips. “You are all I have to live for, Yugi. All that I have.”
Yugi choked, shaking with all his nerves feeling as though they were on fire. “You aren't angry with me?”
The older had no idea what Yugi could be thinking to make it seem as though he'd be angry with him. He took one hand from Yugi's, keeping his other holding it tightly, now placing his free hand on Yugi's cheek. “No, Yugi, never. Never, love.”
More tears dripped down Yugi's cheeks as he choked once again. “Thank you, Yami,” he blubbered. “Thank you.”
Yami frowned, not knowing how to comfort the broken child in front of him. He stepped forward again and pulled Yugi into his chest, holding him tightly. “I'm here for you, Yugi.”
“I want my dream, Yami,” Yugi cried.
“Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you.” Yami held Yugi closely, rubbing his back and shoulders lightly, kissing his cheek and rocking them back and forth gently. “Come on, let's go lay down and try to get some rest.”
Yugi didn't say anything, only kept holding onto Yami, his hands grasping so tight is knuckles were turning white. When Yami tried pulling away to walk down the hall, Yugi cried out and pulled Yami back. Yami was further surprised by his attitude when Yugi hid his face in his shirt, quivering as though he was cold and couldn't be warmed up.
Yami thought of something better and wrapped his arms around Yugi's waist, lifting him up enough for the younger to wrap his legs around his waist. Yugi did so, wrapping his arms around his neck and letting Yami walk them to the bedroom. He allowed himself to be placed on the bed, watching Yami carefully to make sure he didn't go too far from him.
The older smiled gently at his lost boy, trying to think of something to appease his fears of him leaving him. After all, it was the only thing he could think of after what Yugi told that made sense. He removed his shirt, placing it on a chair on the opposite side of the room, before laying down on the bed beside Yugi. He almost chuckled when Yugi curled into, but held it back in favor of wrapping his arms around him, instead.
“Will you just hold me, Yami?”
“Always, Yugi.”
“Yami,” Yugi croaked out, glancing up at Yami carefully, almost shyly.
“Yes, Yugi,” Yami whispered just as quietly.
“I couldn't remember who that man was until - ”
“Shh,” Yami hushed. “You don't have to talk about it anymore.”
“No, Yami, no. I want to tell you; I need to.” Yugi took a deep breath, snuggling closer to his only source of comfort. “The man who told me…that I was a whore, I couldn't remember who he was. I do now.”
“Who was he, Yugi,” Yami asked, knowing Yugi needed to get this out.
When Yugi didn't say anything, Yami just figured he'd changed his mind and he was okay with that. He closed his eyes and was content to go to sleep when Yugi shifted and mumbled something into his chest. He pushed Yugi away and asked him again.
“It was the man at the fair, Yami.”
“What,” Yami's eyes widened. He stared at Yugi, unable to believe what he heard. “That bastard who said all those cruel things to you?”
Yugi nodded. “Are you mad at me?”
“Never, Yugi; just like I told you before.” In truth, Yami was pissed of, but not at Yugi. He was staring at the same guy who hurt Yugi more than the other customers at the whorehouse ever could and he didn't even know it. “I'll watch over you now, Yugi. Just forget that guy and what he told you before. Listen to me, now. You're handsome, you're all I could ever want in my life, and I'm in love with you. Believe me?”
Yugi watched him for a second before a small smile broke out on his face and his tense muscles finally relaxed. “Yami,” Yugi whispered, “There's one more thing.”
“What's that, Yugi?”
“Are you tired of waiting for me?”
“For what,” Yami asked, confused. A second later it hit him and he pulled Yugi closer. “Of course not, Yugi. I couldn't ever tire of waiting for you. I'll wait for you until you're - ”
“I'm ready.”
“Exactly,” Yami smiled.
“I meant that, Yami. I am ready.”
Yami's eyes widened, searching Yugi's face for any sign of indecision. “Yugi, are you -”
“Please, Yami, don't be one of those people who asks, `are you sure,' a million times before you finally decide to do something. Just love me?”
Yami rolled over so Yugi was underneath him. He smiled down at him and pressed his lips to Yugi's, lightly at first, but then more desperately as Yugi clutched at him.
He helped to remove Yugi's shirt, his own fingers shaking nervously as he found he couldn't remove his eyes from the handsome creature underneath him. Only when all clothes were discarded on the floor could he find himself able to remove his eyes from the flushed face of his soon-to-be lover to roam the exposed, porcelain pale body before him.
“Is it - ”
“Beautiful,” Yami whispered. “More than I could ever say.”
Yugi blushed and traced along Yami's darker skin carefully, memorizing each toned lightly and freckle he came across. “I could say the same thing,” he smiled, reaching up kiss a smooth shoulder.
Yami smirked and leaned down to start kissing each pale patch of skin he could reach.
Both felt heat over their bodies and they both embraced it just as they both embraced each other. Their fingers caressed the other carefully, tracing and mapping out the skin of the person they loved most, feeling a rising heat from somewhere below.
Yami followed the map he made until his eyes landed on Yugi's face once more as he lay on top of Yugi; both enjoying the feel of bare skin against bare skin.
The older was moving his hands up and down Yugi's sides, making him fidget and squirm underneath at his touch. Yami smiled at his movement and even more when Yugi asked him to stop tickling him. They both leaned in and kissed each other as Yami moved his fingers carefully closer to where he wanted them to be.
Yami slipped his hands around Yugi's growing erection and was caressing it and squeezing it with such affection, enjoying the soft moans of complete pleasure eliciting from Yugi. Yugi opened his eyes, not realizing he'd even closed them, and moved his head as if looking for something. Yami had noticed and stopped everything to wait and see what Yugi was looking for. Yugi soon settled back down pulled the covers back, holding out the lotion Yami kept inside the bedside table drawer. It was almost out, but it was all they had. With a small blush, he handed the bottle to Yami and got comfortable once again. Yami took the tube hesitantly, smirking as he realized what it was for.
A small frown came over his face as he realized how many times Yugi must've been in such a position, but quickly pushed it away and focused on what he was doing.
He squeezed out a generous amount of the contents. Beginning to move his hand up and down Yugi's length, enjoying the moans and hisses coming from the younger boy, Yami wanting to take away any pain he might cause. He decided it was time to move on to other things and pushed a finger into the tight ring of flesh. Yugi arched his back at the intrusion, but quickly calmed himself to not make tri-colored-haired boy think it was hurting him too much.
Yami moved his finger around the inside of Yugi's body, making it slicked up before he pressed in another finger and stretched out the puckered hole for what was to come, feeling the muscles contract themselves around his fingers as if telling him to remove themselves since Yugi hadn't gotten intruded for a while.
Yugi moved underneath and felt the dull pain slide away faster than it came when Yami moved over one place that felt really, really good. He didn't know one place could feel so good until now. He always refused to think about how good something like this could be, but with Yami he felt free to do so. He let out a slight moan and shivered at Yami's touch, but made a disapproving sound once Yami removed his fingers. He opened his eyes and watched as Yami slicked up his own manhood, moaning as he watched.
Yami stopped once his erection was fully slicked and looked at Yugi. “Are you ready?” He moved Yugi's legs further apart and positioned himself for easy access.
Yugi made a shaky nod and braced himself.
Yami thought for a minute and added, “You know it'll hurt, right? You haven't done this for a while and I don't think I'll be able to stop.”
The younger closed his eyes and nodded another shaky nod. He flinched and gasped loudly as soon as he felt Yami slowly slide within him, feeling his muscles contract at the invasion even though he figured they should be used to something like this by now.
Yami thought for a moment, thinking he should call this off since he didn't mean to hurt Yugi, but he knew that neither of them wanted that to happen so after seconds of pondering over a decision and questioning and pressuring moans from Yugi probably asking why he stopped he pushed farther in.
The pain had spread over Yugi as soon as Yugi started is journey back to the sweet spot he touched earlier. Moaning at every slight extra pinch of pain that flashed over Yugi's body. It seemed to never get back to the sweet spot until Yugi hissed through his teeth and gasped slightly at the sudden rush of pleasure that ran through him signaling to Yami that he reached his point of pleasure once more.
Yami really did love the moans each time he came to that sweet spot. He moved continuously up and down inside Yugi's body begin to spasm as he felt himself coming closer. At one point he nearly let all control he gained when they started slip and, without realizing, was almost moving rather harshly and wouldn't have noticed until Yugi rubbed his shoulders, telling him to breathe.
Embarrassed, Yami looked away, but came back to Yugi when the younger reached up to kiss him.
Shortly afterwards, Yugi reached his point and Yami released himself inside of him. He collapsed before removing himself from his lover and rolled next to him.
“Yugi,” he gasped out. “You were absolutely perfect.”
“You too, Yami, you too,” Yugi breathed tiredly.
“Did…I hurt you,” Yami asked, afraid when he saw Yugi flinch when he shifted around on the bed.
“No, no, it's just been a while. I loved every minute of it. Can we…again?”
Yugi chuckled, shaking his head. “Not right now. Can we rest first?”
“Of course,” Yami agreed sleepily.
And, just as promised, the two rested and made an enjoyable night exploring each and everything they could.