Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Disaster Play ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A disaster play
Chapter 3
Yugi, Tristan, Duke, Joey and Bakura were in their way to Kaiba's mansion to assay for
their play " The Sleeping Beauty". They really didn't liked the characters they got because
all of them, but Joey were female characters. Joey was the only one who got a male
character - The Prince Phillipe but the problem his princess was Seto Kaiba. And he still
didn't forget his dream about they really were the characters from the fairy tale and kissed
him, RIGHT on the lips.
"Tell me again Bakura. Why did you bring that video along with you?" asked Tristam to Bakura.
Bakura had brought the tape Disney's the Sleeping Beauty for their assay because it
might help them to play the characters. Yugi agreed with Bakura because they still decide
witch fairy they would play.
"I think Duke would play the blue fairy. Their personalities mach very well." Teases Tristan
as Duke glared at him.
"Really? So that means you're going to be the pink fairy because you mach very well
with her." said Duke as he and Tristan were glaring at each other. Joey, Bakura and Yugi
sweet drop.
"That means I will be the green fairy." Remarked Yugi to himself.
Finally they arrived at Kaiba's place. Yugi rang the doorbell and Mokuba was the one
to answer it.
"Hi guys. Big brother were waiting for ya all. Come in." Said Mokuba as they entered in
the mansion. " Seto is waiting for ya at the living room." Said Mokuba as he told them the
way to the living room.
The boys went to the living room and they saw Kaiba assaying. They knew that part that
Kaiba was assaying. It was the part where Aurora would meet Phillipe first time in the
woods. The boys had to control to not laugh.
"Laugh and you all die." Said Kaiba as he was turning back and glaring at them.
"Don't worry we wouldn't. You were assaying in the part in the woods, right? Good. Why not you
and Joey assay together in that part now?" Said Yugi. Kaiba and Joey brushed because they both
remembered about that weird dream.
"Come on guys, it's not so bad. It just a play." Said Tristan, somehow teasing them. The boys
din't have much choice.
Yugi, Duke and Tristan sat down in the sofa while they were wachting Kaiba and Joey
assaying the scenes of the woods. They had to control a little to not laugh.
"Don't go. Im not a stranger, we met before." Said Joey, as the Prince Phillipe.
"Where did we meet before?" asked Kaiba, as the Princess Aurora.
Joey , without realizing, he was looking deeply at Kaiba's eyes.
"Yes, once upon in a drea......" Joey was interrupted when Bakura was laughing.
Everything body was staring at him. Joey and Seto brushed a little and Duke finally
asked what was his problem. Bakura finally stopped to laugh and he got up.
"That assay wouldn't be much easier if we were really inside of the fairy tale?" asked
Bakura as the others looked at him confused. They thought he was crazy.
Without warning, the Millennium Ring began to glow. All the boys souls were taken from
their bodies and locked inside of the video. The bodies fall lifeless in the ground
( but Duke, Tristan, Yugi since they were in the sofa.). The Millennium Puzzle glowed as
Yami had taken the body. Bakura was beginning to getting up as Yami shaken him furiously.
SPEAK NOW!" Shouted Yami very mad as Bakura had a hard time to breath because Yami was
shaking very hard by his neck.
"I... I Not Him! Let.... Let me go. I.... Can't ......breath..." Yami realized that
Bakura was really the hikari one and not his Yami. So, if he wasn't the tomb raider,
where's him now?
Mokuba had come to the living room to check what was that noise when he saw Kaiba lying
emotionless in the ground. Mokuba asked what happened with him and the others. Yami told
to he wasn't sure what happened when Bakura realized something.
"Uh. Yami, you should check this." Said Bakura as Yami and Mokuba went over to the silver
haired boy. Yami and Mokuba's eyes widen in surprise when they saw the cover of the video.
It was Joey and Kaiba as the Prince Phillipe and Princess Aurora, Yugi, Tristan and Duke as
the 3 good faires and Yami Bakura as the own the evil witch Maleficent. The 3 young boys
sweet drop.
"He couldn't do that. Could he?" asked Bakura
"Yes, he would. Mokuba would you play this video ?" asked Yami as Mokuba nooded to him.
The young Kaiba brother turned off the giant television as the viedo began to play.
Yami, Bakura, and Mokuba widen in surprise when they say Tristan as the pink fairy, Yugi
as the green fairy and Duke as the blue fairy.
~Inside of the video~
Tristan, Duke and Yugi stared at the crow. They wondered how did they get there when
they realized they were the faries from Sleeping Beauty and they were womans.
"Yugi, what the heck going on? And how did we get here?" asked Duke in paning.
"And why are we women?" asked Tristam totally embarrassed.
"I guess Yami Bakura locked our souls inside of Disney movie."
"SAY WHAT?!" Shouted Duke and Trisan at Yugi.
"Any problems, fairies?" asked the king.
Yugi, Tristan, and Duke sweet drop. Yugi whispered to them to they really play as
they character , later they would figure something to get out from this mess. Tristan and
Duke had to agreed with Yugi.
"N-nothing majesty. We just glad for you invited us for the birthday of your daughter;
Princess Aurora." Said Duke as the others agreed with him.
The boys .... I mean the fairies saw the cradle. That where the young princess was. Then,
somethig hit their thoughts. If they were the fairies, that means that baby was Kaiba! They
went to the cradle to see the baby. It was really Kaiba because The real Aurora had blond hair
and not brown hair.
"Dude, Kaiba will kill us after we get out from this mess." Said Tristan with an anime
drop by the side od his head. "Now what?"
"I think its in this part where we give the gift." Said Duke.
"I saw this video when I was younger. You go first Tristan. You're the pink fairy and
you give to her.... I mean him... hum... whatever , you give to Kaiba the gift of beauty.
Later it will be me and then Duke. Got it?" said Yugi as Trisan and Duke nodded. They really
want to kill Yami Bakura for that mess they were in.
"Well.... Young prince ... I mean Princess Kaiba..." Yugi and Duke slapped their foreheads
as Tristan continued " I mean, Princess Aurora, I will give you the gift of beauty." Said
Tristan as he rise up his magic wand as little stars fall in the baby. Now it was Yugi turn.
"Young Princess. I will give you the gift of sing." Said Yugi as he rise up his wand and
little magic star fall in the baby. Now it was Duke's turn.
"Young Princess. Your gift is....." But he was interrupted by a strong wind.
All the people there stared at a green light when out of nowhere showed up someone who
didn't was invited. It was....
"BAKURA?!" Shouted Duke, Yugi, and Tristan.
To be Continue.
Y.Y: Oh-ho. What will happen with them? Wait until the next chapter.
Kaiba: You tuned me into a woman?
Y.Y: Yep and your torture is just begining . * Evil laugh *
Kaiba: Somebody help me! O_o !
Chapter 3
Yugi, Tristan, Duke, Joey and Bakura were in their way to Kaiba's mansion to assay for
their play " The Sleeping Beauty". They really didn't liked the characters they got because
all of them, but Joey were female characters. Joey was the only one who got a male
character - The Prince Phillipe but the problem his princess was Seto Kaiba. And he still
didn't forget his dream about they really were the characters from the fairy tale and kissed
him, RIGHT on the lips.
"Tell me again Bakura. Why did you bring that video along with you?" asked Tristam to Bakura.
Bakura had brought the tape Disney's the Sleeping Beauty for their assay because it
might help them to play the characters. Yugi agreed with Bakura because they still decide
witch fairy they would play.
"I think Duke would play the blue fairy. Their personalities mach very well." Teases Tristan
as Duke glared at him.
"Really? So that means you're going to be the pink fairy because you mach very well
with her." said Duke as he and Tristan were glaring at each other. Joey, Bakura and Yugi
sweet drop.
"That means I will be the green fairy." Remarked Yugi to himself.
Finally they arrived at Kaiba's place. Yugi rang the doorbell and Mokuba was the one
to answer it.
"Hi guys. Big brother were waiting for ya all. Come in." Said Mokuba as they entered in
the mansion. " Seto is waiting for ya at the living room." Said Mokuba as he told them the
way to the living room.
The boys went to the living room and they saw Kaiba assaying. They knew that part that
Kaiba was assaying. It was the part where Aurora would meet Phillipe first time in the
woods. The boys had to control to not laugh.
"Laugh and you all die." Said Kaiba as he was turning back and glaring at them.
"Don't worry we wouldn't. You were assaying in the part in the woods, right? Good. Why not you
and Joey assay together in that part now?" Said Yugi. Kaiba and Joey brushed because they both
remembered about that weird dream.
"Come on guys, it's not so bad. It just a play." Said Tristan, somehow teasing them. The boys
din't have much choice.
Yugi, Duke and Tristan sat down in the sofa while they were wachting Kaiba and Joey
assaying the scenes of the woods. They had to control a little to not laugh.
"Don't go. Im not a stranger, we met before." Said Joey, as the Prince Phillipe.
"Where did we meet before?" asked Kaiba, as the Princess Aurora.
Joey , without realizing, he was looking deeply at Kaiba's eyes.
"Yes, once upon in a drea......" Joey was interrupted when Bakura was laughing.
Everything body was staring at him. Joey and Seto brushed a little and Duke finally
asked what was his problem. Bakura finally stopped to laugh and he got up.
"That assay wouldn't be much easier if we were really inside of the fairy tale?" asked
Bakura as the others looked at him confused. They thought he was crazy.
Without warning, the Millennium Ring began to glow. All the boys souls were taken from
their bodies and locked inside of the video. The bodies fall lifeless in the ground
( but Duke, Tristan, Yugi since they were in the sofa.). The Millennium Puzzle glowed as
Yami had taken the body. Bakura was beginning to getting up as Yami shaken him furiously.
SPEAK NOW!" Shouted Yami very mad as Bakura had a hard time to breath because Yami was
shaking very hard by his neck.
"I... I Not Him! Let.... Let me go. I.... Can't ......breath..." Yami realized that
Bakura was really the hikari one and not his Yami. So, if he wasn't the tomb raider,
where's him now?
Mokuba had come to the living room to check what was that noise when he saw Kaiba lying
emotionless in the ground. Mokuba asked what happened with him and the others. Yami told
to he wasn't sure what happened when Bakura realized something.
"Uh. Yami, you should check this." Said Bakura as Yami and Mokuba went over to the silver
haired boy. Yami and Mokuba's eyes widen in surprise when they saw the cover of the video.
It was Joey and Kaiba as the Prince Phillipe and Princess Aurora, Yugi, Tristan and Duke as
the 3 good faires and Yami Bakura as the own the evil witch Maleficent. The 3 young boys
sweet drop.
"He couldn't do that. Could he?" asked Bakura
"Yes, he would. Mokuba would you play this video ?" asked Yami as Mokuba nooded to him.
The young Kaiba brother turned off the giant television as the viedo began to play.
Yami, Bakura, and Mokuba widen in surprise when they say Tristan as the pink fairy, Yugi
as the green fairy and Duke as the blue fairy.
~Inside of the video~
Tristan, Duke and Yugi stared at the crow. They wondered how did they get there when
they realized they were the faries from Sleeping Beauty and they were womans.
"Yugi, what the heck going on? And how did we get here?" asked Duke in paning.
"And why are we women?" asked Tristam totally embarrassed.
"I guess Yami Bakura locked our souls inside of Disney movie."
"SAY WHAT?!" Shouted Duke and Trisan at Yugi.
"Any problems, fairies?" asked the king.
Yugi, Tristan, and Duke sweet drop. Yugi whispered to them to they really play as
they character , later they would figure something to get out from this mess. Tristan and
Duke had to agreed with Yugi.
"N-nothing majesty. We just glad for you invited us for the birthday of your daughter;
Princess Aurora." Said Duke as the others agreed with him.
The boys .... I mean the fairies saw the cradle. That where the young princess was. Then,
somethig hit their thoughts. If they were the fairies, that means that baby was Kaiba! They
went to the cradle to see the baby. It was really Kaiba because The real Aurora had blond hair
and not brown hair.
"Dude, Kaiba will kill us after we get out from this mess." Said Tristan with an anime
drop by the side od his head. "Now what?"
"I think its in this part where we give the gift." Said Duke.
"I saw this video when I was younger. You go first Tristan. You're the pink fairy and
you give to her.... I mean him... hum... whatever , you give to Kaiba the gift of beauty.
Later it will be me and then Duke. Got it?" said Yugi as Trisan and Duke nodded. They really
want to kill Yami Bakura for that mess they were in.
"Well.... Young prince ... I mean Princess Kaiba..." Yugi and Duke slapped their foreheads
as Tristan continued " I mean, Princess Aurora, I will give you the gift of beauty." Said
Tristan as he rise up his magic wand as little stars fall in the baby. Now it was Yugi turn.
"Young Princess. I will give you the gift of sing." Said Yugi as he rise up his wand and
little magic star fall in the baby. Now it was Duke's turn.
"Young Princess. Your gift is....." But he was interrupted by a strong wind.
All the people there stared at a green light when out of nowhere showed up someone who
didn't was invited. It was....
"BAKURA?!" Shouted Duke, Yugi, and Tristan.
To be Continue.
Y.Y: Oh-ho. What will happen with them? Wait until the next chapter.
Kaiba: You tuned me into a woman?
Y.Y: Yep and your torture is just begining . * Evil laugh *
Kaiba: Somebody help me! O_o !