Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Feary Tale ❯ Night One, Part 2 - kitten games ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Still the same…

A/N: Well, another chapter. Actually I´ve been thinking about deleting the story ...But then I just wrote another one! ^_^ I´m crazy, I know… Anyway, thanks again for the friendly reviews!! I´m very glad you like this-!

There´s been a slight alteration made to the story, it will contain now Seto/Ryou and Malik/Seto as the main pairings! Thanks or your patience!


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…"With all my heart," answered Hans; "but first stretch out your feet, and let me examine your claws." …..

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#4: Night One, Part 2- kitten games#

Malik chuckled.

"Let's play a game."

Somehow he looked like the infamous cat who eat the canary. Ryou shuddered lightly, his survival instincts telling him loudly to simply jump up and run. But that'd mean to leave Seto to deal with those demonic cats alone. He didn't want to do that.

But those ´cats´ claws looked awfully sharp…

Seto rose an eyebrow. "Which one?" Bracing himself with all his courage that was still left, Ryou stepped forward. Reaching the same level as Seto, he murmured silently. "Seto…? You don't really want to ´play´ with them, do you?" To his shock the tall brunette just shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?" Ryou´s eyes widened in disbelief. "Seto!!"

The enigmatic brunette was ignoring him once again. If the two cats wouldn't have been there, Ryou would have seriously considered kicking Seto or something the like. (But not biting him, though. Loosing one fang within twenty-four hours was enough!)

His attention turned back to the sandy-haired cat-demon, Seto declared. "Fine. If it's a game we know, we will play with you." This time Ryou jumped for real.


Had the brunette gone finally crazy on him?! How could he do that? And dragging him too into it as well! Ryou was completely lost as to what to think. He -really- wished to trust Seto with what he did, but all he seemed to do was getting them deeper and deeper into trouble. The blue-eyed youth shrugged his objections away.

Malik smirked maliciously.

"How about-"

"Dice!! Let's play a dice game!"

The viole(n)t-eyed demon winced in annoyance. "Otogi…" The low growl was completely ignored as the second cat demon decided to untangle himself from the bed's sheets and jumped up. Furiously searching pockets that Ryou could have sworn to not to have fitted into his tight clothing, he finally pulled out a pair of off-white dies with strange symbols carved into their surfaces. Blinking, Ryou realized that they were made out of bones.

The green-eyed demon grinned widely. "Let's play Dungeon Dice Monsters! Just wait till I've found the rest of the dies…" He started frantically searching his pockets again.

Next to him, Malik shook his head with an exasperated sigh. "Leave it, Otogi. Until you've found the damned things the whole night's over anyway. Also I seriously doubt that anybody other than you will ever understand those crazy rules for it…(Me included.)"

"Hey!" The black-haired demon shot him an angry look. Malik coolly ignored it. Shooting Seto a sweet look (which looked decidedly wrong on his face), he asked. "Why don't we play DM?"

Seto nodded. "Sounds fine." Malik grinned. "Duel Monsters it is then." Reaching down into one of his pants pockets, he pulled out a pack of cards. Otogi pouted, but did the same. Ryou frowned. "Duel Monsters?" Looking at Seto, he noticed that the brunette had somehow also produced his own set of playing cards out of a bag. Looking closer he recognized it as the one the brunette had also stashed his ´three secret utensils´ in.

Feeling worried, he edged closer to Seto. "Seto… I don't think that I've already played that game ever before…" Unreadable blue eyes gave him a curious look. "You didn't? I thought it's being played everywhere." Catching a glimpse of the brunettes cards, Ryou felt his mood lighten up again in record speed.

Stretching his hand out, he carefully touched one of the cards. It was the ´pot of greed´. Ryou recognized that card. "Wait… I do know the game. Just that it's called ´Magic and Wizards´ where I come from!" Hastily searching through his things, Ryou pulled out his own, self-constructed deck. It was an occult one, with lots of traps and magic cards as well as some monsters with some nice side effects. He was rather proud of his deck.

Turning to Seto, he smiled lightly. "My deck's focused on occult cards. Yours?" For a split second, Seto returned the smile. "Powerful monsters. Mainly dragons." Ryou nodded. "Aa." Suddenly he felt more comfortable with the situation again. The white-haired boy was a decent player of the game and from what he could make from the others behaviour, Seto was quite versed in it as well.

"Are done yet?"

They both flinched at the drawled question. Although only Ryou could see that Seto did as well, since he was standing close.

Otogi was watching them with a bored grin. Seto shot the cat-demon a scorching glare. Next to them, Malik snickered.

"Don't you have any sensitiveness at all? Leave the happy couple to their love talk." He smirked maliciously. Taking his stance for duelling, he said. "It'll be their last anyway.


Seto shot him a cold glare. Taking his own stand for the duel, he motioned for Ryou to do the same. On the other side of the room, Otogi quickly took his place next to Malik. Ryou frowned at them. If those demons though they had the right to bloody murder them, alright. But if they thought that that also gave them the right to make fun of them - then they were hellish-damn wrong!


"Let's duel!!"

The duel had went on for some time and it wasn't looking too good for Ryou and Seto.

Seto had currently a monster and a face-down trap card on the field while Ryou had nothing but his electric lizard in a face-down defence mode. Otogi had succeed in summoning some type of ninja-like monster which special abilities were giving the white-haired vampire quite a little difficulties, alongside with another two face down cards. Malik had his revival jam defence activated and was obviously preparing for summoning something bigger.

Ryou sighed silently to himself.

All this and Seto still didn't seem to be especially fazed by it. Ryou was absolutely sure that the blue-eyed teen had something on his mind. Some plan that would turn the tables and help them stay victorious against those devious cats. But what? What was the brunette waiting for?

Was it something Ryou had to do?

Halfway about to voice his question, Ryou shot the brunette a pleading look. Do something, goddamnit! But the brunette just retorted with an amused glance in his direction before playing another card face down and ending his turn. Otogi played another monster and attacked Ryou´s face-down card.

Ryou grinned lightly as the dark chest-devil was paralysed, leaving a wide gaping break in the dark-haired demons defence. Then it was Malik´s turn.

While the blonde-haired cat-demon made his move Ryou used the opportunity to gently nudge Seto with his foot. Seto rose an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look. Ryou answered it with a pleading one. An amused second eyebrow joined the first. Resisting the urge to start yelling loudly at the other that this was no stupid game but dead serious, Ryou sighed silently to himself. He repeated his former action with a little more force.

This time Seto didn't look that amused anymore.

Lifting his foot with the clear intention to kick the brunette with full force the next time, Ryou shot him a warning glare. He knew that it would have made a lot more impression with his both fangs bared, but thanks to Seto that manoeuvre was impossible now.

One and a half fang looked more silly than intimidating.

Getting the ´subtle´ hint Seto quickly reacted with a jerked nod, giving the young vamp no chance to make his treat come true. Remembering what the other had done to his fang Ryou considered kicking him anyway.

Unfortunately Malik choose just that moment to announce that he was done and it was again at Seto to make his move. Ryou just hoped it would be the right one.

The ice-eyed teen made a show out of drawing another card, looking through his cards, at Ryou, Otogi and Malik and then his cards again. With a long-suffering sigh, he laid them face down down.

Ryou gave him a shocked look. That was what the brunette had planned the whole time?! Forfeith?! Before the young vampire could get out a word, the both cats started snickering. Malik sneered.

"Giving up so soon?"

Seto returned his look coolly. "Not at all. But I can't tolerate you two ruining this game by cheating like that anymore."

"Cheating?!" The two changed cats jumped up. Obviously Seto had managed to hit them in their pride. "There's nobody cheating here!"

Seto met their anger with a look that could have had frozen over hell. "You are cheating."

"NANDA?! You lousy-!!"

For a moment it looked like Otogi was going to ram his (having suddenly grown amazingly long) claw-finger nails right into Seto´s neck. The brunette still didn't budge.

"You're cheating and I can prove it. Irrevocably."

Ryou watched worriedly as Otogi sneered, letting out a low, cat-like hiss at the infuriating teen. Half preparing to jump to Seto´s aid should the black-haired one decide to jump, the pale-haired vampire watched with not a uncertain amount of relief as the blonde cat-demon stretched his hand out, blocking the seething Otogi´s way effectively. Giving him a level look that told the other feline to keep his temper, Malik slowly stepped forward until he was mere inches away from Seto.

Resting his hands on his hips, he rose a slim eyebrow, giving Seto a half-amused and half-provocating look.

"So you're thinking we're cheating, huh?"

Seto´s icy glare met Malik´s lavender one easily. "I do."

Malik smirked, obviously amused by the brunettes behaviour. "You have guts, I have to admit." He shrugged lightly. "However, you're also unfortunately delusional. We're not cheating, and I can prove that as well."

If his acting was supposed to affect the taller teen in any way, then Seto either didn´t react to it or he didn't show it. All the while, Ryou watched the two closely. Until now things seemed pretty damn bad, but not as bad as they could still possibly get. It was close thought, and whatever the brunette was up to, Ryou sincerely hoped it worked like planned.

If not, then Ryou would happily tear out the brunettes neck given that the two cat-demons would leave him the time for that before killing them both.

The staring matched between cobalt blue and shining violet continued. In the end, a small grin formed on Seto´s lips, spreading quickly into a smirk.

"You're quite full of yourself, Ishtar."

Malik grinned nonchalantly. Somehow it didn't seem to be quite on the sane side. "At least I'm in good company with it."

Seto returned the grin. "As am I."

For a moment, silence reigned.

Then, Malik twitched and began stretching his hands in an all too catlike fashion. Ryou felt his eyes widen slightly as he could practically watch the cat-demon´s finger nails transform themselves back into sharp claws.

"So… We're quite in a dilemma here, aren't we?" Malik had finished his stretching and was watching Seto closely again. Waiting for any sign of weakness.

Ryou´s gaze quickly travelled over to where Otogi was. Like him, the other green-eyed cat-demon was silently watching the scene, being more of a uninvolved spectator than an actual part of the conflict taking place.

Realising this, Ryou sighed silently to himself. Seto and Malik were rather alike, from their unnatural quality of their eye colour till the air of ´I'm God, you're nothing´ they both seemed to radiate. Somehow, he wished to be a little more like them.

After what seemed to be a little eternity, Seto shrugged his shoulders.

The blonde feline took it as a sign to continue. "You have prove, you say? I'd like to see that." Hearing that, Seto looked down at him and for a splinter of a moment, Ryou was sure to see derisive laughter in his arctic eyes. His heart sped involuntary up beating.

Weightening the slightly smaller cat-demon with a uncaring look, Seto shook his head with a (utterly played) silent sigh. "As you wish.

To prove that you cheat, I will need something from my luggage." Seeing the both cats thoughtful expressions, the brunette smirked. "Don't worry, it's no weapon, nor will I try to flee. Just something that will help me to prove your cheap ways of winning for sure." He gave Malik an amused glare. "Do you agree?"

Unconsciously, Ryou felt a small grin form on his pale lips. He knew that expression! It meant that things were exactly going just the way Seto wanted them too. The cold brunette had been wearing the same expression when he'd decided to make the vampire his travel-companion and now he was doing it again. Suddenly, Ryou felt bad for ever doubting the others capacities. Seto was something special for sure and those cats would get their nasty surprise for trying to mess with him.

Ryou just wished he'd know how he was supposed to fit into that plan.

Malik shrugged his shoulders carelessly. "Sure, why not." Then a malicious sparkle entered his eyes. "But I think we deserve a little making up when it turns out that you've accused us for nothing."

Seto´s face remained emotionless.


Malik smirked again, stepping closer until just a few inches separated their bodies. Running a sharp-clawed hand over the blue-eyed youth's jaw line, he purred.

"Miou, miou; how could it is! You'll have to warm me up a little."

The leer that was accompanying this words, spoke volumes. From somewhere off to the side, Ryou could hear Otogi huff, mumbling something about ´perverted hentai´ and always getting horny during their jobs.

"- Otogi can have the snowy-hair."

Ryou´s eyebrows shot up at that. What?!?! Like hell that black cat was going to have any of him without a fight! Glancing over to the second feline, he saw Otogi wearing a (thank god!) similar expression. Had their partners gone crazy?!

Seto nodded just coolly at Malik, before turning to fetch whatever he was planning to get. Passing by Ryou, he swiftly placed a calming hand on the shaken vampire boy's shoulder murmuring a silent ´Keep an eye on the second one´ before passing him by. Staring dumfoundedly after the strange human, Ryou could barely muster to nod.

"The first part of my evidences I have here…-"

Gesturing for Malik to come closer and watch, Seto rumored shortly through his bag of ´special preparations´ before swiftly pulling out something shiny that got hidden between his long fingers before anyone could identify it closer. Ryou felt himself tense up lightly, recognising the shiny metal to belong to the handcuffs anyway.

Behind Seto, Malik´s expression changed from arrogant to suspicious (and a little bit confused.) He didn't trust Seto, that was for sure, but he also didn't want to let the outrageous accusation of them cheating go left unpunished. The white-haired second youth seemed to have something to do with the unnerving brunettes plans. He gave Otogi a silent wink to keep a watchful eye on him. Green eye blinked surprised, but the black-haired cat-demon obeyed without any further questioning.

The vampire twitched lightly, not liking the new attention. Yet Seto still stayed unperturbed.

"-and the second half is over there at the bed you two so nicely ruined."

Malik grinned at the added note, but complied following the brunette over to the bed. Bowing forward, Seto gestured to the massive wooden headboard. Pointing a finger to one of the many ornates on it, he said. "It's right here." The sandy feline spectre rose a slim eyebrow. Leaning closer in, he frowned. "I can't see anything."

Seto drew back, giving Malik a disbelieving look. "You don´t? Any there I thought cats were supposed to have such good eyes-" Something near the blonde cat-demon´s eyes twitched. "We do. But there's nothing."

Seto shook his head.

"Of course there is. Can't you see it? It's right there next to my finger."

Malik´s violet eyes narrowed in annoyance. Leaning further, he took another look.


Seto returned his look with a equal glare.

"There is and you better don't play intentional dumb on me because-" Malik broke him off with an angry snarl. Ryou watched with morbid fascination how gleaming white teeth transformed into large white fangs.

"There's nothing! And if I say there's nothing then there -is- nothing!!"

Seto shook his head, pushing the aggravated feline demon onto the bed.

"There is and if you'd use your damned cat eyes like they're supposed to just once then you'd see it too!!"

Malik snarled, but obeying leaned in closer to the pointed out spot on the headboard.

"Where's there anything?! There's nothing but-!!"

The sentence was cut off by a surprised angry shriek as Seto rammed into him, his supreme height and weight pushing the blonde effectively flat into the mattress. Before Malik even had a chance to react Seto had already pulled the handcuffs over his wrists and had chained him to the bedpost and headboard.



Straddling the fuming blonde from behind and barely avoiding his sharp claws Seto shouted. "Ryou, I'm counting on you!"

That was all it needed. Having jumped up at the same moment as Otogi, Ryou jumped the same moment Otogi tried to attack. Catching the charging cat-demon right in the movement, the vampire quickly jumped onto his back, dragging an arm around his neck in a practiced stranglehold while his still intact fang pressed lightly against the smooth skin.

Otogi froze immediately.

Ryou grinned silently to himself. Still keeping his hold on the shocked feline, he listened to Otogi´s rapidly increasing breathing and the pulsating heartbeat. That was more that way it should be going.

"You- you…Vampire?"

The sudden fear and not inconsiderable amount of surprise in Otogi´s voice was like an aphonic to Ryou, sending him on a adrenaline induced power trip that always accompanied his hunts. Grinning against the exposed skin, his fine senses easily picking up the exact location of the main ateria. It would be too easy now.

"Mmm… and if I were?"

His question was asked in a low humming purr, the vampires breath tickling the sensitive skin.

Over at the bed Seto watched them calmly. He couldn't help a light grin as he watched Ryou´s brown doe eyes going sharp and winning a malicious twinge of red colour into them. At the same time, the black-haired demon's acidic green eyes were growing wider every second.

"Otogi?! Where the fuck are you staying!! Get him off of me!!!"

Almost lazily the brunette evaded another swipe of sharp-clawed fingers. Under him, Malik shrieked in anger. Fighting furiously against his binding and the brunette on his back, the blonde still couldn't do anything.

"Otogi!! How long can dealing with such a white phussy take you?! Hurry up lazyass!!"

Quirking a slender eyebrow at the rapid loss of control, Seto directed a questioning glance over to Ryou. Behind Otogi´s back, Ryou grinned back at him. It was visible that the vampire was having his fun with the new situation. Seto couldn't help but silently chide the caught green-eyed cat for being so careless. Showing signs of fear only aggravated hunters more.

"M-Malik… he's a-a-"

Ryou nipped playful on his neck, nuzzling his single fang closer to the vein.


The last word was a strangled shriek. Under him, Malik froze. "A what?" Obviously none of the cat demons had taken themselves the time to pay his little, white-haired companion a little more close attention.

Seto grinned to himself. Leaning closer down, he whispered into Malik´s ear.

"Ryou´s a vampire, Malik-chan. Did our surprise work?"

The only answer he got was a pissed off hiss. VERY cat-like now. Remembering the fact that his captive could turn into a giant very angry cat any minute, Seto carefully shifted stances. Under him Malik bucked wildly, full-forcedly tugging against his restrainments.

"Let me go!! Fuck you to hell, bastard!!!"

Seto rose a slender eyebrow at the outburst. Malik wasn't done however.

"Asshole!! You cheating, little-!!"

The shout were abruptly cut short as Seto decided to use the chance and quickly straddled the cat-demon's waist, effectively pushing down his feet with his own while his hands firmly pressed the fuming blonde's shoulders against the mattress. Ryou rose a eyebrow at this. The scene and easiness the brunette had performed the action with could be taken as tell-tale signs that it wasn't the first time he'd done something like that.

In his grip, Otogi twitched lightly. Snapping out of his daze, Ryou quickly returned to pressing his uninjured fang against the cat's skin, silently hoping that the other supernatural creature wouldn't noticed his shortly-acquired disadvantage. A vampire with just one fang was a hellish lot less impressing than one who still had two.

Next to them Malik had recovered from taking a bite out of the sheets. Sneering angrily, he turned his head and glared at the comfortably seated brunette as good as he could.

"You'll pay for that!"

"Pay? I wouldn't see why." Seto gave him an amused look. "After all it were you who was cheating here first." Malik hissed angrily, jerking harder on his handcuffs. "And how- Pray tell- Are we supposed to have cheated?!"

Seto´s melodic chuckle made Ryou´s blood curl and the vampire quiver, unintentionally drawing a little blood from Otogi´s neck.

"You marked the cards. Each card you put your hands on, you marked with your claws." Seto added a little pressure on the blond cat's back, leaning in closer. "-Did you really think we wouldn't notice?"

Behind them, almost unnoticed, Ryou tried his best to look as if he'd always known that fact also, instead of gawking wide-eyed. That was something he'd never thought off. When he'd looked at their hands, he'd always just seen how insanely long their claws were.

Under Seto, Malik had tensed up momentarily. When he relaxed, his struggling had ceased completely.

"…So you noticed."

Seto smirked. "Of course. That's what your little game was about, wasn't it? Not about a duel. It was about whether we'd notice your manipulations or not."

Now lying relaxed completely, Malik chuckled silently.

"You two are really far more interesting than you let on." Still smirking he twisted so that he could watch the brunette better.

"One point for you. You two passed the trial of the first night."

He gave a light tug on the handcuffs. Scowling at the silent remaining brunette and the vampire, he asked. "Happy now? Our job's over, we're done. Can we go now?" He tugged again on the cuffs, this time with a little more force. "Let me free, damn it!"

Exchanging looks with Ryou, Seto smirked slightly. "Let you go just like that? After all you've done? I don't think so." He pulled out a small, but obviously high-quality knife.

Malik´s eyes widened at the sight.

"What are going to do?"

Seto smirked maliciously down at him.

"Make sure that you're never going to cheat again."

-> Chapter 5…?

Next chapter: The reason for Seto´s strange behaviour gets revealed, Ryou get´s into a little more trouble what exactly is the punishment Seto has planned for Malik and Otogi…? Stay tuned!!