Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A king before a king ❯ Raising an orphan prince ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The King Before the King
Pharaoh Aknemkokon and his wife were in a terrible situation since the creation of the millennium items they lost two priests were in a debt and they had no heir to the thrown. “What are we going to do?” The pharaoh asked himself. Just then one of the guards came running in. “What is it?” , asked the queen. “Your majesties, I just received word that the wife of the priest who hold the millennium scales has just passed away”, Said the guard. “How did she pass?” asked the pharaoh. “She gave birth this morning” The guard replied. “She gave birth?” , asked the queen. “Yes she delivered a healthy boy at sunrise.” , said the guard. Amber looked at her husband. ”Wife I know what you are thinking, we cannot take in a stray child the Egyptian gods rage would be devastating.” Aknemkonon said to his wife. “But what if we are not blessed with a child of our own?” Asked the queen. “Okay, if the gods do not bless us with a child in five years than the Kyoto's child can be the next pharaoh.” The pharaoh said. Queen Amber smiled and hugged her husband. One of the ladies from the nursery came in with a bundle in her arms; she gave the bundle to the queen. Amber uncovered the babies face; he was beautiful with pitch black hair and like all Egyptians tannic skin. The child was still too young to open his eyes, but his cry was loud. Amber holds the baby and he was heavy. “Were there any last words?” asked Aknemkonon. ”Yes, the mother gave him a name…”Karim!” Said the guard.” Karim, what a beautiful name.” Said the queen as he gently rocked karim to sleep. The pharaoh had a celebration for Karim. Aknemkonon stood next to the fountain when his younger brother Aknadin walked up to him. “What is it brother?” Asked Aknemkonon. “It's about that child.” Aknadin said. “Karim, what about him?” Aknemkonon asked. “Why are you letting this boy become king, why not my son Seto?” Aknadin asked.”I was going to make Seto become pharaoh but when this child appeared it was as if the Egyptian gods were telling me too take in this child.” Aknemkonon said. “Then heed my warning brother no good will come out of this!” Aknadin said then he left. The pharaoh entered his and his wife's bed chambers were he saw his wife feeding the child. “How is he?” asked aknemkonan. “He's doing great, he just opened his eyes.”Said Amber. The pharaoh took a look into the babies' eyes, he was amazed little Karims eyes were a deep shade of jade green that shined like the stars in the sky, and then Karim began to cry.”He must be tired. “Said Amber. “Who could blame Karim he's had a rough day.”Said Aknnemkonon with a smile. That night the pharaoh was sleeping until he heard baby Karims crying. Not wanting to disturb his wife who already had an exciting day Aknemkonon got up and picked up Karim.”What's wrong little one are you hungry, sick, or need changing?”Asked the pharaoh as soon as Karim heard the pharaohs voice he stopped crying.”You're a funny little one aren't you?” Replied Aknemkonon. Time passed and Karim was trying to walk. Come on Karim you can do it.” Cheered the pharaoh and the queen. Karim stood up on his two little feet and slowly headed toward the couple, Karim then tripped over his wobbly feet but was able to catch himself. Then finally he reached the king and queen, they picked up Karim cheering loudly for Karims accomplishment, Karim just giggled not knowing what he had done to make what he thought was his parents to smile and laugh all he knew was that they were happy. A year had pass and Karim could already walk and talk every time someone would pass him Karim would try to start up a conversation with them, if you asked the pharaoh and Amber they think Karim speaks very fluently for a three year old. Karim never gave Aknemkonon and Amber any problems only when it came to food. “That boy sure has an appetite.” Is what you would here from the palace guards, chiefs, and servants. As the sun rose over Egypt Karim was the first one in the whole kingdom to wake up because today was his fifth birthday, the day that he will have the right to the throne (Aknemkonon was planning to surprise him with that today). Karim jumped out of bed and ran into the king and queens' bed chambers were they were sleeping like logs and by the looks of it they had some “fun” last night. “Mom, dad wake up!” Yelled Karim. “What do want Karim?” Asked the pharaoh still very tired.”Today's my birthday “Said Karim as he hopped on the couple's bed. The queen gave her husband a smile