Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Lesson In Love ❯ Kiaba Corp ( Prologue )
*Attention everyone these characters do not belong to me. Enjoy!!!
"It's the new and improved love collar, guaranteed to make couples fall even more in love." Came a man's voice from the other side of Seto Kiaba's meeting room. The man coughed unsure what to make of Kaiba's silence. The salesman coughed and Kaiba looked up. The fierceness of Kiaba's intense gaze made the salesman suddenly regret even breathing.
"This is garbage" spoke Kaiba in chillingly cold tones, his eyes set unwaveringly on the salesman.
"I never want to see you or your garbage product ever again or you will live to regret it." The salesman stood mouth open staring straight at Kiaba unsure of what to do.
"NOW GET OUT," shouted Kaiba breaking his calm demeanor.
"But…But…" stuttered the salesman.
"Guards!" Yelled Kaiba
"Throw this man out of my office. NOW" two burly guards took a hold of the salesman and dragged him out of Kaiba's office and dropped him roughly on the floor. The salesman started gathering his things up off the floor quickly when he heard two voices inside the room.
"The island is ready for your arrival Mr.Kaiba sir, the last shipments will be leaving tomorrow at noon sharp," said a man in a clear monotonous voice.
"What about the two Egyptian God cards?" Questioned a voice that obviously belonged to Kaiba.
"There has been no trace of either one so far Sir," said the other voice.
"Very well we will have to wait until the tournament to find them. Expect me on the island in two weeks" stated Kaiba. At this point the salesman had heard all he needed picking up his briefcase and exited Kiaba Corp. A warm afternoon breeze, clear skies, and a rather excited voice greeted the salesman,
"Well did you get it. Did you get Kaiba;s approval?" The salesman shook his head no "But I have an even better idea. It's payback time." The salesman looked at the boy smiling and said,
"Pack your things we are going on a little trip to teach Kaiba a little lesson in love."