Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A long forgotton stranger ❯ the beginning of everything ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: This is the new and improved `A long forgotten stranger'. I have decided to re-write this fic because I didn't like the way it was going! I have made it better and have sorted it out! It was all over the place!
Here are the things you need to know about this story:
The Yami's all have their own bodies in this fic! And they are the older brothers of their `light' e.g. Yami is one year older then Yugi, Bakura is one year older than Ryou etc.
The millennium items don't exist in this fic!
Tea's mum is from Domino and is called Kayko, Tea's father is American and is called Richard.
Tea was born in America but moved to Domino five years ago with her mum to make a new start away from her father.
The ages of the characters are as follows:
Tea- 16
Seto Kaiba-17
If there are any other characters they will be introduced at the start of the chapter that they first appear in.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Yu-gi-oh!
This chapter will be in Tea's point of view
Chapter one:
You would think that a happy person like me would have the perfect life, the perfect world and a perfect family. Well not everyone has a perfect family. In fact no one has a perfect family. I certainly don't anyway.
I used to live in America, what part of America? I lived in New York with my mum and…dad. My mum was a dance choreographer for some Broad way productions, and my dad; well he was just an ordinary businessman. Always worked, never had time to spend time with his family. I guess his job was more important to him then his family. It doesn't surprise me really. He was always like that. I remember when I was little, I used to wait up for him to come home when he worked late at the office. He used to come home with a tired expression in his eyes that made him look like a zombie. He would take his shoes off and place them by the front door and then slipped on his green checked slippers. I would sit at the top of the stairs watching him do this every night. I don't know why I would just sit and watch him do the same routine every night, but somehow that made me drawn to him. It always gave me hope that one day he would come home and spend time with me and mum. But every night he would just go to the kitchen and get a drink of whiskey from the cupboard and drink two or more glasses. I hate to admit it, yes my dad was an alcoholic. He claimed it was with the stress and demands of his job that made him want to drink, but I knew the truth. Deep down he couldn't stand being with mum and me. I could see it in his eyes. I could see a hidden pain in those large blue eyes of his.
When I was seven my mum and dad were starting to have problems in their marriage. My mum was getting sick and tired of my dad coming home and getting drunk every night after work. She was also sick and tired of him spending more time at work then he did at home.
Then the arguments started, my dad was always drunk or at least had a glass of whiskey in him when they argued. It broke my mum's heart when they argued. My dad didn't seem to care. He would go on the next day like nothing happened, whilst my mum's heart was slowly falling to pieces.
The arguments became a habit with my mum and dad. He had stopped getting drunk at home, he moved onto bars and clubs. I remember the first night he had gone out after work and getting drunk. My mum sat on the kitchen table with tears in her eyes. He usually came home at nine, but it was getting on well past mid night and there was still no sign of him. I can still remember the look on my mum's face. It was a look that I do not wish to see again because it broke my heart to see her like that. She truly loved him, even though his love for her was going down the drain like rain seeping through the gutters.
When he did finally come home it was coming on to one in the morning. My mum had a tear stained face and her eyes were red and swollen from the warm tears that escaped. My mum was heart broken, she thought the worst had happened to him, but he was here, in her kitchen in a drunken state and smelling of sick and alcohol.
My mum couldn't speak to him that night, I remember she just walked slowly up the stairs and into her bedroom alone. She was so fed up and heartbroken that she had made my dad sleep in the living room. That was the night at the beginning of the end of their relationship and marriage.
When I was eleven my mum had, had enough of my dad's repulsive behaviour. She couldn't even bear to be in the same room as him. She never wanted it to come to this but it was something that would benefit her for the better in the long run. She needed to go to see her solicitor about filing for a divorce.
My dad didn't seem to care that his wife was divorcing him. It seemed as though it was a walk in the park to him. I think he was glad to get rid of my mum and me. He always shouted at her about her moaning and whining, with me, well he just acted like I wasn't there most of the time. I didn't mind, I started to get used to the fact that my dad was an alcoholic.
After a couple of months the divorce cleared and my mum decided that it was time to move on from New York and make a fresh start away from her ex husband. She decided to move back to her childhood home, Domino City in Japan.
My mum was so excited about moving back home. She told me about the cherry blossom on the trees in spring. She told me about the wonderful life we were both going to live. I remember feeling excited when I found out I was going to live in Japan, I was so pleased that my mum and I were finally free of my father.
On the flight over there I was so nervous. I wondered what the people were going to be like and whether or not I would make friends. When the flight landed in the Domino airport terminal my mum lead me to our new home.
I remember seeing my new home for the first time. The white paint made the house look brand new. The lane that lead up to the front door had flowers planted neatly either side of it. I remember smiling when I saw it from the outside, but when I was in the house I was gob smacked. The house was beautifully decorated with warming furniture and neatly painted walls. My mum gave a sigh of relief to finally be away from her ex husband and well and truly starting a new life.
When I started my new school I was scared that I wouldn't make any friends. My fear soon faded away when a small blonde spiked haired boy befriended me and showed me around the school. He had an older brother who always stood up for his younger brother, he also had a grandfather who owned and ran a game shop. As I made friends with this boy I soon made friends with his other friends. One of them was also blonde and had an accent that I was used to hearing back home. There was also a white haired boy, who at first I found strange; I had never seen a young person with white hair before!
I soon became really good friends with them and I was always with one of them. They were like the big brothers I never had! It was like I had known them for ages! They didn't hesitate to tell every detail about one another. I found It quite funny, until they asked me why I decided to move to Domino. I didn't want to tell them the whole story. I wasn't ashamed of what my father was or maybe even still is. It was just I didn't want them knowing why I had to move away from my father, why my mum's heart was falling to pieces bit by bit taking bigger blows every time. I didn't want to tell them that my father was an alcoholic who loved his work more than his family. I didn't want them to feel sorry for me.
So I told them that my mum and dad got a divorce, I chose to live with my mum and we moved here. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth. I couldn't tell them then.
After a year of knowing them I decided to tell them. I was surprised at how supportive they were to me. I thought that they were going to feel sorry for me, which I was scared of, in fact they didn't feel sorry for me, for that I was glad. I feel as though I have become closer to them now. I am so happy that I met them. I wouldn't know what I would do without them.
A/N: well is this better? Hopefully it is!!!!
Special thanks to:
Kagome21: thank you for the review! Hopefully you like the improved story!
Sequha: Thank you for the review! Hopefully you will like the new and improved story!!!!
Forever-Sapphire: Thanks for the review and I hope you like the new and improved version!!!
evanescenceyugiohgirl: Thank you for the positive feed back!!! I hope you enjoy the new and improved story!
egustogustason: thank you for the review and positive feed back!!! I hope you like the improved version!