Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ a new life ❯ New and improved ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me-Now that all my thank you's are done how about another chapter?
Shadow-Hmph, why not?
Light-*muffled sound* (translation: Get me out of this chair!)
Shadow-Muhahaha!!! You'll be there forever!
Me-Not forever, just until I'm done with another chapter! ^_^
Shadow-Oh dear Ra, she's hyper again.
Me-Sugar makes me hyper and so does ice! Hehehe. ^_^
Shadow-It's like there are two Light's. Wait..Light are you controlling her emotions?
Light-*muffled scream* (translation: HOW CAN I? I'M STUCK IN A CHAIR!)
Me-Story time! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, so stop reminding me! T_T
Your mom was exiting her vehicle. She wasn't glaring like she use to. Her face actually seemed...kind. You didn't understand. Maybe she has changed. Then again, she could be lying.
"Mom, what are you doing here."
"Look can we talk?"
"There's nothing to talk about. I don't need you ruing my life. I already have to deal with school."
"Please just give me another chance." You felt a sting in your chest as she said this. The voice in your head was trying to catch your attention.
'What is it? You promised to give your mother a second chance. I know but- But nothing, just at least try. Fine!'
You sighed, and gave your mother the smallest smile you could make. Her face brightened. Your mom opened the car door, giving you a signal to come in. So you entered the car. It was pretty small. But you didn't really care. It was silent in the car. But your mom decided to break the silence.
"So how's school?" She didn't look at you.
"Fine." You didn't look at her."How's life?" You looked at your mother, putting on a serious look.
"Fine" She let out a sigh. After that it got even more quiet. Where was she taking you anyway? The car finally went to a halt. She opened her car door, and asked.
"Coming?" You just nodded dumbly. Opening the door next to you. As soon as you got out you slammed it very hard. Making your mom give you a small glare. (A/N uh oh...KIDDING!) You saw that she had parked infront of a small house. You guessed it was her's, who's else would it belong to? Wait she already had a house here?! Had she been here for a while?! Was she stalking you?! (Shadow-She just had ice, she's hyper)
"You have a house here? Since when?" You wanted to shout the last part, but you were afraid she'd give you another glare. Your mom didn't answer your question, ingrate. (A/N hehe, like in the monkey story...inside joke. If you wanna hear it ask me, k?) She just took out her keys and unlocked the door. You followed her inside. You saw she had taken off her shoes so you did the same.
The house was normal. Nothing different than any other house you've seen. The walls were painted a grey-ish blue. Almost looking like it was fading away. (A/N this is the color of my room! ^_^) The doors were painted white. Every door. The floor was made out of wood. Didn't have a glow to it, so you guessed she HAD just got here. You looked around seeing a few pictures up on the wall. Like only about 5 or 6. There was only one of you, when you were a baby. You seemed about 2 years old in the picture. The rest were pictures of scenery. So you guessed there weren't many good pictures of oyu. (A/N you know ones that didn't show bruises or cuts).
"Make yourself at home." You heard your mom say rather loudly. You finally realized she wasn't in the living room.
"Nice place." You yelled back, hearing an echo. There wasn't much stuff in the house, only one couch and a table in the living room. And of course the pictures. A couple of chairs. And a few boxes. 'Something tells me she's not staying for long. What made you think that? Hey!' You started to walk around the house. Exploring the rooms. First the kitchen. There were a few dishes stacked up in the sink. 'Hmph, typical.' A small microwave was in the back corner of the room on the counter. You saw the stove was shut off, the oven too. You looked around the kitchen some more, spotting empty popcorn bags. Nothing left in them but the seeds. You searched in the cabinets, trying to find any source of alchohol. None.
"If you're looking for drugs, you got the wrong house." You jumped as you heard our mom. She was standing right outside the doorway of the kitchen. You got up quickly, almost hitting your head on the sink.
"I have changed, ___. Whether you belive it or not." Your lowered your head, looking at your shoes. Trying to find something to say.
"Fine." 'Well that was a great come back. Pathetic. Who asked you?!'
"Hungry?" Your mom had made her way to the microwave. You didn't even see her walk over to it. You just nodded your head again. 'Good thing Helen is working late today. She'd be worried. I can't tell her about this.'
A couple of minutes later you were eating popcorn with your mom. She was helping you wih homework and studying for your test. 'See nothing bad is happening. I guess you're right, but I keep getting this feeling in my gut, it'll go bad in the end. But I guess it's just the popcorn. Everything will be fine. Trust me. ' You hoped it was right.
~~~~~LATER~~~~(A/N I like skipping sue me! Wait don't)
Your mom drived you home. You took out your key unlocking the door. Entering the house you headed to your room. You jumped onto your bed, taking out your journal.
'I guess people can change. Mom sure has, she's not the same. I'm glad actually. She's kinder now. She acts like she cares. I hope she stays this way. Hmm, what time is it? 7:15. Helen will be home at 8. So I guess I could go on the computer. Maybe somebody from America is on! I really miss it there. But thing s are good here in Japan. Though the uniforms could use a little altering. Heh.' You closed the book as you headed towards the small living room. Turning on the computer you went on the internet. Nobody was on, again. 'Dammit! What the hell is everyone doing that they can't go online even once?!' You shut it off, as you headed towards the bathroom.
Brushing your teeth you headed to bed. You were tired. Today was...strange. But it was a good strange. Pretty soon you drifted off into a deep sleep. Unaware that dream would come back to warn you once more.
Me-There my fabulous update. ^_^
Light-*muffled sound* (translation: Godd now let me go!)
Shadow-*sinkkers* Ok..*unties Light*
Light: *muffled scream* (translation: GET THIS TAPE OFF OF MY MOUTH YOU IDIOT!)
Shadow-If you say so..*pulls off the tape*
Light-OWWWW!!!!!! Why you!
Me-heh, whle these two fight you must review! Or should I say, Kaori review. Hehe, I'm glad you do. ^_^ Makes me happy. Good bye people and remember: SCHOOL SUCKS!
Shadow-Hmph, why not?
Light-*muffled sound* (translation: Get me out of this chair!)
Shadow-Muhahaha!!! You'll be there forever!
Me-Not forever, just until I'm done with another chapter! ^_^
Shadow-Oh dear Ra, she's hyper again.
Me-Sugar makes me hyper and so does ice! Hehehe. ^_^
Shadow-It's like there are two Light's. Wait..Light are you controlling her emotions?
Light-*muffled scream* (translation: HOW CAN I? I'M STUCK IN A CHAIR!)
Me-Story time! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, so stop reminding me! T_T
Your mom was exiting her vehicle. She wasn't glaring like she use to. Her face actually seemed...kind. You didn't understand. Maybe she has changed. Then again, she could be lying.
"Mom, what are you doing here."
"Look can we talk?"
"There's nothing to talk about. I don't need you ruing my life. I already have to deal with school."
"Please just give me another chance." You felt a sting in your chest as she said this. The voice in your head was trying to catch your attention.
'What is it? You promised to give your mother a second chance. I know but- But nothing, just at least try. Fine!'
You sighed, and gave your mother the smallest smile you could make. Her face brightened. Your mom opened the car door, giving you a signal to come in. So you entered the car. It was pretty small. But you didn't really care. It was silent in the car. But your mom decided to break the silence.
"So how's school?" She didn't look at you.
"Fine." You didn't look at her."How's life?" You looked at your mother, putting on a serious look.
"Fine" She let out a sigh. After that it got even more quiet. Where was she taking you anyway? The car finally went to a halt. She opened her car door, and asked.
"Coming?" You just nodded dumbly. Opening the door next to you. As soon as you got out you slammed it very hard. Making your mom give you a small glare. (A/N uh oh...KIDDING!) You saw that she had parked infront of a small house. You guessed it was her's, who's else would it belong to? Wait she already had a house here?! Had she been here for a while?! Was she stalking you?! (Shadow-She just had ice, she's hyper)
"You have a house here? Since when?" You wanted to shout the last part, but you were afraid she'd give you another glare. Your mom didn't answer your question, ingrate. (A/N hehe, like in the monkey story...inside joke. If you wanna hear it ask me, k?) She just took out her keys and unlocked the door. You followed her inside. You saw she had taken off her shoes so you did the same.
The house was normal. Nothing different than any other house you've seen. The walls were painted a grey-ish blue. Almost looking like it was fading away. (A/N this is the color of my room! ^_^) The doors were painted white. Every door. The floor was made out of wood. Didn't have a glow to it, so you guessed she HAD just got here. You looked around seeing a few pictures up on the wall. Like only about 5 or 6. There was only one of you, when you were a baby. You seemed about 2 years old in the picture. The rest were pictures of scenery. So you guessed there weren't many good pictures of oyu. (A/N you know ones that didn't show bruises or cuts).
"Make yourself at home." You heard your mom say rather loudly. You finally realized she wasn't in the living room.
"Nice place." You yelled back, hearing an echo. There wasn't much stuff in the house, only one couch and a table in the living room. And of course the pictures. A couple of chairs. And a few boxes. 'Something tells me she's not staying for long. What made you think that? Hey!' You started to walk around the house. Exploring the rooms. First the kitchen. There were a few dishes stacked up in the sink. 'Hmph, typical.' A small microwave was in the back corner of the room on the counter. You saw the stove was shut off, the oven too. You looked around the kitchen some more, spotting empty popcorn bags. Nothing left in them but the seeds. You searched in the cabinets, trying to find any source of alchohol. None.
"If you're looking for drugs, you got the wrong house." You jumped as you heard our mom. She was standing right outside the doorway of the kitchen. You got up quickly, almost hitting your head on the sink.
"I have changed, ___. Whether you belive it or not." Your lowered your head, looking at your shoes. Trying to find something to say.
"Fine." 'Well that was a great come back. Pathetic. Who asked you?!'
"Hungry?" Your mom had made her way to the microwave. You didn't even see her walk over to it. You just nodded your head again. 'Good thing Helen is working late today. She'd be worried. I can't tell her about this.'
A couple of minutes later you were eating popcorn with your mom. She was helping you wih homework and studying for your test. 'See nothing bad is happening. I guess you're right, but I keep getting this feeling in my gut, it'll go bad in the end. But I guess it's just the popcorn. Everything will be fine. Trust me. ' You hoped it was right.
~~~~~LATER~~~~(A/N I like skipping sue me! Wait don't)
Your mom drived you home. You took out your key unlocking the door. Entering the house you headed to your room. You jumped onto your bed, taking out your journal.
'I guess people can change. Mom sure has, she's not the same. I'm glad actually. She's kinder now. She acts like she cares. I hope she stays this way. Hmm, what time is it? 7:15. Helen will be home at 8. So I guess I could go on the computer. Maybe somebody from America is on! I really miss it there. But thing s are good here in Japan. Though the uniforms could use a little altering. Heh.' You closed the book as you headed towards the small living room. Turning on the computer you went on the internet. Nobody was on, again. 'Dammit! What the hell is everyone doing that they can't go online even once?!' You shut it off, as you headed towards the bathroom.
Brushing your teeth you headed to bed. You were tired. Today was...strange. But it was a good strange. Pretty soon you drifted off into a deep sleep. Unaware that dream would come back to warn you once more.
Me-There my fabulous update. ^_^
Light-*muffled sound* (translation: Godd now let me go!)
Shadow-*sinkkers* Ok..*unties Light*
Light: *muffled scream* (translation: GET THIS TAPE OFF OF MY MOUTH YOU IDIOT!)
Shadow-If you say so..*pulls off the tape*
Light-OWWWW!!!!!! Why you!
Me-heh, whle these two fight you must review! Or should I say, Kaori review. Hehe, I'm glad you do. ^_^ Makes me happy. Good bye people and remember: SCHOOL SUCKS!