Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A New World ❯ Birthday Surprise ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Recap: Yami was a natural and then some with his new job as the school gym teacher. He and the most current students of the class got to hear about how obnoxious the former gym teacher was. They even went over some new things in the gym class. A rainy day brought big trouble as a group of bank robbers robbed a bank and then held up everyone at Yugi's school in an attempt to get away Scott free with the money. Luckily though, Yami happened to be watching television when the show he watched got interrupted. He managed to save the school and apprehend the bank robbers.
' is thoughts
Chapter 3: Birthday Surprise
Thanks to Yami, what could've been a horrific tragedy ended up with a happy ending. Yami and Yugi were currently on the porch swing. It took a few hours for the porch swing to dry, and they got on it after if fully dried. This porch swing wasn't actually on the porch but in the back yard. This was to prevent the swing from bumping up against and possibly breaking a window. Yami propelled the swing while Yugi had his head on Yami's shoulder.
"I don't know what would've happened if you didn't come Yami. I had never been that scared in my whole life. I thought everyone in the school was going to die," Yugi said.
"This proves to have faith in me Yugi. It was a good thing I was watching television because the show that grandfather and I were watching was interrupted, and what happened at our school was the breaking news story. Even if I wasn't watching TV, my family would've told me the situation," Yami said.
"That's right Yugi. We're still watching over you as well as our son/brother and your and now his mortal grandfather," the voice of Zeus said.
"We will make sure to alert him to any dangers that you may happen to be in young one. We love you and your grandfather as much as we love Yami," the voice of Athena added.
"See Yugi, you're among friends and family," Yami said.
"And a very powerful family at that," Yugi said.
Yami then remembered that Yugi's birthday was coming up in two days. He planned something very special for Yugi. It wasn't only for Yugi though, but it was for their grandfather as well. Yami knew that they would both like what he planned for them(A/N: I hope you have an idea of what I'm getting at now. If you don't, you will when I start to talk about the beginnings of the surprise).
Yugi was excited about his approaching birthday. He would be 16 years old. Yami had requested if he could be excused for the rest of this week and next week because he was planning a surprise that would take more than a week to fully complete and that they would be back by next Saturday night.
| Flashback |
"May I be excused for the rest of this week and next week? I'm planning a surprise for Yugi's birthday on Thursday and I won't be back until next Saturday," Yami said.
Mr. Simms granted Yami's request. "You deserve it Yami. You've done such a great job as gym teacher that I've decided to give you a raise as well," he said. "You saved everyone's life, and I will be eternally grateful for that."
That was a double bonus. Of course the students would miss him, but all of them except Yugi already knew what Yami had in mind as a surprise because he told them. They felt very happy for Yugi because what Yami had planned for him was something that they could only dream about.
| End Flashback |
Yami continued to propel the swing. About an hour later, he stopped and he and Yugi just sat there, enjoying the sunshine now that the rain passed away. They went back inside at dusk. They ate dinner in silence. Afterwards, Yugi had dish night. He did the dishes and put on a sweater.
"Can I go back on the porch swing for a while?" Yugi asked.
"Just make sure you turn on the backyard light first," Solomon responded.
"I'll go outside with him," Yami said.
Solomon and Yugi nodded, and Yugi and Yami went outside. Yami turned on the light. There were lights all over the backyard, providing a well-lit area. Yugi went straight for the porch swing. Yami sat beside his brother. There was enough room for one to lie down. Yugi rested his head on Yami's lap as Yami propelled the swing.
About an hour later, Yugi fell asleep on the swing. Yami smiled and picked his little brother up. He turned off all the lights except the one above the backyard door. He carried Yugi to their room and placed Yugi on the bed. Yami changed Yugi inot a pair of pajamas before changing himself. Then he lay down beside Yugi and pulled the sheets and blankets over them. Then he fell asleep himself. Solomon came to check up on them. He smiled and left them to sleep.
'This must have been an exhausting day for both of them,' Solomon thought.
Yugi and Yami slept on. About a few hours later, a thunder clasp boomed. Yugi shot straight up, shaking in fear.
"Yugi, what's the matter?" Yami sleepily asked.
Yugi's sudden jerk awakened Yami. Yami got his answer when another thunder clasp boomed.
"Yugi, it's only thunder. Thunder can't hurt you. I'll admit, I used to be afraid of it too," Yami said.
"How were you afraid of thunder when you lived underwater?" Yugi asked. He yelped as another thunder clasp boomed.
"Sometimes during my daily swim, it rained. I surfaced to get a feel of it. I found it quite refreshing and appreciated it. Sometimes, the rain would be accompanied with thunder and lightning. At first, I was very afraid of it. But over time, I got as used to the thunder and lightning as I did just plain rain," Yami responded.
"Did you ever get struck?" Yugi asked.
"I did. I got struck only once. That was before I became a mage. During the time before I was a mage, I would stay deep enough in the water in case of a thunderstorm. When I became a mage, I used protection spells to prevent the lightning from striking or affecting me," Yami responded.
The next thunder clasp was a loud one. It was so loud, that it shook the house. Yugi jumped out of bed and bolted for the door.
"Yugi!" Yami yelled. He quickly got out of bed and charged for the door. He got there before Yugi and spread his arms out.
Yugi ran straight into Yami's open arms. Yami closed his arms around Yugi in a secure embrace. He then picked up Yugi and placed him back in the bed. Yami got in afterwards and continued to embrace Yugi. Yami could feel Yugi's really tense body.
"Yugi, it's all right. Calm down; I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you. You need to relax. Nothing's going to happen while I"m here," Yami said comfortingly.
Yugi slowly relaxed into Yami's embrace. A few minutes later, he was completely calm. That went out the window when another loud clasp shook the house. Yami held onto Yugi securely so Yugi would bolt for the door again.
"Yugi, try to take your mind off the thunder. Try to put yourself in a peaceful place. Be creative and use your imagination," Yami said. He laid Yugi back in the bed. He put the covers back over them before lying back down himself.
Yugi did as Yami told him. He imagined himself in a peaceful meadow with Yami right beside him. Amazingly, he didn't hear the thunder any longer. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night. The next morning was bright and sunny. Yugi got bathed and dressed. He had his breakfast before walking to school. He arrived to find a sign on the door.
The sign read: School has been cancelled for today. Most of the teachers have suffered a power outage and some medium damage to the homes and won't be able to come in today.
Yugi shrugged and walked back home. When he came back through the door, Solomon and Yami were very surprised.
"What happened at school Yugi?" Yami asked.
"The storm caused a big power outage and some home damage for many of the teachers. School is cancelled," Yugi responded.
"I hope they'll be all right," Yami said. He shrugged and went to a separate room to continue planning what he would do with Yugi and Solomon starting tomorrow. 'They both will be so surprised when they see what I have planned for them,' he thought with a smile. He knew that he would have to blindfold Yugi for one thing.
The next thing was to mask where they actually were from Yugi. This could easily be done with a quick spell. At lunchtime, Yugi knocked on the door.
"Yes?" Yami asked.
"Lunch is ready Yami," Yugi responded.
"Okay Yugi, I'll be down in a few moments," Yami said.
Yugi went on ahead and sat at the kitchen table. Since Solomon was away on a little fishing trip, Yugi had fixed lunch. He was pretty good at it because he learned from his grandfather. Yami came down a few moments later, and they had lunch together.
"It's such a nice day. Can we go flying or something?" Yugi said.
"Sure," Yami said.
After they finished lunch, Yami did the dishes. Half an hour later, they went outside. Yami scooped Yugi up and leapt into the air. He flew to about a mile over the town. He flew at a medium speed. Yugi just took in the view he received. He felt like the tallest thing on earth right now because everything below looked the size of ants.
"I'll always enjoy this. This is so amazing," Yugi said.
"I agree Yugi," Yami said. 'You'll really enjoy what I have planned for you starting tomorrow,' he thought. He flew above the town and soon reached the city.
Yugi was in real awe as he looked over the city. He had never been to the city until now. "I've never been here before. The city looks so incredible," he said, still in awe.
"I'm amazed myself Yugi," Yami agreed. He flew through the city for most of the day. Then he flew back for home.
They arrived after dark. Solomon was waiting for them. He really wasn't at all worried because he knew that Yami would keep Yugi safe.
"Have a good time?" Solomon asked.
"We sure did Grandpa. Yami took me to see the city. It looked so amazing, especially at night. The lit-up city was breathtaking," Yugi responded.
They soon ate dinner. This time, it wasn't in silence.
"So, are you getting excited about your birthday Yugi?" Solomon asked.
"Yes I am. I'm so excited about turning 16," Yugi responded.
'You don't know excitement yet,' Yami thought with a smile.
After dinner, Solomon did the dishes. A few hours afterwards, they went to sleep. Yugi only thought about tomorrow. He couldn't wait. Meanwhile at New Atlantis, the merpeople were just as excited. They couldn't wait for their prince's arrival since he was banished 8 years ago. They did well in their democracy. The higher-class people did their best to limit what they did becaue the lower class people had as much say as they did.
The night seemed to go quickly for Yugi. He didn't need anything to wake him up when he felt the sun's light on him. He virtually jumped out of bed. He showered and dressed within half an hour. Then he went down to the kitchen. Yami and Solomon were already there. They had their breakfast, and Yugi did the dishes afterwards. Half an hour later, Yami spoke.
"We need to get going. I have a surprise in store for you," Yami said.
"I'm ready to go," Yugi said.
"This surprise is for Grandpa too. That is if you want to go Grandpa," Yami said.
"I would love to go," Solomon said.
"First thing is first Yugi," Yami said as he created a blindfold and put it on Yugi's eyes. "Can't have you seeing it. I'll guide you along so don't worry." Yami guided Yugi to the door. He opened it and guided Yugi out with Solomon following. Solomon locked the door. Then Yami scooped up Yugi and flew into the air.
"Yami, what about Grandpa?" Yugi asked.
"Don't worry Yugi. I've planned that out too," Yami responded.
Solomon felt himself lift into the air. He looked up and saw that Yami was responsible for lifting him into the air. Then Yami flew off. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the ocean. Yami cast a cloaking spell on Yugi. Instead of making Yugi invisible, this cloaking spell would have Yugi continue to think that he and Yami were in the air.
"I'm going to transport us into the water. Don't tell Yugi that we're in the water, or the surprise will be blown," Yami whispered in Solomon's ear.
"I won't," Solomon whispered back.
Yami transported himself and them into the water. Just like Yami planned, Yugi thought they were still in the air. Yugi didn't know that he was actually under the water. Yami swam on, carrying Yugi. Yami cast the spell to help Solomon breathe underwater. They swam for five hours. Well actually, Yami swam for five hours because he still had Solomon in his levitation spell.
Another half an hour later, they arrived at their destination. Yami removed the cloaking spell after casting the spell to help Yugi breathe underwater. Yugi felt that he was underwater. He was pretty confused now. He could have sworn that Yami was still in the air.
"How did we get underwater Yami? I thought you were still in the air," Yugi said in confusion.
"Take off your blindfold and see," Yami responded.
Yugi removed his blindfold and saw that he, Yami and his grandfather were in front of Yami's kingdom. "Wha? What are we doing here?" he asked.
"Surprise! Happy Birthday Yugi!" a bunch of voices chorused.
Yugi looked and saw the merpeople all outside the gate. He looked at Yami. Yami had a wide smirk on his face.
"You planned this didn't you?" Yugi asked.
"Yes I did Yugi. I wanted you to see my kingdom and have some fun here. I didn't want you to feel that you were underwater because you would've figured it out before I wanted you to. Now, let's go in and enjoy ourselves shall we?" Yami said.
"Absolutely," Yugi responded as Yami swam in.
Yami removed the levitation spell off Solomon so he could swim as well. Unlike Yugi, Solomon could swim, and very well at that. They prepared to have a really good time. The merpeople were absolutely thrilled to have Yugi and his grandfather visiting the kingdom and would make sure to give a good experience.
Well, I planned to end it right here. I thought that revealing the surprise would be a good way to end this chapter. The next chapter is when the real fun begins. Preview for Chapter 4: Birthday Fun: Yugi got one of the biggest surprises of his life seeing that his birthday would be spent in Yami's kingdom. Most of New Atlantis's populace want to make sure that their guests have a good time. But there's always someone that wants to be the party pooper. If Erick was bad enough, this person is worse. It's going to be an OC because this story is basically Yami and Yugi-centered just like its prequel Stranded.
' is thoughts
Chapter 3: Birthday Surprise
Thanks to Yami, what could've been a horrific tragedy ended up with a happy ending. Yami and Yugi were currently on the porch swing. It took a few hours for the porch swing to dry, and they got on it after if fully dried. This porch swing wasn't actually on the porch but in the back yard. This was to prevent the swing from bumping up against and possibly breaking a window. Yami propelled the swing while Yugi had his head on Yami's shoulder.
"I don't know what would've happened if you didn't come Yami. I had never been that scared in my whole life. I thought everyone in the school was going to die," Yugi said.
"This proves to have faith in me Yugi. It was a good thing I was watching television because the show that grandfather and I were watching was interrupted, and what happened at our school was the breaking news story. Even if I wasn't watching TV, my family would've told me the situation," Yami said.
"That's right Yugi. We're still watching over you as well as our son/brother and your and now his mortal grandfather," the voice of Zeus said.
"We will make sure to alert him to any dangers that you may happen to be in young one. We love you and your grandfather as much as we love Yami," the voice of Athena added.
"See Yugi, you're among friends and family," Yami said.
"And a very powerful family at that," Yugi said.
Yami then remembered that Yugi's birthday was coming up in two days. He planned something very special for Yugi. It wasn't only for Yugi though, but it was for their grandfather as well. Yami knew that they would both like what he planned for them(A/N: I hope you have an idea of what I'm getting at now. If you don't, you will when I start to talk about the beginnings of the surprise).
Yugi was excited about his approaching birthday. He would be 16 years old. Yami had requested if he could be excused for the rest of this week and next week because he was planning a surprise that would take more than a week to fully complete and that they would be back by next Saturday night.
| Flashback |
"May I be excused for the rest of this week and next week? I'm planning a surprise for Yugi's birthday on Thursday and I won't be back until next Saturday," Yami said.
Mr. Simms granted Yami's request. "You deserve it Yami. You've done such a great job as gym teacher that I've decided to give you a raise as well," he said. "You saved everyone's life, and I will be eternally grateful for that."
That was a double bonus. Of course the students would miss him, but all of them except Yugi already knew what Yami had in mind as a surprise because he told them. They felt very happy for Yugi because what Yami had planned for him was something that they could only dream about.
| End Flashback |
Yami continued to propel the swing. About an hour later, he stopped and he and Yugi just sat there, enjoying the sunshine now that the rain passed away. They went back inside at dusk. They ate dinner in silence. Afterwards, Yugi had dish night. He did the dishes and put on a sweater.
"Can I go back on the porch swing for a while?" Yugi asked.
"Just make sure you turn on the backyard light first," Solomon responded.
"I'll go outside with him," Yami said.
Solomon and Yugi nodded, and Yugi and Yami went outside. Yami turned on the light. There were lights all over the backyard, providing a well-lit area. Yugi went straight for the porch swing. Yami sat beside his brother. There was enough room for one to lie down. Yugi rested his head on Yami's lap as Yami propelled the swing.
About an hour later, Yugi fell asleep on the swing. Yami smiled and picked his little brother up. He turned off all the lights except the one above the backyard door. He carried Yugi to their room and placed Yugi on the bed. Yami changed Yugi inot a pair of pajamas before changing himself. Then he lay down beside Yugi and pulled the sheets and blankets over them. Then he fell asleep himself. Solomon came to check up on them. He smiled and left them to sleep.
'This must have been an exhausting day for both of them,' Solomon thought.
Yugi and Yami slept on. About a few hours later, a thunder clasp boomed. Yugi shot straight up, shaking in fear.
"Yugi, what's the matter?" Yami sleepily asked.
Yugi's sudden jerk awakened Yami. Yami got his answer when another thunder clasp boomed.
"Yugi, it's only thunder. Thunder can't hurt you. I'll admit, I used to be afraid of it too," Yami said.
"How were you afraid of thunder when you lived underwater?" Yugi asked. He yelped as another thunder clasp boomed.
"Sometimes during my daily swim, it rained. I surfaced to get a feel of it. I found it quite refreshing and appreciated it. Sometimes, the rain would be accompanied with thunder and lightning. At first, I was very afraid of it. But over time, I got as used to the thunder and lightning as I did just plain rain," Yami responded.
"Did you ever get struck?" Yugi asked.
"I did. I got struck only once. That was before I became a mage. During the time before I was a mage, I would stay deep enough in the water in case of a thunderstorm. When I became a mage, I used protection spells to prevent the lightning from striking or affecting me," Yami responded.
The next thunder clasp was a loud one. It was so loud, that it shook the house. Yugi jumped out of bed and bolted for the door.
"Yugi!" Yami yelled. He quickly got out of bed and charged for the door. He got there before Yugi and spread his arms out.
Yugi ran straight into Yami's open arms. Yami closed his arms around Yugi in a secure embrace. He then picked up Yugi and placed him back in the bed. Yami got in afterwards and continued to embrace Yugi. Yami could feel Yugi's really tense body.
"Yugi, it's all right. Calm down; I'm right here. I won't let anything happen to you. You need to relax. Nothing's going to happen while I"m here," Yami said comfortingly.
Yugi slowly relaxed into Yami's embrace. A few minutes later, he was completely calm. That went out the window when another loud clasp shook the house. Yami held onto Yugi securely so Yugi would bolt for the door again.
"Yugi, try to take your mind off the thunder. Try to put yourself in a peaceful place. Be creative and use your imagination," Yami said. He laid Yugi back in the bed. He put the covers back over them before lying back down himself.
Yugi did as Yami told him. He imagined himself in a peaceful meadow with Yami right beside him. Amazingly, he didn't hear the thunder any longer. He slept peacefully for the rest of the night. The next morning was bright and sunny. Yugi got bathed and dressed. He had his breakfast before walking to school. He arrived to find a sign on the door.
The sign read: School has been cancelled for today. Most of the teachers have suffered a power outage and some medium damage to the homes and won't be able to come in today.
Yugi shrugged and walked back home. When he came back through the door, Solomon and Yami were very surprised.
"What happened at school Yugi?" Yami asked.
"The storm caused a big power outage and some home damage for many of the teachers. School is cancelled," Yugi responded.
"I hope they'll be all right," Yami said. He shrugged and went to a separate room to continue planning what he would do with Yugi and Solomon starting tomorrow. 'They both will be so surprised when they see what I have planned for them,' he thought with a smile. He knew that he would have to blindfold Yugi for one thing.
The next thing was to mask where they actually were from Yugi. This could easily be done with a quick spell. At lunchtime, Yugi knocked on the door.
"Yes?" Yami asked.
"Lunch is ready Yami," Yugi responded.
"Okay Yugi, I'll be down in a few moments," Yami said.
Yugi went on ahead and sat at the kitchen table. Since Solomon was away on a little fishing trip, Yugi had fixed lunch. He was pretty good at it because he learned from his grandfather. Yami came down a few moments later, and they had lunch together.
"It's such a nice day. Can we go flying or something?" Yugi said.
"Sure," Yami said.
After they finished lunch, Yami did the dishes. Half an hour later, they went outside. Yami scooped Yugi up and leapt into the air. He flew to about a mile over the town. He flew at a medium speed. Yugi just took in the view he received. He felt like the tallest thing on earth right now because everything below looked the size of ants.
"I'll always enjoy this. This is so amazing," Yugi said.
"I agree Yugi," Yami said. 'You'll really enjoy what I have planned for you starting tomorrow,' he thought. He flew above the town and soon reached the city.
Yugi was in real awe as he looked over the city. He had never been to the city until now. "I've never been here before. The city looks so incredible," he said, still in awe.
"I'm amazed myself Yugi," Yami agreed. He flew through the city for most of the day. Then he flew back for home.
They arrived after dark. Solomon was waiting for them. He really wasn't at all worried because he knew that Yami would keep Yugi safe.
"Have a good time?" Solomon asked.
"We sure did Grandpa. Yami took me to see the city. It looked so amazing, especially at night. The lit-up city was breathtaking," Yugi responded.
They soon ate dinner. This time, it wasn't in silence.
"So, are you getting excited about your birthday Yugi?" Solomon asked.
"Yes I am. I'm so excited about turning 16," Yugi responded.
'You don't know excitement yet,' Yami thought with a smile.
After dinner, Solomon did the dishes. A few hours afterwards, they went to sleep. Yugi only thought about tomorrow. He couldn't wait. Meanwhile at New Atlantis, the merpeople were just as excited. They couldn't wait for their prince's arrival since he was banished 8 years ago. They did well in their democracy. The higher-class people did their best to limit what they did becaue the lower class people had as much say as they did.
The night seemed to go quickly for Yugi. He didn't need anything to wake him up when he felt the sun's light on him. He virtually jumped out of bed. He showered and dressed within half an hour. Then he went down to the kitchen. Yami and Solomon were already there. They had their breakfast, and Yugi did the dishes afterwards. Half an hour later, Yami spoke.
"We need to get going. I have a surprise in store for you," Yami said.
"I'm ready to go," Yugi said.
"This surprise is for Grandpa too. That is if you want to go Grandpa," Yami said.
"I would love to go," Solomon said.
"First thing is first Yugi," Yami said as he created a blindfold and put it on Yugi's eyes. "Can't have you seeing it. I'll guide you along so don't worry." Yami guided Yugi to the door. He opened it and guided Yugi out with Solomon following. Solomon locked the door. Then Yami scooped up Yugi and flew into the air.
"Yami, what about Grandpa?" Yugi asked.
"Don't worry Yugi. I've planned that out too," Yami responded.
Solomon felt himself lift into the air. He looked up and saw that Yami was responsible for lifting him into the air. Then Yami flew off. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the ocean. Yami cast a cloaking spell on Yugi. Instead of making Yugi invisible, this cloaking spell would have Yugi continue to think that he and Yami were in the air.
"I'm going to transport us into the water. Don't tell Yugi that we're in the water, or the surprise will be blown," Yami whispered in Solomon's ear.
"I won't," Solomon whispered back.
Yami transported himself and them into the water. Just like Yami planned, Yugi thought they were still in the air. Yugi didn't know that he was actually under the water. Yami swam on, carrying Yugi. Yami cast the spell to help Solomon breathe underwater. They swam for five hours. Well actually, Yami swam for five hours because he still had Solomon in his levitation spell.
Another half an hour later, they arrived at their destination. Yami removed the cloaking spell after casting the spell to help Yugi breathe underwater. Yugi felt that he was underwater. He was pretty confused now. He could have sworn that Yami was still in the air.
"How did we get underwater Yami? I thought you were still in the air," Yugi said in confusion.
"Take off your blindfold and see," Yami responded.
Yugi removed his blindfold and saw that he, Yami and his grandfather were in front of Yami's kingdom. "Wha? What are we doing here?" he asked.
"Surprise! Happy Birthday Yugi!" a bunch of voices chorused.
Yugi looked and saw the merpeople all outside the gate. He looked at Yami. Yami had a wide smirk on his face.
"You planned this didn't you?" Yugi asked.
"Yes I did Yugi. I wanted you to see my kingdom and have some fun here. I didn't want you to feel that you were underwater because you would've figured it out before I wanted you to. Now, let's go in and enjoy ourselves shall we?" Yami said.
"Absolutely," Yugi responded as Yami swam in.
Yami removed the levitation spell off Solomon so he could swim as well. Unlike Yugi, Solomon could swim, and very well at that. They prepared to have a really good time. The merpeople were absolutely thrilled to have Yugi and his grandfather visiting the kingdom and would make sure to give a good experience.
Well, I planned to end it right here. I thought that revealing the surprise would be a good way to end this chapter. The next chapter is when the real fun begins. Preview for Chapter 4: Birthday Fun: Yugi got one of the biggest surprises of his life seeing that his birthday would be spent in Yami's kingdom. Most of New Atlantis's populace want to make sure that their guests have a good time. But there's always someone that wants to be the party pooper. If Erick was bad enough, this person is worse. It's going to be an OC because this story is basically Yami and Yugi-centered just like its prequel Stranded.