Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Rose to Show My Love ❯ Chappy 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Rose to Show My Love

Kanji- OK. . .she's falling asleep and she's writing chapter seventeen. . .what's up?

Nen- Don't ask me. . .hey what happened to me and Kanji in the story?

Shaina- This chapter. . .ok? * muses nod* Good. . .so how did you all like the way I got rid of Anzu baka once and for all? *crickets* Okay. . .that's oddly silent. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so please don't sue. All I own is a big 9 foot long piece of purple cloth and some other junk. Oh and I might think of a poem to go with this story. Sometime. . .I hope.

Chapter 17- What Does it Take to Get Rid of Her?! Keora a Shaman???

" Leave me alone!" shouts Yugi as he runs down the street with Yami following right behind. " I don't like you!" Yugi turns a corner and runs right into Keora. Keora blinks as she looks at Yugi from her position on the ground. " Oh. . .sorry ms." Yugi continues to run and Keora jumps to her feet.

" My name's Keora! Yugi what's up?" asks Keora as she runs off after him. " Can I help?" Yugi stops and turns at the girl and nods.

" Anzu's ghost is chasing me," says Yugi and Keora tenses slightly as she closes her eyes. " Keora? Are you there?" Keora starts to sway back and forth as her angel wings appear. " I think something weird is going on."

" No Yugi. . .just my shaman power," says Keora and smiles slightly as Yugi's eyes go wide. " I can't fight a ghost. . .but my partner Misumi can." Yugi blinks as a purple clothed ghost stands next to Keora.

" Ahh!" screams Yugi as people on the street turn to look at him weirdly. Keora closes her eyes as her ghost nods. " One for the money! Two for the show! Three to get ready! And here we go!" Yugi blinks as he see's Anzu's ghost back away. " Keora! Where'd everyone go?"

" We're in the Shadow Realm Yugi," says Keora as Misumi attacks Anzu with a sword. " I think I'd be dragged off to the crazy house if I started fighting on the street. . .with nothing there." Yugi nods as Anzu's ghost starts to disappear as Keora lowers her hand. " We sent you too the Shadow Realm. . .twice, Bakura killed you, and you keep coming back. Grief." With that Anzu disappears and so does Misumi. Keora smiles as they return to Earth. " Yugi. . .our little secret?" Yugi nods as Keora disappears as he runs off toward the Game Shop.

With Marik and Malik

" I'm winning," shouts Malik as he speeds his motorcycle up. Marik mutters under his breath as he tries to catch up with his hikari. " Marik! Hurry up already!"

" I'm going as fast as I can!" shouts Marik as the rod starts to burst with light. " Damn it. . .something is wrong." Malik stops his cycle and spins it around and stops next to his yami.

" What now?"

" Oh. . .it's nothing," says a voice from behind them. They spin around and scream as they look at Gozaburo. " Now come with me or I'll kill you both." Out of no where a black capped form appears. " Oh. . .who is this? A friend?" Marik and Malik shake their heads as the figure pulls a gun out from beneath their cape. "A gun? Like I'm afraid of a gun."

" Well I'm sorry to say it, but you should be. You baka," snarls the voice as they point the gun at Gozaburo's head. " Now you leave my friends alone or bang!" Gozaburo starts to laugh as the being growls and lowers his gun.

" Lowering you guard? Not a smart move. . .Seto," says Gozaburo. The being laughs and Gozaburo blinks as the laughter stops. " You're not Seto?"

" Hardly," says the being as they pull the hood off of the cape to reveal Keora's now fire red eyes. " Goodbye." Keora pulls the trigger and he falls dead at her feet. " Marik be a dear and send him to the Shadow Realm." Marik smiles and sends Gozaburo's lifeless corps to the Shadow Realm. " I just had to save Yugi from Anzu's ghost." Marik and Malik blink as Keora closes her eyes and smiles. " I really do like my job."

" And that would be?" asks Malik. Keora smiles as her duel disk appears on her wrist. " Other then creating duel equipment?"

" Keeping you boys safe," says Keora as she turns and walks away. " After all. Who is more cold then me?" Marik and Malik chuckle as Keora's brown hair blows out behind her. " OK so I'm not really cold, but I can be brutal."

" Not as brutal as Mariku," says Malik and sighs at the thought of his twin sister. " I mean. . .she knocked Marik out one time. . .just because he touched her."

" Now there is touching and then there's Marik touching," says Keora casually and shrugs. " I better go back to the mansion. Kanji and Nen keep begging and I do mean begging me to take them to the amusement park. It's sort of funny actually. . .Seto and Noa said they'd take them, but they said they wanted Aunty Keora to take them. I'm not their aunt. . .I'm their sister."

" Well. . .Seto and Noa sort of think of them as children. And Mokuba is more or less their older brother. Lets just hope Mokuba doesn't start calling you Aunty Keora," says Marik. Keora sighs and disappears in a flash of light. " I wonder what Bakura and Ryou are up to. Lets go visit them."

" Lets not," says Malik and wraps his arms around his yami's shoulders. " Lets just go home. Marik." Marik smiles and turns around and kisses his hikari. " I'm going to need a shower later." Marik picks his hikari up and them and their bikes appear in front of their temporary home. " Think we could get Keora to give us some money so we could stay here. . .forever?"

" Don't push it," whispers Malik and shrugs. " Probably." Marik smiles as they walk into the house and close the door behind them.

With Bakura and Ryou

" Bakura?" asks Ryou as he looks down into his yami's eyes.

" What?" asks Bakura as he looks into his hikari's eyes.

" I love you," purrs Ryou and kisses his yami. " With all my heart and soul." Bakura smiles as he wraps his arms around his hikari. " Do you love me?" Bakura purrs as he runs a hand to the back of his hikari's head and starts playing with his hair.

" With every fiber of my being," whispers Bakura as he pulls Ryou into a kiss. " And I'll seal it with a kiss." Ryou smiles as the blankets sheets fall over him. " You know. . .who's taking care of the dogs?"

" Keora wanted them," says Ryou and shrugs helplessly. " Is that okay with you?" Bakura nods slightly as he closes his eyes and then reopens them. " What?"

" Just locking this in my memory," whispers Bakura and then sits up and Ryou rolls off his back. " Who's going to be the priest at our wedding?" Ryou smiles slightly to himself and Bakura's eyes go wide. " No! I am not having Seto be the priest! He'll curse us!"

" It's either Seto or Yami. . .and I know you hated Yami more then Seto," says Ryou. Bakura sighs and then smiles slightly. " I'm sorry, but Marik can't marry us."

" I can though," whispers a voice from by the window. They jump in shock and blink as the being turns around to reveal Keora's light skinned face. " Yama was a priestess before she was a queen." Bakura and Ryou glare at Keora and she laughs. " Hey you both have your pants on. . ." Bakura and Ryou's eyes go wide and Keora shrugs to herself. " So how about it? Me, Seto or Yami?"

" You," says Bakura quickly and Ryou nods and Keora smiles slightly to herself.

" Or I could get Yama to. . ." says Keora and trails off.

" No!" shouts Bakura and Keora jumps in fright. " Anyone, but Yama." Keora shakes her head and disappears in a purple mist. " I'm not letting Yama anywhere near our wedding."

" But Keora is Yama reborn. . .right?" asks Ryou. Bakura shakes his head and Ryou's eyes widen.

" She's just the holder of the Exodia Diamond, but she is not Yama reborn," says Bakura. " If she was I wouldn't let her within a mile of you." Ryou nods and smiles as he snuggles up against his yami. " Lets get some sleep." Ryou nods and dozes off to sleep curled against his yami. " I don't like Yama. . .never have and I never will."

Shaina- Well I'm back on track. That's two new chapters in less then two days.

Kanji- Yeah, but we weren't in it.

Nen- Yeah. . .we weren't.

Shaina- Next chapter Keora takes the chibi you's to the amusement park and a very funny scene happens including Mokuba, ice cream, Malik's sister Mariku, another boy named 'Rein' and a girl named ' Mari Ray/ Marira'. ( FYI- Rein and Mist Ray will take special roles later on.)