Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A search for something forgotten: a change in lives... ❯ fear, explantions and many questions ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer I don't own anything except Kayla.

A/n: well thank you to those that have reviewed so far. the end of this storry is comming soon. there will be this chapter and maybe a couple more, I have yet to decied on that one yet.

Chapter 10 fear questions and missing explanitions

Those words caused Jenna to freeze. "how?" was all she could think to ask but even that word was forced from her trimbeling body.

"I am not sure if you know me or not, but my name is Seto Kaiba." the teen introduced before continueing. "If you don't know this already, I run a compeny called Kaiba corp. With this I have access to many things, includeing a chopper that I can use to fly you to your friend. All I need from you, is your willingness to go with me, and to know where your best friend lives."

To this jenna's face became a pale white again as her mind tried to come up with an answer to his some what statment, and preposel. She knew that if she tried, she wouldn't make it to her friend on her own. She also knew that she was taking a big risk and hadn't really planned out how to get to her. After all Jenna's best friend was over 3,000 miles or more away from her in another state. She turned her gaze to seto looking for any sign that he might be tricking her, due to a rather painful past with the male gender, not only from her own family, but also from people in the real world misstreating her something fearce. "How do I know I can trust you?" she whispered after searching Seto's face for several moments.

"The answer is yours, I can tell you that I can be trusted, but weather you beleive that statment is entirely up to you." came seto's reply to her question.

Jenna seemed in deep thought after hearing what Seto had to say. She couldn't recall anyone putting it to her like that. ::Maybe I can, I need to get to Kayla, and I can't do it alone:: she thought.

Seto then broke her out of her thoughts by adding, "besides, have you planned on how to reach her?"

Jenna then looked back deeply into his eyes her own reflecting her feelings and emotions. "No, I haven't really yet, I know she needs me." She stated as tears filled her eyes and she lowered her gaze to her feet finding her shoes to be instering. In a broken tear-filled voice she finally gave her answer. "I will go with you."

To this, Seto noded pulling out a hand-held device and spoke a command into it. No sooner had he replaced the object, a chopper flew above them almost landing in the parkinglot of the school. Jenna's mouth dropped open as she gapped at the sight before her. Never had she seen anything like this. At first his storry seemed to good to be true, but once again, the person standing next too her had proven her wrong once more. She smiled as she felt him reaching for her hand in an attempt to assist her onto the aircraft.

The flight wasn't that long, but neither person spoke being at a strange loss for words. Jenna had calmed down considerably and now sat re-applying her make-up that had smeared and run down her face from her sobbing fit. Her mind was set on her friend afraid she was alone in some hospital, not knowing someone was at that moment taking very good care of her. Boy when Jenna would arive, he would be in for one large suprise.

Meanwhile In St Augustine, Yami sat neverously outside in a hospital waiting room. Joey was sitting next to him trying to calm his friend down. Yami had been shaking and pacing across the floor ever since Kayla had been taken from them when they arived, he couldn't even concentrate at the clipboard in front of him, he was given to fill out on her. Heck he didn't even know enough to fill it out. Joey had glanced at the paper work and filled out what he could think of, mainl her name and gender, he just sighed and told yami, they would have to wait for Kayla to come out of it and answer the questions on her own. "Sit down yug, this isn't helping you at all. The drs said they think she will be just fine." Joey told his friend grabbing his shoulder and pulling him down to sit on the small plstic seat in the over stuffed waiting room.

"My name isn't Yugi!" Yami shouted snapping at Joey who just blinked strangely at his friend.

"You feeling ok, you didn't hit your head did you?" Joey asked panic bulding up in his brown eyes afraid, that at some point that his friend might have hurt himself, though durring the ride, Joey had kept an eye on him, and didn't see where he could have.

Yami took a few shakey racid breaths tears pooring from his eyes. He then looked up at Joey before speaking seriousness shining in his tear-filled crimsion eyes. "I am not who you think i am, My name is really Yami, I reside in the puzzle, and am a part of yugi sort of speak. What I mean by that is, I can fuse with him, we are basically two people sharing one body." Yami began.

Joey did a dubble take as his eyes became wide with shock and the new information just being given to him.

"Do you remember that day on duelist kingdom? Where the evil preasance within Bakura drug all of you into the shadow realm, and forced you to fight for your lives in a shadow game?" Yami asked.

"How could I forget, that had to have been one of the strangest events durring that torment. It was like there were two of you." Joey replyed as he recalled the event Yami was speaking of parts of it replaying in his mind.

"Thats because there were two of us. I was the one dueling, while Yugi's soul was on the field with the rest of you. Well you see I am not truely human, at one point, I was alive and a real person like you, but now.." Yami began to explain as tears overwelmed him as the truth of what he was became almost impossible to handle for him. He knew only through someone else, would he be able to touch his only love, to hug her and make her feel needed and wanted, to do for her what normal people in love did for each other. he thought of her, and how she might take it when she found out, that thought alone hurt him more then anything else, that and the fact that there was no way he could get near her without using someone else to do it.

"Your a soul, without a body, living within yugi aren't you?" Joey asked almost afraid of the answer he knew was coming.

Yami nodded, "yes, that is true, but I don't live within yugi exactly, I rely live in the puzzle and the power in the puzzle allows me to use his body." Yami finished for joey correcting him.

"And when your out, using his body, what happens to yugi?" Joey asked finding the conversation harder and harder to take, but this was important information that had to come out and could no longer be put off.

"He takes my place in the puzzle in a little room, like his own bedroom, in the puzzle." Yami explained finding it equely difficult to explain.

To this Joey nodded, not speaking while he took all the information. He now knew how yami must be feeling in regards to Kayla. He could tell from the moment when the young brown haired girl had been found, how if she lost her life, she would be gone forever, yet if she lived, Yami would have to use someone else to be with her. It didn't take a rocket siceneist to tell that Yami loved the girl and was more afraid of losing her in any shape or form. Weather it be from death, or from rejection after she found out the truth about him.

A few moments later the silance was broken by Jenna's footsteps as she ran through the croweded hospital screaming her friend's name. Seto kept up with her trying to get her to slow down and relax knowing that Kayla couldn't be that hard to find, and the histerics wouldn't help the sisutation. He stopped short when he spotted Joey in the mix of people not seeing Yami right off hand. "Hello dog what brings you here?" Seto mocked to the blonde haired teen teasing him about being a dog, like he always did.

Joey jumped up and growled glaring at Kaiba at the sound of the nick name. "I am not a dog, and for your information, I am here with Yami, to keep him calm while we wait news on his girlfriend." Joey spat prouncing each word in a bitter tone of voice.

At that moment Yami came into view, his face looked tear stained and his eyes bloodshot from the ammounts of crying he had done. In his hand he had a cool washcloth he had been using to clean up the tear stains from his face. Seto stood shocked at the sight before him, and Jenna didn't look any better fearing that Yami's girlfriend and her best friend could very well be one in the same. "I am sorry about your girlfriend Yami, My name is Jenna. I hope she makes it." Jenna stated politely offering her hand in a handshake and giving a week half smile.

"Thank you Jenna, that means a lot." Yami stated in a strained weekend voice.

Jenna then smiled sitting beside him offering him a conferting hug. "What is her name?" Jenna asked needing to confirm her thoughts.

"Kayla Tsukino..I belive...or was that last name something with a k..?" Yami mused to himself answering the question not clear on his girlfriend's last name.

Jenna pailed and hugged yami again. "Oh I hope she makes it, she is also my best friend.. mind telling me what had happened?" she asked her voice cracking slightly.

Yami took a deep breath before explaining everything he knew and everything he, yugi, and Joey had seen and heard in the home. Jenna got a look of rage in her eyes and began muttering sware words, along with a few colorful words under her breath swaring that her sisters would pay for how they treated her best friend. Moments of sliance hung in the air. Seto had sat down next to Jenna on the other side, and began to massage her shoulders trying to relieve the tention in her. He had recalled her temper, and something in the back of his mind told him, no it screamed at him, that she could be his long lost love, yet he chose to dwell on that at a more approite time. Joey held Yami as he began crying again. The blonde was lost on how to consoul his friend and it bothered him to no end. A nurse smiled at the four huddled in a smile group. "excuse me, kayla is awake if you wish you may see her two at a time." She stated looking up from a chart with paicent names and the like on it.

At this news four people jumped up, and if it weren't for the fact the seats were fastened to the floor, they would have scarted to the tile from the rrce used to leave them. All four people were afraid of what they would find, yet that was something they had to know. Joey and yami were the first down the hall at a full run, just to see how Kayla was.