Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Sister's Return ❯ Amane's Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: What if Amane never died? What if it was all just a made up story to cover up a divorce between Ryou's parents? What if Amane returned to Domino? Would Ryou believe that it's actually her? Oh em gee.. So many questions.. I think I might have the answers to them.. But you'll just have to see for yourself, now, won't you?


Chapter One - Amane's Return

(AN: Please forgive me for the crappy beginning.. I suck at writing fanfics that include any sort of fighting. Mainly because I've never been in any fights myself.. >_> But, I hope you like it anyways..)

"B-Bakura.. Please..stop.." Pleaded Ryou as he was lifted off of the ground by his hair, during one of his almost daily beatings.

"Why should I? This fun, don't you agree?" Asked Bakura sadistically. Recieving no answer from his hikari, he slapped him across the face.

"P-please.." Ryou whispered, tears streaming down his face. Bakura had been beating him for quite a while now and Ryou was finding it hard to even keep his eyes open. The carpet was splattered with crimson blood, obviously from Ryou's own veins, a constant reminder of the torture Bakura put his hikari through. It was the reason that Ryou no longer invited his friends over to his house, along with the fact that Bakura would never allow that. Bakura was sure that all of Yugi's friends were plotting against him, trying to find a reason to take his hikari away from him.

"Don't stutter, yadonushi." (AN: Yadonushi means 'lord's property'. Or something similar to that.) Bakura growled. "It makes you sound even more weak than you already are."

"Gomen.. n-nasai.." Ryou apoligized, trying as had as he could not to stutter. (AN: Gomen nasai means 'I'm sorry')

"Heh, you're so pathetic. Why don't you ever stand up for youself?" Inquired Bakura, looking down at Ryou, not loosening his grip on his hikari's hair.

"..." Ryou didn't answer. He couldn't, not when the only answer he could give would make his yami even more disgusted.

"If you're not going to answer, I'll have to force it out of you!" The tomb robber exclaimed, throwing his hikari at a wall. Ryou cried out in pain as he hit the wall and heard his yami's sadistic laughter. "Yadonushi.." Bakura whispered, slowing walking up to his hikari, a pocketknife in his hand.

Ryou didn't look up at his yami, he instead kept his gaze fixed on the floor. Or, at least, until he was kicked in the stomach by Bakura, in an attempt to get his hikari's attention.

"Don't ignore me!" He yelled at the white haired teen on the floor in front of him. "Now, answer me, hikari. Why don't you ever stand up to me? Why do you just allow me to beat you?"

"..." Ryou still refused to answer. He couldn't let his other know the truth. Bakura growled in frustration,

"So, you're not going to answer me?" He asked, then smirked. "Heh, it seems you're getting a little stronger, if you have the guts to withhold information from me like this. But, I'll get you to tell me soon enough."

"A-and.. How are you going to do that?.." Ryou asked, frightened by the thought of what his yami might do to him. Bakura smirked again and lifted Ryou by the collar of his shirt.

"Oh, you'll see--"

"PUT RYOU DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" A voice screamed from the doorway and echoed through the apartment. Bakura looked towards the door, he hadn't heard it open.

"Don't try to tell me what to do. He's -my- hikari, so I can do what I want to him." Bakura stated, glaring at the girl in the doorway. Her dark green orbs glared at him as he said that,

"What are you talking about? Who are you anyway?! And I said to put him down!!" She screamed again.

"I'm not going to bother trying to explain the whole yami and hikari thing; it's not worth my time. And who am I? I'm the Almighty Thief King, Bakura-sama. ( AN: the suffix "sama" means ) And, no. I won't put him down just because some girl tells me to. You're even crazier than I am if you think I'll do that."

The girl stepped into the apartment and slowly walked up to the former tomb robber. She had an if-you-don't-put-him-down-right-now-I'll-punch-your-face-in look on her face, but it didn't seem to bother Bakura at all. He just smirked at her idiocy. Did she really think she stood a chance against him? He sighed; maybe he could just let Ryou go, making this strange girl leave him alone, and just finish this the next day. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

"Feh, whatever." Bakura said, letting go of the collar of his hikari's shirt an watching him fall to the floor. "You're not worth my time."

The girl gasped as Bakura disappared into the Millenium Ring. Of course, she didn't know that was where he had gone. She stood there, shocked, for a moment before remembering that Ryou was currently lying on the floor near her.

"Ryou!" She exclaimed, rushing to his side. "Ryou, are you all right?"

The boy looked up at her,

"Who.." He started before noticing something about the girl that he hadn't before: her hair was a snowy white colour. His eyes widened in realization. "A-Amane?!"


XD Yayy! I know it's short but I'm proud of myself for actually finishing a chapter for this story! I've already started on the next chapter, but that doesn't necessarily mean the update will be much faster than my other fanfics. I'm really sorry I'm so slow with updates! x.x;;