Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Strange New World ❯ Pokemon ( Chapter 19 )
Enter the pokemon world
As they wander around in the new world Alan looks around. Suddenly Alan stops moving and jest stand there. As the others stare at him they see his eyes lit up with joy.
Yugi Alan are you okay?
Alan I'm fine, Yugi… Can I catch a pokemon?
Yugi What???
Alan We are in the world of pokemon and I want a pikachu!
Mary Are you sure we in the pokemon world Alan?
Alan Yes, I saw a pidgey, a weedle and a slowpoke!
Jamie Wow, look Alan a hoothoot
Joey Where is this place then?
Alan I don't know where we are, but I do know we are in the pokemon world!
Tea Will you recognize someone if you see anyone who can help us?
Alan Yeah. God I can't believe I'm here. I might get myself a pikachu, but then any pokemon would do.
Mary First we got to find a way home.
Alan Hay if we had an abbra….
Mary We don't Alan, now come on!
Alan Spoil sport.
With that they carry on walking.
Alan Hay its Ash
Alan was right Ash was running towards them
Ash Are you the guys who came here through a portal?
Yugi Yeah, how did you know?
Ash Oak told me. He's a professor here.
Alan Have you got a spare pokeball?
Ash Yeah why?
Alan I want to catch a pikachu!
Ash You don't have to, Professor Oak has a spare pikachu.
Alan Cool!
They arrived at Professor Oak's place and entered
Oak Are they the ones?
Ash Yeah, oh by the way have you still got that pikachu?
Oak Yes, but you don't need a pikachu….
Ash It's not for me but for him.
Pointing at Alan
Oak I suppose he can have it.
Alan YES! I got my very own pikachu.
Oak Have these too.
Yugi What are they?
Oak teleports, so you can return home
Yugi Thank you
With that Yugi, Joey and Tea said goodbye and returned home. Mary, Alan and Jamie (not forgetting pikachu) also returned home.
Is this really the End?