Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Absent Emotions ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
Absent Emotions
Kinshin: I have major writers block for my other stories I'm working on. I think that they will be discontinued since I can't come up with any ideas for them. I'm really sorry. Anyways here's another one I've been thinking about for a while. I hope you people enjoy! ^_^
Pairings: Ryou/Bakura, Bakura/OC, minor Yugi/Yami, maybe eventual Ryou/Bakura
Absent Emotions
It was dark and raining. No one was out except for a few people. They had umbrellas protect themselves from the rain. They took shelter in the comfort of their homes where they could sit by the fire and drink their hot cups of cocoa and coffee. All of them had the time of their lives on the darkness of the night.
Except one.
In an old abandoned church at the exit of the town to the highway is a little boy. He had long snowy white hair and doe brown eyes and looked to be only about five years old. He was clutching a stuffed toy that was given to him by his mother. He loved his mother very much and she loved him back but he didn't know if she would since he kept something from her.
"Do you think mommy would love me? Would she cry for me?" he said out loud not talking to anyone in particular.
He concentrated and made a fireball in his hand and letting it sit in the air to light up the church. He was amused by it and started making a bit more to light up the place brighter like everyone did on a cold stormy rainy night. He chuckled in amusement.
He heard a gasp come from the entrance. He quickly turned around and saw his mother in shock. His eyes lit up instantly and rushed to hug his mother. But she never held up her arms.
"Hi mommy! Look what I can do! Mommy isn't it cool?! We don't have to get firewood anymore!" The child said in excitement. When she didn't respond he tilted his head cutely in confusion.
"Mommy is something wrong? Did I do something wrong mama? I love you mommy."
A hand connected to his cheek roughly.
"How can a demon like you love? How can I love a demon in the form of an angel? How could I love and abomination like you?!" she yelled at the little boy. She started sobbing and dropped to her knees. She hid her face.
The little boy went beside her and hugged his mother but was roughly pushed away. He fell on his back and then sat up in what he understood.
"Mama wants to be alone. I understand. I'll leave mama alone."
* * *
A few weeks passed. The little boy didn't understand why his mother was acting like this. His mother always hit him when he tries some of the stuff he did when she first saw it. And she never said 'I love you' back anymore. Plus she was always crying. He didn't understand.
"Will you cry for me?" he asked once. Curious to the answer she would give.
He earned a slap.
"Why would I cry for one such as you?! Who would cry for a demon?!" she said crying even more.
Some of the things she had been saying about him he didn't know the meaning yet. He asked but he only got hit. He didn't mind because his mother said she loved him and that it was okay for what she was doing.
Then there were people who came since they found out about him. Him and his power. There was a war going on for territory. Their city was being attacked. They needed him to help them since the town is powerless while the other town was powerful. This peaceful town lacked in both offense and defense.
"Please, we need him!" a man said and pleaded with the woman.
"No! He's my son! The son of the devil! I had him with the devil!" his mother screamed back at the man with tears streaming down her face and the gathered helping him to get what they wanted.
"Mommy?" the boy asked but wasn't heard.
The screaming continued. People were dying and they needed the kid's power to help them but she wouldn't budge. Soon something hit the church making it collapse. The people were lucky that they evaded it but weren't glad that they lost their chance at their win since both the mother and her child were caught in the blast. They quickly rushed out of there and fled the town hoping to get shelter from other towns.
After the building collapsed, in the center stood the same boy clutching the stuffed animal given to him by his mother with no scratches. He desperately searched for her. He found her under a fallen pillar. She was close to death. He approached her.
"Stay away from me! This is your entire fault! If only you didn't exist!" she said crying in choked sobs seeing as she is having trouble breathing.
"But mommy what do you mean?" the boy asked. "Are you hurt?"
"Yes no thanks to you!" she said still finding the strength to talk. "I HATE YOU!" she said as her last words.
The boy never grasped what that statement really meant but thought of it as another way to say goodbye and I love you.
"I love you too mommy. Because you're the only one who ever cried for me."