Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Adopted ❯ One-Shot

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That one word echoes throughout my mind.

That one word means so much to me.


It means that my mother,

Who doesn't care for me at all,

Doesn't have to


It means that all the abuse,

Given by my father,

Has no place in my broken heart


It means that my little sister,

For whom I care for with my entire soul,

Isn't truly my sister.


It means that my friends,

The ones who know me inside and out,

Might not know me as well as they thought.


It means that,

Through the wind and rain,

I must search for my true parents…


Jou stared blankly at the gravestones before him.

All this time, all the time he spent looking for his true family, ended up here. Here in this empty cemetery with the icy wind tugging at his hair and clothes and a chilling rain biting into his skin.

His eyes began to water as he looked upon the grave of his father. All the times he'd seen him - and that was quite a lot - he'd never truly made the connection. Then again, the things he did - when viewed head-on - almost made him whish he wasn't born to this man.

But, he thought as he looked to his mother's marking, he did it all for her…

Jou looked at his feet, a tear escaping his eye. And if he hadn't died, I would have never found him at all…

Once more his eyes rested upon the marker for his father.

"I'm sorry for everything I said about and to you, dad." He turned to look at his mother's. "And I wish I could have seen you in person. You looked very pretty."

Biting his bottom lip, Jou cat his eyes to the sky. "I guess…" he mumbled to himself. "That I should get going before I really get sick."

And with that he stood and turned about preparing to walk out of the cemetery. Gently, he looked over his shoulder to the graves of his parents and gently read the names out loud.

"Pegasus J. Crawford and Cynthia Crawford. I hope you've found peace where ever you are. Good-bye papa, mama…"


It means that,

Though it may be tough for me,

It just might get better once I find you….

Yami and Kura : ….. *look at Angel*

Angel: *looks right back* Nani?

Yami and Kura : *point to fic*

Angel: What about it?

Yami and Kura : *sigh* Never mind…

Angel: Anyway, it's time for a new part of my fics - Reviewer Q and A before the reviewer can ask!

Kura : *mumbles* I still have no idea why you started this…

Angel: *whaps Bakura* Quiet you. Now the first, and most obvious question I'll get is:

Q - Why did you make Jou Pegasus's kid?

A - Angel: Well, it sorta hit me while I was watching today's ep. of YuugiOu. See, Cynthia has blonde hair and Jou has blonde hair; Pegasus has these really really uber-gorgeous brown eyes and Jou has these really really uber gorgeous brown eyes.

Q - What about Shizuka? Where does she fit in?

A - Angel: Shizuka will be the actual daughter of Jou's "parents". Though he may be adopted, he still loves her.

Angel: And… That's about all I can think of right now. If you have any more questions, I'll be glad to answer them (thought they'll prolly be in another fic I'm planning on writing or mebby I'll just make a second chap to this… *shrug*) And, as always, I don't own YuugiOu. Ja ne!