Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Albino santa ❯ albino santa with the egyptian elf ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lmao. I laughed so hard when the idea came to me! I mean…….. oh nevermind. . . just read it.

warnings: swearing, yaoi (no lemon), oddness, and just weird stuff. . . OOC, pointless things. . .




{my notes and comments}

yami bakura=bakura

DISCLAIMER: I do not own yugioh. Or should I say we? (I have voices inside my head that tells me to do. . . stuff. . . )LMAO!

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(there are some made up characters ((minor)) that I had to make up, or the story wouldn't be right. . . to me that is. . .)

jim: why did you drag me out here again? *folds arms*

ben: because we need a new santa. Remember what happened to the last one?

Jim: no. . .

Ben: he got a hard on when a teenager sat on his lap. So we had to fire him. now, keeps your eyes open for anybody you think would be a good santa. I'm going to get a coffee.

Jim: wh-what!? Why do I have to do all the work!?

Ben: because mr.spinagly said I was incharge, now move! *pushes unsuspecting jim into the crowded sidewalk*

Jim: *slips on a piece of ice* dumbass. . .bigass. . . fatass. . .fineass. . .

Ben: I heard that!!!

*somewhere intown*

malik: . . . I'm hungry.

Bakura: you're a pig, you know that?! I'm not hungry. *stomach grumbles*

Malik: *raises eyebrow* not from what I hear

Bakura: it lies! It's a lia- screw it. where can we possibly-

Random lady: *bangs into bakura. She looks at him, and then waggles her eyebrows* hey beautiful. . .

Malik: *growls low under his breath. Think dog.* `that slut better get her eyes off MY property!'

*jim is walking by malik and bakura*

jim: `. . .never gives me a raise. . . okay, ben may be damn hot, but he can't order me around! I hate him! he's SOOO sexy. . .--'*looks at bakura for a brief moment, from across the street*

bakura: whatch where your're going ya HO!

Jim: `that sounds familiar. . . he'd make a good. . . good. . . what's his face. . . uh. . ..'

*truck passes by with a HUGE picture of santa on the side of it. it stops and beeps it's horn*

jim: *glares at it in annoyance* `stupid truck! it blocked my view of that white haired kid!'

*truck goes on it's way*

jim: `batman? Did I need a batman? No. . . that's not it. . .'

*girl of about the age of ten walks by with her friend*

girl: . . . and I asked SANTA for a pony. . .

jim: `I know!!!! Superman!!! I needed a new superman!!! No. . . not superman. . . damn! Remember jim!' *starts pounding his forehead*

random old man walking by: *stares at jim oddly, and walks away*

*back to bakura and malik*

malik: ooohh. . . say that again. . . you sound so evilly hot when you say that!

bakura: ho. . .

malik: *laughs* do it again. . .

bakura: ho. . .HO. . .

*back to jim, trying to remember*

jim: `wonder woman? Oh kami-sama no!'

*a big painting of santa and an elf carried by two men is carried by. The face of santa and the elf are cut out*

jim: *watching as one of the men carrying it stops to tie his shoe* `hmmm. . .'

*the painting is right infront of malik and bakura, and it just so happens it's just as tall as them*

jim: I GOT IT!!!!!!!

bakura: *turns to look at the man known as jim, and thus placing his head in the circle for santa's head* ho?

Malik: *looks at what bakura is staring at, placing his head where the elf's head was cut out* what's wrong bakura? It's just some guy. .

Jim: MY NEW SANTA!!!!!!! *runs across the street to bakura and malik, nearly getting hit by a truck*

*painting people walk away*

jim: you *grabs bakura by his shoulders* are my new santa!

Malik: *glares at jim* and you-*grabs jims shoulder, and pulls him off of bakura* are touching MY property.

Bakura: *looks confusedly at jim*

Jim: `I better confirm it. I don't want this to be like the `johny can't-say-ho-worth-a-shit' guy. I nearly lost my job. . .' would you be so kind as to say `ho ho HO?'

Bakura: *shrugs* ho ho ho. . .

Jim: *grins* `perfect!' gre-

Malik: do it again! *grins physchotically*

Bakura: ho ho ho!!!

Malik: do it again!

Jim: `this is amazing!!! He's ment to be!!!'

Bakura: ho ho ho ho ho HO HO!!!!

Malik: more!!! *jumping up and down excitedly*

Jim: `wow! What a voice!' {what's HE smoking!? Lmao. Bakura sounds NOTHING like santa. . .}

Bakura: *growls* HO!!!!

Malik: ag-

Bakura: *hits malik in the head with a random baseball bat. Then discards it to where ever it came from* there.

Malik: ouchies. . . *passes out*

Jim: `er. . . that's normal in a santa impersonator, right?' {nowonder he nearly got fired. . .} how would you like to be my santa?

Bakura: *raises eyebrow* what do I do?

Jim: you just sit in a chair-

Bakura: is it a red chair?

Jim: yes. .

Bakura: continue then.

Jim: alrighty then. . . you just sit around in a chair, and say ho ho ho. Or merry Christmas. Whatever works for you-

Bakura: *excitedly* you mean I get paid to say things like that? and sit in a RED chair!?

Jim: *confused* yes. . .

Bakura: *picks up the unconscious malik* take us there!

Jim: wait! There's more. you just let kids sit in your lap. . . and listen to them and say a few things to them.

Bakura: I hate kids. . . what's in it for me besides the money?

Jim: uh. . . .

Malik: owwww. . . my head. . . *jumps up back to life, and out of bakura's arms* that was fun!!!

Jim: you can bring him? *doubtful*

Bakura: OKAY!!! *excited*

Jim: `perfect! I want arrays! No wait. . . I want ben. . .' *drool. Wipes it away*

Bakura: ???

Malik:??? Uh. . . what do I have to do?

Jim: stand there and look like an elf.

Malik: elf? What does an elf look like? What IS an elf?

Jim: happy!

Malik: *tries to look happy, but instead he looks high* {I don't think I own that part, with the whole elf thing. I think that's on a movie. . . what's it called. . . uh. . . can I get back to you on that? I think it's `I'll be home for Christmas'}

Jim: o_o uh. . . that'll do. . .

Bakura: *links arms with malik* take us to the wonderful place you speak of!!!

Jim: to the mall!! *points ahead of him*

Malik: *stops suddenly* hold it!

Bakura: what now?

Malik: I'm still hungry.

*2 hours later*

malik got his food, and now he and bakura are wearing costumes, and bakura is sitting in his chair. {lol, when I wrote this part, I forgot the `c' and I discovered it when I showed my friend ^_^;;}

jim: *to ben* they're perfect! Just watch.

Ben: nah. . . I'm going to attract customers. . . *leaves*

Jim: *watches his ass as he walks away* yum. . .

Ben: I heard that!

*in the exhibit*

bakura: *pointing to every one in sight* HO!!! Ho!!!! Ho!!!! Hohohohohohohohohohoho!!!!!!!!

Malik: *looking really excited*

Random little boy passing: mommy! Santa's scaring me!!!

Kid's mother: uh. . . let's go see santa later. . .

Jim:*watching* oh shit. . . *walks to bakura*

Bakura: *points to jim* HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does that mean I get arrays?

Malik: *laughs insanely for no reason at all*

Jim: oh kami-sama. . . `harder than I thought' don't point. And try not to scream. . . and-- *looks at malik* what's up with him?

Malik: heheheHAHAHHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!! *on the ground*

Bakura: over use of the word `ho'

Jim: okay-- wait a sec. . . word? No! don't say the word! Say it like this. `ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!'

Bakura: *pouts* fine. ho ho ho. Marty chrickass.

Jim: *slaps a hand to his forehead* no! `he's just a little rusty. That's all.' MER-RY CHRIST-MAS!! Like that!!

Malik: ??? you stopped! Why?

Bakura: I dunno. . .

Jim: because it's time for the little kids to sit on your friends lap.

Malik: but-

Bakura: oh ya. . . I forgot about that part. . .

Jim: good luck! *skips away*

*ben walks to them, followed by a few little kids and parents*

bakura: ho ho ho. Merry Christmas. . .

little girl {I'm just going to make up names for them. So she will be called. . . kim} (kim): I want to sit on santa's lap!

Ben: right this way little girl. . .*opens the rope, leads the girl in, and closes it again*

*lines forms behind the rope, as ben and kim go to bakura. Or should I say `santa'? Poor bakura*

little girl: *sits on bakura's lap*

ben: `my work here, is done.' *removes rope, walks away, and then places it back as if he HAD to put it there to restrain the kids. He probably did*

malik: *watches intently, and VERY jealously*

bakura: ho ho ho. Merry Christmas little. . . girl?

Kim: hello santa. My name is kim. I want a pony, Barbie ocean swimming doll {I'm not familiar with the world of Barbie, so some might be made up, and others not. I DON'T OWN BARBIE!} ken ocean swimming doll, Barbie goes to paris set, complete with Kelly, Barbie pretty dress maker. . .

Bakura: *closes his eyes and tries to sleep*

Kim: . . .mrs.claus Barbie. . . hey santa! That's your wife, your famous!

Bakura: yeah yeah. . . wife?

Malik: *eyes widen. He glares at the child*

Kim's mother: come on kim. Say goodbye to santa, mommy has a few presents to buy.

Bakura: `easy enough'

Kim: can I give santa a kiss?

Kim's mom: *looks at bakura* just on the cheek. Mommy is busy you know. {notice how some people refer to themselves as the third person? Or atleast I think that's third person. . .}

Kim: *kneels on bakura's lap so she can kiss him on the cheek, thus accidently kneeing him in the crotch* bye santa! I love you!

Bakura: `OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OW!!!!! OW!!!!!!! OW!!!!!!!!!' *grits teeth*

Malik: *fuming* would you like a candy cane? `somehow, I think I'm going to end up in the hospital after this, due to another insane `meltdown'.'

Kim: no thank you.

Malik: you WIIIILLLL like a candy cane. . . *looks insane*

Kim: no THANX!


Kim: *gapes at him, and walks away. More like runs.*

Bakura: mal- I mean my trusty elf-

Malik: can I sit on your lap <i>santa</i>?

Bakura: *grins* go for it. . . and if your good, I'll give you a. . . present. . .

Malik: okay! *jumps up on his lap and licks his friend's jaw bone.*

Random kids in line: I WANNA SIT ON SANTA'S LAP!!! GET OFF YOU STUPID ELF!!!!!

Malik: *begins an angry reply, but is silence when he sees jim at the far side of the line, making the cut throat sign* `ass.' *climbs off bakura's lap, and goes to remove the rope, but doesn't put it back.*

Daniel: *he's a little chubby, and he jogs over and sits on bakura. More like squashes*

Malik: `stupid incredibly lucky kids. Stupid guy. I mean, why did he pick US to do this!? How much are we getting paid!? Seeing bakura in that read. . . hot. . . furry. . . uniform. . . how hot!!!' *goes hard* `shit. . .'

Bakura: `oh. . .gods. . .can't. . ..breathe. . .'

*malik saunters away from the line so he can sulk and glare at the kids who got to sit on HIS property{possessive isn't he?}*

*the kids in the line see that the barrier is down, and they rush up to bakura, and some to malik*

jenny: I want a pony!!!

Daniel: *starts to cry* IT WAS MY TURN FOR SANTA!!!!!!!!!

Bakura: AH!!!!!!!!!

Luke: I want a black crayon!!!!

Bakura: *pushes Daniel off* here's a candy cane!

Daniel: *grins and shoves it in his mouth without removeing the wrapper*

John: I want a mega-phone 4000XL!!!!

Bakura: a what? *hands him an ornament form the tree* AHH!!!! STOP IT!!!!

Random kids: *start to cry*

Malik: *shooing kids away* GO AWAY YOU RABID KIDS!!!

Kathy: Me want candy cane!!!! *jumpes ontop of malik*


Kathy: *sniff* WAH!!!! *starts to cry*

Doug: you made my sister cry!!! I shall kill you!!!!

Malik: yeah. . . right. . .

Doug: HOY-YA!!! *kids malik in the thigh*

Malik: oh, so you wanna fight!? Over santa? Well santa's mine!!!! it's go time!!!! *get's in a fighting stance*

Doug: *does the same* why would santa wanna hang out with a stupid elf!!! Bastard!!!! *charges at him*

Malik: *holds him back with one hand* aww!!! How cute!!! He's trying to hurt me!!!

Doug: fuck you!!!!*grabs his other hand and bites it, drawing blood*

Malik: *screams and shrieks* OWWW!!!! *glares and grabs a string of Christmas lights from the fake sleigh. He smirks as he gets a look in his eye. . .*

Bakura: `I'm getting a migraine. . .' *tries to shoo kids away*

Marty: I want a worm!!!!!!

bakura: a WH-*gasps as malik jumps on his lap, taking refuge from the doug-kid* huh---- what?!---

malik: save me. *panting from his `run and jump escape'*

bakura: *looks confused* huh?

Malik: *points to the Christmas tree* he's RABID!!!

Bakura: *looks* AH!

Doug: *tied to the tree by Christmas lights and foaming at the mouth* I'LL GET YOU LITTLE ELF!!!!! I THE GREAT DOUG SHALL EAT YOUR EYEBALLS!!!! FRY YOUR KIDNEY!!!! USE YOUR SPINAL CORD AS A SKIPPING ROPE!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!! SANTA'S MINE, YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!! ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!! ROAR!!!!!! BE AFRAID!!!!!!!!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHHAHA!!!!

Bakura: oh gods!

Malik: `he looks so hot when he's pissed off. . .' keep me safe!!!!

Bakura: malik, that's how you act.

Malik: I don't care!!!! He BIT me!!!!

Bakura: huh? *puts on a confused look*

Malik: `EEE! ^_^ HOW CAN I RESIST!? BE FREE, HARMONES!!!!' *starts kissing him* {don't ask. . . I'm hyper. . .}

*somewhere in the mall*

jim: . . . I want a raise!

Ben: well they DO look kind of convincing. Well I'm not sure about the Egyptian elf, but the albino is good. *grins with a greedy look in his eyes*

Jim: the albino wouldn't go without the egyptian. They really DO make good santa and elf impersanators-

Random Mother: . . .the nerve! The santas they come up with! I mean. . .
*walks away while talking to a fellow mother*

Jim: *shoots a pained look at ben* it's not what you think!!! They're worthy!!!! *gets on his knees, and begs ben to keep his job*

Ben: *glares* if not you're fired!!!

Jim: please nooooo!!!!!!!!!

Ben: oh shut up ya weenie!!!! {I'm on a shu-gar high. So sue me! *holds hands up in a defensive position* Nuuu!!!! Pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!! Don't sue me!!!!! I was only kidding!!!! *sweat drop*}

*both go to the exhibit to see how malik and bakura are doing*

jim: *jaw drops when he sees the exhibit*

ben: jim?

Jim: *hopefully* yes?

Ben: you're fired.

Jim: *groans* noooooooo. . . ;_;

*they were surprised by two half nude teenagers (shirtless){yyyuuummm. . .} making out and doing some things that younger kids should NOT NOT NOT be seeing, surrounded by screaming, crying, amused children, some angry parents, and a few teenagers watching in interest. Oh, and don't forget a rabid kid attached to the tree by Christmas lights. Basically, all hell broke loose.*

bakura: *pulling away* let's go home.

Malik: *grinning as he gets up. but he cringes when he gets a last look at foaming-doug*

Doug: REMEMBER LITTLE ELF!!!!! THE DOUGMYSTER SHALL EAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! *growls and begins to bark like a dog*

*they go to leave, when they find ben and jim, gaping at the angry crowd of chaos. Well mostly the rabid kid tied to a tree.* {I'm sorry, but that mental image is funny to me!!!!!}

malik: we decided SCREW THE ACT!!!!

Bakura: WE QUIT!!! Oh, on lighter note, you might want to get the kid down from the tree, and to a doctor, RIGHT AWAY!!! Ja!

*they walk off*

jim: i-i-i- oh kami-sama. . . what did I do to deserve this!?

Ben: jim?

Jim: I know I'm fired! You don't have to rub it---

Ben: shut up and kiss me you fool!!!!!!

And they all live happily ever after. . .MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! PEACE!!!! LMAO!!!! Oh, and little dougie had some mayjor theropy, but had to go to juvenile hall for slaughtering elf impersantators, and later, the raping of santa impersonators.


sorry if it was short. Anyways. . . yay!!! I've been editing this for a long time now.! Anyways, how'd you like it??? Please review?????? *puppy eyes*