Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ All I Can Do ❯ All I Can Do ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was a bright sunny Saturday and Ryou had decided to call one of his friends on the phone. He had decided that he would finally confess his feelings for the Egyptian boy, Malik Ishtar. Ryou uneasily picked up his phone that hung on the wall and punched in his friend's phone number. There was silence at first, but then there was a small click as a rich creamy voce entered Ryou's ears.

"Hello, this is Malik Ishtar," the voice said in a bored monotone.

"Hey, Malik! It's Ryou!" Ryou jumped up and down when he heard Malik answer his cell phone.

Malik wasn't sure what the person on the other side of the phone had said to him. It sounded more like `Hay, milk, and cheese on rye!' to him.

"Excuse me?" Malik replied slowly.

"Malik, it's me, Ryou!" Ryou sighed in disappointment. Maybe Malik didn't want anything to do with him…

"Ohhhhhh, Ryou-chan!" Malik laughed sheepishly and blushed on his side of the connection. "I heard you incorrectly the first time, my apologies."

"That's ok, Malik," Ryou brightened up a bit. Malik said sorry to him!

"So… what'd you call me for?" The blond asked, wondering what Ryou wanted to desperately talk to him about.

"I… uh… I just…" Ryou started to stammer. Great, thought the teen, this isn't good… BUT I'M NOT GIVING UP!!!

"Speak up, Ryou. I can't hear you."

"I… I just… uh… just uh… oh shoot! I'm just crazy about you, Mali-kun!" Ryou blurted out furiously, shouting the last few words.

"Uh… wait a minute!" Malik thought he must have misunderstood.

"Malik, I really, really, REALLY need you to come over to my house right now, ok? Bye!" Ryou immediately hung his phone up, panting.

Man, thought Ryou, wiping some sweat off his forehead, that was close.

Malik stared blankly at his cell phone for a few minutes before giving a simple shrug. He put his cell phone back in his pocket and mounted his motorbike. Giving one of the black leather handles a turn, the bike came to life, and Malik tore off towards Ryou's house.

Everyday is a new day

And I don't have to pretend

All my friends think I'm crazy

But I don't want this to end

When I have the chance, I wanna say to you

Wishing I could take back what I put you through

I'll never do it again

We're like oil and water, still we somehow mix

And what used to be broken is somehow fixed

It's hard to explain

Ryou waited for a few minutes before there was a sudden knock on his door. The white-haired teen gulped as he reached for the door handle, his hand shaking terribly, as if he was schizophrenic. As he grasped the knob as turned it, he gulped once more before pulling the door open.

Standing there was the boy that haunted his sweet dreams. The blond hair rested lightly on Malik's shoulders, and he was holding his motorcycle helmet to his hip. His caramel skin made Ryou want to touch it, just feel it once. Oh, he'd give anything to hug that yummy body to his pale frame.

"Ryou?" Malik raised an eyebrow, "you ok?"

Ryou snapped out of his fantasy world as he heard Malik speak. "Oh," Ryou smiled, "come in, Malik."

Malik nodded and stepped inside the warm blue block of wood that was Ryou's house. Ryou had bought a house, with the help of his father. It was small, but big enough for two people.

Malik immediately took off his shoes and put them on the carpet by the door. Ryou was shocked to see that Malik wasn't wearing any socks. The Egyptian's feet padded lightly across the carpeted floor as he looked around the building.

Ryou closed the door as Malik sat down on his lavender couch. His attention was drawn to the figure sitting in the middle of the room.

"Uh… Malik?" Ryou inched ever so close to the boy on the couch.

Malik looked up into the chocolaty brown eyes of his inviter. They looked at each other for some time until Malik asked, "Ryou, what did you tell me on the phone earlier? Before you hung up?"

"That? Oh, I just said that… well it's just that… Oh Malik…" Ryou slumped down onto the cushion beside Malik, sighing.

Malik snaked an arm around Ryou's back and started to give him a light backrub to make him feel better. Something was bothering his friend, but he didn't know what it was.

"You can tell me, Ryou-chan," Malik whispered into the teen's ear. This caused Ryou to shiver as the hand on his back found its way under the brown t-shirt he was wearing.

Ryou emitted a slight moan from his lips as he leaned towards Malik, unaware of what was happening.

I know some people say

That opposites attract

If that's the truth then we

We will be together forever

Malik pulled out his hand as he noticed the change in Ryou. He started to scoot away, but his arm was caught by Ryou, who wasn't about to let him go.

"Malik," Ryou whimpered as he drew himself closer, "I need you badly."

Malik reached out with his free hand and let it slip down Ryou's pale face. It was then that he got a vicious idea.

"Ryou," asked Malik with a demonic smile, "are you any good at wrestling?"

"Uhg… uh what? Wrestling?" Ryou's eyes were getting foggy and he was becoming quite sleepy.

It's like I got nothing to do but think about you

I've got all the time in the world

If you look in my heart

You'll know from the start

That's its all I can do

Not to think about you

Malik smiled and replied, "I take that as a no. Get ready, Ryou!" Malik gave Ryou a push, causing him to tumble off the couch. He pounced onto the innocent light's stomach and pinned his arms above his head, watching as Ryou snapped out of his hazy daydream. He had been thinking about Malik again, totally forgetting that he was there with him.

"M-m-Malik?" Ryou looked around with a crazed look in his eyes. He started to thrash around, trying to understand why he couldn't move his arms. Malik couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

As Ryou continued his rambunctious squirming, Malik snuck a hand up the front of his shirt, placing his first two fingers on the trembling boy's collarbone.

There was silence as Ryou froze, and Malik could hear the soft footsteps of Ryou's psychotic Yami as he searched for a teacup. As soon as he found it, Bakura threw it across the kitchen hollering in a low sing-song voice, "Jingle bells, Batman smells! Robin laid an egg! *crash* The Batmobile lost a wheel, and the Joker played ballet! HEY!!!! *crash crash*" This went on for some time, many teacups being shattered in the process.

Malik winced every time he heard a teacup meet the wall. "Man, I feel sorry for those teacups." He chuckled silently to himself as he moved his hand lower, rubbing and massaging Ryou's chest.

The crazed Yami came running out of the kitchen with a pair of Ryou's boxers on his head. Waving his Millennium Ring, he hollered, "I'm a Disney Princess!" Bakura froze. His eyes widened in horror as he watched Malik crush his lips against Ryou's.

"Did I miss something while I was at my prom?" Bakura asked in a princess-like voice.

Malik looked up at the crazy spirit, "Would you like to join us?"

I gave you good reason

To walk out that door

Let me tell you I've learned a thing or two

And I'm so amazed at the things you do

Now don't let me go, oh no

I know some people say

That opposites attract

If that's the truth then we,

We're meant to be together forever


It's like I got nothing to do but think about you

I've got all the time in the world

If you look in my heart

You'll know from the start

That's its all I can do

Not to think about you

Bakura look horrified. "No, this little lady will not rub her nose in affairs of other preppy people!" Bakura turned up his nose and walked away quite quickly, one hand holding his pant's leg like a dress, the other on his hip.

"Good bye, Princess Boxers!" Malik hollered after Bakura in a charming voice.

Ryou gasped as Malik yanked his shirt over his head and threw it at the T.V..

It was then that "Princess Boxers" snuck up behind Malik with an iron mallet in his hands, the Pink Panther theme playing in the background. He was about to smack it down on Malik's head when Malik tossed Ryou's jeans behind him, landing in "Princess Boxers's" face.

"ARG!" cried the crazy and very frustrated princess. He whirled around and brought the mallet down without looking where he was aiming. That spot just happened to be the spot where the remote controller sat. The sudden contact caused the controller to turn on the TV on channel 12, which Tellietubbies just happened to be showing. With a few buzzes and beeps, the controller self-destructed. Unfortunately, the TV didn't have a off button, or a volume switch button. So while Ryou and Malik made out, there were these little gay giggles in the background and voices saying, "Tinkie Winkie! Dipsy! Lala! Po!"

Both Ryou and Malik froze, along with the psyched-out princess.

"This isn't possible!" claimed the princess. He rushed back into Ryou's bedroom and came back wearing a tiara on top of the boxers and a big pink frilly tutu around his waist. "Tutu Attack!" He cried as he put his hands above his head, and one foot on the opposite thigh. Spinning madly like a tornado, Princess Boxers threw himself at the TV screen.

For some strange reason, the four little colored aliens saw it coming. They threw their arms in the air and scattered as Princess Boxers hit the screen.

"Dipsy no like this!" cried the fat green alien.

"Eeeeeevil monster!" yelled the yellow one, pointing at the princess before them on the other side of the screen.

"Let's show `em what we can do!" hollered the tall purple thing.

"Tubbie formation!" screamed the red one, running to the middle of the screen.

The other three followed Po's action. Po stood in the middle while the other three circled him. All four of them pulled out their weapons of doom.

Tinkie Winkie pulled out a big red purse. "Purse of Pursuit!" he smiled triumphantly.

Dipsy brought out a large hat with a cow pattern, "Hat of Horror!"

Lala got out a huge red bouncy ball, "Bouncing Ball of Belligerence!"

And last, Po brought out a fancy scooter, "Scooter of Seducing!"

Malik blinked along with Ryou as the four aliens ran OUT of the screen and onto Ryou's living room floor.

Princess Boxers screamed in a high pitched voice. In response, the Tubbies covered their ears and wailed along in agony.

"Tinkie Winkie says make it stop!" Tinkie Winkie howled as he swung his Purse of Pursuit everywhere.

"Dipsy agrees! Dipsy agrees!" cried Dipsy in a furious rage. She put the big hat on her head and it started to glow. With a despairing cry, Dipsy raised her green fists (are they even fists? Mittens? WHAT ARE THEY?!?) and a powerful lightning bolt was cast down upon Princess Boxers.

Lala started to bounce the deadly ball up and down, causing a mighty earthquake. She cackled with glee as she rolled the big ball in Princess Boxers direction.

Po just stood there. Then, he shook his scooter in front of Princess Boxers, chanting, "You shall be seduced! You shall be seduced!"

Everything went to chaos from there. Princess Boxers swayed as he was hypnotized by Po. Malik and Ryou cringed as Princess Boxers was hit by a large lightning bolt, ran over by a humongous red ball, and smacked back and forth with a purse.

"This is just wrong," muttered Malik to Ryou. "This is sick, twisted, and just plain wrong."

The rampaging Tubbies turned to Malik and Ryou as they heard the voice.

"Uh-oh," Malik sweatdropped. "I didn't say anything!"

Ryou jumped out in front of his lover protectively and spread his arms wide. "Leave Malik alone, you creeps!"

The Tellietubbies stared at the almost naked Ryou. The only item Ryou had on was his boxers.

"Something's wrong here," said Lala, scratching her chin.

"Dipsy agrees…" commented Dipsy, cocking her head at Ryou.

"What do you think, Po?" asked Tinkie Winkie.

Po shrugged, "He must be a peachy Tubbie. The only thing is we don't wear those goofy things on our legs!"

Lala giggled, "Let's make him a blue Tubbie and call him Jack!"

Tinkie Winkie nodded, "Tinkie Winkie!"




"JACK!" added Lala at the last second. All of the weird aliens laughed in unison.

Ryou didn't take this very well. "I'm going to get rid of you filthy monsters! You are ruining my house!"

Malik whispered something into Ryou ear, and Ryou nodded in agreement.

"To the blender with you!" yelled Ryou

"NO!" cried Po in despair.

"NOT THE BLENDER!" screamed the other three.

I know some people say

That opposites attract

If that's the truth then we,

We belong together forever

(Chorus) (Key Change)

It's like I got nothing to do but think about you

I've got all the time in the world

If you look in my heart

You'll know from the start

That's its all I can do

Not to think about you

Ryou threw a gigantic net over the Tellietubbies and Malik tied the top of the bag, dragging them into Ryou's backyard. Sitting there was a giant blender. Ryou and Malik gave a huge push and sent the Tubbies and the net into the blender.

Princess Boxers came out with the lid. Screwing the lid on tight, Princess Boxers stepped back as Ryou pushed the big red button that said, "ON". It also said, "CAUTION! DO NOT PUT OVERLY LARGE OBJECTS IN THIS BLENDER. OTHERWISE, THEY WILL BE SLICED INTO PIECES!". In tiny print on the side, it said, "Batteries sold separately, and do not feed to your dog".

There was a large "Whirrrrrrrrrrr!" and a few "Auuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!"s before the trio stepped back to let the blender do its job.

After a half hour had passed by, Malik turned the blender off. He smiled to Princess Boxers and Ryou in triumph.

"Well, I guess that's that problem." The Egyptian grinned, holding Ryou close.

Princess Boxers took off the tiara, tutu, and boxers to form Yami Bakura once more.

"That was a job well done, you two," Bakura smiled and led the two inside.

Malik was led by Ryou to his bedroom to have some "alone time". Ryou sighed as he was pushed on his bed.

"I love you, Malik-kun," He whispered as Malik laid down beside him.

"I love you too, Ryou," replied Malik, holding onto Ryou and closing his eyes.

Bakura smiled and sat down at the table, helping himself to some delicious "Tubbie Milkshake".

The End!

(And they lived happily ever after… Or did they?)