Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Alone ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Jade- My parents had an argument Sunday night and it upset me and this is my way of dealing..
Bakura- Kind of odd little story.
Ryou- With slight angst/tragedy and SA..
Malik- On with the fic!
Jade- Hey, where'd you come from?
Malik- O.o
Ryou sat curled against his bedroom door, listening to his parents fighting yet again. He let the tears he had been holding in slid down his face in silvery, glistening sheets as he remembered his mother's words from that afternoon.
“Your father can be such an asshole. I swear one of these days I'm just going to leave him. Then he'll realize his mistake.”
Ryou had only nodded listlessly, for he was at a loss for words. He wouldn't cry, he couldn't cry, not in front of her. Now he could. He had managed to fool everyone, including his friends into thinking everything was fine. He hated putting on a fake mask of cheerfulness. But he had managed; he had to, for his parents, and more importantly his little sister. He had to be strong for Amane.
So innocent, lively, and naïve. She didn't understand what was going on. But he did, and he knew their mother was close to breaking down. He knew she wouldn't be able to take it anymore. And Ryou had a sinking feeling that she would leave much sooner than she excepted.
As Ryou continued to sob quietly to himself, he heard someone coming upstairs and he could feel himself become tense as he brushed away the tears. A few minutes later, the footsteps retreated back downstairs and he relaxed slightly. A door slammed then silence took a firm grip on the house. Even the wind outside seemed to stop.
He slowly stood and made his way to his front window. He let out a heart-wrenching sob as he peered out only to see his mother loading a sleepy Amane into the car. She was actually leaving... She didn't even say goodbye or anything. It was like she had forgotten him completely. She was leaving and she was taking Amane, Ryou's one reason for living, with her.
What would become of him now?
Ryou's tear-clouded eyes fell upon the Millennium Ring. A present from his father. Did his mother take it was a sign? Did she think he had sided with his father?
The front door slammed again, indicating his father had left as well. And as if on cue, the Ring activated and Bakura materialized behind him.
“Tsk, losing family, Landlord?”
Ryou attempted to growl at the former spirit but it came out as a choked sob. Bakura sighed and snaked his arms around Ryou's middle, pulling the younger boy to him.
“Poor hikari. Now what will become of you?” Bakura's voice was taunting but it held deep concern for Ryou.
Ryou turned in his yami's arms, clenching at his shirt.
“Mom will be back, she always comes back.” Ryou said shakingly. Bakura sighed again and sat on Ryou's bed, motioning for him to sit as well. Ryou took the invitation and laid down on the bed, resting his head on Bakura's lap.
“They will come back, won't they?” he whimpered.
“I don't know tenshi. I really don't know.” Bakura answered, fondling Ryou's silky moon-hued strands. Within a few minutes, Ryou's breathing evened out, indication he was asleep.
Bakura leaned over the sleeping boy and kissed him softly on the forehead before shifting him enough so he could sleep comfortably as well.
The next morning the headlines read:
Drunken man kills wife and child...
Jade- I like the dramatic finish...
Bakura- If she gets enough reviews asking for another chapter, she will continue.
Ryou- She also has a few notes..
1 ) I know this is not how Ryou's mother and sister died, so don't flame me for that.
2 ) I also know that his father is not like that and gave the Ring to him after his mother and sister died, but come on... This is a fanfiction.. It doesn't have to be real.