Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ An Unexpected Love ❯ An Unexpected Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

An Unexpected Love

Seto Kaiba: (in his mind) I hate these parties but I always throw them just to get some good business deals here. But wait… who’s that?

As he looks over, he sees a pretty young girl about his age, with long dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Seto: (ihm) I’ve never seen her at one of these before. I wonder if she’s someone’s daughter? Maybe I should go over there and talk to her. What am I talking about? I’m not going to let something like a girl get in my way. I have enough to deal with as it is.

Some Random Person: So Samantha, do you like the party?

Samantha: Yes, it’s very nice. Excuse me.

She exits the room and goes out the door.

Seto: (ihm) Well, there’s no harm in following her, is there? I’ll only talk for a minute. She’s probably one of those friendship lovers anyway.

He leaves the room and runs after her. After a couple of minutes of searching, he finds her on the balcony looking out into the night sky.

Samantha: (singing) You think I’ve got it all, everyone thinks I’ve got it made, well, how come my only friends are the ones I pay? No one understands what I would do to change my life for just one day. Don’t say if I were you, or tell me what you’d do, how things would be if you were in my shoes, cause’ your not me.

Seto: That’s a good song.

Samantha looks up startled but then relaxes realizing who it is.

Samantha: Oh, yea it is. I thought you were someone else. One of those businessmen, I just couldn’t take it any more, it was to boring and overfilled with business in there.

Seto: Well wasn’t that the whole point of the party? Why come if you aren’t here for business? There’s no point in coming here to torture yourself.

Samantha: *smirks* I know. I am here for business but sometimes it get’s to be to much and I just hate thinking that my whole is only going to be my work. So I just have to run out and get some fresh air.

Seto: Well that makes sense. Work is all I have also besides my little brother Mokuba. Oh, by the way I’m Set-

Samantha: I know who you are. You’re Seto Kaiba, president of Kaiba Corp. Who doesn’t know you? I’m Samantha, but call me Sam, everyone calls me Samantha and it bugs the hell out of me.

Seto: It’s good to know I’m known. Then again who wouldn’t want to know me? Nice to meet you Sam.

Sam: Yea, you too. Well, I know why I’m out here but what about you? Couldn’t take all the pretty daughters of rich businessmen asking you to dance? Oh, the horror.

Seto: I see you’ve got sarcasm down. No I actually came out here to look for you.

Sam: Oh… thanks. That’s really nice of you. You didn’t have to come out after me but now that you did how about you stay here with me, instead of going back to hell over there.

Seto: Ha! Sure, why not I’ve got a few minutes to spare.

Sam: Oh, thank you for taking some of your precious time out of your busy schedule just to stay out here with me. I’m touched.

Seto: A regular wise guy, eh? I like you already.

Sam: I’m pretty likable. You know I was watching you from where I was I wanted to ask you to dance but all those others girls kept coming after you so I figured I don’t want to get in between you and them, those girls have pretty sharp nails.

Seto: I didn’t want to dance with any of those other girls. I saw you and was going to go over there but…

Sam: You didn’t want a girl in your life getting in the way.

Seto: Exactly. Now that I’ve met you, I feel like you wouldn’t be to much to handle.

Sam: Then you don’t know me very well.

Seto: No… but I’d like to.

They both slowly reach up for a kiss. His hands on her back, and her hands in his hair, their lips are so close, there just about to kiss…

If you can’t tell almost all my fics have Seto in them, except for The Lives of Marik and Bakura, but Seto is not part of that at all, although I will be putting him and some of the other characters in later so they can be part of Marik and Bakura’s lives just like in the show. So, if you haven’t realized by now Seto and Mokuba are my favorite characters, and I like to have some fun by putting in how hot I think he is or how much I love him. Don’t get me wrong though, I love Yugi and the others as much, it’s just different for Seto and Mokuba. I know this chapter is short but I didn’t want to add anything just to make it longer because I like it just the way it is, but I promise the next chapter will be longer. The song Your Not Me is from the Yu-Gi-Oh movie, I only wrote down the first verse. The entire soundtrack for the movie is great as is the movie (my opinion) and Your Not Me is one of my favorites not only because it’s a great song but it’s all about Seto!