Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Magics Return ❯ The Secret on the Hogwarts Express ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey! Okay * says in a Kim Possible voice* Here's the sitch. The first person to review and answer was Cerridwen. Cerridwen, we'll be calling you Cerrie for short, okay? So, we meet a few familiar people…

Yami and the gang were walking down the street with Hagrid until they came to a pet shop.

" Hagrid, can we-"

" Course ya' can! Jus' meet me by Gringotts in one hour." Hagrid said. They went to Gringotts a while before and… Ryou was a bit afraid of the goblins.

" Thanks a lot… baka…" Bakura murmured. They walked into the shop and were attracted to different animals. Yami ran to the Pheonixes, Ryou skipped over to the snow leopards, Bakura to the vultures and Yugi to the lovebirds.

" Ah, attracted to the new shipments… You see, each animal has a power." Said a bushy haired girl, " The snow leopard controls blizzards, the pheonix controls fire, the love birds possess the powers of love and the vultures control the wind. Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself, I'm Hermione Granger. Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts!"

" I'm naming my pheonix… Mavelous (that's a duel monster card that looks like a pheonix)." Yami explained when they bought their pets.

" I'm naming my leopard… Icenia." Said Ryou.

" I'm naming my lovebird… Lovion." Said Yugi.

" My vulture is named… Kumura (another card)." Said Bakura proudly.

" Hey, look Yami! It's that girl we saw earlier, let's go meet her!" said Yugi pointing at the girl. They ran over there as the same time another group did… then… CRASH!

" Ouch!"

" I'm sorry, what's your name?" asked a boy with green eyes, black hair, and a lightning bolt shaped scar.

" My name's Crystal, Crystal Iceron." The girl said as she got up.

" I'm Harry Potter and this is Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger."

` Ditzy little girl.' Bakura thought. Then Crystal glared at him and another girl walked over.

" Hey, Cerrie!" greeted Crystal.

" Hey, Crystal! Did you get your other wand?" Cerrie asked.

" Other wand? What are you talking about?" chimed Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

" Yeah, and I combined it with my other wand." Answered Crystal ignoring them.

" Good, and you still get to keep your powers." Said Cerrie with a shake of her head, " I wouldn't go through all the trouble that you're going through."

" Well, Cerrie, my powers are special to me! I have to go now." Crystal said quietly as the gang watched confused.

" What was that all about?" asked Bakura as Crystal walked away.

" I can only tell you one thing, Crystal has powers more powerful than anything! One of them is being psychic. She can read minds, use her mind to pick anything up, even teleportation! The rest is her choice to tell you or not." Then Cerrie walked away as Bakura kept slapping his head.

" What are you doing?" asked Ryou.

"I called her ditzy in my mind. She could teleport me to the Bermuda Triangle!"

" I'll take that as good news!" Yami said as he chuckled.

" Oh! We got to meet Hagrid at Gringotts!" reminded Yugi. Then everybody ran towards the direction of the wizard bank but hit somebody.

" Watch where you going, you fool!" he shouted.

Ryou and Yugi looked to see who it was. They saw a blonde egyptian with gold adornments and tan skin (I wonder who it could be * rolls eyes*)," Marik?"

" You guys got into Hogwarts, too?" asked Marik as he picked up his rod which fell out.

" Yea, what have you been doing?" Ryou asked cheerfully.

" I just robbed some stuck- up- selfish rich type. His name's Malfoy."

" I should have known." Groaned Yami as he rolled his eyes.

" YEAH! This is my idol!" Bakura said as he slapped Marik a high five and Marik glared at Yami.

" We met up with a girl named Crystal Iceron." Said Ryou.

" Yeah, I've been hearing some gossip about her. Her parents are all mystic creatures, her mom is a veela, a creature that can put you in a trance, and her dad is a unknown type of fairy. A veela can hypnotize men with their looks…that explains her looks, she's HOT!"

" Whoa, Crystal seems really suspicious… we better watch out for her…," warned Yami, " Well… we have to go to Gringotts now. See you, Marik!"

When they finally found Hagrid, he already had all their supplies. He passed them some tickets, " Here y'all passes to the Hogwarts Express! Go to the station tomorrow by eleven, ya hear? Oh, and I rented yer guys a room in a inn called the Leaky Cauldron.

Bakura looked at his ticket, " WHERE'S PLATFORM 9/4?" But they were already by a room marked: Room 325 of the Leaky Cauldron.

~ The Next Morning~

The gang was stuck in the station five minutes away from departure. They were always hanging around Platforms 9 and 10. That was when they saw Crystal walking over.

" You guys lost?" she asked as Bakura scowled at being helped by a girl. Crystal walked over to the barrier and ran her hand down it, " There's magic around this. Just walk right through." Crystal walked through and disappeared.

" Do you think it's safe?" asked Yugi.

" After that… I'll believe anything!" Answered Yami as- a- matter- of- factly.

Two at a time, they ran through the barrier, revealing…

" The Hogwarts Express."

" Hey guys! You getting on or what?"

" They turned and saw Marik, he joined them and they even met up with Harry and his gang. They boarded the Hogwarts Express and found some room in the last compartment.

" Hey, Yami?" asked Marik.

" Yes, Marik?" Yami kept repeating, ` I shall not kill… I shall not kill Marik or Bakura…'

" I think you're pushing it Yami."

They turned and saw Crystal. " Especially the ` I shall not kill part'!

" Hey, Crystal! How did you know about the barrier?"

" I know why…" Hermione said shyly as Crystal's eyes widened.

" You know?" Crystal said softly.

" Yes, so why don't you show everyone?" said Hermione grinning as the others stood stunned.

Crystal hesitated, then wings sprouted from her back, " How did you know I was part fairy and part sorceress?"

" Fairies can sense magic, fairies used to work with Voldemort, and if they associate with sorcerers… they lose their powers." Said Hermoine as if she swallowed the textbook.

" I need you to keep this a secret…" said Crystal. She seemed so helpless that even Bakura and Marik pitied her.

" We will, Crystal."

Suddenly the door opened and Crystal folded her wings into thin air. A boy with blonde hair entered.

How did you like, Cerridwen? Anyway, I'm thinking that you guys come up with some HP pairings. You know, like Hermione/ Ron or Ryou/ Hermione? Thanks a bunch!