Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ AnZuOh, Queen of Games ❯ Creation of Evil ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AnZuOh, Queen of Games
Sorry for the late update. Plot-important though this chapter is, it is mostly filler, and I detest writing filler chapters. Feel free to call this chapter crappy, I admit that. Next chapter, things pick up again.
Chapter 5
Creation of Evil
The black helicopter landed in a park next to the Turtle Game shop. Maximillion Pegasus slid open the door and stepped down to the ground, Drake and Dax following. The eccentric business man looked down the street at a flashing police car and a pair of officers leaning against a telephone pole. Shrugging, Pegasus slipped into the front door of the game shop.
“Hello and good morning.” Solomon Muto muttered. The shop owner was bent over, setting up a Blue Eyes White Dragon action figure in the corner of the shop. “How can I help yooouuaaAH!” Solomon screamed as he turned and saw Pegasus. “YOU!”
“Me.” Pegasus agreed. “I'm looking for Yugi and Tea. Where are they?”
“You've got some nerve coming in here.” Solomon grumbled, setting up a Dark Magician figure next to the Blue Eyes. “Every time you come around, you either do something evil, or tell us about someone else doing something evil. So which is it this time? No wait, let me guess. You created a bunch of overly-powerful cards and need my grandson to clean up your mistake again?”
“Actually…yeah, kind of.” Pegasus admitted. Solomon looked over his shoulder and grinned.
“Being the grandfather of a several-times over hero is good for publicity you know. He's at the hospital. Tea got injured in a duel last night.”
- - - - - - - - - -
It was painful, and it was bright. Those were pretty much the first things Tea noticed when she woke up. She gasped as a jolt of pain shot up her leg. The schoolgirl groaned, catching the attention of the boy sitting in the chair at her bedside.
“Tea? You awake?” Joey asked, getting up from his chair.
“Nuh-huh.” Tea gasped.
“'Bout time, we were worried about you!” Joey said, throwing his arms around her. Tea nodded.
“Thanks…where's Yugi?” She asked. Joey pulled back and nodded at the foot of Tea's bed. Tea craned her head and smiled. Yugi lay sprawling across her lower legs, a pillow under his head.
“We all went home after your doc assured us you were okay, except for your mom. She went down for breakfast after I got here earlier. Yug's been here all night.” Tea reached down to clasp the duelist's hand, her smile growing.
“Thanks…you two…” She whispered. Yugi yawned and sleepily blinked his eyes open. Then he gasped and sat upright.
“Tea! You're awake!” He cried, throwing his arms around her. “I was so worried about you.” Yugi whispered. Tea lifted her arms and hugged him back.
“Thanks. I'm okay now.” She said back. Joey cleared his throat.
“I, uh, hate to break up da moment.” He said. “But am I the only one who wants to know what happened to ya last night?” Yugi backed off from Tea, sporting a nice blush, as the girl relays the events of her duel with Rochelle to him.
“I looked through your deck last night.” Yugi admitted, nodding to the Duel Disk and deck lying on a table at the side of the bed. “Hamon and Uria were both taken. Rochelle has all 3 Legendary Demons.”
“This is bad. Pegasus should have never given those cards to me.” Tea groaned. “What was he thinking?”
“He was thinking that you had grown strong enough to be one person who could handle them.” The three turned to the door as Pegasus closed it behind him. “So, I hear that you got robbed, Tea. Let me guess, someone got their hands on the Demons?” He asked, sitting down beside Joey.
“Yeah. Her name is Rochelle.” Tea admitted. “She's been obsessed with dueling me recently. And now she's beaten me, and claimed the Demons.”
“Yes, and that is unfortunate for her.” Pegasus said. “If we do not recover those Demons, Rochelle will fall prey to their malice.”
“There ya go again, talkin' all ominous.” Joey complained. “Quit talkin' in riddles and give us a straight answer for once! First of all, how did you create these things?” Pegasus sighed and lowered his head, his white hair hanging down to obscure his face.
“When I first created Duel Monsters, I traveled to Egypt many times to learn more about the Shadow Games. I knew that until I had recreated the game, I would not be satisfied. My studies eventually took me to a hidden chamber not far from the Valley of the Kings. A chamber where, provided certain requirements were met, one could open a passage to the spirit world. A hidden passage that once marked the site of an ancient village. A village slaughtered to create the Millennium Items.”
“You mean…the holding place of the Millennium Stone?” Yugi asked. Memories from their time in Yami's memories came to Tea. She remembered now…the Village of Thieves, Kul Elna. A village slaughtered by Yami's uncle Aknadin, so that their blood and souls could be used to create the Seven Millennium Items. This was all ordered by Yami's father, Aknamonkanon, years before Yami was born.
“Yes. It was on that site that I found an ancient tablet that depicted the 3 Egyptian God monsters.” Pegasus said. “Using the information I gathered there, I created the cards. But during their construction, many of my men were…harmed. The main programmer for the cards was killed in a car crash. An artist was severely injured. The God monsters seemed doomed to never come to the game. And I knew that until I made my game complete my integrating them into it, I could never release my game.” (1)
“I decided to complete the cards myself. I spent an entire week in seclusion, studying the data I had gathered, and doing my best to make the Egyptian God cards just as strong as the real things. I labored for an entire day to paint by hand the pictures used on the cards. I spared no detail. When I was finished, I was assaulted by a vision of the Gods burning Egypt. I knew then that if I was not careful, the Gods would be the end of the world once again.”
“I finished the cards, and took the pictures and computer disk containing their programming to the factory where the cards are made, in America. I oversaw the production myself, as the Egyptian God cards became real. I watched my paintings be scanned and digitized, my research be programmed into the cards for use with Kaiba Corp's holographic systems. And then…it happened. Just after the third God card, The Winged Dragon of Ra, rolled out on the conveyor belt…something happened.” Pegasus went silent, and Tea leaned forward.
“What happened?” She whispered.
“The computer starting to flash. The entire factory was consumed in an earthquake. Two workers tripped and fell into the compressor used to flatten the cards. Another fell into the machine that cuts the paper the cards are printed on. In the midst of it all, the machinery used to scan the card data from the computer activated itself. But the computer's data was damaged and corrupted. What rolled out on that conveyor was a card. A card called `Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder'. And to my horror, it appeared to be a copy of the Winged Dragon of Ra.”
“And the machine was not done. `Raviel, Lord of Phantasms', and `Uria, Lord of Searing Flames'. I had no idea how these cards had come to be. But I found my answer while filling out the death certificates of my 3 loyal workers who had perished that day.” Pegasus took a breath. “Roger Uria (2), Elizabeth Raviel, and Hamon Ubroka.” Tea felt a chill go down her spine.
“So hold on.” Joey said. “You mean to tell me that the Demon cards were made from…humans?” Pegasus grimaced.
“Not quite. They were created from a fusion of the Egyptian God monsters' data, with the souls of three dead workers of mine. That is why they are so twisted. Each Demon was created from a human sacrifice, just like the Millennium Items. And more than that, but the cards themselves were…evil.”
“I ordered testing done on the cards to see if they were as powerful as the God cards. And the testing duelists who played them…well, I do hate to sound melodramatic, but…they lost their minds. Once they played the cards, they were consumed by the cards' evil. They became obsessed with power, with becoming stronger and stronger.”
“An obsession with power is the side effect?” Tea asked. “So how do we tell if Rochelle is being affected?” She joked.
“Eventually they were all committed to an insane asylum. The Demons…they were created from an act of death. My three workers got their souls imprinted on those cards, and in the moment of their deaths, they were trapped in a moment of pure hatred. That hatred transferred itself to the Demon cards. The Demons want nothing more than to drive their holder to destruction and power. If the Demons have their way, they will seek a powerful Duelist to hold them, and will betray them when a stronger Duelist is near. They will use that powerful Duelist to destroy. To kill. Because Death is all they know. Death created the Demons. It is their reason for living.”
“Creepy.” Joey muttered. “So what happened to them?”
“I realized that, while they may not be as powerful as the Gods, they were infinitely more dangerous. I sealed the cards away in my vault, but I knew that was not enough. The cards' bloodlust would not be contained, and in the end, I was affected.”
“Duelist Kingdom.” Tea whispered. “That's why you lured us there!”
“While my plan to revive my wife did involve Kaiba Corp and the Millennium Items, I certainly considered more peaceful means to my intended end.” Pegasus explained. “Once the Demons sensed an opportunity to create havoc, they had their say. And peace was the last thing on the my mind.”
“Okay, just one thing I don't understand.” Tea said, beckoning Pegasus forward. She grabbed him by the collar and growled. “Why on Earth, knowing all this, did you give them to?!” She shouted.
“The Demons had to be…dealt with. I needed a powerful Duelist the Demons would not betray. But I also needed someone with a good heart. I had thought maybe Yugi-boy could do it, but Yami was still around. Plus, I have no idea how the Demons would react to someone with a Millennium Item, and I also had no desire to find out. Then a few months after I decided to pass on the Demons, I hear you beat Kaiba-boy. I figured if you were strong enough to beat him…and I have seen first hand that you have a good heart.” Tea blushed and let the man go.
“Thanks. But last time I checked, Rochelle is definitely not kind-hearted.”
“So I hear. But there is no card that can stop the Demons. Like the Gods, they are more than they appear. I gave them to you because I could also ensure you would not abuse their power. If they were to be let loose, I can think of only one thing to stop them.”
“Really? What's that?” Yugi asked.
“No more, I'm too confused already.” Joey moaned. Pegasus ignored him.
“I think if we want to stop the Demons…we'll need…the Egyptian God monsters.” He said. Tea nodded.
“Yeah, no doubt. They'd be able to stop the Demons. But the God cards don't exist anymore. They were destroyed when Yami went to the spirit world.”
“I know.” Pegasus admitted. “But I have telephoned Ishizu, and she agrees that if the God cards are needed…we'll have to get them back.” He let that sink in before Yugi caught his meaning.
“Wait a minute…you don't mean…”
“I do. We must go to Egypt, and one of us must find Yami in the spirit world. We need the 3 Egyptian God cards."
1: This was all covered in Episode 85: Rage of the Egyptian Gods, by Shadi. But just a little recap for those of you who forgot, or who don't have cable.
2: A little pun on the whole Uria/Slifer thing. Slifer was called `Osiris the Sky Dragon', but was renamed after the 4Kids producer Roger Slifer in the dub. Just a little tidbit for you guys.