Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Apocalypse ❯ Slipping Into Darkness ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MarikIshtar77: Vera torture is fun….lots of fun!
Kat: Daniel can be just as devious as Miranda!
Draza: I think Vera already knows Marik from the other story she was in. I'll have to go back and read to see what interaction they really had.
Anubiset: Yes, they would enjoy it…Vera torture is best…and there's more to come.
Lady Elfskye: Don't flatten her too much…I need her for later.*evil grin*
Shadow of Light: No, I haven't introduced the grandmother yet. She's going to be modeled after my own dragon of….I mean, my own sweet grandma.. *snicker*
Slipping Into Darkness
Hayden sat in the back of the truck with the two boys and a girl. The girl cracked her gum loudly and crossed her legs as she sat in the back of the van.
“Are we there yet?” Hayden asked impatiently.
“Our meeting place is not inside Domino. We have to meet in the woods to not be seen. Besides, it's easier to kill our victims out here where nobody hears them screaming.”
Hayden raised an eyebrow. “Victims? What victims?”
“Fags,” Jason shrugged. “Our group kidnaps them and kills them here. Then we just leave their bodies in the woods for the animals to eat them…or the maggots. Whichever comes first.”
Eric grinned. “They're no better than maggots anyway…may as well let the maggots eat them.”
Hayden narrowed his eyes. His mind flashed with memories of those who had abused him.
The men touched his young body….
The men penetrated his young body…
The men beat and starved his young body….
They were one of THEM.
All of those men had to be gay since they enjoyed him.
They all had to die.
Hayden narrowed his eyes as images of Joey and Seto continued to play in his head. He remembered seeing his two adoptive fathers cuddling on the couch and reading. He remembered peeking in through the key hole and seeing the two men holding and caressing each other…the blond straddling the brunet's hips. Peering through the crack of the door, he once caught his stepfathers making love. The blond was riding the brunet slowly as `I love you's and soft moaning floated from their bed.
The boy grit his teeth and clenched them tightly.
Aten was guilty of being one of THEM, too. His uncle made Aten make love to him.
No relationships could include love…
They never did.
Just manipulation and deceit.
Aten and Robbie had been married.
They were no better than his uncle and the men who abused him.
They had to be punished, too.
Hayden narrowed his eyes. “Hmph….I don't care for THEM either. They've given me nothing by grief. I would have said they also gave me heartache but…I don't have a heart anymore. It's been pounded out of me.”
Eric's slight smile faded. “We'll welcome you into our little group, Hayden. We are a good bunch of guys. We're just cleaning up the messes that those people…if you would call them people….have made. You know, the gays run this city, Hayden.”
Jason nodded. “It's true. Look at Seto Kaiba! Queer Extraordinaire! He's one of the richest people in America! I bet he wipes his gay-loving ass with those dollar bills of his!”
Rhonda cracked her gum loudly again. “And my Uncle Tristan is no better! His new `husband' is a feminine freak! Otogi is better off out of everyone's life! He's such a fucking fairy!”
Eric shook his head. “It's a sad day when the queers get all the fame and fortune. It's a sad day when everyone accepts it!”
Hayden crossed his arms. “I don't want anything to do with my adoptive fathers anymore! Fuck them!”
Eric and Jason's jaws dropped. “Hey! You're that Hayden Kaiba kid!” Jason exclaimed.
“Yeah! I didn't recognize you, Hayden! Not at first anyway…..it's been a while since I've seen you around.”
Hayden turned his face away. “I don't recognize anyone anymore! I don't want to recognize anyone from my old life!”
The teens felt the van stop.
“Hayden, this is the start of a good thing. Your new life as a Crusader begins.”
“Where are we?”
Rhonda opened the back door to the van. “The forest.”
Hayden jumped out of the car into the night. Jason and Eric grabbed flashlights to help them see in the darkness of the forest.
“Stay close, Hayden. I don't want you to get lost,” Eric said.
Hayden watched the ground as they walked into the dark woods. Crickets chirped and the warm air blew past him. There was a slightly pungent smell coming from the woods.
Hayden watched as Jason's flashlight fell on a nearby boy of fourteen years old. He laid face down in the soil and leaves, his back was sliced and a rope was still connected to the neck of the dead boy.
“He was Rhonda's trophy,” Jason said proudly.
Rhonda smiled. “I wasn't sure if he was a queer, but you never know. I heard a rumor he liked boys. So, I got to know him in our school and I lured him here with the promise of sex. Well, he came here….but the rumor was enough to be his death sentence.”
Jason laughed. “Yeah, Eric made the noose. I held the little fucker against the tree.”
Hayden narrowed his eyes at the body. “He deserved it.”
Eric, Jason, and Rhonda lead Hayden towards a group of men gathered around torches and chatting loudly.
“Here comes my son!” the leader bellowed.
“I've brought another one, dad! He wants to join us, too.”
Eric lead Hayden to his father. “He wants to be a part of our little club, too.”
Mr. Barnes looked down at the young man. “So….you want to join the Crusaders for Moral Decency, huh?”
Hayden nodded his head.
“What makes you think you can join us? Why do you wish to join our group?”
Hayden narrowed his eyes. “From the time I was five, I was raped by them! My own stepfathers are gay and I find it appalling! My former friend is also gay now and married to another man! He fucking took me against my will like all the rest! I WANT PAYBACK!”
Eric grinned. “This is Seto Kaiba's kid!”
The group gasped and murmured amongst themselves.
“Is it true?”
“Think of it! We have Kaiba's kid!”
“This can be used to our advantage!”
Mr. Barnes held up his hands. “Brothers and Sisters, please! Young man, if you wish to join the Crusaders, you need to prove your worth. You need to spill the blood of a queer to join our group. We must bring your trophy here. You will kill him and you will gain membership into our club. It's that simple.”
Hayden crossed his arms. “How can I bring him here? I don't have a car.”
Jason put his hand on Hayden's shoulder. “We use the truck. Nobody will notice. We brought Limpy here.”
Mr. Barnes growled at Jason. “But the faggot lived, Jason! That wasn't supposed to happen!”
Eric swallowed hard at his father's rage. “He doesn't remember anything about being here! And I did manage to give him a little bit of brain damage. Didn't you hear him stuttering sometimes in his speech? I brought him here two years ago, intending to kill him, but I didn't want to deny Aten the pleasure of seeing him die. I never expected he would live!”
Barnes's teeth clenched. “None of our trophies are supposed to live! You fucked up, son! Hayden, my boy and Jason will help you to drag the little queer into the van. But it is your job to lure him near the van.”
Hayden nodded. “Okay. I can do that. How do I kill him? When do I get to kill him?”
“When you bring him here, we'll take care of it.”
Hayden grinned. “Oh, I'll find someone….I'll lure one of them out of the shadows…and then I will bring him back here.”
Mr. Barnes approached Hayden. “Hayden, we would be honored to have you as part of our group. But you need to prove that you have what it takes to shed blood of corrupted people….of evil people….of dangerous people.”
“I will, sir. I welcome the opportunity.”
Hayden left the truck. Eric and Jason gave him a `thumbs-up.'
“You pass this test, Hayden, and you're in. Don't fuck up.”
“Don't worry…I won't.”
Hayden heard two raised voices in the park. Two teens were yelling angrily at each other.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nick, what do you think I mean? I should be with Jerome! At least he `puts out.'”
The teen stammered. “Arron, you know I care for you.”
“I don't believe you!”
“Arron, please believe me!! I care about you! But I'm not ready to go….all the way yet.”
The angry teen pulled his arm away.
“I'm leaving you! We're through!”
Nick's eyes filled with tears. “What?”
“I'm going to be with Jerome! Goodbye!”
“Wait, Arron!”
“I've waited for you long enough!”
Hayden grinned as the angry teen left. “Perfect.”
Nick sat on the park bench and cried. “Arron….I thought you loved me.”
Hayden casually walked up to the bench. “Hi…..are you okay?”
“My boyfriend left me because I wouldn't put out for him! I'm just not ready yet.”
Hayden grinned. “Look, take it from me. It's easier than it looks.”
“But…I'm afraid….and I want to wait for someone who loves me. I don't want casual sex.”
“What's your name?”
“Nick, come take a walk with me. It's a nice night. You can clear your head.”
The teen stood up and walked beside Hayden, sniffling.
“I thought he loved me.”
“That's the thing with love. It's here one day…gone the next. Love is dead, man. I'm telling you the truth. Love died a long time ago.”
The teen sniffled. “Nobody understands me.”
“Nobody understands me either. I'm an outcast…like yourself.”
“Really? Hmm….then at least I can talk to someone who knows how I feel.”
Hayden put his arm around the teen. “Believe me, I know how you feel. This is a cruel world, Nick. It's kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. It's a vile shame.”
The teen nodded. “It is.”
“Well, Nick…I think I can help you.”
The teen wiped his eyes. “How?” The boy's watch beeped. “Uh-oh. I have to get home!”
Hayden held onto the back of the boy's collar as he tried to run. “Wait, Nick…..I have a few friends who are DYING to meet you.”
Nick's eyes went wide. “What?!”
Eric and Jason jumped out of the van as Hayden grabbed Nick and covered his mouth to prevent his screams being heard.
Hayden wrestled the frightened teen to the ground. “Tie his arms!”
Jason and Eric grabbed the teen's flailing arms and pulled them behind his back. Jason grabbed a handkerchief out of his pocket and gagged the trembling teen.
Hayden picked the boy up by his hair and smiled at him. “Now, I have my trophy.”
Ryou knocked on the door to Otogi and Tristan's apartment. Skylar opened the door and smiled up at Ryou.
“Hi, Skylar. Can I come in to see Otogi for a moment?”
The girl nodded. “I'm going downstairs to play.”
“Does Tristan know you are going?”
Skylar nodded. “Yup! He's with Otogi in their bedroom.”
Ryou listened intently for moans and didn't hear anything. What he did hear was Tristan's calm voice talking to Otogi.
“Okay, sweetie-pie.”
“Good bye!” the little girl skipped out of the apartment and carried her tiny schoolbag full of toys on her back.
Ryou watched her enter the elevator as two men holding hands stepped out. Ryou slowly entered Tristan and Otogi's apartment when a hard sob filled Otogi's bedroom.
“How could anyone do this? He was just a boy!” Otogi wailed sadly.
The hikari closed the door behind him and approached the couple's door slowly.
Ryou stood in the doorway and saw Otogi sitting at the edge of the bed, sobbing into his hands. “Guys? What's wrong?”
Tristan put his arm around Otogi comfortingly. “One of the kids who used to be in our care was….murdered.”
Ryou's face flooded with concern and he sat on the other side of Otogi. “That's awful! What happened?”
Otogi turned to his friend, his eyes bloodshot with tears. “Well…*sniff*….did you hear about the teen who was kidnapped? It happened only two blocks away on Princeton Avenue?”
Otogi sobbed. “They found him in the park nearby….He….he was bludgeoned to death. He was naked and tied up. He was bludgeoned and shot in the back of the head.”
Ryou gasped. “Oh no!”
“We knew who it was once they released his name.”
“Nick was in our care about six months ago. He was our first foster child. The agency put him with us because they knew that we would be the best match for him. The agency told us that they suspected that Nick was gay, so we were able to give him support that he may not get in any other foster homes. Nick's parents were busted for drug possession when he was seven and he's been in the system ever since.”
Tristan shook his head. “According to the agency, Nick was found weighing less than Aten did when he was seven years old. The kid was covered in lice and there was evidence that they only fed him baby food. Seven years old eating baby food!”
Ryou sighed. “Dreadful.”
“Nick was such a good boy! He was polite and he never gave us trouble!” Otogi sobbed into his hands again. “Why would anyone want to kill him?”
Ryou rubbed Otogi's back. “That's awful, Otogi! I'm sorry.”
Otogi sniffled. “I feel like a baby…crying like this. I have Skylar to look after.”
“She went downstairs to play, Otogi,” Tristan said. “I let her go.”
Otogi wiped his teary eyes. “I didn't want her to see me crying.”
“It's okay, Otogi,” Ryou said calmly. “I'll make you a cup of tea, Otogi. It will help you feel a little better.”
The hikari went to the kitchen and heated some hot water for the tea.
Tristan held Otogi on the bed. He stroked Otogi's cheek. “I know you're upset, baby.”
“Tristan, I'm more than upset! He lived with us for a whole month! I loved that boy! He was so nice!”
“I know he was, Otogi. It's going to be okay,” Tristan said, holding his husband's hand.
Otogi shook his head. “I want to go to his funeral, Tris.”
Tristan nodded. “Of course we'll go. You can even make him something for the funeral. You can put it in his coffin. Something special just for him.”
The dice-master sniffled. “You really think I can do that?”
“Sure you can! I don't see why you couldn't.”
Ryou entered the room with a hot cup of tea. “Here you go, Otogi. Drink slowly.”
Otogi sipped the tea. “This is good, Ryou. Thank you so much. Tristan and I are going to Nick's funeral. I'm going to sew something nice we can put in his coffin.”
Ryou smiled slightly and pat Otogi's leg. “He'll like that.”
Tristan stood up. “Love, just sit and relax here for a minute. Ryou? Can you help me in the kitchen?”
Ryou followed Tristan into the kitchen. “Is Otogi going to be okay?”
Tristan ran his hands through his hair. “Otogi's going to take this very hard, Ryou. I'm glad you stopped by.”
“Actually, I stopped by to copy Otogi's recipe for his Beef Stroganoff. I wanted to make it for Yugi's birthday.”
Tristan walked to the silverware drawer and opened it. In a small box decorated with yellow and red flowers, he flipped through the recipes on index cards. “It's going to be a long night with him tonight,” Tristan sighed. “He gets so attached to the kids who come through here. It's hard when they leave here. He mopes around and just sits with his knitting needle in his hand sniffling. He just knits and gets all depressed. I'm glad we have Skylar for a while. She's a good girl, though. Very loveable.”
“She looks like a happy girl.”
“She's been in foster homes for a long time. There are two sets of potential adoptive parents waiting to finish the paperwork and are finalizing their decision. We have her for a little while yet.”
Ryou sighed. “Well, Tristan, Otogi was always the emotional type. Give him some time and some space.”
“I'm amazed he's not in here baking twenty different types of chocolate cake. Usually when he gets this upset, it takes me two weeks to eat all that me makes. We end up having chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
“Well, if he does go into a baking spree, can he make some Devil's Food Cake for Yugi's birthday?”
Tristan nodded. “That shouldn't be a problem. When is the party?”
“This weekend. I wanted to organize a surprise party with Glenn. I know Yugi will love it! It's Saturday at noon. Bring Otogi along. He'll enjoy it…especially if he gets to bake for the party.”
“Sounds good.”
“I'll bake the Stroganoff and he can make the cake!” Ryou smiled. “Yugi's going to be very surprised! I'll return the recipe to Otogi when I copy it down. Thanks again, Tristan.”
Tristan pat Ryou on the arm. “Anytime, little buddy.”
Ryou ran past Tristan and into Otogi's room. “Otogi? I'm going to borrow your Beef Stroganoff recipe. I promise to return it when I'm done. This weekend is Yugi's birthday party. Could you make a Devil's Food Cake for the party? Only if you're up to it.”
Otogi sniffled. “I'll try.”
Ryou hugged Otogi. “Don't pressure yourself, Otogi. The party is at Saturday at noon. At Yugi's Shop. I hope you guys and your chibi can come.”
The Dice-Master smiled. “It shouldn't be a problem, Ryou. I'll try.”
“Great! See you guys then!”
Ryou hugged Otogi again and left the apartment. `Poor Otogi….' Ryou stepped into the elevator and rode it to the ground floor.
He passed Skylar playing in the lobby. “Bye, Skylar!”
“Bye, Mr. Ryou!”
Ryou left the apartment building and walked towards his house.
Ryou held his head as a wave of pain spread through his brain.
“What the---?”
Ryou looked around in a panic. “I hear him….I hear Yami! Where is he?”
The hikari looked around the crowd, his heart rate rising. He looked around anxiously for the pharaoh who seemed to be calling to him from nearby.
Ryou sprinted towards home.
[You cannot escape me, Ryou…]
The hikari panted as he rushed towards home. “Go away, Yami!”
[I'm coming to get you, Ryou…..]
Ryou let out a terrified scream as passers-by scurried out of his way. As he approached his house, his face was flushed red from exertion. “GO AWAY!”
[I'm coming for you, Ryou….]
Malik turned around and saw Ryou dashing for the house. “Ryou? Ryou, what's wrong?!”
Ryou opened the gate and ran for the door. “HELP ME!”
Bakura opened the door as Ryou collided with him. Bakura fell on his back as his screaming husband laid on top of him.
“Bakura! Baby! Help me!” Ryou whimpered as he buried his face in Bakura's chest.
Bakura wrapped his arms around his husband as Malik stepped in the doorway. “Ryou, who's after you?”
“Yami! Can't you hear him?”
Marik ran out of the kitchen and towards the door. His Millennium Rod in his hand. “The pharaoh is here?”
Marik pushed through Malik and ran outside. Malik turned and looked around.
“I don't see anything, Marik. Do you?”
Marik narrowed his eyes and growled angrily as he looked around the quiet neighborhood. A few houses down a woman was watering her garden. Cars were passing by slowly. Across the street, two young children were playing. “No. No sign of the pharoh. Itemri? Can you sense him?”
Bakura shook his head. “The pharaoh took away the powers of our Millennium Items! I can't even detect your Rod with my Ring….and you're standing right beside me.” Bakura kissed Ryou's forehead. “Baby…let's sit up.”
Bakura sat upright and brought his shaking husband into his lap. “Ryou, calmly tell me what happened.”
Ryou panted and cuddled into Bakura. “I was leaving Otogi and Tristan's place when I heard Yami calling to me. I looked around and didn't see him at all. I panicked. I kept hearing him talk to me!”
“Ishtars, do you see anything?”
Marik growled and looked back. “Not a damn thing, Itemri!”
Bakura stroked Ryou's hair. “Angel, it's okay. Yami's not around.”
[That's what he thinks.]
Kai stood at the top of the steps, fear plain on his face. “What's wong wif nana?”
“Nana's okay, Kai,” Malik called up. “You're supposed to be taking your nap, little chibi.”
[Nana woke me up.]
“I'll take care of him,” Malik said climbing the steps. “Come on, renegade chibi.”
The Egyptian picked up the chibi and threw him over his shoulders. “In you go.”
“Why is nanny sceeming?”
“He's just a little scared, but don't worry. Nothing scary will come into this house, Kai. Just go back to sleep, baby boy.”
Malik put the child back into bed and closed the door behind him. He ran downstairs and found Ryou straddling Bakura's hips and hugging him tightly.
Marik shut the door. “Ryou, nothing is going to get in here. Yami's not coming near this place. You have nothing to fear, tenshi.”
A series of whimpers came from Ryou. “Head….hurts.”
Marik and Malik took Ryou's arms and helped the hikari to his feet. They helped Ryou over to the couch and laid him down.
“I'll get him some Tylenol.”
Marik covered Ryou with a blanket and brushed the snowy locks aside. “You're going to be okay, Ryou.” The blond yami kissed the white-haired hikari on the lips.
Bakura sat beside Ryou as Malik returned with the Tylenol. Ryou swallowed the pills and relaxed.
“Close your eyes, baby. Relax.”
Ryou closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly.
“Do you think the pharaoh was really following him?” Malik asked as he watched Ryou's chest rise and fall with his breathing.
Marik growled. “Who knows? I didn't see anything out there. Maybe Ryou was dreaming it.”
Bakura scratched his white spiky hair. “I know Ryou is worried about Aria moving out. But who knows when that will be. They may not even find a place yet.”
“Maybe you should go in and take a look, Bakura.”
Bakura took a deep breath. “I'd have to enter my soulroom. Yami's curse still makes it painful to be in there.”
“We'll be here for you both, Bakura,” Malik said, holding Ryou's hand.
“Be careful. See what you can find,” Marik said deeply.
Bakura nodded. “Keep an eye out.”
Bakura crossed his arms against his chest and disappeared.
Bakura arrived in his soulroom and grabbed his stomach in pain. He staggered towards the door as he felt his energy being drained from his body. His trembling hand reached for the metal knob.
The yami pulled at it and opened the heavy wooden door that resembled that of his jail cell at the time of his death.
Bakura staggered out of the room and shut the door. The feeling of being stabbed all over his body stopped as he stood in the hallway.
“I'm going to kill that pharaoh when I see him!” Bakura growled to himself.
The yami looked around the hallway, listening for voices.
He walked into Ryou's soulroom and found nothing disturbed. Ryou's bookshelf and bed were there. A few teddy bears were sitting on the bed with large smiles sewn onto them. Ryou's photo albums were lined on the shelf in order.
Bakura saw his husband laying in his bed sleeping quietly. The yami went to his sleeping husband and kneeled beside him. He looked at the peaceful face. Bakura brushed Ryou's hair out of his face.
“What have I done to deserve something so beautiful?” Bakura whispered.
The back of Bakura's fingers brushed across the warm cheek.
“So beautiful…..I love you, Ryou.”
The white-haired yami pressed his lips to Ryou's. A moan slipped from him as he kissed his husband.
“Sleep, my angel.”
Bakura left the soulroom quietly and stepped into the hallway. “Yami, where are you?”
Bakura walked down the dark hallway where doors lined the path. “Nothing looks out of place. I…I don't sense anything out of the ordinary.”
Bakura opened a door and saw Ryou as a three year old playing. The yami grinned as his future husband squealed and giggled happily. The chibi walked on shaky legs to Bakura.
The yami grinned. “Hello, Ryou. How are you?”
“I'm pwaying wif my toys!” Ryou held up a doll. “My daddy tez dat boys not pway wif dowwies. But I pway wif dem here!”
“Well, have fun playing, Chibi Ryou.”
Chibi Ryou nodded. “I'm a good little boy for daddy.”
“You sure are, Ryou,” Bakura responded, amazed at the child's loyalty to the man who would, in the future, kidnap and rape his own son to turn him straight. The man's sick pleasures would not only be directed towards his own son, but his grandson, as well.
“Be a good boy, Chibi Ryou.”
The baby smiled. “I will! I pwomise!”
Bakura shut the door and looked around. He walked further down the hallway and he opened up a door.
Ryou held chibi Aria in his arms. [Isn't she beautiful, Bakura? The prettiest baby girl you have ever seen?]
Bakura watched himself rub the tiny infant's head.
“I was so happy to be a father,” he whispered. “I would have done anything for her. I would have moved the stars….I would have made the sun a little brighter….I would have done anything for my only child. I don't sense anything in here.”
Bakura closed the door behind him and shivered as the coldness of the hallway bit at his skin. He turned his head.
“Something's not right down this way.”
The yami crept down the hallway, keeping a vigilant ear out for danger.
He heard a scream from behind the door. He opened the door slowly and found Ryou pinned underneath Steven.
[If you want Aten to eat tonight, you will make your daddy proud.] Steven grinned down at his naked son beneath him.
The yami narrowed his eyes. “I can't get rid of these memories. Unfortunately, they are here for good. I have tried to destroy them….but I can't.”
Bakura entered the room and looked around the cabin's bedroom. He stopped and looked at the bed as Ryou's head was forced to swallow around the hard flesh in front of him.
Ryou's tied hands clenched and turned red under the force of his struggle.
“I'm sorry I couldn't be there sooner, Ryou,” he said sadly.
[That's it, boy….mmm…Ryou. My son is such a pretty slut….just like his mother.]
Tears flowed down Ryou's eyes.
“Other than Ryou's pain, I feel nothing else here.”
The yami left the room.
His voice echoed along the empty halls.
“Where are you, you bastard?”
“Itemri!” Marik called.
Bakura held his ears. “Damn it! Ishtar, stop screaming so loud!”
“Ryou!” Malik cried out.
The yami growled. “This can't be good.”
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and separated from his husband.
He opened his eyes and saw Ryou thrashing on the couch.
“Can't breathe…..Daddy….stop…..do it for Aten!”
The white-haired yami gripped Ryou's shoulders. “Ryou, it was only me. I opened the door to your memory. Look around you. What do you see?”
Ryou's terror-filled eyes looked around. “Marik? Malik? Why are you in the cabin?”
“Ryou, darling, we are not in the cabin anymore. We're in our home.”
Ryou looked around and relaxed in the couch. He wiped his sweat-covered forehead. “I'm….s-s-sorry.”
Bakura looked up at Marik and shifted his eyes towards the door.
Marik grabbed Malik by the arm. “Let's go out and…umm…do more gardening, hikari.”
“But I already pulled the weeds out!”
“You missed a few. Come on.”
“No, I didn't! You just want an excuse to grab my ass again!”
Marik laughed. “You say that as if it's a bad thing. Come, hikari.”
Marik pulled Marik out of the house and shut the door behind them.
Bakura sat beside Ryou on the couch. The hikari sat up and held onto his husband. Bakura felt Ryou's thin fingers curling his hair around them. Ryou blinked silently.
“Ryou, you've had quite a scare. Let me help you upstairs.”
The hikari nodded and allowed Bakura to help him up to their bedroom.
Ryou laid under the sheets and cuddled against Bakura. Ryou's head laid on Bakura's chest.
Bakura stroked Ryou's hair and kissed his forehead. “My beautiful angel.”
A whimper escaped the hikari as he felt soft lips press against his forehead.
The hikari draped his arm over his yami and kissed the clothing under his chin. “I love you.”
The yami smiled. “I love you, too, beautiful….Together….Forever.”
The pharaoh looked into the vision above the altar. Ryou was cuddling beside his husband, his arm draped over him.
Yami narrowed his eyes. “That used to be Yugi and I!”
The pharaoh grabbed the chalice and tossed it to the other end of the large room. The wine spilled over the floor of the temple.
“Ryou ruined my relationship with Yugi! His seed also ruined my relationship with Yugi! Yugi hates me now and it's all because of those Ra-damned brats! Well….I hold the key that will tear the family apart. I know the secrets that Marik and Bakura never told their children.”
Yami walked over to the throne. “The End is coming closer. I must get my hands on those Millennium Items! I must regain the power that is rightfully mine! Those brats stand in my way of achieving my goal.” Yami grinned. “I still control Ryou. He is still under my power. Lucky for me, Bakura couldn't detect me inside Ryou's mind. He cannot detect the Royal Magic from inside Ryou's skull. Ryou….. He is the glue that binds the family together. If I unravel him, I unravel the family's support. How could I be so blind? If I destroy Ryou in the eyes of everyone, then the family will disintegrate. Aria and Aten will be easier to kill. Seto Kaiba will easily join me in my fight if Ryou's life were in danger. Bakura and Marik will be crushed. Then I….I WILL RULE AS THE MOST POWERFUL PHARAOH OF ALL TIME!”
Updates: Tuesday