Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ battle for mai ❯ i will duel mai! joey takes a stand ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: don't own yu-gi-oh. But I own a bunch of cards!

Part two: I will duel for mai! Joey's lucky break.

"I'll duel you." Joey said, glaring at Bikutaa. "Ok," Bikutaa said, sneering. "DUEL!" they both yelled and jumped into they're dueling stadiums. "This will be easy, beating you and getting mai as a girlfriend is definitely a worthy prize." He said as he looked through his hand. "I'll play ogre of the black shadow, you must know him, right?" Bikutaa said placing the card on the field. "Humph, that's the card you used on mai. 1200/1400 is nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you! GO MASAKI THE LEGENDARY SWORDSMAN!" Joey said as the mighty samurai appeared on the field. "And I'll play invigoration to power him up to 1500!" Bikutaa gasped as the samurai destroyed his ogre was destroyed, and his life points taken to 500. "He's good." Bikutaa thought. "But if I can get out my unstoppable monster, he'll be begging for me to spare him!" he smirked. "Okay, time to bring out my second best monster! ARISE! THE MYSTERIOUS PUPPETER!" he shouted as a being cloaked in purple robes appeared on the field. "And I'll use his effect, to take over your monster!" suddenly, the being raised his arms and strings shot out towards masaki. Joey gasped as masaki was dragged to bikutaa's side of the field. "Now, he's mine! Just as soon as victory shall be." Bikutaa said smirking. Joey looked at his hand quickly and placed a card on the field. "I summon garoosis in attack mode!" said Joey as the might dragon-warrior appeared. "Your move." "Hmmm, pretty strong, even better than masaki the legendary swordsman. Might have to take him too. Now! I'll summon the swords-stalker!" Bikutaa yelled as the purple and black figure arose. "With a attack of 2000, he a force to be reckoned with!" Bikutaa said proudly. "Now attack garoosis!" the sword-stalker charged at the dragon and slashed him in half with his might katana. Joey's life points dropped to 200. "Aaw, man! He is cleaning my clock now! But I have to win…for mai!" Joey thought, growling. "I'll place a magic card face down, and I'll play baby dragon!" Joey cried as the small creature appeared. "I guess it's my turn, now I'll use the polymerization card to fuse the kumori dragon from my hand, with the sword-stalker on the field! FUSE INTO…" Bikutaa yelled as kumori dragon and sword-stalker were pulled into a powerful orange vortex. Suddenly, a mighty armored purplish black-scaled dragon-warrior, brandishing a sword flew from the vortex. "…THE LEGEDARY DRAGON KNIGHT OF KUMORI!" the figure stood proud and ready for action. "Attack the baby dragon!" Bikutaa ordered. The 2900/2600 monster. "Nope, you remember the trap card I placed down? It was the dark hole card! Taking out all the monsters on the field!" Joey said smiling. "Then I'll use monster reborn on masaki the legendary swordsman and take out the rest your life points!" Bikutaa winced as all his life points went to zero. Bikutaa got out of the dueling stadium and started to walk away. "WAIT!" a voice called to him. It was mai. "So, your going to leave, right?" she said, sounding a little disappointed. "I might come back, just might. Well, C-ya around mai, Yugi…Joey." At the last part Bikutaa sounded disgusted. He turned around and started walking back into the forest. "You'll see me again, mai." He called back. "me and my deck."


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