Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Battles Thru Time ❯ Murder brings new hope and beginnings ( Chapter 2 )
AN: Well that last chapter was quite sad. Sorry to anyone who liked Grandpa. It was essential to the plot. Well I am going to skip over the funeral just because I sux at writing them. I am also skipping about 2 months just cause I would start crying if I tired to explain all that pain. So on with the story. Aren't you glad I am not one of those authors that with holds chapter for reviews. Those are morons if you ask me. ^_^. Since I forgot the disclaimer last chapter might as well put it now.
Disclaimer: I am a poor stupid college student I only own Adam, Milia, Calia, Kayla, and Jackson.
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Battles Thru Time
Chapter 2: Murder brings new hope and beginnings
By Cascade Illusions
Last Revised: July 8, 2003
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The funeral has been held a week after Yugi's graduation on a misty rainy day matching the moods of those around. It was Yugi, Yami, the gang, and a few of Sugoroku's old cow workers showed up for the funeral. It had been a simple ceremony with a tent up just incase it rained like it was forecasted too. Sugoroku was laid next to his son and daughter in law. Yugi's parents who had died in a car crash when he was ten. Two days after Sugoroku was laid to rest his will was read. Sugoroku left the game shop to Yugi to own and run. Yugi was still hurting from the loss of his grandpa that he almost went into shock when he heard he was to get the game shop. Needing to make money to pay for the bills Yami reopened the shop and ran it while Yugi dealt with his pain. After about a month Yugi started coming down from the apartment right above the Game Shop and started helping Yami with the running of it. You could however still see the pain that lurked behind the cheerful façade Yugi put up in front of everyone. Only with Yami in the privacy of there home would he drop the façade and show his pain. Thins went like this till 2 months after Sugoroku's death. Then all the sudden one day something happened that would change Yugi's life forever.
/I am going to go get my class schedule from the college. I should be back in a few hours./
//Alright Aibou. Be careful out there and remember your cell phone.// Yami reminded Yugi. Since Sugoroku's murder Yugi and Yami both got cell phone incase they ran into trouble.
/I have it. See you later./ Yugi stepped out of the game shop and made his way to Domino University where he, Joey, Duke, Tristan, Tea, Ryou, and even Kaiba were going to attend this fall. The university was a ten minutes away from the game shop. Yugi worked his schedule so he would have 2 hours between morning and afternoon classes to help Yami with the game shop during the day. Upon reaching the college saw that his friends were there too.
"Hey guys here to get your schedules too?"
"Yeah Yug were just waiting for them to get back from lunch." Joey waved his hand to the door that said back in 30 minutes.
"It's a shock the puppy can read." The cold reply as Joey's eyes lite with fire as he faced his tormentor.
"Ya cold bastard who the hell do ya the talking to me like you think you are."
"Some one more intelligent and has the dignity not to act a fool in public."
"Why I outta.." Joey raised his fist in anger in preparation of striking Kaiba.
"Shut up mutt you are not worth my time" Kaiba sneered as Tristan and Duke held a struggling Joey back.
"I assume you are here to pick up your schedules not test out your insults" Mrs. Hiwaja interrupted Joey and Kaiba's fight.
"Yes ma'am. I am sorry about the two idiots." Tea spoke up as she walked into the room after Mrs. Hiwaja, the university's head advisor did. The others followed after her with Kaiba and Joey glaring at each other.
"One at a time give me your names so I can get your schedules." Mrs. Hiwaja sat down at her computer and opened up the students database.
"Yugi Motou" Yugi Sat down at the desk as they others stood behind him as she typed in his information. After a few moments the printer spewed out a sheet of paper. Pulling it from the printer Mrs. Hiwaja handed the sheet to Yugi.
"Check and make sure those are the classes you signed up for Mr. Motou." Yugi looked over the sheet and nodded his head.
"Good ok who of you are next?" Yugi hear Tea say her name as he bid goodbye to everyone as he left. The game shop was always busy so he had to hurry back to help Yami out. Walking thru the Quads of the University which consisted of a huge fountain featuring a dragon in all it's glory with little dragons sitting around it spitting out water into the crystal clear square shaped pool. From the fountain was 4 sets of stairways one set leading to 4 separate subject buildings. The Math, English, Science, and History buildings. There were also 4 pathways that lead to the north, south, east, and west parts of the campus where the parking lots, social areas, and outdoor lunch sites could be found. Walking in the south direction into the parking lot Yugi made his way to the end and turned right on to the street the game shop was on. Yugi was passing one of Domino's many parks on his way home when he heard a soft wailing coming from up ahead of him. Being the kind soul he is Yugi ran towards the noise. The noise brought him to a alley that had been half a block ahead of where he was at when he first heard the noise. Upon entering the alley way the sound became more distinct. Going farther into the alley way Yugi found the body of a woman lying on the ground with a diaper bag and a baby next to her. The baby was wailing for its mother. Shocked Yugi checked the woman only to see she was lying in a pool of her own blood. OH MY GOD Yugi thought as he pulled out the cell phone.
"Hello 911 " You said into the receiver piece as he listen to the infant.
"Yes, what is your emergency?" The emergency operator asked as beeping and clicking sounds echoed in the background.
"I found a dead body of a women and her baby just two feet away wailing."
"What is your name and where are you located? Is the baby ok?" The operator was getting ready to alert a unit.
"Yugi Motou and I am at the 600th block of east 53rd street and Jasmine Street. From what I can tell she is ok, but she is pretty red in the face." He picked up the crying baby who had stopped crying as soon as she was picked up as he tired to balance the cell phone between his shoulders and head.
"The police and the ambulance have been dispatched. I need you to stay on the phone with me till they arrive." The operator stressed.
"Yes ma'am. What do I do about the baby and the body? I got the baby to stop crying."
"Son try not to touch anything even though I assume you picked up the baby."
"Yes I did I could not stand to hear her wail anymore. She is just looking at me now." Yugi tired rocking the baby a little bit and got a coo out of her that the operator heard.
"What ever you are doing keep it up. It is not healthy to let the baby wail like that." Sirens could be heard in the distance and closing in.
"They are here. What do I do now?" Yugi watched as the Emt's came into the alley way.
"Follow their instructions and you will be fine." The operator used that as her key to end the call and take another one that was coming in.
"Are you the one that placed the call?" Yugi nodded as he shut his phone off and snapped it back on his belt while still holding the baby.
"Yes sir I did." Standing up Yugi tired to hand over the baby who started crying harder and louder than she was before. Her cries made the Emt's heart wince in sympathy.
"Come with me, It breaks my heart to hear her cries. So you are riding with us in the ambulance.." "What about her mother?" Yugi interrupted the man as he looked at the body that had now been covered but the pool of blood from her body was still evident.
"The coroners will take care of her. Right now we need to get that baby checked to see if there is any damage to her. So come." He gestured for Yugi to climb into the back of the ambulance with the baby. The door shut behind Yugi as he sat down and placed the baby who started crying again as she was placed on the gurney. Yugi put is finer around her hand to try to sooth her. The baby grabbed his finger with more force than Yugi had thought so one so small could have. Her cried reduced down to a whimper as they rode to the hospital. The paramedics stuck a iv in her hand as a precaution not knowing how long she had been in that alley with out nourishment. What only took five minutes felt like an eternity to Yugi as he thought about his grandpa and how he had died. Suddenly he was shocked from his memories as the doors opened and they pulled him and the baby out of the ambulance. Once in the hospital Yugi and the baby had to be separated as they took her to the ER as they cops questioned Yugi.
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//Yugi by Ra where have you been? Joey said you left the college over two hours ago.// Yami yelled thru their link since Yugi had without thinking blocked him.
/I was on my way home when I heard a baby crying and went into an alley. I found the baby next to her dead mother. I called 911 and I am at the hospital right now. I felt a connection with the baby and I am waiting to see if they will tell me anything./ Yugi tired not to cry at his dark half's tone.
//Where in the hospital are you?// Yami had grabbed his jacket, locked the shop, and was half way down the block heading towards the hospital.
/They moved her to the pediatric ward on the 7th floor./ Concern came thru the link.
//Stay there. I am on my way.// Yugi sat down and waited in the white walled and rainbow colored floor with the it's white seats waiting room of the of the Pediatric floor of Domino Hospital. It took Yami about twenty minutes for Yami to fine him. Walking over the older sprit who could take form and all its perks hugged his little light tightly.
"You had my scared. I thought something had happened to you." Yami let out a sigh.
"Well besides seeing a dead body with a large pool of blood coming from under it and the baby crying, I am fine."
"Oh Ra you should not have had to see that." The older spirit sat down on one of the chairs and hugged Yugi close to him murmuring comforting words till he heard a loud clearing of the throat.
"Which of you is Yugi Motou?" A lady with shoulder length blond hair in a deep blue navy two piece business suit asked.
"I am, is their something wrong?" Yugi stood up.
"I just need to ask you a question or two. First are you related to the child that you brought in?"
"No I am not. I heard her crying and went to look. I saw what I assume was her mother dead and called 911." The women wrote this down on her clip board.
"Well thank you that is all." She was stopped by Yugi.
"What will happen to the baby? How old is that baby? Does she even have a name" Yugi had felt some kind of connection to the child since he had held her and they made him let go. He was concerned for her. He also felt he had known her at some time.
"The baby will be handed over to social services and be placed in a orphanage till suitable housing is found for her. She is about 3 weeks old and she does not have a record here so there is no name on her. We did find a pass port in her diaper bag from the US. I don't know why anyone would bring a baby that young this far." The woman explained.
"No you can't send that poor baby to a home. I will take her." Yugi cried out all the sudden.
"I am sorry young man but from the little information you gave the hospital you do not make enough to raise a child. You also live alone with your brother and have just lost your grandfather. You are just not fit to raise a child at this point in your life." The women walked off towards a cluster of offices.
"Yami what are going to do. I can't explain it but I feel connected to her. I can't let her get stuck where no one will care for her." Yugi cried into Yami's leather shirt.
//Aibou calm down. This is just backlash from your grandfather.//
/NO IT IS NOT./ Yugi screamed thru their link. Yami was stunned at this out burst.
//Very well just please calm down. I am going to go get a couple sodas. I will be right back.// Yami got up and headed for the cafeteria. He had to sort his feelings after Yugi outburst. "How can I help Yugi with this? I have not even seen the child yet, but he feels so strongly about wanting to take the child home. It would take someone with power and possibly power." Yami thought as he put the money into the machine and hit the button for Slice. It hit him, Kaiba had said something about a debt of gratitude when He saved his soul from the Shadow Realm. Grabbing the Slice and the Sprite out of the machine Yami sat down at one of the seats placing the sodas on the table and pulling his cell phone out. Yami dialed Kaiba Corp. Ring..ring..ring
"Kaiba Corporation, how may I help you?" The secretary answered.
"Seto Kaiba please?" Yami asked opening his sprite.
"Who may I ask is requesting Mr. Kaiba?"
"Yami Motou. Tell him it is important." Yami hear a hold please and a click. After about a minute later a deep voice boomed thru the ear piece.
"Get to the point very quick Pharaoh for I am a busy man." Kaiba snarled over the phone.
"You still owe me from Duelist Kingdom, Kaiba. I am calling to collect." The voice equally as cold.
"What would that be Yami?" Kaiba stood up and walked around his office with his wireless ear piece in his ear. Seto hated to be tied to a desk while on the phone. He went and sat on one of his deep purple couches trying to relax after a stressful day.
"Come to Domino Hospital on the 7th floor." Yami took a sip of his soda.
"Why? That is the pediatric wing." Seto had had to take Mokuba their once or twice.
"Just do it Kaiba." Seto growled as he was hung up on. "Insolent bastard who thinks he still rules the world." Seto thought as he grabbed his white duster and his cell phone. He did not have to worry about Mokuba tonight since he was staying over at a friend's house for the night. Making his way down from his office on the 42nd floor that had the heli pads on it to the ground level which held the lobby of Kaiba Corp. The white marble floor veined with varying blues. Rich mahogany furniture filled the lobby. The doors were outlined in gold. Walking out thru the glass doors of Kaiba Corp Seto stopped beside the door of his limo waiting rather impatiently for his door to be opened by the chuffer. The chuffer finally opened the door only to be snarled at.
"I don't pay you to be slow and lazy. Take me to Domino Hospital right away." Seto climbed into the limo as his driver squeaked "yes sir". The ride to the hospital was quite save for the clicks on the laptop keys that punctured the air. Upon arrival at the hospital The driver was faster at opening the door letting Seto out to stalk into the plain colored lobby of the hospital. The walls where a lite blue and the floors where white with an occasional blue tile. Stalking to the bank of elevators Seto jabbed the up arrow and waited for the doors to open. Once opened he hit the seventh floor button and waited. Seven clicks later the doors opened to the white walled, rainbow titled floor and white seats of the Pediatric floor. Waiting for him just before the nurses station was Yami.
"What is so important that you had to drag me to this unclean facility?" A snarling voice broke Yami out of his thoughts.
"Learn some manners Kaiba and follow me" Yami lead him past the nurses station to where the nursery was kept. After a little pleading Yugi was allowed to go see the baby. After a few minutes of silence Yami and Seto came upon Yugi as he stared thru the window that let everyone see the babies. Yugi was watching the little girl he had rescued sleep. Next to her was a little boy that was wide awake with the most curious sea green blue eyes. He had just been moved from the infant neonatal unit to the nursery that day. His mother had been doing drugs at the time of his birth. Luckily the baby came out unharmed. But the little boy named Adam by the staff had been taken from his mother. As soon as his health improved he would be put up for adoption. Almost as if he sensed Seto, Adam turned his head from the little girl he had been looking at and looked directly at Seto. This made Seto catch his breath.
"Look at that. Finally someone other than Mokuba that likes Kaiba." Yami smirked as he saw the two looking at each other.
"Shut up with the insults. What is it that you want?" Seto never broke his gaze from Adam.
"Simple, the little girl your admirer was looking at before he turned his attention to you. Yugi found her next to her dead mother earlier. Word is they are both going to an orphanage once they are cleared to do so. Yugi had heard the nurses talking about the two babies. He relayed it to Yami. From the way Adam and Kaiba were looking at each other he thought maybe he could get Adam a home too.
"A orphanage. Those poor babies. Whoa wait a minute I can't be thinking like this. I don't have time for a kid and why should I help that stupid pharaoh. Why do I feel a connection to this Adam kid. Sure his sea green blue eyes look familiar like I have seen them in a dream before. They look as if they are searching my soul." Seto thought as he continued to stare at Adam.
"Why should I do this for you, you worthless pharaoh."
"I thought you were a man of your word Kaiba. Looks like someone is growing attached to you." Yami observed.
"Ridiculous. He is nothing but a new born infant."
"Well till you showed up Kaiba, all Adam did was staring at the baby girl I found to day. You know there are others that can like you or even love you besides Mokuba. I mean look at Adam. He has not broken his gaze from you once. Could you help us get the baby?"
"The boy is right. That kid has not broken his gaze yet. It would be nice to have someone else around other than Mokuba." Something whispered from the back of his mind.
"Fine, however this ends what ever debt I own you Pharaoh." Seto now knew that it had been Yami that saved him and his brother not Yugi. Yugi had passed out from the strain of the Shadow Realm.
"How are you going to do it Kaiba?"
"I am on the board and Kaiba Corp if funding the building of the new children's cancer research center that is being added to this hospital. What were the reasons for turndown?"
"Still morning, living with just Yami, and not enough income." Seto looked at both children and sigh. He could not believe what he was about to say.
"I will pay for your college. What do you plan on studying?" Yami and Yugi gave him a very shocked look.
"Archeology, just like grandpa did. Why do you ask?" Yugi was intrigued.
"One day I might have a challenge for you seeing as me and Yami are connected with the past in Egypt." Yami snorted mentally.
"Always to your own ends huh Kaiba?"
"But of course Pharaoh. Now if you excuse me I have business to attend too." Seto started to walk off and Adam started screaming his head off walking the rest of the babies in the process. Walking back and into Adam's line of view which was not much. This reduced Adam to whimpers.
"See Kaiba, I told you." A nurse came to see what all the commotion was about when she saw that Adam and Kaiba were looking at each other. Seeing the chemistry the powerful CEO and the infant shared she beckoned Kaiba to come into the nursery. Getting a push from Yugi, Seto walked into the nursery and sat in the rocking chair that the nurse pointed too. The nurse then went and got Adam. Showing Seto how to hold the baby she settled Adam into his arms. Being only 3 weeks old Adam did not do much but stare at Seto. Seto was amazed as he looked at the baby. He could have sworn he smelled incense and heard two shrill laughs of a girl and a boy as they ran into the room. Shocking his head he did what he used to do with Mokuba, he slowly rocked the baby. As he rocked Adam's eyes got heavier and heavier making Seto's abuse made ice cold heart melt. While he watched Adam sleep he thought about the possibility of having a son. Hearing a soft baby snore made Seto's decision for him. He would have to have that connect room to his redone first. The nurse tapped him on the shoulder telling him to help her put Adam in his crib. He did not care people were looking at his as he placed the baby in the crib. Straitening his duster he left the nursery and made his way past Yugi and Yami to the elevator bank. He had to go see the head of the social services department.
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"Mr. Jekyll, a Mr. Kaiba is here to see you." The voice sounded over the intercom box. The man looked up from the two files he had been looking at. They happen to be baby doe, the baby Yugi brought in and Adam.
"Very well send him in." Seto strode in with a purpose. He smiled when he saw what files where open on the desk.
"I am going to make this very brief. The boy known as Adam and the girl brought in today labeled baby doe have new families. The paperwork will be on my desk within two days." Seto did not even bother to sit.
"By who Mr. Kaiba?" the man sputtered at Seto's abrupt attitude and demand.
"The boy will be coming home with me and the girl will go home with Yugi and Yami Motou. Before you open your pathetic mouth to utter objections listen. I am more than capable of taking care of that child. Between me and my staff he will lack nothing. As for the girl, I am paying Yugi Motou's college tuition to become an archeologist. The Turtle Game Shop makes more than enough money to support the two of them and the baby. Yami's work is that game shop, he will be the one to care for the child while Yugi goes to college. Let it also be known that the child and Yugi have made a connection as well as a bond that if tampered with could hurt the child. So I see no reason that he would be denied."
"He is unstable from losing his grandfather." Mr. Jekyll tired to defend his decision.
"That is why he is worrying over a baby and is near tears at the thought of her going to a home where no one will care. Try again or should Kaiba Corp pull all it's funding." Seto smirched at the panicked look.
"Now Mr. Kaiba that is not necessary in the least. Very well the children need about a week more to recover from their shock. However before these children get handed over one of my social workers will need to check both houses and clear them. You will need all necessary supplies needed to care for the children. A crib, changing table, clothes, diapers you get the picture don't you." The man's voice dripped with sarcasm.
"I would watch who you are talking to. One call is all I need to have you put on the janitorial staff." Seto let that threat sit in the air as he left reminding the man to have the paper work on his desk in two days as the door slammed. Seto walked back down to the seventh floor to look at Adam again and to inform Yugi and Yami of what they were to do. After doing so he made his way back to the mansion to start the renovation of the room that connected with his.
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Three days later
"Hurry up Yugi we can old close the shop down for so long before it starts to hurt us." Yami yelled from the shop getting ready to go buy baby things. They had with much grief cleaned out Sugoroku's room and moved themselves into their. Their old room had been cleaned and repainted for that of a girl. They moved out all furniture but the chest of drawers.
"Coming" Yami heard Yugi yelled down the stairs, but turned his head when he heard a knocking at the back door. Yami walked over to see who it was. Needless to say he was surprised.
"Are you guys going shopping for baby stuff?" Mokuba asked standing at the back door.
"Yes we are Mokuba. I am just waiting for Yugi. Why do you ask?"
"Seto is really busy and sent me to get the stuff for the baby. I am good at shopping. I wanted to know if you wanted to come."
"I am sorry Mokuba but we could not afford to shop at the places you would." Yami tired to let the younger Kaiba down easy.
"Not a problem. Seto gave me permission to get you guys what you needed for Kayla." Kayla is what the little girls name was. They had gotten her birth certificate from Maine in the United States where she had been born.
"WoW Mokuba what is wrong with Kaiba?" Yugi came running down the stairs.
"I think it is Adam, Yugi. Seto has not barked at any of the staff around the house for 3 days. I think Adam is what Seto needed." Mokuba started for the Limo waving Yami and Yugi to come with him.
/What good would it do us to pass up free stuff Yami. Kayla is going to be a lot to handle./
//True Aibou. Very true.// Yami sent thru their link as he got into the limo with Yugi and Mokuba.