Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ bitter sweet ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
Chapter 4
I don't own yugioh!
It was seto screaming. "Nori come on!!" I ran out of my room. There was seto and mokuba. "Mokuba go help nori hide, I'll be right back." He leaves.
Me and mokuba run and mokuba hides me in the cupboard. Like seto told me too, I pulled my knees up to my head and made myself into a ball. "Good luck" mokuba whispered. Then he left, shutting the door.
It was cold and dark. Just like in the annex were me and the real nori hide. I kept all the memories out of my head of that experience, but it was too late, all I could do was remember.
Those colds night hiding in barns and sheds from the enemies when we couldn't get back. I remembered Nori's death, the beatings, when my parents were killed and I did nothing but stand there. When Sota ran away, leaving us a note saying it was dangerous and he wanted to leave even thought it was better to stay were we were.
My memories we cut off as I heard heavy footsteps coming near me. My heart began to bet faster as I tried to control my breathing, I heard the bed move and I sat frozen `please let that be seto and mokuba!' I prayed
It wasn't.
The door open and do you know who was there? Soldiers! I screamed at the top of my lungs when he pulled me by my arm out of my little hiding place. "Hey, I found another little brat!" he called to other soldiers.
He dragged me outside were seto mokuba and other people stood. They were dived into 2 groups. One to the left. One to the right. Seto and mokuba were on the left. The pushed me into the center of both of them. One of the goons lifted up his gun, was about to fire at me, when something hit him!!!!
It was seto.
He must have fried a gun to save me! Do you want me to explain how grateful I am?! Then another goon tried to shoot I me but I dodged the bullet and used my claws to kill him, than ran over to were mokuba was. He was standing with a bunch of other people and seto was there too.
"Get him!!" one cried. He fried a bullet at seto and it hit him in his chest. Mokuba screamed and tried to run over to seto but a blonde boy stopped him. "J-Joey t-take mokub-ba and n-nori and get out of here!" seto hissed and the blonde hair boy grabbed mokuba and a brown hair girl grabbed me. "I'll go too!" she cried. Then we ran off.