Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ bitter sweet ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )
Chapter 8
I dunt own yugioh
I didn't sleep that night. I felt like crying.
"Sota…why did you leave us?" I whispered.
"Who's Sota?"
I looked to my side to see mokuba awake.
"Oh mokuba I didn't know that you were awake." I whispered.
"Who's Sota?" he asked again.
"Oh, he's my brother. He ran away when the war stared. I think he's dead."
"Oh guess were in the same boat, eh?"
The next morning we went out begging for food again. Not many people had much to spare but a few kind people gave us something. Mokuba hardly ate anything. He said he wasn't hungry, that made me worry. Correction that made us all worry.
We were going to keep traveling but we put it on hold for mokuba. I hope he wasn't sick.
The next day mokuba woke up looking pale. Tea went to see if he was alright. "Omigod! Mokuba you're burning up!" she shrieked. Joey used his jacket for a blanket and mine for a pillow. We kept him on the hay stack all day. Joey and yugi went to go beg for food, tea and me staid to nurse mokuba. Joey left his handkerchief for use to use to try to keep mokuba's fever down.
Tea sent me, for about the 4th time that morning to soak Joey's handkerchief in the tiny pond outside.
When I walked outside I looked up into the sky, "god why must you take every special thing from me? Do you hate me?"
I dunked the handkerchief into the pond and right the and there I felt so powerless. There's nothing I could possibly do.
I brought back the handkerchief to tea, "how's he's doing?" I asked. "Not good. His fever has risen and he's almost unconscious…" her voice trailed off.
I walked outside; knowing that it was very dangerous but I did it anyway. I stood at the side of the crappy barn and let the tears fall down my face.
So far it looks like mokuba may die. I didn't want him to die. I kinda like him, actually I really liked him. I never had these feeling before, but now I did. `don't die mokuba, please don't' I thought.
Then I saw Yugi and Joey walk back. I wiped the tears from my eyes and went back in the barn.
Yugi and Joey brought us back nothing. They couldn't find anything for us. "We'll just have to save what we have so far." Yugi had said.
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The next morning tea went to check up on mokuba, she stopped yugi and Joey from leaving. "Guys we have to get mokuba to a doctor, or else he will die. He's unconscious and his fever is a lot higher than yesterday. He's coughing up blood"
Joey and Yugi looked shocked and all of a sudden Joey took charge. "Ok" he orders "get mokuba on my back and we'll go find someone." And so we did.
It felt like we were walking for hours when we stumbled on a small house hidden behind some trees. "How bout here?" Joey asked. "Looks good" I replied. We all walked up to the front door and knocked hard.
A pretty lady opened the door.
"Please" Joey begged. "Our friend here is sick and we need a doctor."
"Oh...OH! Please come in!" she looked down at me. "Is this a demon girl?" I nodded. "oh well you can come in too." I was shocked but I came in.
"Here I'll show you upstairs were you can put him, and then I will call the doctor ok?" she told Joey. Joey nodded.
After calling the doctor she brought the rest of us food.
"You all can stay here tonight and until your friend is better." She told us.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" yugi said.
The doctor came and took a look at mokuba.
"he'll be fine now that I am here." He tells us. I am so relieved!
Then the lady showed us to our rooms.
"Why are you being so nice to me…after all I am demon" I said.
"Why? Because my husband was demon he was shot during the war."
"Oh…..sorry to here that…umm."
"Janet. Just call me Janet."
I walked into my room and lay on my bed. Soon I drifted off to sleep.