Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blame it on Adolescence ❯ Chapter 1
Blame it on Adolescence.
By Shella.
Summary: Truth or dare. The resultant complications. Yugi and Jounouchi both fall for Seto, but discover that in some respects there are miles separating them. How far can friendship reach when love and rivalry divide it? How much will Jounouchi give up for what he believes is right?
Genre: Angst / romance / some humour.
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing/s: Jou/Seto, Yugi/Seto, Jou/Seto/Yugi, Otogi/Honda, implied Isis/Seto (one-sided), plus canon (ie, Anzu/Yami, Otogi/Shizuka, Honda/Shizuka, Jou/Mai).
Spoilers: Battle City, first round of finals. Takes place between then and before Noah's arc (ha ha).
Warnings: Shounen-ai & a lot of language - I'm a real potty-mouth in this fic.
Archive: A Dragon's Lair, others please ask.
Disclaimer: Yugi-Oh is not mine and I'm making no profit from this fanfiction.
A/N: This fic was supposed to be light, fluffy, & funny - a typical `Truth or Dare' fic. Instead, it got highjacked by my angst muses, who hadn't gotten a workout in ages. Ack. … Also, I started writing it in third person, but it's so interesting inside Jounouchi's head that I decided to take up residence in there instead.
Blame it on adolescence. That irrationality, that immaturity, that underdeveloped reasoning capacity that prompts teenagers into actions that, to anybody older, would seem ridiculous. Definitely a hormones thing.
You sure as hell couldn't blame it on boredom.
"Mai's unconscious. Nobody knows where Bakura is. There's a madman on board, possessing people. Yugi's in real danger. We're involved in a game with stakes way higher than anything we've faced before. And you want to play Truth or Dare?"
Honda and I nodded.
There was a pause, in which Anzu managed to convey without words every last nuance of her opinion regarding the idea. (It mostly consisted of `have you gone completely mad?' and `do I even know you people?', with a dash of `where's my prozac?' and more than a hint of `what the hell is it with boys?') Personally I couldn't understand why she thought the idea was so weird. Hadn't she ever wanted to take a break and just relax when she was in a stressful situation?
Anzu sighed in defeat. "Oh, whatever. I'll play."
"Great!" Honda grinned. "We're in Jounouchi's room. C'mon."
Before long, we were assembled in my dormitory on board the Battle City blimp. Honda and I sprawled on the couch; Anzu and Shizuka occupied pillows on the floor; Yugi and Otogi each took an armchair. I felt kind of lost not having Mai or Bakura there, and Kaiba'd never play, thanks to that stick up his ass, but it was okay just having the six of us.
"Well, I guess I'll start," said Yugi. "Honda? Truth or Dare?"
His victim mused for a moment, before deciding, "Oh, we'll start things off slow. Truth."
"Chicken!" I said, jabbing him in the ribs with an elbow. The others told me to shut up, as Yugi thought of a question.
"Okay, got one! What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done for a girl? Or most outrageous," he added quickly.
Honda looked deep in thought for a moment (which may have explained the expression of being lost in unfamiliar territory that came over his face). Finally, he tapped his arm of the couch decisively and said, "She said she preferred blondes, so I bleached my hair." After a pause, he delivered the punch line: "But it turned out she was talking about Bakura."
"Hah!" I said. "So that's why you did it! I was wondering about that for ages." Anzu and Shizuka were giggling together (they were so girly sometimes), while Yugi was grinning cheekily and Otogi had this really wide grin on his face.
Honda didn't seem embarrassed, though. He just looked around at us, evidently choosing his victim. "Anzu!" he said after a bit. "Truth or Dare?"
She looked at him, the expression on her face a mix of defiance and wariness. Eventually the defiance won over - Anzu was always eager to prove that she was as good as any of us guys, and that included taking risks. "Dare."
"Right!" Honda rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "I dare you to … um…" He stumbled.
"Cat got your tongue?" Anzu taunted. "Or losing your inspiration?"
"I wouldn't tease him, Anzu," Shizuka said worriedly. "He is the one making up a dare for you, after all." That's my baby sister, always concerned about others. So sweet.
"She's got a point," Honda agreed. A shark-like grin came over his face. (Combined with his pointy hair, it was such an accurate impersonation I expected to see gills opening on the side of his neck. I guess Otogi thought the same thing, cos he'd buried his face in a cushion and was obviously muffling laughter.)
Anzu waited, trying to look calm, but we could see her growing nervous.
"I dare you to kiss the person you're in love with."
"Oh!" Her response was instant: a furious blush spread across her cheekbones and a look of worry came over her face. She sat for a moment, twisting the fringe at the edge of her cushion in her hands and biting her lip, before whispering, "Um, Yugi?"
The short kid nearly jumped a mile. "Ack! I mean, y-yes?" he stammered. He'd started turning red, too.
"…Could I speak to Yami, please?"
Everyone could see and hear the sigh of relief Yugi gave. Honda and I grinned at each other. "You owe me five hundred yen," I whispered to him. He waved a hand dismissively, more concerned with the teen soap opera in front of us than the bet he and I had made months ago about where Anzu's interests really lay.
There was a gold glow from Yugi's direction, and a second later his other self was sitting in his chair. Looking at him, I wondered how we could have missed for so long the transformation that took place. Yami looked more mature and wise; there was none of Yugi's innocence and naivete about him. He held himself regally, like a king, and something about him suggested that he was really strong, mentally and physically. No wonder Anzu had a thing for him. He was a seriously cool guy.
Now why couldn't I be as cool as him? Maybe then Mai would like me … maybe then Kaiba wouldn't think I was such an idiot…
Oh, wait. Anzu was talking.
"Have you been listening, Yami?" she asked nervously.
"Yes, I have. I don't think I quite understand the point of this game, but Yugi's asked me to cooperate." Quietly and without fuss, he got up and moved across the rug to kneel in front of Anzu. He regarded her seriously for a moment, then closed his eyes.
Anzu `eep!'ed, and for a second looked like she was going to run away. I nudged her with my foot. She glared at me, but Otogi whispered, "Carpe diem!" and she calmed down a bit. Finally, she gulped and leaned forward, her eyes slitting and then closing as her lips touched Yami's. For a moment neither of them moved, simply sat with their mouths pressed together, then there was a soft sound as Anzu moved away. As Shizuka squealed in girlish delight and Anzu seemed ready to faint, Yami's eyes opened and he gave her a reassuring smile.
"Thanks," she whispered.
"You're welcome." Yami got to his feet and returned to his chair. Again the golden glow, and little Yugi was back.
"Hey," I said to him, struck by a thought, "do you remember what happens when Yami takes over?"
"Uh-huh," said Yugi. He looked mostly unruffled. "It's not really that different, really - I mean, we're in the same body so we pretty much share the same memories."
Honda guessed the direction this statement led me to think, and jumped in, "So as far as your memories and experiences are concerned, Anzu might as well just have kissed you?"
Anzu and Yugi's eyes widened; Otogi laughed out loud; Honda and I high-fived and Shizuka looked confused. Yugi began to splutter that it wasn't quite like that, he got a slightly different perspective on what happened when Yami was in control, so he didn't remember things like he himself had done them, and Anzu proceeded to hide her face in a cushion.
It took a moment for things to calm down, when Shizuka, who looked like Anzu's discomfort was upsetting her, reminded the other girl that it was her turn to choose a victim. Poor Anzu responded by simply pointing a finger at random; it fell on Otogi.
"Truth," he said smoothly. Both Honda and I threw cushions at him for being a coward; his answer was a very mature and dignified middle-finger salute.
Anzu looked flustered, as though she didn't care what she said as long as it took attention away from her. "Uh … who here - on this blimp, I mean - do you think is hottest?" she asked. She had to repeat herself cos of the cushion over her face.
I had my suspicions already; they were confirmed when Otogi looked thoughtful for a minute before saying, "Can I say `prettiest'? Shizuka."
"Oi, stay away from my sister!" I yelled at him, jumping to my feet. Honda was beside me in a second, hanging onto my arm. Otogi crossed his index fingers so they formed a crucifix, warding me away. Damn that smug expression on his face-!
"Thanks, Otogi, that's sweet," said Shizuka. Disbelievingly, I turned to look at her. She was holding her hands in her lap, eyes lowered, with a slight blush on her cheeks, doing a remarkable impression of an innocent, sweet young girl. Oh, wait. She was an innocent, sweet young girl. Of course she needed a big brother to protect her!
"Well, don't be too grateful," Otogi responded, with a smile that he obviously thought was charming but just looked really smarmy. "I'm picking on you now."
"Sit down, Jou!" Honda and Yugi shouted together. I debated it for a moment, but between Honda's grip on my arm and Yugi's imploring puppy-dog eyes, I figured it wouldn't be wise to disagree. I sat.
"Oh, okay," Shizuka giggled. I realised quite suddenly that she was probably safest of anyone in this game - she was so adorable and pure (more so than even Yugi) that nobody here could want to upset her or make her uncomfortable. Even Otogi, who I trusted about as far as I could throw him, wouldn't stoop to that level. It'd be like kicking a kitten.
"Truth or Dare?"
I expected Otogi to take a while to come up with something that wouldn't offend her, but would still be interesting, but he only paused a moment. "If you could change the appearance of anyone here for a day, what would you do?"
Shizuka pondered the question for a moment, looking as guileless and uncorrupted as it was possible for her to look. "I'd … shave Yugi's head."
…Well, I don't think any of us saw that one coming. Although after a minute, after I'd thought about the idea, I had to giggle.
For a moment I thought there was something like mischief in Shizuka's eyes, but she clapped her hands and smiled before I could confirm it. "Okay! I pick … Katsuya!"
I pouted at her. "Thanks, sis."
"No problem!" Evidently sarcasm was something innocents weren't capable of understanding… "Truth or Dare?"
I folded my arms defiantly. "Dare!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Otogi and Honda releasing their grips on various cushions sitting near them - I guess I'd been closer to being mugged by fluff than I realised.
"Ooh! Cool! A dare!"
On second thoughts, maybe the cushions would've been better…
"Um … I dare you to … um … to … oh dear, I can't think of one!" She looked sad and disappointed, as if she'd found herself unable to do a really nice favour for me. Hmph.
"I'll think of one!" said Honda immediately.
"No way!" I yelped. "You're not allowed! It's against the rules! Isn't it?" I appealed to the room in general. I could see Otogi wavering - do I support the guy who won't let me at his sister or the guy who's trying to steal the girl I want? - and Anzu hesitating, as she pondered whether her self-proclaimed ties of friendship and loyalty extended to sparing me embarrassment when she'd already suffered. Yugi, however, had no such issues.
"Yes, it is," he said firmly. "Sorry, Shizuka, you have to think of one yourself."
"Oh … okay…" My sister just nodded calmly, but Honda looked disappointed. I glared at him.
There was a pause, while Shizuka racked her brains. Eventually, she caved. "I really don't know any!" she burst out, clearly upset. "I'm sorry, Katsuya, but could you pick Truth instead?"
"No cop-outs!" objected Otogi. "Right, Honda?"
Who would've thought, the two rivals teaming up … against ME. "Damnit, Honda! So much for friends!" Plus, I was the one whose agreement they needed to have if they wanted to get anywhere near Shizuka - not that they ever would.
"Come on, guys," Anzu cut it. "If she can't think of a dare, then why sit here for ages waiting? We're supposed to be having fun, remember?"
Otogi and Honda looked at each other. It was kinda scary how well they understood each other sometimes, even if they didn't get along. Of course, it was nothing on what Honda and I had, but it was still a bit freaky.
"Okay, Truth," they said at the same time.
"Fine by me!" I agreed.
Shizuka looked relieved. "Okay! This one's easy. Katsuya…" She paused, looking like she was about to drop a bombshell. The palms of my hands started to get sweaty and I shifted nervously. "Who do you think is the hottest person on this blimp?"
I blinked. That was it? Hm, maybe Shizuka just hadn't been around at the right moments - everyone else already knew my answer. "Mai, 'course," I said. I refrained from mentioning which arrogant brunette CEO I rated second-best.
"Oh." She looked surprised by my unfazed answer. Glancing around the room, she saw the others nodding as if it was just what they expected.
"Okay, my turn!" I said, to stop her before she started feeling disappointed. "Uh … Yugi!"
A look of alarm instantly came over his face. "Me?"
"You're the only one left, little bud," I pointed out. "So - Truth or Dare?"
"Oh … uh…" He looked conflicted for a moment, and I shifted so I could get to my feet quickly in case he bolted. Then he lifted his chin defiantly and said clearly, "Dare."
I wasn't the only one taken aback, and I think my expression would've matched those on the others' faces - surprised respect, and fond smiles. Unfortunately for Yugi, my brand of logic then declared that if he's prepared for the worst, better give him what he asks for.
"I dare you to kiss the person you're in love with."
Normally people blushed in that sort of situation; Yugi, who ordinarily showed strong tendencies towards tomato impersonations, surprised me by going pale. His voice, when he spoke, wobbled a bit. "…All right."
I suddenly felt concerned, and probably a bit guilty. "Yug', are you okay?" I asked. "You don' look so good. I'm sorry - is it that bad?"
He shook his head, forcing a smile. "No, it's all right," he assured me. I didn't believe him until he looked into my eyes - neither of us could lie to the other with a straight face. What I saw there didn't make my worries go away, but they didn't nag at me quite so loudly.
Yugi got to his feet and an air of expectation and anticipation filled the room. Each of us was wondering who he'd go to. The tension felt suffocating - I had to break it.
"Yug', seriously, if you kiss my sister I'll deck ya," I said solemnly.
A grin broke onto his face like sunlight through a cloud bank. Around us, the others laughed and the anxious atmosphere disappeared.
"No, it's not Shizuka," he said. He gave her a smile and her sunny reciprocation made me grin in my turn. The two cutest people I knew were two of my best friends. Lucky me!
All eyes followed Yugi as he crossed the room to the door.
"Hey, where ya goin'?" I asked.
"To their room," Yugi answered. He hesitated, his hand on the door release. "Um, should someone come with me? As proof?"
I got to my feet. "I'll come, since I'm the one who gave you the dare." And I'm dying with curiosity.
The others stayed behind after Anzu dealt them a warning glare, and the door shut behind us. I walked beside Yugi, who seemed to know where he was going, down the hall past a few bedrooms and around a corner. The route felt vaguely familiar, but I wasn't prepared for the shock when we stopped outside Kaiba's door.
"What?" I shouted. "Yug', are you serious? Kaiba?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Little, sweet, adorable Yugi Motou had fallen for big, ice-cold, hard-ass Seto Kaiba? It didn't make sense - what could he see in someone so different to him? It was wrong!
Then Yugi turned pleading, hurt eyes on me and I felt my objections begin to dissolve. "Jounouchi," he implored, "please don't say that. I know it's strange, but I just … deep down he's really a good person. The way he cares about Mokuba, the way he never gives up - I know there's something in him that's good. I want to reach it - I want to reach him. Jounouchi, I don't know how to make you understand, but-"
"Stop," I muttered. The look he was giving me and his desperation not to be rejected made me feel like a complete asshole. He didn't deserve to have his friend doubt him, not when he trusted me with his life. "Yug', look," I began, and stalled. How was I supposed to say what I meant? Words didn't come easily to me. "Yugi," I said, "you don' have to justify yourself to me. I'm your best friend, you shouldn' have to defend your feelin's or choices to me." I tried to smile; Yugi shakily attempted to return the gesture. "Whatever you think, whoever you choose, I'm here for ya, all right bud? It's all up to you, an' I'll stand by you no matter what."
I was startled when Yugi's eyes filled with tears; I barely had time to lift my arms before he flung himself at me in an all-out hug.
"Hey," I whispered, finding myself smiling despite my worry. "Hey, Yug', it's okay." I knelt down so I could hold him better and we stayed like that for a long moment. Yugi sniffled once or twice, but otherwise was silent. Eventually we separated, and Yugi wiped his eyes. He smiled at me.
"Well, guess I'd better go in," he said, trying to be cheerful.
"We don' have to," I said quickly. "If it'll upset you, I'll just tell the others you kissed him. Or I'll tell 'em you kissed somebody else, if you want."
Yugi shook his head. "I appreciate it, but I'll go through with it. I don't want to back out now." He paused for a moment and his eyes glazed over a bit before an expression of gratitude came over his face. Catching sight of my querying look, he explained, "Yami says he'll look after me."
I grinned. "Tell Yami that I'll help him."
Another momentary silence as Yugi spoke to his other half mentally - what would that be like? I wondered - before I received Yami's response that my help would be most welcome. Finally, Yugi took a deep breath and pressed the call button beside Kaiba's door.
"What is it?"
The cool, harsh voice of Seto Kaiba came through the intercom, and I found myself automatically bristling. Kaiba was never nice, but if he broke Yugi's heart I'd make sure he regretted it.
"Uh, it's me, Yugi. Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Hn. Fine." There was a beep, and the door slid open. Kaiba, white trench coat seeming to add to his intimidating height, beckoned us inside. I stopped just past the doorway, but Yugi followed our host to the coffee table in the middle of the room. Kaiba sat down on a chair beside it, projecting an aura of impatience despite having no expression on his face. His eyes, which I remembered best as being like ice-cold sapphires as they looked down on me tauntingly, were hooded with boredom. I decided that the only thing Kaiba was useful for was looking good - he wasn't so bad, provided he kept his mouth shut and didn't interact with people in any way.
He regarded Yugi impassively. "Well?" he said shortly. "What do you want?"
Yugi wilted a tiny bit. He could stand up to Kaiba any day of the week under normal circumstances, but now that it was personal, he became just as shy and awkward as any other teenager. I renewed my silent vow to hunt Kaiba down and punish him if he was careless of my friend's feelings.
"Um," he began, "we were - I mean, Jounouchi, the others and I - were playing … a game … and although we didn't think you'd want … well, to be involved," he gulped, "I have to - to get something from you."
Kaiba sneered. "Something from me? I highly doubt it."
"Yeah, a - um…" Yugi hesitated, then took a step closer to Kaiba's side. "We're playing Tr-it's this game called … well, the name's not important." He took another step closer, so that he was almost invading Kaiba's personal space. He looked terrified. The small part of me that saw the cynical side in everything started making bets with itself as to whether he'd go through with it or not.
"If it's not important-" Kaiba began, and made as though to get to his feet.
"No!" Yugi blurted. "I mean, yes - I mean … Um, I'm sorry-" And in the space of a heartbeat, he leaned in, planted a firm kiss on Kaiba's lips, and sped from the room as though he was on fire.
There was maybe half a second in which Kaiba, normally so cool and unflappable, was too stunned to react. Then his hand flew to his mouth as though needing proof of what had happened. "Shit," he whispered, and ran from the room in pursuit of Yugi's retreating footsteps.
Okay, I loved Yugi like a little brother, and I respected his privacy and all that, but he wouldn't have wanted me to die of curiosity, right? Right?
By the time I caught up with them, it sounded like Yugi had already explained his feelings and lack of expectations. At any rate, I distinctly heard Kaiba muttering, "Truth or Dare … for god's sake…" under his breath as I approached, stopping just around the corner from them.
I tried to make my breathing quiet, although having just sprinted for several long moments it was hard. The best I could hope was that they'd be so wrapped up in each other they wouldn't notice me.
"I wasn't expecting this," said Kaiba abruptly. "I never would have thought…" He stopped again, trying to gather his thoughts. "I can't blame you for expecting me to hold you in contempt," he began, "but I don't think you deserve to be treated callously because of your feelings."
I blinked. Kaiba being nice? Where were the flying pigs, then?
"I don't think of you that way."
Blunt … tactless … Well, looked like everything was back to normal.
"I'm sorry."
…And then he apologised. I probably looked like a bad 1920s silent comedy with the number of double takes I was doing. But honestly, the idea of Kaiba trying not to be a complete prick was enough to reduce me to prolonged guppy fish impersonations. He was clumsy, he was awkward, but he was considerate.
Guess that meant I didn't have an excuse to kill him then. Oh, well.
"It's okay." I could hear that Yugi was upset, but he wasn't blaming Kaiba at all - there was no bitterness or resentment in his tone. For maybe the hundredth time I marvelled at the kid's optimism, that he wouldn't even hold a grudge against Kaiba for hurting him. I couldn't understand that sort of faith, and it might have been because I didn't understand it that I was so determined to protect it in Yugi. Purity like that didn't come along every day.
The thought occurred to me that maybe Kaiba had glimpsed Yugi's innocence, too. It was as good an explanation as any for his sudden change of behaviour once Yugi was vulnerable to him. So maybe there was some hope for Kaiba after all…
"Like you said, you can't really blame someone for their feelings." There was a smile in Yugi's voice, and I found myself hoping that, just once, Kaiba would return it. Trying to be inconspicuous, I peeked around the corner, but had to whip back into hiding as I discovered that Yugi was facing in my direction. I don't think he saw me, since Kaiba's coat partially hid me from view, but I didn't want to take the chance.
So I didn't find out whether Kaiba smiled at Yugi. But when I met up with Yugi again and saw that he was genuinely happy, I decided it didn't really matter.