Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lotus ❯ Blood Lotus ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Gentle pink tinged the horizon, slowly fading into purple and then deep black, pinpricked with bright stars. The sky was clear, and the absence of clouds gave the lit horizon an almost translucent quality.

In the dusky light it was just about possible to ascertain that there was a figure moving quickly across the empty street, their shuffling feet stirring up small clouds of dust from the ground as they walked. As swiftly as they had arrived, they were gone, and once again a tranquil sense of serenity descended upon the quiet street. The sun continued to rise, peeping shyly over the flat rooftops of the skyline.

Nahkti sighed softly in his sleep, unconsciously shifting his position slightly so that he lay on his stomach, and stretching out an arm to reach for something or someone who obviously wasn't present.

His forehead creased into a frown and his eyes slowly fluttered open as he realised that he was alone. Languidly rolling over onto his back he lay still for a while, gazing up at the ceiling with a faintly annoyed expression overshadowing his strong but strangely delicate features.

He was tired of waking up alone.

Although he hated to admit the fact to himself, he knew that his lover was not being overly paranoid when he insisted on leaving so early; if they were discovered - or even if there were any rumours, then it could mean certain death for them both.

Nevertheless, he still resented the way Ahmose seemed so reluctant to take risks; a couple more hours could hardly have made much difference...

He sat up suddenly, clenching his fists in frustration. Eventually, however, he relaxed and flopped backwards; once more resigned to the unchangeable realities of their existence.

Reaching up a hand absentmindedly to tug on a lock of dark hair, a ghost of a smile played across his lips as he thought about his pale haired angel.

Ahmose...he is such an enigma to me sometimes.


As he drew further away from Nahkti's home, Ahmose gradually allowed himself to slow down until he was walking at a more normal pace. He frowned unhappily and ran a hand absent-mindedly through his hair.

The entire situation made him uncomfortable, and at the same time terribly afraid and guilty for having to hide this from his father.

And the worst thing was; Nahkti just didn't seem to understand.

I don't know if I can do this anymore...

He bowed his head, the silvery-pale locks falling into his eyes.

I will be found out for sure...is....is it worth it...?

His gentle brown eyes glittered with fear in the dawning sunlight.

But Nahkti....he would never let me go....not now.

Suddenly he looked up in shock, noticing signs of movement all around him as others began their daily work routine.

What...?! I left too late!

Now panicking, he started hurrying once more, glad that his home was finally in sight. Stopping abruptly at the entrance, he quietly peeped inside, looking around with trepidation. The knot of fear in his stomach gradually subsided as it seemed no one was around. So either his Father had already left for the day, or....

"Where have you been, boy?" At the harsh sound of his father's voice he froze, slowly turning around while trying to look confident, but failing miserably.

"U-uh...I was....out for a walk..." His father glared at Ahmose suspiciously;

"Oh really. Well don't, you understand, boy? It's far too dangerous for you, and I don't want you kidnapped. You're fortunate to not have lessons today, or you'd already be late." Ahmose shrank back, his expression full of genuine remorse.

"I-I'm sorry Father, I will do my duty."

"See that you do." Ahmose watched warily as his father turned and walked out the door, glad that he wouldn't be back until nightfall.

Many would see being the first son of a reasonably well off merchant as a blessing; but Ahmose wasn't so sure. He had had a very strict upbringing, which had instilled a strong sense of duty within him. It was partly this which caused his feelings to conflict about his relationship with Nahkti.

Being only fourteen, Ahmose was not yet expected to work; and instead of being trained by his father, he'd had the unexpected honour of being allowed to train as a Scribe bestowed upon him. He enjoyed his lessons greatly, although the Priest who taught him was very demanding, as well as unpleasant at times.

Sighing, his thoughts returned to Nahkti.

Nahkti was also very commanding...and although Ahmose didn't really regret letting himself become involved with him, he certainly wasn't at ease with the idea yet.

It wasn't the age difference that made him so uncomfortable - Ahmose really didn't think about the fact that Nahkti was seven years older than him anymore - it was more that....

He seems blinded by passion. He is so strong, so controlling; and yet he does not really think things through. He says he loves me....but I find that I cannot say the same in return. And now I know he would never let me go....

His expression was troubled as he went forward to find his mother; the burden of knowing he was betraying his family still weighing heavily upon his shoulders.


When Nahkti next awoke, the sun was high in the sky and bright sunlight streamed onto his face, making him squint as he sat up. Cursing to himself he rose, slowly getting dressed while trying to fully wake himself up. Crouching next to a small chest he reached out an arm, raising the carved wooden lid until it rested back against the wall. Nahkti carefully retrieved the golden torc he always wore, reaching behind his neck to fasten it. But today...today was the day he had intended to give it to Ahmose. It was not a very fancy piece of jewellery; nor really very valuable, but it meant a lot to him because it was all that he had left of his mother. And now, he wanted Ahmose to have it, to symbolise his devotion.

Once more finding himself smiling stupidly, he shook his head to clear his expression.

Nahkti sat back on his pallet, leaning against the wall wearily. Despite the fact that he was quite rich, he preferred not to flaunt his wealth as that was as good as inviting thieves in. His mouth twisted into an ironic smile; being a thief himself, he wouldn't really blame anyone for trying - but he knew how to keep his belongings safe.

Although admittedly, robbing tombs was a little different to domestic thievery.

Suddenly a thoughtful expression crossed his face - Ahmose always seemed to avoid talking about what Nahkti did for a living....He knew that Ahmose must suspect, but flinched when he thought about how horrified his young lover would probably be if he knew the whole truth.

He was glad that Ahmose didn't have any lessons today; truthfully he got rather bored on his own, although he would never admit it.

Slipping off the pallet he made his way outside, blinking as the searing hot light forced his eyes to readjust. He was thankful that Ahmose's house was not too far away, and also that his father seemed to be out rather a lot as well.

* * *

Ahmose crouched in the shade under a scrawny tree, absent-mindedly drawing in the dust with a stick. He had meant to practice the hieroglyphs he had been taught so far, but for some reason he just couldn't bring himself to concentrate.

He glanced up in surprise as a familiar figure cast a shadow over his doodles, and stood up slightly unsteadily.

"What are you doing here?!" He whispered, slightly scandalized as he glanced around to make sure no one was watching them.

"I came to see you." Nahkti replied, grinning wickedly as he placed one hand on the thin tree trunk behind Ahmose, effectively pinning him to it.

"Stop it! What if---" Nahkti silenced him with a savage kiss, ignoring Ahmose's flailings and attempts to get away. Ahmose's protests were growing weaker, when Nahkti suddenly felt wetness on his cheeks.

Ahmose was crying.

He immediately pulled away, eyes widening as Ahmose sank to the ground, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

"W-what's wrong..." He crouched down awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do when Ahmose was acting like this.

"N-not here....we can't....it's wrong." His vehemence stunned Nahkti into silence, who remained just watching the pale haired boy for a few minutes.

"I.......I'm sorry." Reaching out a hand he gently touched Ahmose's soft cheek, then moving his hand under his chin to bring his face to look at him. "I really came here today to give you...this."

He pulled his hands back and reached behind his neck to unfasten the ever-present golden torc. Ahmose watched wonderingly as Nahkti offered it to him. Silently nodding his head in acceptance, he allowed Nahkti to adorn his neck with the jewellery.

Lifting a hand to touch it almost disbelievingly, he murmured,


Nahkti looked at him seriously, but still did not touch him as Ahmose still looked shaken from earlier.

"Because I love you."

Ahmose felt tears spring to his eyes when he heard the fateful words, because he knew in his heart that he could not return them. Instead he just said;

"...Thank you."


He loves me; I can tell.

He's never said it though...

He does not need to say it. I can tell.

I love him so much....he has to love me too, otherwise he would never have given himself to me so willingly.

He is everything...

So perfect.

Like a delicate lotus flower in bloom.

I will never let him go.

* * * *

He loves me; I know.

He always says it.

Like he needs to. As though it helps him think I feel the same way.

I don't know if I love him...I first gave myself to him because...I needed him. I still do. But how do I know if it's love?

He tells me I'm his everything.

That I'm perfect.

That I'm like a delicate lotus flower.

That he'll never let me go.

But...he will have to. Things can't stay the way they are now forever. I could not let them.

He loves me....too blindly. Too deeply.

His love for me is a mistake.

My needing him is a mistake.

Every day I pray for forgiveness.


"Pay attention, boy!" Ahmose jerked out of his daydream, apologising profusely. His teacher walked over and grabbed his hair, pulling his head up roughly. "Be very, very thankful that I am so lenient." Giving him a last harsh glare with cold blue eyes, the priest abruptly let him go and he fell backwards, only just regaining his balance in time to avoid falling over.

He bowed his head in shame, ignoring the stares of the few others in the group. Ahmose returned to his practice, diligently trying to remember exactly what he had been taught. The priest went from pupil to pupil, checking their work to make sure that they hadn't made any mistakes.

"All right...you can all leave." He said calmly, "Except you."

Ahmose looked up to see his teacher standing directly in front of him, appraising his work coldly.

"K-Kaiba-sama?" He flinched slightly as his voice echoed around the empty hall, and gazed up fearfully at his mentor.

"Ahmose, you...." The priest stepped forward in an almost threatening manner, before grasping Ahmose's chin roughly between his finger and thumb, jerking him upwards from his kneeling position violently.

Ahmose felt himself freeze with apprehension as Kaiba drew his face closer, studying him speculatively.

He seemed to be almost assessing him, and although Ahmose wanted nothing more than to flee from his current position, he dared not even squirm. His back started to ache, the awkward stance starting to get to him.

Then suddenly Kaiba let him go, and he collapsed to the floor in relief, trembling violently. Ahmose could do nothing but watch in confusion as the priest strode quickly away, not even bothering to make sure that Ahmose was leaving.


"...Ouji-sama?" Kaiba stood respectfully before the Pharaoh, bowing deeply before standing to face him. "What is it that you need of me?" He stayed silent, keeping his expression impassive as he waited for the temperamental Pharaoh to respond. Despite his position as High Priest, one wrong word and he was as likely to find himself impaled upon a sharp piece of metal as the lowest soldier.

The lit torches on the wall flickered ominously, casting dark shadows across the Pharaoh's undeniably beautiful features. Although he stood up and started to walk towards Kaiba with a strange smile on his face, his crimson eyes still remained unreadable, almost daring Kaiba to question him further.

As the Pharaoh moved away from the dais, the soldiers who had been stationed either side of it also moved; not wanting to allow the Pharaoh to be so unprotected. However they were just waved back carelessly, the Pharaoh keeping his gaze focused upon the priest in front of him.

"...he is suitable?" He watched Kaiba intently, noting with slight amusement the hesitation as he answered.

"...yes." Kaiba seemed to be trying to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Why so hesitant? You do not trust my judgement?" His head shot upwards, fear reflecting in his eyes as he met the piercing gaze of the other.

"Your judgement is perfect, as always. I merely---"

"You must not allow your personal desires to get in the way of such things, Kaiba." His voice was faintly disapproving, and he brushed a blonde strand of hair out of his face, still watching Kaiba's expression closely.

At the last comment Kaiba had stiffened noticeably, and was desperately trying to keep his expression unreadable.

"Ouji-sama, I feel nothing for the boy...and I agree with you that he should be the one---"

"You know better than to lie to me...you seem to forget that I have eyes and ears everywhere."

Kaiba cursed internally; of course, the Pharaoh would have spies and guards all over the palace, who would hurry to report even the smallest glance.

"Even so, you are mistaken in thinking that I feel anything for the boy other than what is right." The Pharaoh arched an eyebrow momentarily at his defiance, but then laughed because he found it amusing that Kaiba did not want to admit to lusting after the boy.

"Fine then....it is good that you find him suitable, for it must be done in three days time." The Pharaoh turned decisively and started to walk away, but then paused and without looking back added, "And Kaiba....notify the boy yourself - in person." Faint amusement touched his lips as he said this, feeling Kaiba's glare burning into his back as he left the hall.


Nahkti's lips twisted in anger as his blonde haired friend's laughter grew louder.

"Malik, shut the fuck up!" He growled irritably, running a hand through his hair in frustration as he paced the small room.

Malik abruptly stopped laughing, but a grin still remained on his face as he eyed the other sceptically.

"What's up with you? Nothing by the looks of it..." At that he started giggling again, then waving his hand dismissively as he calmed down. "But really, things not going so well with your little boyfriend?"

Nahkti shot him another irate glare, but Malik just raised a delicate eyebrow expectantly and sighed melodramatically.

"What?! You told me about him yourself, it's not like you have to act like it's some big secret around me." He rolled his eyes and attempted to look bored. "It's not like I even care. So what's the big deal?"

His dark haired companion snorted derisively and crossed his arm, leaning back against the dusty wall.

"You're weird, Malik. You know that?" The blonde Egyptian smirked, then reached up a hand absent -mindedly to fiddle with one of his earrings.

"Yeah, yeah...you've told me before...but stop trying to avoid the question." Shrugging, Nahkti lifted his gaze to study the ceiling, the cracks and faults suddenly becoming fascinating.

"Same as usual..."

Malik was actually quiet for a moment after that, trying to come up with a way to get the truth out of his unusually reticent friend.

"Hey, ya know, if you're going to be like this then I might as well leave."

"You do that." Nahkti spoke dryly, looking suspiciously across at him.

"Buuut....first, you'd have to give me my money." Malik walked across and held out his palm expectantly. "So come on! Are you going to or what?"

Groaning, Nahkti pulled himself away from the wall and brushed past Malik, then stopped and turned around in annoyance.

"Stop it. You know I don't have it for you yet."

Malik just grinned inanely.

Letting out a long suffering sigh, Nahkti suddenly sat down on the floor, resting his chin on one hand.

"Malik, stop."

"Alright, I know you don't have the money," he replied, poking the other in the shoulder playfully, "So all you've got to do is tell me what's going on! It's your own fault you know, now you've got me interested."

For a moment Nahkti actually considered getting Malik the money just to shut him up; of course he had enough.....the point was, he didn't want to give it away.

"Fine! Just....just stop grinning like that. It's freaky." Obediently Malik's expression became blank, but only for a moment before he just looked annoyed and sat down with a thud before his friend.


"So.....I already told you, it's just the same."

"Aha...still being a virtuous little bitch, is he?" Malik tilted his head on one side thoughtfully, "You know, I really don't know what someone as moral and uptight as him is doing sleeping with someone like you."

"...Shut up." The blonde blinked, a disdainful yet amused expression creeping its way into his features.

"That's the best reply you've got?!" He shook his head in disbelief, "I guess you don't know why you're with him either. You'd obviously be better off with someone else...I mean why pick the one person who it's the most difficult for you to see? You don't make any sense..."

"I said shut up, Malik." Nahkti cut him off distractedly. Why does he never stop talking...?

Malik mumbled something under his breath, still watching the man opposite him carefully. As he started to study him, almost instantaneously a realisation hit him, his eyes widening in amazement.

"You're not just in it for the sex, are you!" Nahkti looked up in shock, his mouth moving noiselessly as he searched for something to say.


"You actually feel something for him?!" Malik sounded scandalized, shaking his head in disbelief, "And here I was thinking he was just your little whore......" Nahkti scowled, glowering angrily at the other.

"Don't say that."

"Fine, fine..." Malik waved the objection aside, suddenly brightening up. "Well, it's not really that I care, but if you're that bothered for him, why don't you just buy him? I'm sure after we pull our next job you'd have more than enough."

"I don't want....to own him...." Nahkti's voice was strained as he tried to control his emotions. "I just want him to...to..." He broke off, lost for words.

"To stop being such a virtuous little bitch! That's what I told you was wrong, see, why don't you ever listen to me..." He pouted momentarily, before finally standing up and dusting himself off. "Look....I'm sorry, but I don't really understand what's going on with you. You won't lose him for someone else, but you won't buy him either!" Muttering to himself he headed towards the doorway, pausing for a moment as he reached it and looking behind him. "I want my money soon, you realise!" Laughing again, he made his way out.

Nahkti sat solemnly where Malik had left him, thinking about what his friend had said.

Why can't he understand that I love Ahmose? I wouldn't want to own him. I just wish.... A look of pain glittered in his eyes. I just wish....he acted more like he believes this is worth it.


Kaiba grimaced slightly in distaste as he made his way through the streets towards where he had been informed that the boy lived. Being forced to do this himself was so degrading...although undoubtedly that was why the Pharaoh had ordered him to. Kaiba narrowed his eyes in annoyance; why did the Pharaoh have to be so damn perceptive!

He's just doing this to toy with me...

The Priest's hatred of the Pharaoh went far beyond this incident though; he was sure the Pharaoh held some kind of grudge towards him, even though outwardly the Pharaoh was nearly all civility.


As he approached Ahmose's house, the sun was nearing the horizon, and Kaiba was starting to get irritated with all the curious stares that people were giving him.

It isn't as though I'm here out of choice...

Indeed, given the option, the Priest would probably have ended up sending out some slave to inform the boy of his fate.

He entered the building arrogantly, not even waiting to be asked in. Looking around disdainfully, Kaiba awaited somebody's arrival.

Why is nobody here...?

The house was deathly silent, and the setting sun cast red shadows upon the wall.

Suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps grew louder, and the boy skid to a halt as he reached the doorway and saw Kaiba, his eyes widening in shock.

"K-Kaiba-sama!?" He practically threw himself at the floor, pressing his forehead into the dust respectfully as he kneeled. "I-I am sorry for making you wait, Sir, I didn't know it was you..." The fear in his voice was painfully apparent, and Kaiba just snorted dismissively.

"Get up, boy. Is your Father here?" Ahmose scrambled to his feet and stared at the floor.

"No, Kaiba-sama, he is still working."

Kaiba sighed in exasperation, and almost laughed when Ahmose jumped in fright.

"Fine then, boy, give your Father this message; 'Your son is required by demand of the Pharaoh to give up his life, body and soul in the name of Osiris-sama. The ceremony will happen in three days time at dawn; someone will come for him on the night of the second day.'" Lowering his gaze to meet the stunned eyes of Ahmose he smirked, trying not to feel sorry for the boy as he studied his expression. "That is all. You will not be expected to come to lessons tomorrow, just give your Father the message." With that, he simply turned and left.

As he exited into the cooler night air, he dropped his callous façade and allowed a sad smile to grace his features. Truly, the boy did not deserve such a fate...but it was the will of the Pharaoh, and as such had to be done.


As his mentor left, Ahmose sank to his knees once again, shaking visibly.

I am...I am....I am going to die...

He held a hand up to his cheek, the chill of his skin surprising him as he convinced himself that this was real.

I am to be sacrificed...

As he thought about it more...a strange calm descended upon him. The honour and sense of duty that his Father had drilled into him from an early age helped him relax and think about the situation rationally.

Father will be pleased I have been chosen. It...it is an honour for me. It will please Osiris, and the Pharaoh. That is .....all that matters.

He stood up a little unsteadily, swallowing hard and walking slowly outside, where he sat and gazed up at the star flecked night sky.

There is nothing holding me to this world anyway.


Malik slowly made his way through the busy street, weaving in and out among the crowds to try and speed up his journey. He really disliked the loud buzz of conversation and haggling which was inescapable in such a main street, and flinched away when people brushed too close to him; the only time he ever let strangers touch him was when he 'accidentally' bumped into them so he could swipe something, usually a purse.

Finally breaking free of the main crowd, he continued onwards towards the house which he had discovered that Ahmose lived in; he was quite curious as to why Nahkti was so obsessed with the boy, and why he would cause his friend so much torment.

Entering the building in much the same manner as Kaiba had done the previous night, he peered around corners hoping to find the cause of his friend's infatuation.

"Who are you?" A quiet voice came from behind him, and he spun round to be met with the sight of a petite boy with pale hair who was currently looking at him rather angrily.

Crossing his arms nonchalantly, Malik casually walked over to the speaker and then planted his hands on his hips, peering down at him with one eyebrow raised.

"...You're a bit young, aren't you?"

"Excuse me?" Ahmose backed carefully away, looking at the stranger indignantly. Malik sighed, and then moved back to lean against the wall casually.

"You are Ahmose, aren't you." The pale boy nodded uncertainly, before suddenly his hand flew to his mouth in shock - what is this man has come to kidnap me?! I shouldn't have told him who I am...

Seeing how the boy looked like he was about to start hyperventilating, Malik rolled his eyes in exasperation and waved his hand dismissively.

"Calm down, I'm not here to do anything to you. I just wanted to talk to you. You know Nahkti, right?"

Ahmose narrowed his eyes, trying to work out who exactly the man was, and what he was doing in his house. Why did he want to know if he knew Nahkti? It had to be a trick...

"...I don't trust you. Who are you?!"

"Fine, fine..." Malik muttered, before grinning for the first time since he had arrived, and walking over to stand in front of Ahmose. "I'm Malik, a friend of Nahkti's. He told me about you...so I was curious as to what you were like." He shrugged, and then looked at Ahmose a little strangely, "Actually, I was also wondering what someone like you saw in someone like him."

As Ahmose remained silent, Malik bent down a little and grabbed the boy's face, bringing it up a little so he could study it better.

"Well....you are quite pretty...Like a little girl in fact. Hey..." Malik said thoughtfully, brightening up again, "If you were a bit friendlier, you'd make a pretty good whore!"


"Owwww...." Malik rubbed his sore cheek and looked over at where Ahmose had moved away to in annoyance. "You didn't have to slap me, I was just trying to make conversation..." Ahmose raised an eyebrow angrily, and looked like he was tempted to hit Malik again, but preferred to keep his distance.

"Well you don't make a very good job of it."

"Whatever, I can see why he'd want you for your looks, but why else?! You're just like I'd thought you would be; stuck up, moral, and introverted until you get mad and lash out at someone." He purposefully rubbed his cheek again to emphasize his point. "You know..." He continued quietly, his sudden change in attitude causing Ahmose to look up in surprise, "Nahkti refused to buy you, cause he said he didn't want to own you. You do know that he loves you, right?" Malik stepped back in surprise as Ahmose suddenly dropped to his knees and started sobbing, his face buried in his hands.

"I...I know he does..." Ahmose's voice came out muffled through his hands, and wavered uncertainly. "He always tells me, he even gave me this..." He dropped one of his hands to gently finger the golden torc which encircled his neck, and Malik's mouth dropped open in shock when he recognised it.

He'd give this boy that?! That meant everything to him....and this child probably doesn't even realise.

His expression darkened as he watched the pitiful small figure of Ahmose still crying.

"And...and I...I can never tell him I love him.....I don't know....." As soon as the words left Ahmose's mouth he regretted them; this would surely get back to Nahkti, and then, and then.....

I would have no one...I don't want to be alone! But....it doesn't matter now...in a couple of days I won't be alone ever again. I will be with you soon, Osiris-sama!

"...I didn't want to be alone." The words came out whispered, but Malik heard them clearly and looked furious when he realised the implications.

"You were using him?!" His voice was dangerously quiet and controlled, and Ahmose recognised this and looked up fearfully, his face pink and blotchy from crying so hard.

"N-no, I never meant for it to be like this, I didn't--" He broke off as Malik was already halfway out the door, striding away resolutely. "W-wait!" Ahmose scrambled up after him and ran to the doorway, watching as Malik paused and turned to face him again.

"What." Ahmose looked at him dully, pain evident in his voice as he said;

"Tell him....I'm sorry. And goodbye."

He watched despairing as Malik left, tears trickling down his cheeks as he thought of all the pain that this would cause to Nahkti. He may not have loved him....but he did care.


Malik walked along slowly, scuffing his feet on the ground in annoyance every so often. Hugging his arms around his front he glared at the floor, wishing very sincerely that he hadn't got himself involved in all of this. What had Ahmose meant, goodbye...? He should know that even if Malik told Nahkti what he had said, Nahkti would go after him anyway. Sighing, he tried to work out what he was supposed to say to his friend.

This whole pitiful mess is both of their faults...I don't really see why I should have to be involved at all.

"Hey!" Malik felt himself freeze as the familiar voice caused him to look up, startled, in front of him.

Oh shit...

He attempted to smile faintly as Nahkti walked over who, Malik thought, looked pretty damn happy considering the mood he'd been in earlier.

"...Hi..." Nahkti looked surprised and tucked some hair behind his ear.

"What's the matter with you?"

"...Nothing...it doesn't matter" Malik winced and inwardly cursed himself for not just telling him right away. Nahkti looked like he was going to pursue it further so Malik interrupted him first, "Where are you going?"

His friend's expression became determined and he nodded in the direction that Malik had just come from.

"I'm going to go and see Ahmose.....I haven't seen him for a couple of days, I miss him."

"Uh....yeaah..." Malik shifted uncomfortably, knowing that he had to say something now, or it would be too late...and Nahkti's sincerity only made it harder.

"What is it?" Malik turned troubled violet eyes towards him, rubbing his arm distractedly as he searched for the right words.

"I.....just went to see Ahmose..." He bit his lower lip and let his gaze flicker to the side; anywhere except Nahkti's now curious expression.

"Really? Why...?" The blonde shuffled uncomfortably, hating standing still for so long.

"I just wanted to see what he was like; to see why he was worth you getting so worked up about." Nahkti looked like he was about to speak, but then changed his mind and remained silent, looking at Malik expectantly. "He gave me a message for you...it was just this; 'I'm sorry', and 'goodbye'."

Malik mentally berated himself for putting it so bluntly, and then there was the fact that he hadn't even explained why Ahmose was sorry. "Look, Nahkti--"

But Nahkti was already walking quickly away, determined to find Ahmose and demand what he had meant by those words.

Kicking the ground in frustration Malik furiously watched his friend leave, hating the thought that now it was most likely going to be his fault for anything that happened, because he couldn't even get up the courage to tell Nahkti the truth.

Argh, Nahkti you fool, why'd you have to go and fall in love with someone like that? He'll never return your feelings...and you can't keep deluding yourself.

He'll never love you. Not the way that I...

Malik glared at Nahkti's rapidly retreating back, half whispering to himself angrily,

"You fool..."


Ahmose sat outside on the dusty ground under the single tree which graced their garden. Drawing his knees up under his chin, he hugged them close to him and rested his head while he gazed up at the crimson streaks of the setting sun.

Tomorrow night...

Shutting his eyes peacefully he attempted to put his earlier unpleasant encounter with Malik behind him, concentrating only on trying to clear his mind.

He couldn't help but feel guilty about Nahkti....he felt worse than guilty, in fact.

My death will only hurt him more...but it has to be this way. The Pharaoh commanded it.

Almost instinctively he felt himself reach up, tracing the faint patterns in the golden torc with his fingertips. It suddenly struck him that he had not yet taken it off ever since Nahkti had given it to him...

Blinking back furiously any tears which threatened to fall, he quickly reached behind his neck and felt his fingers tighten convulsively around the latch. Could he do it...?

The now faint streams of light reflected off his soft hair eerily, a gentle zephyr starting to blow.


It would not be right of me to keep it.

In one sudden movement he had freed the catch, the torc falling gracelessly to the ground, leaving its mark in the dust.

Unconsciously his other hand found its way to his throat, brushing against the soft, pale skin; it felt so empty....

His gaze fell down resentfully upon the jewellery which shone in the dirt and called for him to pick it up again. Carefully he obliged, not even knowing why he was doing so. It seemed a travesty to let such a pretty thing go to waste...

But I refuse to put it on. I must not have anything holding me to this world...


His eyes widened and inhaled sharply as....his voice....echoed in his ears. Almost disbelievingly he slowly raised his eyes, finally looking upwards at the dark figure which stood before him.

Why is he here...? I told...I told Malik to tell him....

"Why are you here?" His voice came out flatly, refusing to betray any hint of emotion, while he clutched tightly onto the torc still held within his grasp.

"I missed you." Ahmose narrowed his eyes; Nahkti's voice sounded guarded, he must have gotten the message after all. His grip tightened, knuckles turning white.

"...You got the message. I did not expect to see you again." Still calm. It was Nahkti who broke first.

"Why are you doing this?! Why did you say you were sorry? And why...why did you say goodbye..." His voice was trembling, full of barely concealed emotion as he fought to keep himself in control.

Ahmose laughed.

It was not a joyful laugh...nor a sad one. More the laugh of someone who has almost reached the brink.

"Nahkti....I am....I am going to die tomorrow. That is why I said goodbye." The shocked gasp made Ahmose wince, hating to see what this would do to the other. "I...am going to be sacrificed." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say. "Here." He spoke softly now, standing up and pushing the torc into Nahkti's limp hands.

Nahkti just looked down at him in disbelief, the serene features of his angel lit up by the gradually rising moon.

Abruptly his expression hardened, consumed with anger as Ahmose's words sank in.

"No! No, I will not let this happen to you." Momentarily Ahmose looked confused, looking up at the taller man patiently.

"...Nahkti, why do you fight this? Surely you recognise the honour that this will bring; I am privileged to have been chosen--" Nahkti cut him off irritably,

"It should not be. I will not let it be!" He reached out and grasped Ahmose by the shoulders, holding him tightly. Ahmose struggled a little and finally managed to release himself.

"It is not your place. And it is not your decision. Nor is it mine, although I recognise now that this was my destiny, I have been chosen--"

"Ahmose... Why do you recite the same thing over and over like a mantra? You should not just submit to this; how can you want this--" The expression on Nahkti's face at that moment was of such pure pleading that it almost made Ahmose falter. Almost.

"It is the will of Osiris, passed to us from the Pharaoh. I will do my duty, as should you." Nahkti drew forward a step, reaching out a hand to cup the side of Ahmose's face gently.

"...does our love mean nothing to you?" Ahmose bit his lip, refusing to meet the other's eyes.

What love...

He almost felt like laughing bitterly, but instead drew himself up and faced Nahkti seriously.

"It is not comparable to the will of Osiris. You should know this." At this, Nahkti's face darkened, narrowing his tear filled eyes in rage fuelled by betrayal and broken trust.

"...Fine then. Go to your death. But I will not see you on the other side." Turning his back on the shorter pale haired boy, he stood for a moment, trying to assimilate all that had happened. His thoughts were broken by eight words, which although he did not realise it at the time, would haunt him for millennia.

"No, Nahkti. The unworthy do not pass over."


Pacing the room nervously, Malik couldn't help but glance out the window every few seconds to see if Nahkti was returning yet.

That's if he comes back at all....

He knew that Nahkti was not going to be able to change Ahmose's mind...the boy was far too stubborn and obsessive about what he considered his 'duty' for that. No...it all came down to how Nahkti would react to hearing his younger lover explain it.

Malik's head shot up anxiously as he heard something outside, only to look away in exasperation as still Nahkti failed to materialise.

Slumping down defeatedly against the wall he rested his head back and shut his eyes wearily, bringing up a hand to run through his hair to remove any dust.

Nahkti had been gone for nearly an hour...why wasn't he back yet?

He hated the waiting more than not knowing how Nahkti was going to react; the crushing inevitability of knowing that his friend would return, but not when, nor in what state...

He shouldn't have taken Ahmose so seriously...why did he? Why? Ahmose obviously never intentionally led him on...he never told him he loved him back...so, why?

He was just fooling himself.


Nahkti hurried blindly down the street, oblivious to those who he shoved out of his way in his haste. He had to....he had to....

He had to get as far away from....that boy.....as possible.

Hurt and confusion buried underneath his ire, he muttered curses at anything and everyone who came to mind, distracting himself from the burning sensation prickling behind his eyes.

I will not cry. I am not weak.

The torc which Ahmose had returned to him still hung loosely within his grasp, the gold glinting sadly in the torchlight.

"Nahkti, wait, wait!"

That voice...

Instinctively he halted in shock, the voice only registering as he slowly, disbelievingly, turned around.

He blinked once more in surprise, before his anger returned and his face dropped back into its darkly emotionless expression.

"What do you want." To his own ears his voice sounded flat and lifeless, but to Ahmose, who once again stood in front of him, it sounded fraught with barely contained hurt and betrayal.

Ahmose paused for a second, face still flushed and breathing rather heavily from spontaneously deciding to run after the other.

"I..." An expression of genuine sadness and regret flickered across his featured momentarily, but Nahkti refused to see it, merely looking down at him expectantly. "I don't want us to part like this. You...mean a lot to me..."

Nahkti frowned, a look of pain mixed with bitterness passing over his expression momentarily.

"...Then answer me this....why you?"

Ahmose smiled gently, reaching out to take Nahkti's hand in his own.

"Because I am so rare, and the first born of my family. It is fitting and honourable that this be my fate."

Nahkti's face twisted in anger and he pulled away, hating himself for his inability to accept the inevitable, and hating Ahmose for his sweetness. If Ahmose had not looked so different, perhaps this responsibility would have passed over him, to someone else. But no, of course Ahmose's hair was so white, so beautiful, so unbelievably rare that of course Osiris would want him.

"But you're mine."

"...I am the Gods' to do with as they will."

"Curse the Gods." At the look of horror that crossed Ahmose's face, he immediately regretted saying it.

"There is no hope for you...I am sorry..." And there was nothing that he could do as Ahmose backed fearfully away.

"Wait!" He called abruptly, not wanting to let him leave while there was so much that was still unsaid. Ahmose hesitated, before finally reluctantly nodding and taking a step closer.

Nahkti just stood silent for a moment, battling within himself as he tried to formulate a sentence.

"...So I will never see you again, then." His voice was cold, but the slight tremor in his words betrayed the emotion he was so desperately trying to hide behind his pride. Ahmose inclined his head, the soft white locks of hair falling into his eyes.

"That is so." He looked at Nahkti sincerely, and took a step closer. "I know that you are forbidden to touch me now that I am promised to Osiris...but..." He frowned in confusion, gazing up at Nahkti with his dark brown eyes, the hurt radiating visibly. "You do not need to act so cold."

"Why should I not?" Nahkti shot back bitterly, "If I meant so much to you then you would not have accepted this, let alone accepted this gladly." He shook his head, dark strands swaying by his cheeks in the still night air. He backed away. "Go then, Ahmose. Why do you persist in trying to make me want this? You think it will make it easier for me?" The pale haired Egyptian's expression softened, and he gazed at Nahkti, face full of regret.

"Yes...I do. But I know that you are too stubborn. All I want is your forgiveness...forgiveness for doing my duty." Nahkti turned away silently, not knowing how to respond.

"I...I can't do that." More silence followed, and when Nahkti finally turned around, Ahmose was gone, and the first pink streaks of morning light in the sky were starting to appear.


Malik awoke suddenly, his sleep fogged mind trying desperately to regain clarity. He groaned slightly and rubbed the back of his neck; that was the last time he'd fall asleep leaning against a wall.

Glancing around absently it suddenly hit him that he was still alone - Nahkti had not yet returned, and the mid-morning light was streaming in through the doorway mockingly.

Kicking the wall in frustration, Malik frowned angrily and turned to leave, determined to find his friend and refusing to consider the possibility that he might even be gone for good.

As soon as he exited the building the brightness of the sunlight struck his vision, so he was forced to walk with one arm raised to shield his eyes from the glare until he adjusted.

He had not gone far before he abruptly recognised a figure walking slowly towards him, arms folded and staring harshly at the ground before him.

"Nahkti!" Dashing forwards Malik caught up to his friend, watching him in concern as Nahkti stayed silent and only responded with a small glance. "W-what happened?"

He didn't expect an answer, and didn't really need one anyway - it was patently obvious that Ahmose had finally told Nahkti the truth, and that Nahkti was having trouble accepting it.

After a few minutes of walking on in silence, the dark haired Egyptian suddenly spoke, murmuring the two statements which had wounded his soul.

"...He doesn't love me. He's going to be killed." Malik just watched him helplessly - he would not be able to say anything of any consolation, and would most likely just make things worse.

Without warning Nahkti's expression suddenly clouded over, his eyes filling with fresh anger as the conversation replayed itself over and over in his mind.

*****"...Nahkti, why do you fight this? Surely you recognise the honour that this will bring; I am privileged to have been chosen--"

"It should not be. I will not let it be!"

"It is not your place. And it is not your decision. Nor is it mine, although I recognise now that this was my destiny, I have been chosen--"

"Ahmose... Why do you recite the same thing over and over like a mantra? You should not just submit to this; how can you want this--"

"It is the will of Osiris, passed to us from the Pharaoh. I will do my duty, as should you."

"...does our love mean nothing to you?"

"It is not comparable to the will of Osiris. You should know this."

"...Fine then. Go to your death. But I will not see you on the other side."

"No, Nahkti. The unworthy do not pass over."*****

But as quickly as it had manifested, Nahkti's anger disappeared only to be replaced by a look of sadness.

*****"Go then, Ahmose. Why do you persist in trying to make me want this? You think it will make it easier for me?"

"Yes...I do. But I know that you are too stubborn. All I want is your forgiveness...forgiveness for doing my duty."

"I...I can't do that."*****

"Malik, I..." The blonde Egyptian looked up as his friend finally started to speak, and as they reached Nahkti's home they made their way inside. "Malik, I...I shouldn't have let him go..."

"You didn't have a choice." Malik said simply, reaching out to rest his hand on Nahkti's tanned shoulder. "The Pharaoh commanded it and it is the will of the Gods. I know it's hard...but, you must accept it."

Nahkti shook his head rapidly,

"No, no...that's not why. I was...I was so angry when he told me...I said I couldn't forgive him...and now he's gone. I let him go thinking I don't love him. But it's...not true. He may not have felt the same for me, but it still doesn't change my feelings for him! And now it's too late!" Malik listened sorrowfully, hating the feeling of wretchedness which overcame him.

"Nahkti...it's not too late. They take him away this evening." Nahkti's head shot upwards, hope reflected in his features.

There is...still time...!

As the realisation struck him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Malik, embracing him roughly with a fiercely whispered 'Thank you', before practically disappearing out the door.

Malik stood silent, alone in the middle of the empty room with a strange, half sad smile touching his lips.

I'm glad...if it makes you happy.


Nahkti raced towards Ahmose's house, not caring what people though of him as he brushed past them, with only one thought preying on his mind.

I hope I'm not too late...



"...Yes, Ouji-sama?" Kaiba straightened from his bow and inclined his head respectfully, waiting to hear what the Pharaoh would ask of him this time.

Reclining rather languidly upon his throne, the Pharaoh did not deign to answer, and rather just motioned with his hand to order the priest closer.

Biting back a sigh of annoyance, he obediently complied and then waited, once more watching the representative of the Gods expectantly.

Seeing the other's impatience the Pharaoh's eyes glittered with amusement, yet did not allow any of this emotion to surface and mar his deadly, regal demeanour.

"Kaiba...there has been a slight change in plan." The priest raised an eyebrow in puzzlement, before suddenly realising that it must have something to do with-- "The boy. Fetch him now."

"Ouji-sama?" Kaiba stiffened; the Pharaoh expected him to go and see the boy in his home, again? And why now? Surely the timing was not that important, couldn't it wait until the evening like they had originally planned?

"Are you questioning my decisions now as well as my judgement?" The Pharaoh's eyes flashed angrily, and Kaiba hastily tried to correct his mistake.

"Of course not Ouji-sama. I would never do such a thing; as always your judgement is perfect, and your decisions are the will of the Gods."

"Indeed." Thankfully the Pharaoh seemed appeased by this, and continued on calmly. "Osiris is impatient. You must fetch the boy, and perform the ceremony. It will happen at sunset, not sunrise."

"Of course, Ouji-sama." Dutifully Kaiba bowed and then turned, heading for the large doors of the hall.

"Wait." Freezing, he slowly turned around realising belatedly that he had not actually been dismissed.

Unexpectedly the Pharaoh did not comment on this, and instead yet again motioned for Kaiba to return. Having done so, he spoke. "Kaiba....I had something made for you to use during the ceremony. I trust you will like it?"

"Undoubtedly, Ouji-sama." Kaiba struggled to keep a straight face, refusing to let his surprise and confusion show. What did the Pharaoh mean?

"There is something for the boy as well. Bring him to me as soon as you have him. Now go."

"Yes, Ouji-sama." Once more Kaiba turned to leave, his brow furrowing in thought as he headed for the door.


Ahmose sat indoors in the cool shade away from the burning sun, attempting to block out any feelings which could prevent him from doing his duty.

But he just couldn't...couldn't banish from his mind the expression that had been on Nahkti's face as they talked. No one had ever looked at him in that way before...

Nahkti was the only person who had ever said that he loved him.

Is that what love is? He though bitterly, moving his gaze to stare out the window angrily. Trying to stop the person you "love" from fulfilling their life's purpose?

But as much as he tried, he knew that Nahkti hadn't meant it like that.

He wasn't trying to stop me because of that...he tried to stop me because...because he wanted me to be with him.

Hesitantly he glanced down at his shoulder, where there were the faded remnants of a red mark from where Nahkti had grabbed him earlier.

But...if he loved me then he would understand. I want to be with him, but I can't.

I don't....I don't......I can't love him.

Leaning his head back against the wall, he shut his eyes and tried to block out the pain which suddenly permeated his heart.

I don't love him!!

...But I want to be with him. I...I want him to hold me, say he'll never leave me....say he'll protect me, say we'll.....we'll.....be together forever...

A single crystal tear ran unnoticed down his cheek, and flinched with pain as his weakening wall of denial finally broke and he unconsciously allowed the realisation to hit him.

....I love him, too.

Suddenly he was startled out of his reverie by the sounds of someone entering his house. Gathering his wits and wiping his face, he walked out of his room to find them.


He knew he was too late. The feeling tugged with a sick certainty at the back of his mind, but of course he raced on regardless. There was nothing else he could do.

The one thing he could not -- would not -- accept, was the possibility that Ahmose was lost to him.

As Nahkti drew nearer to his destination, his fear rapidly solidified, and finally he froze to a halt in front of the doorway.

It was too quiet, the shadows too still.

It was wrong.

Stepping forwards he entered the abode, ever hopeful that he was not too late, that Ahmose would suddenly come forwards renouncing Osiris, saying he didn't want to die afterall.

It is inevitable that with the passing of time, hopeful expectancy gives way to fearful denial. In some cases it can take days, weeks, months even. In Nahkti's case, it took little more than a second.

He simply refused to fool himself, and the lack of Ahmose's presence had already been made painfully obvious.

The tiny pinprick of hope that had remained inside of him dwindled away to nothing, replaced with the kind of dull, jarring ache that one experiences with the abrupt loss of something so important.

Unable to prevent himself he scanned the room once more, suddenly feeling his stomach wrench as a few single symbols scratched hurriedly into the dirt floor caught his eye.

Had...Ahmose...left a message for him?

Immediately dropping to his hands and knees, Nahkti scanned the shapes frantically, desperate to try and make some sense of them

An indescribable sense of self-loathing and involuntary anger towards Ahmose consumed him as he continued to scan the floor.

Unwittingly, Ahmose's message had created a completely opposite effect than that which he had intended; his communication being ardently and hurriedly written...it had never occurred to him that Nahkti could not read.

* * * * *

"No need to be afraid, boy..." The dark haired priest towered over Ahmose, smirking at him with satisfaction as he fingered the golden object grasped possessively within his right hand.

The central sphere of the object had embossed upon it the Pharaoh's symbol; the Sennen Eye, and was affixed to a golden rod. But the real beauty of it...

Kaiba's smirk intensified, and he carefully ran his forefinger over one of the pair of curved blades which sprouted from either side of the glistening orb like deadly wings.

His expression turned to one of satisfaction as a small droplet of crimson blood formed at the point of contact.

The Pharaoh had been right in saying he would like these creations of his...the rod, of course, was his favourite; as no doubt the Pharaoh had astutely foreseen.

Casting a slightly irritated glance over to the ring shaped object, the Priest pushed past the silent boy and approached it, carefully picking it up from its carved niche in the stone and eyeing it dubiously.

What was its purpose...?

The Pharaoh had deliberately not explained, and since it was not Kaiba's place to inquire...

Frowning, he twisted and turned it, examining it from every perspective. The soft gold glinted warmly in the candlelight, belying the seemingly ulterior motives of its sharp points.

Why was it necessary...?

It did not immediately cry out its purpose to him, as his own item did....

Kaiba unconsciously returned his hand to the rod suspended near his waist, tracing the outline of the blades caressingly with his fingertips.

Well, he would find out soon enough, though the Priest hated the introduction of an unknown factor into the ceremony.

Glancing at the incense stick, he ascertained that there was only about fifteen minutes before they should begin.

This, he mused, would no doubt be the ultimate sacrifice.

* * * * *

Though Nahkti was not inclined to give up easily when there was something he wanted, he was also perfectly capable of realising when a situation was futile.

But was this one of those times?

His chest constricted in a vicious aching pain, taunting him that he could not read that which were, in all probability, Ahmose's last words to him.

Do you still think I hate you? Is it that you think I just wander here, not caring if you live or die?

Giving a last frustrated look to the words inscribed on the floor, he stood and walked back to the doorway.

Nahkti's fists clenched and trembled slightly, the only outward indication of the turmoil in his mind.

The sun hung low in the sky; there could only be about twenty minutes until sunset.

Which meant....

It wasn't too late.

Breaking out into a run, he headed for the only place he knew he would have a chance of getting to.
