Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Sand ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
`Blah' means that the person is thinking
Rea: ok I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh...the computer owns Sakhalin…I own Bakari
Blood Stained
Chapter 9: Sand
//Normal POV//
The next morning right before sunrise Yugi wakes by the knock of the door.
Yugi: come in
Akhendansteps through the doorway.
Akhendan: are you ready?
Yugi: give me a minute.
Yugi shoots out of the bed, grabs some clean clothes, and dashes into the bathroom. 3 minutes later Yugi emerges fully cloaked and ready.
Akhendan: come.
Yugi follows Akhendan through the doorway but stops after he closes the door. Frightened Yugi asks Akhendan a question.
Yugi: is Jou-
Akhendan: he's sleeping.
Yugi: (sigh) ok
As Yugi starts down the hall, with Akhendan, he takes one last look at Jou on the ground sleeping.
//At Stables//
Yugi gets on his horse and the guard gets on his.
Akhendan: have fun.
Yugi nods as he starts out of the palace guard by his side and Akhendan glaring daggers at his back. Once out of site Akhendan heads back to his room.
//1 hour later//
Atemu heads to Yugi's room before he has to go to the throne room. When he sees Jou he gets on his knees and tries to wake Jou. With some luck Jou wakes and stands, with help from Atemu.
Atemu: is Yugi up?
Jou knocks on the door but no sound returns. So he peeks in to see the room empty, except for Bakari sleeping on the couch.
Jou: (opens door all the way and walks in) he's not here
Atemu walks into the room.
Atemu: (eyes dim) wake Kari and bring her to the throne room in 5 minutes.
Atemu walks out to wake his priests. Jou walks over to Bakari and shakes her gently.
Jou: Kari Wake Up!
Bakari: (opens eyes and sits up) wuts wrong Jou?
Jou: Yugi's GONE!
Bakari: `course he is.
Jou: wut!?
Bakari: well he went riding. Why do you ask?
Jou: cause Atemu came in here and-
Bakari: he doesn't know?
Jou: apparently not
Bakari: how do you know?
Jou: well his eyes went from bright crimson to a dull red.
Bakari: `Akhendan did this' let's go Jou.
Jou: yes
//In throne room//
Atemu sat on his throne while his priests stood in front. Isis turned to the distressed Pharaoh.
Isis: My Pharaoh in my vision I saw a sandstorm and…blood…and a scream of pain. (lowers head) I'm sorry.
A single tear escapes Atemu's eyes once he was struck with the fear and sadness of losing Yugi. As he held his face in his hands Jou and Bakari walked in. Atemu lifts his head to listen.
Seto: wut do either of you have to say?
Jou: well I fell asleep
Seto: wut a mutt…sleeping on the job
Jou: wut!
Atemu: Kari do you know why Yugi left?
Bakari: well Yugi loves to ride horses and Akhendan said he cleared it with you so Yugi could go riding and he did.
Atemu: well a sandstorm is coming… (turns to Akhendan) I'll deal with you later. Mahado tell my father wuts happened.
Mahado & Seto: where are you going?
Atemu: to find Yugi.
Once Atemu ran out of the room to get his cloak Shada turned to Akhendan.
Shada: look wut you've done!
Isis: if our Pharaoh gets lost in the sandstorm-
Bakari: don't worry I'll try and stop him.
Bakari ran out of the room after Atemu. When she got to his room Bakari saw his door was cracked open. But when she walked in the room she was shocked. A small end table was turned on its side. While a vase of lilies was destroyed. The shattered vase layin the spilled water while the lilies were scattered around the room. On the bed lay a black cloak. But next to the bed sat a sobbing Pharaoh with a broken mirror in front of him. Bakari walked over and sat by Atemu while getting him to lay his head on her shoulder.
Bakari: Atemu, calmdown if you just sit here and don't go Yugi could die!
Atemu looked up at her. His flushed and tear stricken face softened.
Atemu: your right…thanks.
Atemu got up, grabbed his cloak and sword, and headed for the stables.
//Yugi's POV//
I rode into the outskirts of the city. The guard yelled for me to stop and dismount, which I did. He walks toward me and unsheathes his sword.
Me: wut…wut are you doing? Who are you?
The guard slashes my chest. As I hit the sand he answers my question.
Guard: I'm hired to kill you.
He kicks me so I roll onto my back hoping to get up but when I do he slams his foot on my chest. I wince and cough up blood.
Guard: well a sandstorm is coming. (smirks) have fun dieing. Once the sandstorm gets close enough I will leave
He gets on his horse, ties mine to his, and sits there. `Someone please save me!' I close my eyes as the wind starts to pick up and blows sand.
//Atemu's POV//
I rode through the city and along the Nileyet I found nothing. `But what if he went in the outskirts?'Finally I hit the outskirts and I ride straight out into the desert. As the wind started to pick up I saw one…no two of our horses next to each other…but there was only one rider.
`Yugi…I hope and pray you are ok…and not dead!'
Rea: ok if you want to see a banner that I made for the story then go to this site or w/e…thanks for reading please review!
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