Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Heart Broken ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: sorry it has taken so long…but I have had things to deal and accomplish. Well this one is hopefully going to make up for the time taken…I hope. But yea I write in “movie script format,” but it's easy on me and I try to explain things the best way I can for you readers. If you have any suggestions I always love to read them…good or bad! Arigato and please REVIEW!?!?! ENJOY!
Blood Stained
Chapter 11: Heart Broken
//Normal POV//
/ With Atem and Seto/
Atem: I hate Akhendan!!!
Tears began to roll down his cheeks.
Atem: I don't want to lose him, Seto. I love him. (Continues to sob)
Seto steps forward and places a hand on Atem's shoulder. Atem stands and Seto embraces him. Seto had only seen Atem like this once before. Atem had only been 8 years of age at the time, when his hatred for Akhendan began to grow.
/Flash Back/
Atem sprinted through the corridors when he ran right into Akhendan. Akhendan grinned evilly as Atem stood up. His knee scrapped from landing on the floor.
Atem: I'm very sorry uncle I didn't mean to-
Akhendan: It's ok prince. Come with me and I'll get your knee bandaged up.
Atem nods and follows Akhendan to a medical room. After Atem was bandaged up he sat with Akhendan, standing in front of Atem.
Akhendan: Do you miss your mother?
Atem: (tilts head down) yes
Akhendan: would you like to see her?
Atem's face fills with glee as he answers the question.
Atem: Yes! Yes, I would like to see her very much! But how, mommy is gone?
Akhendan: Well then let me send you to her!
Atem: (chokes on every word) Y-Your g-going t-to k-kill m-me!?
Akhendan: what kind of Uncle would I be if I didn't?
Atem: (mumbles) a nice one
Atem slides off the bed and tries to scramble for the door. But Akhendan grabs his upper arm. Fright was shown on Atem's face…fearing for his life; Atem kicks Akhendan in the shin. Once Akhendan is crumpled to the ground and his grip on Atem's arm is gone, Atem takes off down to the corridor to the throne room. Atem gets about halfway there when he runs into Seto. Atem stumbles back.
Seto: where are you going in such a hurry?
Atem: to see pharaoh…daddy
Seto: have you seen Lord Akhendan?
Silent tears slid down his cheeks.
Seto: Ouji (1) what's wrong?
Atem chokes out words barely above a whisper.
Atem: Akhendan tr-tried to k-kill m-m-me.
Atem then threw himself into Seto's waiting embrace and cried till no more tears could come.
/End Flashback/
//Yugi's POV//
I lay on the medical bed when I hear someone walk in the room. I look up to see Akhendan standing about three feet away from the bed. I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes.
Akhendan: I'm so sorry Ouji Yugi. I had no idea that this would happen. Pharaoh told me to send that man. The man was hand-picked by the pharaoh himself
What did I do wrong? I thought he loved me? I can't take it anymore! Since the sun is setting I will go to the roof and fly home. I'm getting out of here! I had several and millions of things running through my head.
Me: (small smile) thank you Akhendan
As I walk out of the room I hear him say, “No Yugi, thank you.” Humans, mortals, wouldn't have been able to hear what he said…but I'm a vampire and vampires have extra sensitive hearing. In other words I can hear things that could not be heard by a normal person. Once on the roof I step to the edge and release my wings. I go to jump when I hear a hoarse voice, “Yugi, please don't jump?” I turn around to see…
//with Atem and Seto//
After Seto comforted Atem enough where he could pull himself together they both headed for the medical room. But once there they discovered that Yugi wasn't where he was supposed to be.