Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Dangerous Love ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: Well, I mostly want to get these up for werewolfgirl3 only one who really comments. And I'm totally grateful. Any ways here's the next chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. But I do own Bakari and the story plot.
Blood Stained
Chapter 14: Dangerous Love
One of the shadow creatures stepped forward, apparently the leader, and spoke to the young pharaoh.
Shadow 1: Satsu {1} is my name and if you know what is good for you then you'll move. That's Kirai {2}…he'll kill you!
Atemu: LEAVE! NOW!
Kirai: (hiss) Then I'll make you move!
Kirai launches toward Atemu. He goes to claw at Atemu but Atemu blocks the attack.
Satsu: Come on! KILL the DAMN HUMAN ALREADY!
The shadow creature, Kirai, was not able to reply. For when the creature dared to turn its head, Atemu took the opening and killed the unfortunate shadow. Satsu was outraged while Atemu only smirked at his victory. In the pursuit of revenge for his comrade, Satsu sends a black energy ball straight for Atemu. Helplessly on the ground, Yugi watches in horror at what inlays in Atemu's future. The black sphere of dark energy hit Atemu in the chest after it mystically went through the defensive block. He was sent to his knees gasping for air as he choked up small amounts of crimson blood. Yugi desperately tried to move but his body didn't want to respond to any command. Satsu walked stalking over to Atemu and picked him up by his throat. With both of his hands Atemu attempted in vain to pry the shadow creature's one hand from around his throat. Gasping for air he failed to remove Satsu's hand. Satsu slowly lowered Atemu so his feet grazed the ground.
Satsu finally released Atemu's throat once his feet touched the ground. Without hesitation of fear of being slaughtered Atemu unsheathed a small hidden dagger and plunged it into the Satsu's chest. Outraged and stunned Satsu clawed, a last attempt to kill, at Atemu's left shoulder leaving five bleeding claw marks. Atemu pulled out his dagger as Satsu fell to the ground, dead. After sheathing his dagger Atemu picked Yugi up. Wincing now and again at the pain in his shoulder, he began to make his way to the lining of trees around the oasis for the night.
During the travel Yugi kept silent, pondering why Atemu had dared to save his life while risking his own. Once in the clearing of trees Atemu laid Yugi down next to a tree. He then walks to the water's edge. Yugi closes his eyes and welcomes sleep. While from exhaustion and loss of blood Atemu passes out next to the shimmering, crystal blue water.
The next morning, right before Ra begins the trip through the sky, Atemu awakes to the sound of approaching horse hooves. Atemu stands, draws his sword, and awaits the danger that is shrouded in the new dawn mist. As the figures on horses approach Atemu grimaces at the site, Bakura and his gang of thieves. Bakura stops, leaps off his horse, and walks up to Atemu. Atemu tightens his grip on his sword.
Bakura: Calm down… (peers over Atemu's shoulder) Who do we have here?
Atemu: Stay AWAY from HIM!
Bakura: (grins evilly) this is going to be fun.
With a signal of Bakura's hand the gang of thieves ride to where Yugi lay. Atemu turns to Yugi.
Yugi's eyes flutter open and are overcome with shock. Yugi's eyes soak in what Bakura looks like. He had snow white hair that falls gently down his back to his waist that magnifies the color of his dull purple eyes.
Bakura: BOY! Do you like blood?
Yugi remains silent afraid of what the answer might lead up to.
Bakura: I'll take that as a yes.
Bakura pulls out his sword. Making a swift movement of the hand Bakura slams the hilt of his sword against Atemu's head. Atemu groans in pain as he releases his sword from his grip and falls to the ground with a thud.
Yugi: No!
Bakura: (laughs manically) I suppose I hit a nerve?
Silent tears roll down Yugi's pale face as he jumps up. But a thief, on each side of him, grabs Yugi's arm, preventing him from going anywhere. Bakura motions for a thief to come to him. Bakura mumbles something to the other thief. The thief and Bakura, together, pick Atemu up and walk toward the water.
Yugi: STOP!
After getting up to their knees in water they toss Atemu as close to the middle of the oasis as possible. Bakura whistles for his horse and the thief does the same. While riding away quickly, Bakura's hysterical laughter fills the air. Once the remembrance that Atemu was drowning, Yugi jumps into the water and swam down. Yugi spotted Atemu and grabbed his arm. With all his strength Yugi swam to the surface and pulled them both out of the still water. Both lay there until Yugi realizes one blood chilling thing…Atemu's heart stopped beating.
//Back at the Palace//
After Yugi had flown off with Atemu, Seto ran straight into the main hall. He was met by Mahado and Shada.
Seto: wake the rest up at ONCE!
Shada: what's going on?
Seto: I'll explain once everyone is here.
(Later after all the priests are there)
Shada: So what is this all about?
Seto: Our Pharaoh is out in the desert with Prince Yugi and two shadow creatures. We must ride into the desert and find them.
Isis: we can't do anything till noon tomorrow.
Mahado: Seto calm down…Atemu is strong willed. They will be fine.
Akhnadin: Go to bed Seto…there's nothing more we can do tonight.
Seto: hmpf…I'm ashamed, you do what you wish and think is right. But when he's found injured and/or infected…I BLAME you ALL!
Rea: Thank you all for reading please comment…
Will Yugi be able to save Atemu's life? Will Seto's tragic prediction come true and Atemu is infected…or worse? What about the result of the dead Shadow creatures Satsu and Kirai?
Satsu- a shadow creature's name leader of the two; the name means kill.
Kirai- a shadow creature's name; the name means hate.