Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained ❯ Lover's Blood ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: Ok well here is the update I promised. I hope yall like it…well little sad this one is. But hey some are. Anyways don't forget to comment.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Blood Stained
Chapter 16: Lover's Blood
They all stood staring upon the spot where Akhnadin once was. Yugi turned his gaze to Atemu's mystified stare.
Yugi: What are we going to do about this?
Atemu: find and kill
Kalim: What do you mean Pharaoh?
Atemu: well, I'm going to find him and kill him.
Isis: are you sure my Pharaoh?
Atemu: yes, I'm sure
Atemu stands and walks out of the room and to his. Everyone left except Seto and Yugi. Yugi stood and walked up to Seto. But the priest didn't notice him because his dull blue gaze was fixed to the ground.
Yugi: Seto?
Seto: He won't listen to me…but he'll listen to you. Please change his mind?
Yugi: Seto…what are you talking about?
Seto: It's a for sure thing that when Atemu looks for trouble…he usually gets it. He will die Yugi.
Yugi: … {nods} ok
With that decided Yugi went off to Atemu. Isis came back into the throne room and to Seto.
Seto: do you still have the same vision?
Isis: I see nothing
Seto: let them have tomorrow together then.
Isis: yes.
Yugi walks out onto the balcony in Atemu's room. Standing next to the young Pharaoh, Yugi grasps his hand in his. Atemu looks down at Yugi as Yugi in turn looked hopefully up at him.
Yugi: You're not really going to go right?
Atemu: You're not changing my mind. I'm doing this because I love you.
Yugi: {steps back} Please don't…if you do I'm going with you.
Atemu: You'll get hurt
Yugi: if you leave without me I will never forgive you.
Atemu: {sighs} ok, but tomorrow it's just you and me. Then the next day we head out.
Yugi smiles and nods and Atemu gives him a passionate kiss before they head to bed. That night Yugi stayed in Atemu's room.
The next morning Atemu woke up and got dressed quickly and quietly. As not to wake Yugi, Atemu slipped out of the room and headed toward the throne room. Atemu discussed what would play out for the day and next. Seto was not pleased.
Seto: Pharaoh, please don't!? You'll put the country at risk not to mention yourself.
Atemu: I will hear no more as my mind is made up. Accompanying me will be, of course, Yugi and Mahado.
Seto: {sighs in defeat} my Pharaoh, I-I understand.
Atemu dismisses court and goes back to his room to retrieve Yugi.
//Yugi's Dream//
Standing alone in the desert Yugi shuddered. Yugi turned to the sound of deep breathing. Akhnadin grabs Yugi by his hands and Yugi began to squirm. Only half thinking; Yugi turned to his vampire instincts. Yugi let his fangs show and he bit down on Akhnadin's arm.
//With Atemu//
Atemu smiles down upon the sleeping Yugi he is sitting next to. But then Yugi begins to squirm. Atemu tried helping Yugi sit up but he only squirmed more. Until finally Yugi's fangs showed and he bit Atemu on his right arm: on the inner side of lower arm beneath the elbow. Atemu winced in pain.
Yugi's eyes opened abruptly, his fangs shrunk back, and he began to gaze upon what he had done. Atemu swayed back and forth till he finally collapsed face down with blood shrouding his arm. One side of Yugi, normal Yugi, wanted to scream and cry for someone, anyone, who would or could help. On the other hand, vampire Yugi wanted to devour the blood and feed his thirst and hunger. Yugi began to shiver as more metallic crimson blood seeped out from the two bite hole in his lover's arm. Now stained with his lover's blood, Yugi decided on the best thing…he screamed as loud as he could.