Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Life ❯ Prologue/Info ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rea: ok this is the sequel to Blood Stained…here's the prologue.Oh and thank you very much, werewolfgirl3. Here is the info. I am posting ch.1 right after this and chapter 2 will soon follow.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bloody Life
☺☺☺Yugi Mutou is 21, he trustsvery few people since he has started having awkward dreams about being a half-vampire prince of Lower Egypt. He had dreamed also, that he was engaged to the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt. Yugi is currently looking for a good job. That's when he meets a mysterious and strange man owing Kaiba Corporation. Yugi is stationed to work with a man who he barely sees…at first.
☺☺Amethyst eyes, black hair tipped with violet and blonde bangs that shape his face.
☻☻☻< /font>Atemu Aka (aka means bloody): 22 and a full vampire. He is looking for his lost love Yugi…he has all of his memories. Atemu was born a vampire but no one knows how. Since his parents were wealthy and died in a car crash when he was 19 he gets to live in their or now his mansion. Atemu has never lost control over his thirst but he did once and regrets it…some what. He works with and for Seto. He has been working with Seto for 10years
☻☻Crimson yet mixed in with black eyes, they turn completely black when thirst and/or feeding. Pitch black hair tipped with crimson while golden bangs shape his face with pale crystal white skin.
♦♦♦ b>Sato: 22, brown hair, green eyes
♦♦not much is known about him because he disappeared, missing for 10+yearsand proclaimed dead.
••••Seto Ketsueki: 22, info will develop later.
•••He has silky brown hair, crystal sapphire eyes, shimmering pale white skin, and owner of KC.
••Eyes turn dark hazy blue when thirsty and/or feeding.
•Keeps his last name but everyone recognizes him as Kaiba.
◘◘◘ b>Kokoro Koubashii: 23, pale white skin, silvery hair, and yellow eyes.
◘◘He is the head vampire of Domino.
â—‹â—‹â—‹KairiKoubashii: 21, pale complexion, silvery hair, and bright ruby eyes.
â—‹â—‹Kokoro's younger human sister.
♪♪♪KariShinsei: 21, pale complexion, silvery hair, and bright ruby eyes.
♪♪Yugi's best friend.
♪Detests Seto