Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Life ❯ Caught in the Middle ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yami: I'm terribly sorry that this chapter has taken so long to come out. I'm trying to make these a decent length. But I'm having problems with family and school. Plus the fact that two of my kitties are missing and my mom felt real bad and when she went into Jacksonville to my great aunt's house she brought home a baby boy kitty that looks like the two kitties I'm missing, combined. So I've been taking care of Tenshi, my new kitty. Also I've been getting sick very easily and school is wearing me down already. Thank you those who understand these chapters will be updated slowly. Those who don't understand…well too bad…
P.S. Oh ya, this story is going to be more centered on Seto. That is because Blood Stained was more about Yugi. But that doesn't mean Atemu and Yugi won't be involved.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh! I do however own Kokoro and Kari.
Bloody Life
Chapter 11: Caught in the Middle
Atemu raced down the streets, glad that he is a vampire so he can get to Yugi quicker. Atemu got to Yugi's house and rang the doorbell. A light on the second floor of the small house flickers on and Atemu could hear soft footsteps coming to the door. The door opens and a groggy Yugi rubs at his eyes. Yugi yawns, “Atemu? What are you doing here, it's sleepy time?” Normally Atemu would chuckle at Yugi's word choice but tonight the circumstances are different. Atemu attempts to smile, “Are you home alone Yugi?” Yugi blinks, “Why wouldn't I be? Is something wrong?” Atemu bows his head, “Can I stay the night?” Yugi rubs the back of his head, “Um…sure.” Yugi steps to the side and Atemu walks in. Yugi shuts the door behind him, “I'll show you to the guest room.” Atemu simply nods and trails behind Yugi. Yugi goes up the stairs and shows Atemu to the guest room. Atemu quickly thanks Yugi and Yugi leaves back to his room.
The next morning Kokoro and Seto decide that going to work would be a good idea. The ride to K.C. had a peaceful silence. After they shared a small kiss they exited the limp and headed separate ways. On the way to his office Seto stopped at the secretary'sdesk. The raven-haired woman looks up, “Can I help you Mr. Kaiba?” Seto nods, “Yes can you tell Atemu that when he gets here I'd like to see him.” The woman nods and Seto turns on his heels and heads into his office. Not less than five minutes later a solid knock came to the door. Not eve thinking who it would be Seto granted them entrance. A man of Atemu's age steps in and closes the door behind him. The man's chestnut eyes held only devious thoughts and his snow white hair fell down a little past his shoulders. Seto looks up from the computer screen. Seto glares at the man, “Tell me who are you and why you are here?” The man chuckles evilly, “Why Mr. CEO you invited me in. My name is of no essence to you.” Seto growls and stands, “Then why are you here? No…wait, what about you just get out!” The man smirks, “Well I'm here to expose you for who you really are.” Before Seto could react the man, using vampire movements, pulled out a gun and fired.
Yugi woke up the next morning and turned to the clock on the nightstand. Yugi sighs deeply, he is late for work and Atemu…well Yugi has no idea if Atemu is still in his house or not. But the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacongot Yugi's attention for sure. Yugi urries down the stairs but dead stops when he hits the kitchen. Atemu stood at the stove flipping pancakes. Yugi cautiously begins backing out of the room. But before he could Atemu's voice swirled around him, “Come here Yugi. As to say thank you I made you breakfast.” Yugi sighs and sits down at the table twidiling his thumbs. Atemu flips the stove off and walks over to Yugi with a platefull of food and a glass of orange juice. Atemu sits down across from Yugi. Yugi smiles as he eats, “This is really good thank- you. But why aren't you eating?” Atemu smirks, “Your welcome, and that's for me to know and you to seek out.” Yugi sticks his tongue out playfully. The rest of breakfast finished in silence.
After the dishes were gone Yugi headed up the stairs, but he only got a few steps before Atemu had grabbed his wrist. Yugi turns around. “Yugi please don't go to work today. I have to leave but I'll be back in 20 minutes to pick you up,” Atemu pleads. Yugi cocks his head to the side, “Why?” Atemu grins, “Like I said that's for me to know and you to find out.” With that Atemu lets Yugi go and disappears out the door.
The security alarm buzzed noisily as red lights flashed all around him. Kokoro was running with human spead to get to Seto's office. Seto's secretary had phoned Kokoro saying she heard a gun shot. In response Kokoro had told her to stay out of the room. But Kokoro could only hope she complied. Just as Kokoro reaches the door banging and another gun shot is heard. Kokoro turns to the secretary, “Stay here and hide. Don't do anything until my say so.” The frightened woman nods and Kokoro rushes intothe room. The blood was splattered all over Seto's desk and it trailed over to the far corner in the back. The window smeared with blood and part of it was broken. Kokoro approaches the corner of the room and grimaces. Seto sat up in the corner bleeding from his chest and left leg. Kokoro snatches the long black trench coat off the back of a chair and wraps it around Seto's body before picking him up in his arms. The door slams shut and Kokoro spins around to see the guilty man.
Atemu had headed back to his home to have hisbreakfast and grab his car. It wasn't before long that Atemu was headed back to Yugi. Atemu pulls up in the driveway, gets out, and strides over to the door. After knocking and ringing the doorbell Yugi still hadn't answered the door. Atemu turns the doorknob to discover that it's unlocked. While being very cautious Atemu checks everywhere for Yugi. That's when Yugi's home phone rings. Knowing it has to be Anzu Atemu picks up the phone, “Hello?” Instead on the other end is a sweet English accent, “Atemu come to the lighthouse.” The line goes dead and Atemu slams the phone down onto the receiver before heading out again.
Since it is only noon no tourists huddled around the light house. At the door stands an innocent boy, Yugi's age, with long white hair and gentle brown eyes. Atemu walks up to the boy and glares, “Where's Yugi?” The boy bows his head, “I don't know.” Now planning on killing this boy, Atemu bares his fangs and hisses. Thus followed by a pounce, knocking them to the ground. Yugi runs out of some bushes, “Atemu, don't!”Atemu turns toward Yugi and Yugi freezes up completely. Yugi stares at Atemu with eyes the size of dinner plates.
Anzu laughs evilly as she walks up behind Yugi. Atemu stand up straight and moves to Yugi but Yugi cringes away. Anzu giggles, “Looks like your secret is out, Atemu. Yugi come to me, I'll protect you.” Yugi glances at Anzu, “You knew about this?” Anzu giggles more, “Of course I knew. I am one like Atemu.” Yugi's eyes double in size, “No…No, I'm getting out of here.” Yugi turns and goes to run but Anzu runs after Yugi and grabs his wrist. Atemu stands up properly and takes a step toward Yugi. Anzu turns back at Atemu and hisses. Fear danced in both Atemu and Yugi's eyes. Anzu grins and raises her hand, thus revealing her claws. Anzu brings her claws down and cuts a nice long slit in the side of Yugi's throat. Atemu screams and launches at Anzu. Anzu jumps out of the way, grabs the white-haired boy, and leaves. Yugi falls to the ground and Atemu rushes over to him. Atemu picks Yugi up and rushes over to his home.
Kokoro growls, “Bakura, why did you do this?” Bakura snaps back, “It's none of your business. I'm just doing my job.” Kokoro grimaces, “Let me leave Bakura. If you do I won't come after you.” Bakura snorts, “Oh I believe that. But whatever go…he's dead anyway. Vampires can't lost that much blood and survive.” With that Bakura runs and jumps out the window. Kokoro hurries to the mansion and does it without being seen. Kokoro lays Seto down in his bed. Seto coughs, “Where am I?” Kokoro sighs, “You're in your bed at the mansion. Now I need you to drink.” Seto nods slightly appearently not realizing what this entailed. Kokoro takes off his shirt and, using his nail, makes a small slit on his chest. Kokoro lifts Seto up to his chest but Seto turns his head away. Kokoro turns Seto back toward his chest, “Come on if you don't you'll die.” Seto closes his eyes and starts drinking.
Atemu sets Yugi down on Yugi's couch. Yugi's trembling had increased as more blood seeped out. Atemu's cell phone rings, “Hello?” The sweet English accent floats through the phone, “Atemu listen to me. You have to turn Yugi into a vampire. If you don't the poison Anzu injected into him will cause him to die.” Then the line goes out just like that. Atemu glances at Yugi and at that instance makes his decision.