Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bound ❯ On a sunny day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing!!!!! Esp. not Yugioh….*sigh*

Warnings: hmmm….violence, some blood, sharp knife-like objects, boyxboy luvin'

Summary: AU-Marik's after the millennium items, Yugi's destined to stop him, but what he doesn't know is that one of his friends is actually working for Marik. Now I'm sure your all thinking-how's it an AU? Well u'll just have to read to find out…

Oh yeah this chapter takes place a year after the prologue


"Joeeeeeey!" Said boy barely had time to react before he found himself knocked over by an energetic spiky haired boy. Blinking up at him from his position on the ground the blonde ran a hand through his hair while he chuckled softly.

"Man Yuug' I thought Gramps didn't let you have sugar anymore…" he closed his eyes remembering the last time the shorter boy had been given sugar…needless to say Tea hadn't liked having pink hair for a week. The shorter boy hmphed as he got off his best friend.

"I didn't have any sugar" he pouted "I'm just excited because it's the first day of school" Joey looked at him in complete and total disbelief as he stood up dusting himself off. He reached out a hand and put it on his shorter friend's forehead.

"You sick or sumthin' Yuug'?" he joked. The shorter boy pushed his friends hand away, a smile lighting up his face.

"I'm not sick Joey, I-"

"Hey Yugi!" Both boys turned to see two brunettes running up to them, the girl who had called to them in the lead. Joey looked down at his friend watching a faint blush spread across his cheeks. Knowing dawned in his honey colored eyes and he bent down to his friend and whispered something in his ear causing him to turn a brilliant shade of red. Tea paused as she approached the two of them, a frown marring her pretty face. She didn't exactly trust Joey after he had harassed Yugi last year. True he had been new and later stopped, but that didn't give him any excuse to pick on her friend. She heard her boyfriend Tristan come up behind her and clasp her on the shoulder.

" It's ok" he whispered so that only she could hear " Joey's a good guy" Tea relaxed a little, Tristan was a pretty defensive guy, so if he was willing to give Joey a chance she would to.

"Hey whatta ya guys whispern' about over there?" Joey asked with a goofy smile. He glanced down at Yugi and saw how he was wistfully staring at Tea and Tristan with a tiny sad expression on his face. Joey bent down and looked at him with concern.

" What's wrong bud?" Yugi's wide amethyst eyes met his friend's and he forced a smile

"Nothing Joey" he glanced around expectantly "Where's Ryou?"

The two brunettes broke off their conversation and looked around puzzled until they spotted their white haired friend making his way across the school yard. Ryou had arrived last year just like Joey, but unlike the blonde he had become fast friends with the two brunettes and tri-colored boy. Joey often stared at him in suspicion, while Ryou spent a good amount of time hanging out with Yugi. The white haired boy paused as he reached the group, noticing that they were all staring at him.

"Did I do something wrong?" he questioned nervously. Yugi shook his head and hugged Ryou.

"No Ryou, we were just wondering why you were late, we were worried" he said happily. The taller boy returned the hug.

"Oh, no I'm fine. Just got up late this morning" the shorter boy nodded seemingly happy with the explanation as he broke the hug. He opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off by a cold voice.

"Oh look, the losers are reunited" Kaiba sneered as he strode into view carrying his brief case in one hand. Yugi backed up slightly and looked up at the taller boy.

"Good morning Kaiba-kun" he said brightly. Seto just laughed

"Save it Yugi" he was about to continue insulting the shorter boy and his friends when he found a pair of an intense brown eyes locked onto his own, daring him to continue. Seto paused and then turned on his heel.

"I don't have time to waste on you imbeciles" he called over his shoulder leaving a stunned group of friends behind.

"Well that was weird" Tristan remarked casually, a hand behind his head. Tea nodded seemingly lost in thought. Joey stared at Kaiba's departing back eyes narrowed; Yugi glanced up at his friend snapping him out of his daze. They both looked at Ryou who was staring straight ahead, eyes unblinking. Yugi carefully shook his friends shoulder. The white haired boy snapped awake, glancing nervously around him before noticing Yugi. He let out a long sigh and then checked his watch. Yugi watched his friend, concerned about his strange behavior, until he too checked his watch.

"Ah! We're going to be late!" Mass panic broke out as books were gathered, skirts straitened, uniforms buttoned and goodbyes hastily said. The friends began to run in a sprint towards the door of the school, just barely making it in before it closed.

Seto Kaiba was tired. He lugged his heavy briefcase out the school doors and across the yard. He hated school, true he needed an education in order to run his company, but he couldn't stand his classmates. They were all sniveling little brats, a waste of time and space in his opinion. All their talk of friendship and love made him sick; there was only one person he could count on in this world: himself.

"Smooth move backing down this morning Kaiba" Seto's head jerked up, he only had a few seconds to react before he was thrown brutally against the wall of the school. Grunting he tried to remove the hands grasping his uniform jacket, kicking his attacker brutally. He stopped as soon as he saw a pair of brown eyes mocking him. Oh shit…no. Those eyes terrified Kaiba; they were cold and mocking, almost empty and soulless. Nothing like the warm caring eyes he hid behind during the day when he was with his friends. Kaiba snorted trying to hide his fear.

"What do you want?" The shorter boy backed off releasing Kaiba's jacket roughly.

"Just seeing how much progress you've made" Blue eyes narrowed

"I've been busy, find someone else to do your damn dirty work" the brown-eyed boy let out a cold laugh

"Kaiba" the voice was low and threatening "I suggest you make time, unless you want to go home one day and find your brother has committed suicide." Rage coursed through the taller boy.

"Let Mokuba go"

"He goes free after you do your part, not before" the shorter boy smirked

"I will get my brother back" brown eyes filled with mocking

"Don't do anything stupid Kaiba, you're in over your head as it is" the boy turned to go, picking up a discarded book bag.

"I'll be in touch Kaiba-kun" he called sweetly over his shoulder. The young CEO cursed and punched the wall. Damnit! How the hell did I get into this mess? Don't worry little brother, I'll get you back. Even if it means helping to locate these 'Items' for Marik and once I do…he'll pay dearly for attacking my family.

Well…some of that turned out how I had it planned…other parts; I don't know where those came from. Anyway let me know if you liked it and feel free to guess who's working for MarikJ Anyway R&R please! Thanks-*Ice*