Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Breath No More ❯ Truth on Seto's past ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Yu-gi-oh… Sad, sad world… lol jk.



"Mokuba!" I yelled as we got into the house.

"Drusilla," Seto said touching my shoulder. "Stop screaming."

"Oh, sorry."

"Seto! Drusilla!" we heard Mokuba yell as he ran down the steps and ran into Seto's arms.

"Hello Mokuba," Seto said.

"Mokuba!" I yelled, even if he was right next to me. Mokuba came running into my arms.

"Oh, Drusilla, Sara, your friend in America, called," Mokuba had said.

"Oh, really? When?"

"The whole time you and Seto were in America!"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I got to talk to her a lot. She seems really cool."

"Yeah? That's good," I said with a smile. Then, we heard the phone ring. I walked over and picked it up. "Hello?"

"How dare you!?!" came a voice I heard a lot.

"Hi Tammy."

"Don't call me Tammy you… you… sorry excuse for a human being!"

"What did I do this time?"

"Sara has been getting bad grades in school. She has not wanted to go to church. And poor little Kelsey from down the street has been having problems with her family. And it's all your fault!"

"Tammy," I said. "I didn't do anything to Sara and/or Kelsey."

"You got them into that witchcraft. AND ITS EVIL!"

"Tammy, look, I didn't tell them to start doing witchcraft first off. And second off, witchcraft isn't evil!"

"Yeah, sure it isn't!"

"Good-bye Tammy. See you in a month when you come to pick up Sara." And with that I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Seto asked me.

"Sara's mom." I said.

"Sara's mom doesn't like you I guess?" Mokuba asked.

"Hell no! She wants to see me burn in Hell! And it's all because I got Sara and Kelsey into Wicca when I was in it."

"…Right…" Seto said.

"Haha, yeah." Mokuba said walking away. Seto and I looked at him as he left then we looked at each other with a confused look on each other's face.





Later that day


I walked into Seto's room, which he was not in. This didn't surprise me at the least. Lately Seto has been in the office more then usually. I looked the out door to make sure no one was coming and stepped into his room starting to look for something. My birthday was coming up and Seto had said he got something for me. I was excited and could not wait. I looked in his closet, in his dresser, and even in his bathroom and didn't find anything! So then I looked in the one place I hadn't looked yet. Under the bed. I lifted up the blankets and I was surprised of what I saw. A box with the label saying "Seto's Baby Stuff." I just couldn't resist! I pulled out the box and took out the thin on top. It was a light blue blanket with the initials S.N. on it. I stood there confused for a moment and then looked at the pillow that was under the blanket. It said "Seto Nuse." I was now even more confused then ever.

I lifted a book, which was the only thing left in the box after I took out the other two things, out of the box. It had a black leather cover on it. I opened it up and was meted by a picture of a woman in a wedding dress, and a man in a black suit. The man looked like Mokuba, and the women looked like Seto. I flipped to the next page and saw the woman holding a little baby rapped in a blue blanket with the same initials as the blanket I had pulled out of the box earlier. There were words this time under the picture. It read "Faye and Seto" and then the date. I had realized then that these two people were Seto and Mokuba's parents.

"What are you doing!?!" I heard a voice behind me yell.

"Seto, I was just-"

"Just what? Going through my personal stuff?"

"Seto, I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to!?! It doesn't matter Drusilla, you went through it anyway!"

"Seto, please listen. I didn't mean to-"

"You what? Didn't mean to look at it? Didn't mean to invade my privacy? Didn't mean to do what?!?"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, as a tear ran down my cheek and looking at my feet.

"I don't care Drusilla! This is my personal stuff!" He walked over to the box and threw in the blanket and pillow, but stopped when he saw the picture of him holding Mokuba the day Mokuba was born. He just stood there for a second and then looked at me. I was still looking at my feet when I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked over at him as he sat on his bed and sighed. He started to flip through the pictures in the book. Ones of him and his father playing chess, ones of him and Mokuba, ones of him and his mom, and more. He chuckled at many of them.

Finally, after about 5 minutes of looking at these pictures the last one came into view. I saw a tear come down Seto's cheek and I didn't know why. It was a picture of his mom in a red dress and his dad in semi-formal clothes. Seto was wearing a light blue shirt with black pants, and Mokuba was wearing a dark green shirt with blue jeans. "They were going to a party," Seto had said. "It was the day before my birthday and I they had to go to a party for their companies. The party was until early in the morning, and I had begged them to be home before 12:30am.

On their way home, a dunk driver hit their car. The car flipped over 3 times, they both died on impacted."


~*~ Flash Back ~*~ Seto's POV ~*~


"Happy Birthday Seto!" a 6-year-old Mokuba yelled. I was peacefully asleep until now. Mokuba had woke me up and I had fell out of bed out of shock.

"Mokuba," I said rubbing my head, which hit the floor. "What time is it?"


"Oh," I said looking down. "Mom and dad home yet?"


"Oh well," I said. "Go back to bed. I'll be right back, I need something to drink."

"Oh, ok." And Mokuba went back to his bed.

I looked at Mokuba and asked my self in my head "why cant mom and dad just stuff him in the closet in the hall?" I walked out Mokuba and mines room and walked down the stairs. Leslie, our babysitter, greeted me at the end of the stairs.

"What are you doing up?"

"I'm just getting a drink." Just then, the phone rang.

"I'll get that," Leslie said. I walked past her and the phone and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some water knowing that if I got soda Leslie would freak. As I walked past Leslie and the phone, I heard Leslie crying. I figured Dan, her boyfriend, had broken up with her. As I walked into the living room Leslie said to the person on the phone, "Did they suffer?… Yes….Yes, I will tell them…..ok… bye." She then hung up the phone and finally acknowledged I was there.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Seto," she took in a breath. "Your parents-"

"What happened?"

"There was an accident Seto. Your parents are dead."

I stood there, unable to move. "Dead" was the only word repeating over and over again in my mind. Finally, realizing that my parents were really dead, I dropped my glass of water upon the wooden floor, turned, and ran up the stairs. I slammed the door to Mokuba and mines room, leaned agents the door and could hardly breath. "Dead" that dumb word repeated in my mind over and over again.


~*~End flash back~*~ End Seto's POV~*~ Begin Drusilla's POV~*~


I felt a warm, salty tear run down my cheek.

"Seto, I had no idea."

"I know."

"If I would of known this would hurt you I wouldn't of looked through your stuff. I am truly sorry."

"It's not your fault." We heard the doorbell ring and we looked at each other. We walked out of Seto's room wiping away my tears.

Before we got to the bottom of the steps we heard the voice I had been waiting for, for a while now.

"Anyone home?" Said Sara.



Hahahhahahaha, another chapter down. Lol.


Question, for everyone:

Do you think I should make a sequel to "Breath No More" only with everyone kids?

Review and tell me. Thanks! (I actually stared it, and I'm on like chapter 4 or 5 in the sequel, but I might as well find out if you guys want one.)