Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cartoons v. Real People ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Hello readers, don't worry I haven't abandoned you. I'm just really busy and stuff.

Disclaimer: As I have ALWAYS said.... I don't own it.

Cartoons v. Real People - Chappie 11:

The nerve of Marik! The nerve of all of those stupid 5,000 year-old freaks! They actually belive that they can control my mind?! Yeah, right! Well... thanks to them I have all these stupid memories of being Bakura's wife in Egypt! For all I know those false memories...wait are they false? What the heck am I thinking?! Of course, they are... I'm real and he's a cartoon! That wasn't in Egypt! So 'newayz as I was saying before Those FALSE memories might push out something important! And FINALLY Yami has shut up about us getting little, tiny scraches...thank god! He just scowels and that's good for him and us. Well there is one positive thing in this... I know I can resist the millenium rod....and it's actually really fun to see Ryou like this, he seems so...happy. Which, obviously, dosen't happen alot. So, hey why not? And thank god I can do some magic and changed the Yamis back! Another horrible thing has happened! No one knows....well none of the cartoons know that we are spies. And guess what I have to do when I get out of this world? Accompany Artemis Fowl to some meeting type thing with our world leaders. Man, life sucks. That'll be the most DULL thing I have ever done! And it is Artemis Fowl! He drove away all of our best agents within two minutes. And with me being short-tempered...well it won't go well, I'm sure. Well it'll be good to see Holly...and Foaly. Foaly...he put some of Holly's blood into me...I can't help it if I can piss him off. He was testing Holly's blood and I annoyed him...and I'm sure you can guess what happened. Angry Foaly...needle...my arm. Yeeaah. Well I'll get him back some how. It's good Holly's my friend. I wonder if she has any ideas to torture Foaly, probably does.

Yami: So you have made it passed the forest, what next?
Kit: None of your buisness.
Shaddi: Just a random question...have you heard of 'the great Lea, Evie, Daniel, and Micheal'?
Meggie:Wait a sec-
Ben: Isn't-
Meji:A-Aren't those the names of your girls'-
Austin: Oh no they didn't!
Kit: Yeah, Lea is mine...Evie is Chel's...Daniel is Dij's....and Micheal is-
mysterious figure, who just appeared from the bushes: Tye's.
all cartoon: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
all real: TYE!!!
Tye: Hi!
Ben: And you escaped? Good one down.
Meggie: Duh, she did. How did ya do it?
Tye: I totally nailed 'em...I was like Kit..and ya know like, fought 'em ALL!
Kit: Did you use the attacks I showed you?
Tye: Yeah and Kit I saw....Artemis Fowl is actually looking for you...
Meggie: Looks like Kit stole a criminal mastermind's heart...*all girls start laughing except Kit*
Kit: Shit.
Artemis: *steps out of bushes* I highly doubt that. And I thought I heard your mouth, Kit.
Kit: Double shit. WHY are you here?! Where is Butler? Or Holly? Mulch? Any-
Inu Yasha: Or perhaps me?
Kit: *suddenly gets really happy* Oh look! It's Inu-baby!!!!
All Girls: Hey Inu-babes! *kissing sounds*
Inu Yasha: GGrrrrrr!!!
Kit: Aww dog-boy is growling! Isn't it cute!
Ben: oh, boy.
Austin: Here we go again.
By: don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me-
Bretty: *shaking By* Pull it togeather, man!
Meji: *sarcastic* Oh, hide the women and children. That includes By.
By: Hey!
Bretty: That was really not needed! We already knew that.
(And a dust fight begins)
Ben: ALL OF YOU- oh, why do I even bother? *sits down on a log, log crumbles* Umph!
Log: Next time you had better think before sitting on a termite-infested log! I hope you never finish your fellowship/quest!
Ben: This isn't LOTR!!!!
Kit: Uh, Ben why are you yelling at a rotten log?
Ben: But it talks! I swear!
Bretty: *sarcastic* Yeah, and I'm pretty I heard the mushroom beside it talk, too.
All girls: Squeak 'ems!
Joey: I'm lost!
Tristan + Seto: Aren't you always?
Seto: HEY! I'm the only one who is mean to Joey!
Tristan: Nu-uh! I belive I can-
Yugi: Stop fighting! Haven't you all noticed that all the real people left again?
Real People: *comming out of woods*
Bakura: I swear, you don't pay attention to them for one second and they leave!
Kit: We got firewood, mom.*throws down logs*
Yami: I am not-
Meggie: Oh shut it you ex-pharaoh!
Yami: Hey...hey...what's with all the personal attacks?
Kit: Thunderaga!
Yami: Ahhh! *dodges thunder*
Bakura: Woah, hold it! Last time you did that it was just thundera...why?
Kit:*smirks* Very observent, tomb robber.
Marik: So did you get stronger?
Kit: Duh.
Yami: Why?
Kit: Obviously you don't know me.
Yami: Why did you?
Kit:*sarcastic* World Domination.
Bakura: No way!
Kit: In case you didn't notice I was being sarcastic!
Bakura: Well how was I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader you know!
Marik: Only my millennium rod can-
Kit: And to think a bunch of morons like you tried to control ME, eh, Ryou?
Ryou: You know about that?
Kit: Well, yeah.
Bakura: The whole thing?
Kit: Yes, mister I'll-brake-her-ego.
Bakura: Heh-
Kit: Idiot!
Marik: NOOOO!!! Now it's useless!
Kit: No, it's just useless against me. I dunno about everyone else.
Tye: We've got to go back and get Dij, Chel, and Kate!
Kit: I know.
Mokuba: If you were there, why didn't you just go rescue them?
Tye: You think I can actually do THAT?! Boy are you insane? Kit's the only-
Kit: I am soooo not! You need to stop using me to fight your battles!
Tye:....sheesh! Don't get all worked up!
Kit: I'm not! It's always me who comes to save you people....ok, me or Ben.
Shaddi: Yet another random question...what are you talking about?
Meji: Nothing!
Kit: And I thought he was the mature one....
all real: so much for that.
Joey: I want food!
Tristan: Me too!
Tye: Um, guys?
Malik: You two ALWAYS want food! Where do you put it all?!
Marik: Relax, Malik! It's fine....
Bakura: I swear if you two ever say you want food again I WILL send you to the shadow relm.
Joey: Will there be any-
Mokuba: What do you think Joey?
Tristan: Yes?
Tye: Guys...hello? Anyone listening to me?
Tristan: Well, I'm still hungry.
Kit: Here! Take this! *whakes him with a candy bar*
Joey: What about me?
Kit: I'm gettin to ya! Sheesh! *throughs him candy bar* Maujinvader? Are you ok?
Maujinvader: *dreamy state*ZZZzzzzzzzzzz....
Seto: You think his tired?
Tye: Ya think?! Guys...
Meggie: Nah.
Ryou: *admiring Kit's arrows* Woah! This arrow is wierd.
Kit: Ryou...it's a piercing arrow.<And I'd appriciate it if you wouldn't touch anymore of my weaponds or else.>
Malik: Hey wasn't that the one you were gonna shoot my Yami and Bakura with?
Kit: First of all I wouldn't-<Wish I could.>
Ryou: Why?
Kit: Because those are my most powerful arrows-
Bakura: How powerful?
Tye: Guys...
Kit: It kills on impact...but I'm the only one who is going to use that to kill Yami.
Yami: HEY!
Kit: I'm just joking...it wouldn't be worth it.<Actually yes it would.>
Ryou: I think I'll put this down now. <So my Yami won't use it ^___^>
Austin: I say we walk on.
(Everyone does so)
Tye: Guys...
everyone: What?
Tye: I actually just took a portal here...I dunno what there is ahead.
By: There goes our advantage.
Kit: Who cares?
Tristan: I do.
Kit: See no one cares.
Tristan: But I said-
Mokuba: Was it not compleatly obvious that we all just ignored you?
Tristan: Oh.
Mokuba: Ugh!<Idiot.>
Seto: Look! A portal.
Bretty: Was it the one you used, Tye?
Tye: No. Anyone noticed we left Maujinvader behind?
Kit: Yeah, so?
Yugi: How do you know his-
Tye: I'm a mind reader in this game.
Yugi: Ah.
Tye: Wait, you have noticed that Kit's a wich, haven't you?
Seto: She is?
Bakura: You are?
Kit: Well, yeah.
Yami: Why didn't you tell us?
Kit: Um...I thought you all knew....I mean how else would I say 'thunderaga', or anything else and thunder or whatever element-
Marik: I guess we never noticed.
Meji: *sarcastically* There's a suprize. Hey, did you all know that we are all witches and worlocks?
Mokuba: Really? Cooool!
Shaddi: Settle down Mokuba.
Seto: I belive you aren't his brother...
Yami: Well I don't think being a witch or worlock is a good thing.
Kit: Well, I don't think being a 5,000 year old ex pharaoh is a good thing.
Yami: Hey!
Tye: Ho!
Meggie: Party over here! Party over there!
Marik: I don't get it...
Bakura: Must be a real person mortal thing.
By: Let it go, Maujinvader.
Maujinvader: I say we leave no one behind.
Ben: Yeah, yeah.
Austin: Well it's your fault you fell asleep.
Maujinvader: Shut up!
Bretty: Have any of you noticed that we are the only ones who haven't gone into the portal?
Ben, Austin, By, and Maujinvader: Oops.*go through portal*

Kit: Why are we in a cave?
Bakura: You think I know?
Kit: You? Nah.
Yami: Heh..heh tomb robber.
Mokuba: What's that? *points to a blue/silver bubble on a a wall*
Kit: I dunno...let's see. *shoots it with a basic arrow* A platform? A bubble type thing turned into a platform?
all real: Wierd.
Seto: Go figure.
Kit: And it goes up to that piece of rock.
Tye: Well...what are you waiting for? Go.
Kit: Why me?
Ben: I will. Orrr...actually I'll spot you.
Kit: You had better not look up my clothes. And what's with the golden hearts all around?
Yugi: I don't like this...
Bretty: We should look to see if there are any jewels.
all real: Right.
Shaddi: Do you feel left out?
all cartoons: Yep.
Kit: Ben, I think I see some near you.
Ben: Where?
Kit: uh....right in front of you.
Ben: Oh...heh.
Tye: Ah-hah! The old jewels-under-the-waterfall trick!
Kit: I think that's all let's regroup and-
Ben: Try too figure out what the hearts are for? Wait! That's so obvious! Kit shoot me with a basic arrow.
all cartoon: ARE YOU SUICIDAL?!
Ben: It won't kill me.
Kit: Oh, duh, they are for if we get hurt. But what's the danger?
Tye: Just go onto the platform.
Kit: ok, *climbs up* Hey! Exploding arrows! And a green heart....hmm...oh I'm guessing the green ones are for more damage than the yellow ones.
Seto: How do you know?
Kit:*shakes her head* And you call yourself a genius...'cause there are more golden ones, than green.
Seto: ah.
Kit: I'm comming do-
Kit: Wha? Rock creatures? Well...let's try exploding arrows!
(Kit shoots exploding arrows and kills them but more come out of a huge hole in a wall)
Kit: Guys...hello, I'm not the only one with weaponds...
all real: Right!
(boys start shooting guns, girls use magic, Maujinvader uses lightsaber)
all cartoons: wow. There....so...good...at...that.
Kit: I'm going closer to the mini cave. Someone cover me...*Kit runs over to the mini cave* Take this!*shoots the cave with exploding arrows.*
Tye: I think they're all gone.
Kit: Look! I bet that wall would fall if I shot it with an exploding arrow.
Ben: Do it, then.
(Kit shoots it, wall crumbles to reveal another wall, does the same thing, it reveals a corridor with steam jets comming out of the wall.)
Kit: Ok....wierd.
Bakura: Isn't this place-
Kit: Shut it.
Tye: Ah-hah! Look on that slope...basic arrows, another lightsaber, and more of those magic power-ups.
(all real go and get them)
Kit: Watch it, bats.
By:*looks around* Where?
Kit: Up, near the celing of this cave....were bats usually are...
By: *sees them* Ah, I knew that.
(A bat spits out a purple fire-ball)
Yami: Whoa!
Kit: Yami...why don't you make yourself useful and protect Yugi, like you are supposed to?
Yami: What about-
all real: *roll their eyes* Yami...
Yugi: I think they can take care of themselves.
Shaddi: You think? I know...they just beat some rock monsters WITHOUT our help-
Tye: Why didn't you cartoons go through the portal back in-
all cartoons: Well....uh...you see...we...uh....um.
Tye: Not very smart are they?
Ryou: Why aren't you being mean to us, other than what you just said?
Tye: I'm just adapting to the situ. Plus...*looks at Kit* I'M nice.
Kit: *shrugs* And I'm not.
Tye: Whatever, angel of darkness.
Kit: uh-huh. Thank you for that insight. *jumps onto mini plateau* Let's see...there's a boulder...*blasts it with an exploding arrow* Prob solved.
(jumps onto 6 other mini plateaus, kills another rock monster that came out of a boulder)
Kit: And another wall...and a floating platform that goes up to that wall of rock...yeah, ok. *shoots wall with exploding arrow and wall crumbles* And that is a sort of drop to a... stream of um...-
all: WHAT?!
Kit: Goo? Dark green and black goo. Yeah. And I jump over the goo to the other platforms-
Yami: We can't see you.
Kit: Then, I recommend that you come over to where I am...and weaponds drawn out.
Bakura: What's up there, Kit?
Ryou: Let's go.
Marik: I'm not exactly confrotable-
Yami: Or able-
Bakura: Did you see what Kit had to do? Mabye in my tomb robbing days, I could-
Kit: Tye...you know what to do.
Tye:*sighs* If I have to...now all you cartoons...I am going to put some magic on you so you can levitate.*waves septer* GLIDE!
(Cartoons rise up, while the rest of the real people jump on mini plateaus and reach the drop)
Ben: Still can't see you...
Kit:*in distance* Follow the tunnel to the cavern and you will see me.
Bretty: Weaponds drawn?
Kit: Not yet.
(everyone follows tunnel and go into cavern were they see Kit near some steps carved from rock)
Marik: I see no danger-
Kit: Shh! Behind these rock steps there is three of those rock creature holes.
all cartoon: Uh, right. You real people can just..do your thing.
Meggie: Honestly!
Meji: Oh, you're helpful.
Ben: Shush! We're lucky the haven't spotted us yet.
Kit: Suprize attack?
Ben: Safest. Move.
(And the real ppl kill all the rock monsters with no casulties)
Bakura: Wait a minute, this cavern looks like it's-
Kit: Made out of gems?
By: I'd say diamonds-
Shaddi: Actually crystal.
Mokuba: Look! More gems! And a portal!
Kit: Thanks, Mokuba.
(all real ppl go get the gems and they come back and Kit ruffles Mokuba's hair)
(DM steps out from shadows)
DM: Hellooo boys and girls.
Austin: Uh-oh.
DM: And look at this portal...and I think some real people want to go through it.
Kit: Not good.
DM: Say bye-bye. *throws them into portal*
all cartoons: WHY DID YOU-
Bakura: I'll teach you! *jumps at DM, DM throws all cartoons into portal*
DM: Teach me what? And I'll bet the great Lea, Evie, Daniel, and Micheal will want this portal distroyed...*blows up portal with dynamite*
Kit + Ben: NO!
(all real jump at portal to attempt to go through, but portal blows up)
Kit: Damn!
Tye: Whoa!
Meggie: Freaky.
By: Way beyond wierd at this point.
Ben: Prehistoric period. Cooleo.
Meggie: Not our clothes....cave man and woman style.
Kit: That...was....random.
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