Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Catechism ❯ Chapter 6
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I make no profit off this fanfiction, and it belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
Chapter 6
“Spell of Illusion!”
The man who had been trying to run cursed, and then froze. His eyes widened as he looked at the sigil of dark magic laced around his chest. Even now he could feel himself weaken, almost as if it were stealing his life away….
Two guards came running, hearing the call, halted as they caught sight of him. The delegate cursed.
It should have been easy work. He had drugged the guards with sleeping powder, and paid a visit to the royal treasury. That child didn't need all this gold in any case. Who would mind if he took a little home to show his King? And of course, his pretty young maid-servant…
Now though it was unlikely that he'd be seeing her again.
Why wouldn't his arms move! Strings of black … energy swarmed from the ring looped around his chest, crawled over his body like greedy snakes. He could feel himself becoming weaker every second in passing, and he was ready to pass out. Quiet oblivion would be so pleasant…
Footsteps, and at once the guards who were holding him paled. He saw one of their faces, and turned around, wondering what monster they saw.
For a minute, he faltered. It was one of the Elected Priests, dressed in white and gold. Well, so much for getting away cleanly. Maybe he could bribe him with something.
Then, he caught sight of the man's eyes.
They weren't recognizable. He vaguely remembered them as being blue during the feast, but they were certainly not that color now. They were a pulsating, angry green, shading away almost to black around the corners. Floating at his shoulder was a thing… in black armor wielding a staff.
“High Priest Mahaado!” The guards almost yelped.
“You two,” The High Priest said, and something in his tone boded ill, “Have not been doing your jobs properly.”
The two guards exchanged shamefaced looks. Mahaado tapped one finger against the gold bracelet he was wearing.
“When the Pharaoh assigns you to guard the Royal Treasury, he does not expect you to be out whoring!”
The guards twitched some more.
Mahaado's voice dropped, chilled into freezing ice. “And I do not expect you to desert your posts.”
Stunned panic got worse. One of the guards started babbling underneath his breath, sounded a bit like pleading even though his knowledge of Egyptian language was not so good, and the other crossed him self. How very odd.
“With our security so low, it is no wonder that the assassins almost got to Pharaoh.” Mahaado's tone had modulated, become almost conversational. Then, before the delegate could react, both of the guards fell to the ground, daggers buried through their chests.
He… what did he… did he just…?
Mahaado walked closer, ignoring the fallen guards as he grabbed the thief by his long hair and locked eyes with him. The last thing the delegate saw was an eerie, poisonous green.
Yami sighed as he peered out of the shadows, safely protected by a multitude of furry little Kuribohs. Mahaado had practically shoved him into a Kuriboh's arms and the Kuribohs had protected their Pharaoh by multiplying. Now though, it was over.
Mahaado looked at the body with a glare, the green fading from his eyes. “My Pharaoh?”
“I'm fine, Mahaado. Let's see what he tried to take.”
They looked over the bag of loot. Yami scowled when he recognized a pair of lovely earrings that had belonged to his mother in the mix. The rest, well…
More footsteps came running and several guards stopped at the sight of their dead comrades.
Mahaado shook his head. “Our palace security is worthless with these… people.”
There was no doubt what he was planning. Yami nodded.
It would be a bit of a strain, but as long as they had the Items… they could have monsters keep watch for them…
“Yes. You have my permission.”
Mahaado's smile turned feral, and in an instant, the walls began to crawl with dark shadows.
Wall Shadow, Yami thought absentmindedly. Somewhat related to the Shadow Ghoul, if he remembered correctly. But they were fast, and they were silent, and… aha…
Perhaps that explained how Mahaado knew some of what he did.
“You've been using them.”
Mahaado nodded. “I can't scry much, my Pharaoh.”
“I'm not blaming you.”
No more needed to be said. The delegate was quite dead, no doubt about it. The guards swallowed and cleaned up the mess.
More than one of them cast wary glances at the Priest of the Ring.
They might not know, but they suspected.
Yami idly wondered how much longer Mahaado could protect him, then banished the traitorous thought.
He didn't want to think about life without Mahaado. Not yet.
The Ethiopian leader of the delegates was not happy when the incident was reported at Morning Court the next day. They were listening in to judge how well the Pharaoh ruled, apparently.
At least they weren't arguing his probable marriage.
Yami sighed as Set began to bicker with one of the men, vaguely amused, at least until Set called out Dios in a fit of anger.
“Apprentice Priest Set!” Akunadin said sharply. What was his son doing? Just because he let Set accompany him to council sessions as training wasn't any reason for him to act so rude!
Set glared, but recalled his Ka before damage could be done. Yami shook his head. Things were moving too quickly. Their treaty had been fragile enough as it was…
Now though, some man with a greed for gold in his heart had ruined it! Indeed, tempers were fraying and everything was falling apart.
Aishizu summoned Supiera, dropping a rainbow barrier around the throne just as one of the men lunged forwards. The rest of the men grabbed their weapons and charged the throne as one.
Too slow!
As one, the Ka burst fourth from the hearts of the other Millennium Item holders. No time to call their tablet monsters, but enough time to play the Ka in their hearts!
As one, the Ka burst fourth from the hearts of the other Millennium Item holders. No time to call their tablet monsters, but enough time to play the Ka in their hearts!
Dios materialized with a vengeful smile as its sword cleaved through three men. Weapons were useless against the shadows!
Gadius was fairly weak, but Akunadin's eye glowed with fury. Traitors! How dare they try to break an alliance of peace! His spirit charged into the fray, followed by Shadah's Two-headed Jackal Warrior and Karim's Curse of Dragon.
Mahaado's eyes settled on brilliant green as his mage rained bolts of magic down upon the enemy.
In the midst of all this, Yami watched, and a slow smile crept up his face.
In the midst of all this, Yami watched, and a slow smile crept up his face.
And it was only later that they noticed Priest Donkor had summoned nothing.
End Chapter
Completed 4/8/06
Well, there goes the treaty…