Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Changing Makes a Difference ❯ Healing ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yugi awoke in the morning with a killer headache and pain surging throughout his entire body. Looking on the floor he saw a pool of his blood and one look at his arm was all he needed to know where it came from. He tried picking himself off the floor, ignoring the blinding pain that screamed at him to lie back down.

He looked around on his bed for something to put on his arm and looked sadly at his blanket. He picked up his small treasure that he's had since he was a small boy and pressed it as hard as he could to his cut open arm to stop the bleeding. He then stumbled out of the room, leaning against the walls to help support him.

He made it all the way to the boy's bathroom door before he collapsed onto the floor, exhausted from pain and weak from blood loss.

He heard a small gasp behind him and gentle arms wrapped around his petite form, cradling him. He felt somebody else come up on the other side of him.

The person holding him spoke. "He's so thin. Bakura. I can actually feel his ribs and his vertebrae plainly."

Yugi was shifted carefully into his he guessed must've been Bakura. He moaned as he moved, the pain lighting up before it began to throb once more.

Bakura answered the one previously holding him. "You're right, I can feel them too, Ryou."

"What do you think happened to him?"

"I'm not sure. The best guess would be that somebody beat him up."

Ryou gasped again. "B-but why? Bakura! Why would somebody do that to him?"

"I don't know, Ryou. Some people… are just like that."

"That's terrible! There's nothing right about this!"

"I know, love. We'll just have to help him the best we can."

Yugi heard them talk between each other more, but he drowned the words out. Finally, he felt like he could open his eyes. Violet eyes blinked almost tiredly into the dull light of the hall.

Ryou noticed the movement and he looked back up at Bakura. "Look, Bakura, his eyes are open."

Bakura nodded as he continued to look at Yugi's innocent face. "I see, Ryou." He told the other. He then addressed Yugi. "Don't worry, you're safe now. Just try and rest and we'll take care of everything."

Yugi wasn't sure about it but since they were helping him they must not be so bad. He would've nodded but it hurt too much. Instead, he just closed his eyes and rested against Bakura once more.

He felt his blanket being removed from his arm and he was too weak to protest against it.

Ryou gasped for the third time and Bakura mumbled `Oh Ra' under his breath as they saw his badly bleeding gash on his arm.

Bakura looked at the blanket now beside them and saw how much blood had soaked into it. He then noticed the fine cursive sewn into one of the corners. Looking at it, it read `Yugi'. He got Ryou's attention and showed Ryou the name.

Ryou gasped and looked at Bakura with shock written clearly in his eyes. He mouthed out to Bakura that this was the person Joey had set him up with to meet that one Saturday.

Bakura nodded back before something seemed to click in his mind. "This must be Yami's new boyfriend. Malik told me about me."

Ryou was surprised greatly by hearing this. Whom Joey had referred to as a quiet, lonely, and shy boy was dating Yami, the well-known slut of the school.

"Ryou, can you hold him?" Ryou nodded and they shifted Yugi carefully between them once more. Bakura went into the bathroom and pulled a bunch of paper towels out of the dispenser, wetted them, and ran back out. "Hold the towels to his arm. I'll be right back." He then rushed off down the halls.

Ryou deiced it was best to let Yugi rest but not let him go to sleep in case whoever hurt him had hit his head hard. He kept talking quietly to him and sometimes have him answer back to be sure he hadn't gone to sleep.

A few minutes later people running down the hall could be heard and then a large gasp before Yugi's name was called. Ryou looked up and Yami running quickly towards him and Yugi.

Bakura knelt next to Ryou. "Yami will help us now, Ryou. I'm going to go get more paper towels for his arm."

Ryou nodded at him and slowly started to shift Yugi into Yami's lap while Bakura went back into the bathroom to get more paper towels, the ones Ryou were using now dyed a deep red.

Yugi whimpered at being moved once more before he was once more in a warm lap. He opened his eyes again and they teared up as he saw Yami's worried expression. He tried to offer a weak smile and whispered, "It looks much worse than it really feels, Yami. Don't worry."

Yami just shook his head and cradled Yugi to him as close as he could without hurting Yugi further.

Yugi closed his eyes and snuggled into Yami the best he could. He felt the paper towels on his arm be replaced and easily heard the gasp from Yami, knowing he'd seen the gash on his arm as well.

Tears made their way past Yugi's eyes as he cried into Yami's shirt. He hadn't wanted to cry, especially in front of Yami. He wanted to be strong but it hurt too much and now that Yami knew it made things so much more worse.

Bakura turned to Yami. "We should get him to the nurse quickly."

Yami nodded. "Yeah, will you help?"

Bakura nodded and Ryou stood beside him, nodding as well.

"I'm sorry, Yugi, if I hurt you." Yami spoke softly in the injured teen's ear before starting to lift him off the ground. He whispered comforting encouragements and nothings to Yugi until he was standing up completely.

He didn't want to walk to quickly and jostle Yugi into more pain but he walked as fast as he could, Bakura by his side.

Ryou walked into the bathroom to throw away the bloodied paper towels and to wash his hands. Walking back out into the he noticed the once forgotten and very ruined blanket. He felt terrible that Yugi's blanket had gotten damaged and he was almost positive Yugi had no other choice if he didn't want to bleed all down the halls.

He picked up the blanket and walked off to his and Bakura's room, determined to help the poor boy all he could.


Meanwhile, with Yami and Bakura, they finally reached the nurse.

Yami placed Yugi on the bed while Bakura went to look and see if the nurse was busy with anybody. Luckily she wasn't and hurried along to the main room. At seeing Yugi she shooed the other two teens away while she worked.

Sensing Yami wasn't there anymore Yugi's eyes shot open and he looked around himself quickly. He saw Yami just going out the door and then saw the nurse walking towards him with a prepared syringe. Gathering all the strength he could muster he looked back Yami now leaving fearfully. "Yami! Yami wait!" He called as loudly as he could.

Yami turned back around, concerned. Seeing the look Yugi was giving him he looked back at the nurse questioningly. She gave an irritated nod and he rushed back over to his smaller boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around him Yugi hid his face in the taller's neck.

"I don't want to be alone, Yami! Please don't leave me!" Yugi cried out, his voice being quieted in the older's neck.

Yami comforted him the bed he could. He knew Yugi was hiding the real pain, but he wanted Yugi to get better and for that the nurse wanted him to leave even if neither wanted to. "I have to leave so the nurse can help you without me getting in the way." Yami tried reasoning. "I'll come back."

"No! I don't want you to go! I won't let you!" Yugi refused, he held on Yami tightly even though it was killing him to hold on so hard.

Yami pulled away after easing Yugi's grip to lessen. "I promise, Yugi," He swore, looking into the other's eyes. "I promise to you that I'll come back and stay as long as I can. I'll keep my promise if you keep yours, are you listening?" At Yugi's hesitant nod he smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "I'll keep my promise if you promise that you'll stay as strong as you can while the nurse works on you. Do you promise?"

"I promise, Yami." Yugi muttered out, obviously still not liking Yami leaving.

"That's my Yugi. I'm going to leave now, ok?"

After a hesitant nod from Yugi, Yami kissed him once more on the cheek and turned to leave. He gave a small wave and a smile before he closed the door behind him.

Yugi turned his amethyst eyes to the nurse. He squeezed them shut as the nurse stuck the needle into his arm and didn't open them again she took it out. After a few minutes the throb of pain was barely noticed and he fell asleep a little after that.

The nurse smiled at his now resting and peaceful form. She caressed his cheek for a minute, thinking how could anybody hurt something so innocent. She then started to work on Yugi's injuries without having to worry about causing the sophomore anymore pain than needed.


Before Yugi woke up Joey came in to see him. The blonde quickly became pissed to see how bad Yugi was and ran off to look for Yami so he could kill him for what he did. He had no idea that it was somebody else, three somebody else's, who had hurt Yugi.


Yugi awoke a few hours later. He blinked a few times to clear his sleepy vision before looking around. He thought about why he was there for a minute and his thoughts landed on Yami. His amethyst eyes widened at the memory of the dance and he looked frantically around for a clock, but couldn't find one. It was then that he noticed he'd been moved to one of the separate rooms to the nurse's quarters so no noise would bother him while he slept.

Looking down at his arm he saw that it was now bandaged. `I wonder what else got hurt?' He wondered. Slowly, using the side table and the bed, he stood and walked slowly towards the mirror beside the door.

He stared back at his reflection he saw a small band-aid on his cheek, a few bruised on his other arm, and his legs didn't have anything except for a bruise around his ankle in the shape of a hand where one of his attackers had grabbed him to pull him harshly back to them when he tried to crawl away.

Yugi jumped slightly when the door beside him creaked open and he turned to see who it was. A smiled brightened on his face when he saw it was Yami.

Yami smiled back at him and opened his arms as the boy ran into them. He picked the sophomore up in his arms carefully in case he was still sore, and walked back over to the bed, sitting down on it.

After a few minutes Yugi pulled away and placed a small kiss on Yami's cheek. "Where did you go?"

"I just had a few things to do. Nothing to worry about." Yami responded, still holding the teen in his arms. He then became serious and kissed Yugi gently on the head. "Yugi, what happened to you?"

Yugi froze when he heard Yami's question. `I was hoping he would just hold me and not ask about it.' He thought. He took a deep breath before looking back up at Yami. He explained everything that had happened from how it started all the way to where Ryou and Bakura had found him, tears falling down his cheeks at the horrible memories.

Yami comforted as Yugi began to cry. He calmed him down before pulling away and kissing his head once more in a soothing gesture. "I need to know who the three people were that attacked you, Yugi. If we let them go this time they'll keep coming at you and I don't want you to get hurt again, especially like this and even more for the reason behind it. Do you know who they were?"

Yugi shook his head and looked down. "No, I didn't know who they are. I'm sorry Yami."

"That's okay, Yugi. Don't worry." Yami hugged him. "How about what they looked like? Can you remember?"

Yugi nodded slightly. "Yes, there were two boys and a girl. One of the boys had black hair and the tips had been dyed red and it was pulled back in a ponytail; he also had dark blue eyes. The other boy was shorter than him but taller than the girl and had blonde hair and brown eyes." Yugi stopped.

Yami thought hard for a minute but then shook his head. "I have no idea who they could be. I've been with too many different people to remember what some of them looked like. What about the girl?"

Yugi though for a minute, looking down at the floor in concentration while he bit his tongue. Yami thought he looked adorable but he tried not to think much about it or he was going to end up with some problems he didn't have time to deal with right then. Yugi then looked back at Yami again, smiling and nodded. "I remember now! She had about shoulder length, maybe a little shorter, and it was brown and her eyes were kind of light blue. She was really bossy and kept saying stuff like she was the only one for you and the only one who could truly pleasure you too."

Yami's crimson eyes hardened and he growled under his breath. "Tea." He softened again as he looked back down at Yugi while thinking of death plots for Tea who spoke to Yugi in a soft voice. "Try to get some more rest, Yugi. I'll take care of everything and be back as soon as I can."

Yugi nodded and lied down in the bed while watching Yami open the door before he remembered something. "Yami?" Yami looked back questioningly. "Are we still going to the dance?"

Yami smiled at him. "We'll see how you're feeling when the time draws nearer, I promise."

Yugi nodded and closed his eyes just as Yami was closing the door as he left.


While looking for Tea a few minutes after left the nurse's office Yami was suddenly slammed harshly against the wall by a very pissed off blonde.

Joey growled as he choked Yami. "What did you do to Yugi?" He demanded.

"I didn't… Yugi… other pe-pe-ple… hurt…" Yami gasped out. "Look-oking… them…"

Joey released his hold on Yami. "What'd you say?"

Yami gasped for air as soon as he was released. Finally catching his breath, Yami turned back to Joey. "I said I didn't hurt Yugi, other people did. I was looking for them when you decided to choke off my air supply." He repeated, rubbing his neck where Joey had held him.

"What do you mean `other people did it'? Who would want to hurt Yugi?"

Yami took a few more breaths before he started telling Joey everything that Yugi had told him minutes before. He told them what the two guys looked like, but then told him he knew the girl.

"Who?" Joey growled deep in his throat.


There was no other word in the entire universe that could make anybody else more heated and fumed than Joey was with that one name.

Both now extremely mad, they went off in search of the bitch that hurt somebody too innocent and pure that didn't deserve anything that her and her accomplices gave him.