Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Children's Classical Stories: Yugioh Style ❯ Goldilocks and the Three Bears ( Chapter 2 )

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Children's Classical Stories: Yugioh Style

A/N: Hi. It's me again. I do not own YGO nor do I own the stories I script from. So please don't sue me. This is just for fun. Sorry for the long wait on the update. I have been busy on some things from school. If you are wondering who Vickie is, you're reading her stuff. (^.^) I may not mention this person often, but I will have some writes from my friend whom we will call Sami. Oh. I'm sorry for the last chapter's dullness. I haven't gotten my comedy ideas down right just yet.

Chapter two: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Vickie: Director

Cast List:

Yami: Goldilocks
*Bakura: Papa Bear
Tea: Mama Bear

Yugi: Baby Bear

Seto: Narrator

Seto: AGAIN?!?!

Vickie: Yep *counting money that Goribozo Kaiba gave me*

Seto: WHY YOU...*sighs* ok...I'm fine.

Vickie: Ok...and action

Seto: Our story begins when our three bears are sitting down to eat their morning porridge.

Yugi: Porridge? Let's make it oatmeal!

Seto: all right....oatmeal.

Bakura: *plays around with his part and takes a bite of his oatmeal* Ahh! Too Hot. *sticks a thermometer in it*

Thermometer: 120 degrees Fareignheit

Bakura: o.o'

Tea: *pretends to eat oatmeal* Mine is too hot too

Yugi: *does the same* so is mine.

Bakura: Let's go for a walk.

Tea: Let's go with our friends because...*starts a friendship speech*

Everyone: o.o'''

Bakura: *pushes Tea off stage and brings in Serenity* ok.

Seto: So they go for their walk and a few minutes later, Goldilocks comes in

*Door stays closed*

Seto: I said GOLDILOCKS comes in

Yami: *offstage* I look stupid. I'm not doing it!

Vickie: fine...no sugar for you

Yami: *bursts through the door* Sugar? Did someone say sugar?

Vickie: ahem...

Yami: *wearing a plaid dress* uhhhh...o.o'''

Seto: *laughing* Goldilocks...haha...sits down to the oatmeal. *Continues to laugh*

Yami: Takes a bite of Papa Bear's oatmeal* AHHHH that really is hot! *takes a bite of Mama Bear's oatmeal* This is ice cold. *takes a bite of Baby Bear's oatmeal* Do I have to say it? o.o'

Vickie: Yes...unless you want your sugar supply given to Bakura...

Yami: I'm fine.....That is just right *eats the rest of Baby Bear's oatmeal*

Seto: *laughing becomes snickers* Goldilocks, now full, was suddenly feeling tired, So SHE went in the living room to sit on a chair.

Yami: *Sits on Papa Bear's chair* This chair is too hard *moves to Mama Bear's chair* This chair is too soft *moves to Baby Bear's chair* This is just right. *sits there, open-legged, like a guy usually would do*

Serenity: *offstage* Yami...Yami...

Yami: huh?

Serenity: Close your legs *snickers*

Yami: *blushes* oops *closes legs* *chair breaks* o.o'

Seto: Then Goldilocks decided that she needed a nap so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She laid on the first bed (AKA Papa Bear's bed).

Yami: This bed is too hard.

Seto: She laid on Mama Bear's bed.

Yami: This bed is too soft

Seto: Finally, she laid on Baby Bear's bed

Yami: This is just right

Seto: She falls asleep. The three bears now came home.

Bakura: What happened to our house? Our oatmeal is eaten and Baby Bear's chair is broken.

Yugi: I hear something upstairs.

Seto: They climb the stairs and find Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear's bed. She wakes up to find them glaring at her

Yami: *sits up* Uhhh...* Runs out holding the back of the dress down*

Vickie: AND CUT! *hands Yami a bag of Pixie Stix™* There. You happy now?

Yami: Yes

Vickie: Good

Seto: So what's next? Old Mother Hubbard?

Vickie: You guessed it. It's one of Sami's many contributions to this fanfic. I have to rewrite it though.

Seto: Why?

Vickie: Unless you want to be making out with the writer for the first page and a half, then fine by me.

Seto: Uhh...Get to work on the rewrite.

Vickie: Thank you

*The Bakura played in this scene was none other than the tomb robber Bakura. If I EVER decide to use the modern day version of Bakura, I'll be calling him Ryou.

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A/N: Please email me at golbatgirl_Ryoko_Washu@hotmail.com for reviews and story ideas. The next chapter won't be starring Yami. As I said, it's one of Sami's writes. So the DOG will be played by none other than Joey.

Joey: What? I'm going to kill Sami!!!

Vickie: It's a short chapter Joey. Calm down.

Joey: NO!!!! I'm going to kill that *censored choice of words*

Seto: heh. It's better that being a dueling monkey, mutt!

Joey: Why you....

Vickie: *holds Joey back* So...Join us next time for Old Mother Hubbard, Yugioh Style!