Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Chocolate ❯ Chocolate ( One-Shot )
Hikari Ykarzel: *sniff* People loved me.
Yami Ykarzel: Oh please don't go all sobbie on me.
Hikari Ykarzel: *cries into Yami Ykarzel's chest* They were all so supportive after I got reported! I have so many reviews!
Yami Ykarzel: *sighs, pats Hikari Ykarzel on head* Yes yes, I know.
Hikari Ykarzel: *pulls away and looks up* Guess what I did this weekend everybody? *Blush* Stepped out of the closet. Hehe, well, yep. Um I don't know why I decided to tell you all that, but the only people who read this that actually know me already know, so, it doesn't matter. I don't think any of you will have a prob with it, cause you're reading yaoi...
Yami Ykarzel: And if you do, keep it to yourself, or I'll hunt you down.
Hikari Ykarzel: Well, because you were all so nice to me, I AM writing a sequel to Shadow. It won't be as sappy, but it will most likely be citrus-ie. I left myself a few loop holes in case I was ever inspired.
Yami Ykarzel: Which she was, only moments ago. Now, Aibou, you have homework, so either start writing, or go read that stupid Odd-pissy thing.
Hikari Ykarzel: ^_^" Odyssey, Yami.
Yami Ykarzel: Whatever.
Hikari Ykarzel: WARNING: Intended for mature readers only. (NC-17) And I fully intend to let Yami Ykarzel write this one. It's also YAOI hehe! Yaoi makes the world go round. I'm in a mood....
Giggling, Yugi dropped another bar of chocolate into the pot that he already had melted. Grandpa had rented him a movie because he was going out, and Yami was going to watch it with him. Yami insisted they have popcorn, and Yugi insisted that if they had popcorn, it had to be dipped in chocolate. He was in a sweets mood, not a salty one.
Yami walked up behind him, sneaking his arms around Yugi's waist and looking over his shoulder. "Don't you think that's enough, koi?"
Yugi leaned back into his lovers arms. "One more," he said, dropping the bar into the pot. Yami chuckled. They listened as the popcorn popped on the other burner. When both the popcorn and chocolate was done, Yugi dumped each into a bowl.
"Careful you don't burn yourself," Yami warned as Yugi used a spoon to scrape the last of the chocolate into the bowl.
Yugi didn't look up from what he was doing, but he grinned. "What would you do if I did?"
"Kiss it and make it feel better."
Yugi looked up, setting the spoon on the counter. "Well in that case," he said, bringing his hand up towards the bottom of the pot. Yami grabbed his hand before he could touch the hot metal.
"Don't you dare."
Yugi smiled, setting the hot pot in the sink. He handed the bowl of popcorn to Yami, and carried the chocolate himself. They walked into the sitting room. Yami sat down on the couch, while Yugi popped the movie in and hit play. As the copyright warning came on the screen, he sat down beside Yami and snuggled against him.
Taking a piece of popcorn from Yami's bowl, he dipped it in his melted chocolate, and tested it. His face split as the mixture of sugar and salt met his tongue. "It's good, Yami, try."
Yami shook his head, smiling at Yugi, and returned his attention to the movie. He had never been a fan of sweet things in Egypt, and he doubted he had started now. Yugi shrugged and covered another piece of popcorn in chocolate.
The movie started, and the two boys' attention was caught for an amount of time.
A while later, Yami looked down at Yugi, who was happily dropping popcorn in the chocolate then pulling it out and eating it. He shook his head and smiled.
After a while, Yugi gave up all pretense of using the popcorn, and just stuck his finger in repeatedly. The expressions of bliss covering Yugi's face intrigued Yami. How could a food do that to him? Taking a piece of popcorn, Yami reached down and tapped it very lightly in the chocolate.
"Aww, Yami, that's not enough!" Yugi grabbed his yami's hand, still holding the popcorn, and shoved it halfway into the bowl.
"Yugi! Now I'm covered in it."
Yugi giggled, and any anger Yami had vanished. "Just eat it, Yami."
Yami tossed the now brown covered popcorn into his mouth. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "It's kinda good," he said after a moment. "But I'd get sick of too much of it."
Yugi sat his bowl of chocolate on the coffee table, and took Yami's wrist, turning his chocolate covered hand toward him.
Slowly, Yugi took one of Yami's chocolate covered fingers into his mouth, and swirled his tongue around, sucking and cleaning it. Yami moaned and tried to pull away, but Yugi's firm grip on his wrist kept him from moving. Slowly, Yugi let the digit slip out of his mouth.
Smirking, he moved onto the next one. //Aibou, if you intend to watch anymore of this movie, I highly suggest you discontinue that action.//
//She dies in the end.// Yugi replied, smiling around Yami's finger, and sucking hard. Yami groaned, shutting his eyes and clenching his jaw. Yugi proceeded to clean each of Yami's fingers, causing his lover to use extreme amounts of control to keep from pouncing on him. Once the fingers were clean of chocolate, Yugi opened Yami's hand and started to lick his palm clean, swirling his hot tongue across the sweet surface.
Yami couldn't take it. While Yugi had his one hand trapped, he was using his other to unbutton his shirt.
Once Yami's shirt was half off, Yugi released his hand, and removed the article of clothing completely. Yugi dipped his hand into the chocolate, before reaching over and smearing it across Yami's bare chest. He pushed Yami back gently into a laying position, before setting to work again.
//What has gotten into you?// Yami asked through the pleasure that his light's tongue brought him.
/So far just a lot of sugar. But I was hoping for some protein before the night is out./
Yami started to chuckle, which was quickly turned into a moan as Yugi bit softly on one of his nipples. His tongue moved quickly to soothe the tortured nub, removing from it the remainder of chocolate.
Yami's hands traveled up Yugi's sides, pulling up the lose tee shirt that he was wearing. Yugi pulled away from Yami's chest just long enough to allow his lover to pull the shirt off him. Yami tossed the garment across the room, where it landed covering the television, but neither of them paid it any attention.
Yami ran his hands up and down Yugi's back, wanting just to touch him as much as possible. Yugi moved his mouth away from Yami's now once again clean chest up to his neglected mouth.
//You taste like chocolate.//
Yugi smiled into the kiss. /So do you./ Yugi reached over to the coffee table, where the bowl of chocolate sat, and dipped his finger into it. Leaving Yami's lips in favor of his neck, he stuck the chocolate coated digit into Yami's navel, twisting it around and removing it, before repeating the process.
Yami made a noise that was very nearly a whimper, as his fingers dug painfully into Yugi's back. Yugi paid no mind to the ten tiny pressure points that would most definitely bruise later. He attention was completely captured by the noise that Yami had just made.
He reached behind himself with his free hand, grabbing one of Yami's hands and pulling it away from his abused back. Yami didn't protest, his concentration completely on what Yugi's other hand was doing. Yugi tucked Yami's hand underneath of him, making Yami lay on his own hand.
He removed his finger, and sat up, still straddling Yami's hips. He met Yami's eyes, before bringing his finger up to his mouth and seductively sucking off the remaining chocolate. His other hand was working the fastenings of Yami's pants.
Yami found he only had one free hand, his other being trapped underneath himself. He used his free hand to help Yugi undo his pants, not able to look away from his hikari's bright eyes as he sucked his own finger clean.
Once the pair had succeeded in removing Yami's pants along with his boxers, Yugi grabbed Yami's last free hand, shoving it underneath, successfully trapping it with the other. He placed his own hands on Yami's waist, holding him down, and making him unable to pull his hands out unless he really tried.
Bending down, Yugi started to clean out Yami's navel, thrusting his tongue in and out. Yami moaned, closing his eyes, and trying to lift his bottom up and pull his hands free. Yugi kept him down, smiling as he pulled away from Yami's stomach.
Yugi moved his attention downward. He wanted her hear that noise again. He brought his mouth to Yami's erection and exhaled, letting his hot, moist breath caress it. His action was rewarded. Yami made a keening noise in the back of his throat. Yugi gave him an impish smirk when Yami looked up, wondering why Yugi had stopped. /Do that again./
Yami's mind was pleasure hazed, but he managed to discern what Yugi had said, and comprise a two word answer. //Do what?//
Yugi bent over, and with his tongue, tapped lightly on the tip of Yami's member. He was rewarded by another keen, this one closer to a whimper. /That./
Yami made the noise again, louder this time, while responding in Yugi's head, //Anything, anything, just, please.//
Yugi couldn't deny him any longer. He took him into his mouth slowly, pushing down on Yami's hips to keep him from thrusting into the wet heat. Yami's keen turned to a pleasure filled moan.
Yugi repressed his gag reflex. He swirled his tongue around, sucked, then swallowed, before repeating the pattern, milking Yami, and bringing him quickly toward the pinnacle of sensation.
Under his own bare bottom, Yami's hand clawed at the couch cushion. He had stopped trying to free them; he had forgotten they were trapped. His eyes clenched tight, the pleasure becoming almost too much.
Yugi knew Yami well enough to know when he was close. He sucked particularly hard and swallowed. Yami let out a wordless scream as he came hard into Yugi's mouth. Yugi took it all as fast as he could, though some escaped his mouth, running down his chin and covering his swollen pink lips.
He removed his hands from his lover's hips as Yami finished riding the waves of pleasure his orgasm had caused him. When he was able to see again, having gone momentarily blind, Yami looked up at his hikari. He sat up, leaning in and cleaning Yugi's lips and chin with a wet kiss, tasting a new form of salt and sugar.
He noted that Yugi still had his pants on, and quickly set to remedy that mistake. Yugi stilled his hands though, breaking their kiss. /Grandpa will be home soon./
//Then let's go upstairs.//
Yugi smirked at him, not quite over his sugar high. /On one condition,/ he said, getting up and already making his way toward the stairs.
//What?// Yami growled.
Yugi turned and bolted up the stairs, calling back down into Yami's mind, /I get to be on top./
Yami took the stairs two at a time. If his legs had been longer, he would have done more.
Grandpa walked into the kitchen. He hung his coat on the peg by the door, when an interesting smell met his nose. Popcorn, and is that chocolate? A glance at the sink confirmed his suspicion. He walked into the sitting room. On the television, rolling credits were visible through a white tee shirt. On the floor by the couch, a bowl of popcorn had been overturned by a pair of pants. Other garments covered the surrounding area.
His eyes landed on the bowl of chocolate sitting on the coffee table. He chuckled to himself. I bet Yami didn't know chocolate makes Yugi crazy. Well, he obviously does now. Still grinning, not able to be angry at the two boys for the mess, he started to clean it up.
Yami Ykarzel: She actually let ME write that. Thanks, Aibou.
Hikari Ykarzel: *blush* No problem. It wasn't a full lemon, but hey. The comment about being on top was for a friend of mine. ^_^ Thanks for all the advice. Maybe I'll write one with Yugi on top later.
Yami Ykarzel: I'm sure ONE of the twelve missing scenes form Beachin' Trip could have that... hmm, maybe the one in the hole?
Hikari Ykarzel: o.O I plan to let you write twelve lemons? I'm absolutely insane!!!!
Shadowed Halo: I can second that for myself as well. Did you know today I brought my Yaoi Jou pup in the car with me to go to church?
Hikari Ykarzel: But you didn't take him in church did you? People would kinda question you bringing a stuffed dog into church...
Shadowed Halo: No, no I didn't.
Hikari Ykarzel: I brought Halo in, just cause I love her to death, and she puts up with me, and she's on the phone. Say hi Halo.
Shadowed Halo: Hi everybody! I left Az somewhere. He's sleeping, alone, for once.
Hikari Ykarzel: He has reason to be tired! We were up till three forty-five on the phone last night, trying not to get caught.
Shadowed Halo: Orange Silly putty is really ugly...
Hikari Ykarzel: I love silly putty!! Hehe.
Yami Ykarzel: *Glare* Have you forgotten me?
Hikari Ykarzel: -_-' You're just jealous that I stayed up all night talking to somebody who wasn't you.
Yami Ykarzel: *growl* Am not.
Hikari Ykarzel: *hugs her yami* I love you, don't worry! Please review everybody!