Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cold Hearts, Warm Arms ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Cold Hearts, Warm Arms

Created by blue_crystal_dolphin

Created on 2/23/2004 10:39:00 PM

I do not own Yu Gi Oh.

Serenity Wheeler sighed heavily as she looked out her bedroom window in the
apartment she shared with her older brother Joey. Serenity had been having a
heavy heart lately, she was in love. What’s so wrong about that, well, the one
she’s in love with is hated by her brother.

“How do I tell Joey, I’m in love with Seto?” She thought to her self. She did
not know what to do. She knew Joey would never accept the fact that his baby
sister was in love with a man like Seto Kaiba., or that she was in love with
Seto Kaiba.

She sighed again, as she went to get ready, she was meeting Seto for another
rendezvous, and she had to be cleverer as well since Joey was getting
suspicious. I better call Tea, and see if she will cover for me again. Even
though Tea did not know that Serenity was dating Seto, being a true friend, she
covered for her. Tea knew what it was like to fall in love with someone you are
forbidden to be with.

Serenity dialed Tea’s number. Tea Answered. “Hello.”

“Hello, Tea, I need another favor.”

”Serenity, Let me guess you need to me to tell Joey you’re studying at my place
again?” She said laughing.

“Would you please?”

“This guy must be something to want to see him almost every night”

Serenity blushed at the thought of Kaiba, “Oh Tea, he’s wonderful, so

“He must me, to get you to lie to everyone about him, and if you’re lying it
must be Seto Kaiba.” Tea Teased, not knowing how true she was.

“Me and Seto? That’s a laugh.” Serenity said as she tried to laugh.

“Hey it was just a joke alright, I’m sorry.” Tea said, and don’t worry, I’ll
cover for you.”

“Thanks, I sure owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it.” The two girls hung up with each other. Serenity went to
getting ready, Tonight was special, tonight was Serenity eighteenth birthday,
and she was adamant on spending it with the person she loved the most, that was
not family.

Serenity put on a light blue dress; she had put on a diamond pendant that Seto
had bought her for their one-year anniversary. She had her hair up high as tiny
ringlets framed her face. She dabbed a bit of make up on, and applied some clear
lip-gloss to her already red lips.

She went downstairs; she hoped that Joey was not there. “Good, Big bro is out,
now all I have to do is write him a letter.”


I went over to Tea’s to study, might not be home.


She put the note in a place where Joey was sure to see it, and then she left. To
Seto’s place.

She started walking down the street, when she saw a Limo pull up beside her. The
limo stopped and out stepped Seto.

He greeted her with a long and passionate kiss. “Hello, baby I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” She said getting into the Limo. Seto got in behind her. He
pulled her into another Kiss. I missed those lips; I wish I could taste those
lips whenever I want.

“You will Soon, my love just be patient a little longer.”

Seto, did not want to be Patient, he hated hit. “I’m not one to be Patient
Serenity, I am after all Seto Kaiba, and I get what I want.” He said in a voice,
which made her laugh.

Seto looked at her. “What is so funny?”

She put on a serious look, and said in a mock Seto voice. “I’m Seto Kaiba, and I
get what I want,” She laughed. “You looked so funny.”

“Why I ought to.” He said grabbing her and pulling her on his lap. He kissed her
deeply. “I love you.” He told her. “I love you.” She replied,

“I have something for you.” He said pulling out a medium size box.

Serenity was surprised. “For me?”

“Yeah, Happy Birthday.”

“You remembered.”

“I’m not stupid Serenity.”

Serenity smiled as she undid the wrapping around the box. She opened the box to
reveal a pair of white satin shoes.

She questioned the gift. “Shoes?”

Seto chuckled, “They go with this.” He handed her a much larger gift. Serenity
took the box; she opened to reveal the most gorgeous white gown she had ever

“Oh Seto it’s Stunning, but why did you buy me a dress.”

“I was hoping you could hold these while you wear it.” He handed her another
box. Serenity took it and opened it.

The box had in it a bouquet of Chinese Lilies. Serenity’s favorite flower.

“Seto?” Serenity was now confused.

Seto reached into his pocket, he pulled out another small wrapped box and handed
it to Serenity. I think this will pull the items together. Serenity took hold of
the small box. She undid the foiled wrapping to reveal a black velvet box. She
opened the box to reveal an Emerald Cut Three Carat Diamond Solitaire Engagement

“Seto.” Serenity Gasped.

“I love you more then anything Serenity. You have made me a better man; because
of you I learned how to enjoy life again.” He goes down on one knee, which was
not so easy to do in the Limo.

“Will you marry me?” He asked holding the ring.

Serenity looked at the man she loved. She was completely thrown, she was not
expecting this.

Seto awaited her answer.

A/n: What will Serenity Say?

This is my first Yu Gi Oh fic, so it is probably not very good; I hope you can
give me some feedback and some suggestions on the story.