Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Cold Night Air ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Cold Night Air

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Penguins4Sale: I was thinking about Yami Bakura and a though popped in my head. What if Yami Bakura had a business card? What would it look like? And what would it say? Well, my ingenious (*rolls eyes* yeah, ingenious…) mind and I have come up with something that might be similar to Yami Bakura's business card:


~Thief King Bakura-sama~

Guaranteed to find, steal, or murder your choice

Of: animals, people, and/or priceless possessions.

Please contact me at: Ryou's Mind

No guaranteed that the priceless possession will

ever get to you. Heh Heh Suckers…


@.@; Anyways…On with the story

Oh, the star thingy and the italics are not working so here is an alternative:




Serenity's expression changed immediately, as she balled up her fists, and started to grind her teeth. This was the only building in at least a 25-mile radius that paid as much as it did. Any other job was considered pocket change compared to the paychecks she got at Kaiba corp. He could -not- fire her now.

"Oh yes, and you can get your coat on the way out. Cause you're not coming back." Kaiba's cold eyes put an uncomfortable shiver down everybody's spine; and they were just watching.

But Serenity stayed strong, she was not about to lose a great job like this.

"Who do you think organizes all the billing? Who answers almost all the phone calls? You need me, cause when I'm gone, no one will be there to fall back on." Serenity exclaimed. This was a lie, and she knew it. Kaiba had enough employees to last this corporation, -and- the next.

Seto just laughed. "I need you? Please, the mutt could file better than you, and as for answering phones…Tiffany can take over." He turned to the blonde-haired American. "You are now as of today, the main receptionist of building 2, floor 3. Got it?"

The girl just nodded as she stood up to bow to him.

"Thank you Mr. Kaiba."

That was it. Serenity could not take anymore. She probably should not have yelled back earlier, but to fire her because of it? Serenity thought it was ridiculous! Most people saw her as a shy girl, with a strong attachment to her brother, but that was simply not her, only a cover her true self: A fiery young woman, with an ambition that would last the ages. She would speak for herself, and would have it no other way. Sure she loved her brother, but as she got older, she realized how much she could do on her own, with out his guidance or approval. And might have been the secret reason for Kaiba hiring her in the first place. He admired her strength, and her more frequent rebels against Joey.

"Fine!" Serenity huffed. "I'll go…" She grabbed her purse from a bottom cabinet drawer, and walked out of the office, slamming the door.

She stomped down the hall, stepping into the elevator with yet another huff. She crossed her arms tightly as she leaned against the back wall.

When she got to the ground floor, she practically shoved everyone down who got in her way.

"Hmp!" was the sound of one woman as she dropped all the papers she was carrying.

Serenity would have apologized, she would have helped pick up the papers, and she would have bowed. But the anger blurred her sense of respectability.

She finally got out of the building and headed straight for home, at least there she could find a place to relax. Heck, even Joey might even be home. Probably sleeping though. But because he worked night shifts, it was acceptable.

Serenity glanced at her watch, `3:18 pm. Wow, did I really sleep that long? Oh well, I'll go home for lunch, then work on finding a new job.'


Back at Kaiba corp. building 2, floor 3, everything was silent as all eyes were fixated on the man who caused the whole commotion.

"Get back to work!"


::sigh:: This chapter is done! Now to move on to better things, like reviewing!!! ^___^