Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Complete Me ❯ Conversations with Joey and a Kiss ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh but I do own Alex.
"Who knew that teachers were allowed to give out homework on the first day of school. There should be a law against it."
"Yeah Malik, and there should be a law against talking too much!" said Marik with an annoyed tone.
"The both of you just shut it."
Alex, Marik, and Malik were walking home from school, which was about two blocks away. Malik's backpack was filled with books from all his classes. Marik had some homework but the fact that Alex had none was a different story.
"That's easy for you to say Alex, you don't have diddly-squat."
"That's cuz our band is going to play at the Battle of the Bands and we are representing our school."
"Aww our lil' sis', becoming a big star! Hey can I have your autograph?!?" Marik pretended to be photographer.
"Laugh now peeping tom, but when we win that 2 million dollar check (an: I didn't know what to use so I'm gonna use dollars) it's a road trip for us."
Alex was a guitarist in a band called Silver Wings along with Serenity as a guitarist and Mai as a drummer. Though their band was small they manage to play pretty good songs. As they stepped up to their front door Alex pulled out the key from her pocket and gave it to Malik, who was leaning to one side.
"Here take it. I gotta go to Duke's house. I probably won't be back till...well...late."
Marik looked at the key then Alex. "Duke Devlin? Why his house?"
"Because we have some business to take care of."
Malik opened his mouth to protest but Alex jumped from her four-step porch and ran down the street. Marik clapped his hands together and grinned.
"Now, time for some prank phone calls!"
"You are a twit."
Alex walked up to the forest green door and knocked. A few seconds later a small child came to the door.
"Hey Angie! Is your brother home?"
Angie nodded and ran down the hallway. Alex stepped in only far enough to see the rows of pictures lined up and down the hall. There were a lot of pictures with Duke and his younger sister Angie and some with cousins, but no sign of their parents. Just then Duke appeared with his usual Black shirt and pants with a red vest and to top it off a gold cross on a chain around his neck.
"Kay" replied a voice.
They stepped out the door and onto the sidewalk.
"Have you thought of what you are going to say?"
"Not really. I'm really nervous though. What if I screw this up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if...OUCH! What was that for?!?"
Alex had kicked him in the shin.
"The one thing that I can't stand are what ifs. You'll be fine. She is a patient girl and she won't rush you."
"Well that didn't call for a kick. You could of told me."
"Yeah but words only bounce off people's heads. If I have to kick the words into you then so be it."
They crossed the street up to a park. It was boarded with a small black picket fence. They continued down the street.
"Have you ever been in love Alex?"
"Once. Or so I thought."
"He was...I don't wanna talk about it."
"Come on! Who?"
"Well, I didn't know his name, but...I dunno. I would see him sometimes at Egypt. He seemed to glow with the sun. And his eyes... I felt like...I could see the ocean. They were so deep and full of...of...something. Like treasure.
Duke stared at her and smiled. He knew what she meant...a little. They walked up to the Wheelers door. When Alex got out of her floaty mode she rang the doorbell. And to Duke's horror, Joey answered the door.
"Joeeeey! How nice to see you. Come in? Thanks but only for a while. Come on. Let's go into the kitchen and talk."
Alex dragged Joey into the kitchen, signaling Duke that the time was now. Duke swallowed hard and went up the stairs. With each step he could feel his courage leave his body. At the top of the steps he stopped.
"Okay Duke," He thought to himself. "This is your last chance to turn around and go back."
Duke turned around. He could hear Alex talk to Joey. Something about the band. He looked at the front door and shook his head.
"No. I can't bail now. Not when I've come this far."
"Can't bail on what?"
The young boy jumped in the air and landed on a step. Serenity giggled and leaned down.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
Duke smiled a little. "It wasn't you fault. I wasn't expecting you."
He got up and brushed himself off. Remembering what he came here to do he grabbed Serenity's wrist and dragged her into the nearest room. Which was the closet. Closing the door he searched for the light. When he found it he turned around and brushed his lips against hers.
"Um...sorry." He was turning redder than a tomato.
"Duke...why are we in a closet?"
"Well...um the truth is...um...I ah..."
He was suddenly stopped by Serenity kissing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her. Finally realizing what was happening Duke responded and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. Allowing him to explore her mouth he entered and she began to moan. He pulled away and looked at her.
"I take it that was your first?"
Serenity blushed and looked down. "Yeah sorta. But I'm glad it was with you."
"So that answers my question then?"
"How about after school tomorrow at the Smoothie Bar?"
"Done. Now where were we?"
"And then we started to kiss again. She tripped over a broom and I accidentally ended up on top of her."
Alex and Duke walked back to his house.
"Did she by chance have sugar on her lips? Because you seem hyper."
"No. You just seem tired. Why?"
"Well when you try to keep a conversation with Joey while your friend is up stairs making out with his sister for two hours, it makes the army seem like a hike in the woods."
"Was it really that long?"
Alex tried to elbow him in the ribs but Duke got away laughing.
"Thanks for helping me today."
"No problem. Just don't hang around Joey alone for the next two weeks. I think he knows."
Duke: O_O
SF: Thanks for reading! Please review. Oh and if you flame me that's okay, just be ready for some serious comeback letters.